Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • IWF-Goldschatz für Entschuldung?

    Auf der Frühjahrstagung werden keine Entscheidungen erwartet

    Auf 3217 Tonnen belaufen sich die Goldreserven des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF). Ob sie für die Entschuldung von armen Entwicklungsländern genutzt werden sollen, ist ein Thema der bevorstehenden IWF-Frühjahrstagung am kommenden Wochenende in Washington.

  • Kommen die schweren Angriffe auf Gold /Silber und deren Akien.
    Das war mehr oder weniger in den selben monat April/Mai der fall in den
    letzten zwei Jahren, faellt mir nebenbei bemerkt auf. :rolleyes:

    Nun ist wieder die Zeit gekommen, die B52 sind wieder ueber den Gold und Silver Advocaten.

    Hang in and take cover or buy up the ruins. ;)



  • ;) Ulfur & Valueman

    Ich rede von HUI, beispiel:

    Er fiel von 151 - 116 (26.03.2003)
    238- 168 (07.05.2004)

    Wenn man einen schnitt macht dann koennte er auf ca. 180 fallen in den naechsten wochen. Ich hoffe nicht !!

    Das koennte bedeuten das die Aktien nochmal 10% nachgeben koennen wenn alles bloed laueft fuer die jetzigen Anleger.

    Also valueman, lege mal deine limits 10% unter den jetzigen preisen an, vielleicht kannst du sie dann bis august bekommen.



    Yesterday :

    The US Dollar rose most of the day and then slightly rolled over to close out the day. Gold and silver got whacked at the 8am EST bell and spent the day trying to tread water and stay in place while taking on some losses. The HUI looks like a sick dog in need of some tender loving care. I called a colleague/analyst friend of mine and wanted to know his take on the situation as to why gold was not showing a bit more "spunkiness." To be honest, I don't have an immediate answer for that just like I don't immediately understand how the USD on such poor trade data news did not do poorer than it did. We just have to accept it right now for what it is.



  • The Money of Cannibalism X(

    by Anthony Hargis

    There are people in this world who tell us that the Federal Reserve System is a kind of criminal operation, and that we should return to a gold-based currency. Do we need such an alternative? Are they joking? Or, are they engaged in an attempt to avert the extinction of the American people?

    Many people regard government as little more than a band of pirates and robbers. Some people regard it in less gentle terms. They all seek to avoid its rapacity; and some seek to improve or abolish it. One of the most common practices that people employ to avoid the reach of pirates is to use cash for as many of their transactions as possible. These people imagine that they do a noble thing, that they deprive pirates of strength. They do no such thing. Instead, they give their own strength to pirates and they embrace a most hideous--but well-concealed--practice.

    Let us briefly review the history of banking in this country. For the first 70 years of this country, bank notes were issued against gold by private banks. It has been estimated that, by the time of the Civil War, there had been 7,000 private issues of bank notes, of which 5,000 had failed. While there were countless reasons for these failures, probably the largest category of failures could be accounted for by the bankruptcy laws and the inherent corruption of government. In other words, many of the failures were intended. The process would follow this pattern: the looters would

    a. establish a “bank,” take in gold as deposits and issue bank notes against the gold;

    b. take two or three percent of the gold and distribute it to judges, prosecutors and politicians;

    c. remove another 50 to 70 percent of the gold from the reach of the “law” but still under the control of the looters and then

    d. declare “bankruptcy.”

    The judges, prosecutors and politicians, of course, would know exactly how to “express their appreciation” for the presents received from the looters. (This practice may be applied in other kinds of business; the Enron debacle follows this pattern exactly.)

    Although many or most of these bank failures were facilitated by government policies, in 1863 the federal government pretended to offer a solution with the National Banking Act, 12 Stat. 665. This Act among other things,

    a. created a bank note issued by the U. S. Treasury through private banks known as “national banks” and

    b. imposed a ten percent duty on all private bank notes.

    The national banks would obtain the Treasury bank notes by depositing “ U. S. bonds” with the U. S. Comptroller of the Currency and, in exchange, would receive currency equal in value to 90 percent of the market value of the U. S. bonds. The bonds were still owned by the banks but possessed by the Comptroller. Hence, the U. S. Treasury continued paying six per cent interest to the banks while the banks were required to pay to the U. S. Treasury two percent per year on the currency obtained by the banks. And so, for every $100 of bonds deposited with the Comptroller, the banks would earn six per cent on $100 and pay two percent on $90.

    This opportunity to earn interest on otherwise non-interest earning gold reserves and the ten per cent duty on private bank notes practically eliminated all private bank notes within a few years. What’s more, the Act had the effect of making U. S. government debt, instead of gold, the security, or reserves, for all American currency and bank deposits. In other words, American currency lost its gold backing in 1863 – not 1933, as most people believe.

    A bank note is a promissory note: It means that, the one issuing the note is receiving credit from whoever is holding the note. Thus, when I give a gold coin to a bank and receive a bank note in exchange, I am lending a gold coin to the bank – if the bank note is issued by the bank. If the bank note is issued by the U.S. Treasury, I am lending a gold coin – I am providing credit, to the U. S. Treasury. When I buy a pair of shoes with the bank note, the shoemaker is now providing credit to the bank, or the U.S. Treasury.

    Thus, when we hold a bank note, we give our credit – our strength – to the bank, or government, that issued the note. We give the bank, or government, our strength to use for good, or evil.

    When Congress mandated that U.S. bonds, instead of gold, be used as bank reserves, Congress centralized credit into the hands of the U.S. Treasury. This was done 15 years after the publication of The Communist Manifesto, in which it was explained that one of the conditions required to destroy private property in a country was the “centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly” to issue bank notes. The National Banking Act was pushed thru Congress by Thaddeus Stevens, a former lawyer for the New Harmony Society, a communistic society in which the communist manifesto was developed and from which Karl Marx learned, thru Robert Owen and Frederich Engels, what he was hired to write. [1]

    The National Banking Act was substantially amended and enlarged in 1913. We know this piece of legislation as The Federal Reserve Act, 38 Stat. 251. Hence, the Federal Reserve Act is nothing less than the enabling legislation for the fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto. Can we condemn the Federal Reserve System on grounds more substantial than the fact that we can label it with the pejorative “communist?” We can if we wish to avoid annihilation.

    As noted, the National Banking Act and now the Federal Reserve Act mandate that no paper currency can circulate in this country except that which has been issued against U.S. government obligations (or negligible amounts of “private” obligations which are ultimately guaranteed by the U.S. government). Congress has mandated that, if there is to be a paper currency in this country, there must be government debt: if the U. S. government were debt free, there could be no currency. Hence, the demand for currency is the demand for more government debt.

    What are the practical consequences of this? Government debt is a two-sided coin, with the events of each side separated by five, 20 or even 100 years. The events associated with the first side are the borrowing of money by the government and disbursing it to special interest groups. The event associated with the second side is the imposition of taxes upon future generations to retire the debt.

    Government debt, in other words, is the process by which one generation of people financially cannibalizes its children, and generations of grandchildren to come. It is done without the consideration, without the comprehension and without the consent of those upon whom the burdens are imposed, and, with no benefits accruing to them. If this financial cannibalization is to succeed – if government debt is to be retired, it requires the utter annihilation of the rights, property and lives of Americans yet to come on the scene.

    In other words, through the enabling legislation for the fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto, that is, the Federal Reserve Act, Congress has mandated the total annihilation of the American people. Congress has created a situation where, if we want a circulating currency – if we want economic activity perceptibly greater than Stone Age conditions, we must financially cannibalize our children – as prior generations have done to us. The demand for Federal Reserve notes is nothing less than the demand for financial cannibalism.

    We must repeat this, the demand for FR notes is the endorsement of cannibalism. We can invent all the excuses we want in order to justify the use of cash – but none will change its nature; none will avert its consequences.[2]

    If we believe the government is evil, we contradict ourselves by using its currency. Justice requires that we search for means to withdraw our support of such a government. If we desire to deprive it of strength, we must minimize our use of cash and use a gold-denominated currency whenever possible.

    How shall we color the activity that requires a man to financially cannibalize his children as the price of his temporary, and miserable, survival? We cannot; for, there is no word in human language that can provide an adequate hue of evil, or black, to such activity.

    What can we do? There are two main things that must be done: 1) repudiate the dollar; that is, repudiate the debt that cannibalizes us and our children; and 2) hunt those people, who thrive on cannibalism, to the ends of the earth, and methodically prosecute them – with due process – and see what happens.

    As to the first, repudiation of the dollar/debt consists of organizing trading networks of businesses and people who want to trade with a gold-backed currency. Until a better man comes along, I’m willing to serve as a clearinghouse of information for such a network. For those interested, please tell me what services or products you offer, along with contact information.

    As to the second, it calls for another revolution, and I explain our right to do so peacefully and legally in my book, The Lost Right.

  • Die Dollar Stärke ist zwar nichts als Counter Rally in einem sekulären Bären Markt; Dennoch ist es interessant zu sehen, welche Argumente aus dem Hut gezogen werden, um diese Entwicklung zu rechtfertigen.

    Da ist zum Einen der Euro - Teuro bis Zero - eine Währung ohne Land und Basis. Und natürlich wird die EU, der Euro und die EZB in sich zusammenfallen, sollte die EU keine einheitliche Verfassung zu Stande bringen, meinen viele Nichtmitglieder.
    Die Chancen dafür stehen tatsächlich schlecht als die Eigeninteressen immer mehr an Gewicht gewinnen. Angesichts der Tatsache dass die ökonomischen Prognosen immer weiter nach unten revidiert werden müssen wundert es kaum, dass die EU in ihrer existenten Struktur auf immer mehr Widerstand stösst. - Saturierte Wohlfahrts-Staatsbürger sind nur schwer von 'ihren wohlerworbenen'
    Rechten zu trennen.

    Dennoch wurde der Euro unter "Maastricht Kriterien" eingeführt. Kriterien, die heute bereits einem gewissen Neo-Keynesianismus gewichen sind.

    Es bleibt die Frage - ist dies der Anfang von kompetiven Abwertungen innerhalb des Post Bretton Woods Währungschaos, das Handel - u. andere bilaterale Bilanzen mit SDRs auszugleichen suchte?

    Die Frage ist nun auf welcher Basis werden SDRs bewertet? Möglicherweise wieder auf Basis von Goldreserven - Wenn dem so sei - stellt sich nur eine Frage - (Frei nach Qualtinger) Z'wos hob i die Krot g'fressen?

    Habe de Ehre ...


    Our BIG play for 2005 is that gold will break out to $480 to $500 by this summer. Traditionally, geopolitical uncertainty, war and global economic sluggishness have been good for gold companies. Years ago, we were one of the first to suggest that Gold was more than just an inflation and safety metal (a status it lost after the first Gulf war), but also is a currency. Today, it is widely recognized that gold acts like a currency and that a weak US dollar is good for gold. It is also widely recognized that a further decline in the US dollar is inevitable.


    While gold acts much like a currency, it should not be ignored that it remains a traditional safe haven inflation hedge. Remember when just a few years back the financial press feared $400 gold as a “canary in the mine” barometer of inflation. Yet for how long has it been over $400, while US government statistics until recently failed to measure signs of real inflation? Today the signs of inflation are loud and clear to anyone who eats, drives, visits their doctor, buys a home, pays for college, etc. The CPI has been significantly understating inflation for years. Bill Gross of Pimco is quite correct in pointing out the CPI con job. It understates inflation (the cost of living as well this year as last year). That perception will soon change, as I see it no later than the summer of 2005. These days I am not alone in considering gold the cheapest long term protection against both inflation and/or an eventual US Dollar decline. Thus I believe virtually EVERY investing portfolio should have 10% gold or similar hard asset allocation in 2005.


    These are extraordinary times, where geopolitical risk and outlook continue to outweigh normal stock market considerations. Remember: Life jackets, Deadbolts, Smoke and Fire Alarms etc. do NOT provide you with Financial security. Liquidity, Global Diversification and hard assets such as gold DO offer some protection.

    Gold demand continues to grow faster than its global mined supply. It is strongly rising in emerging economies, especially India and China, which are becoming two of the largest gold consuming nations. Additionally, forward gold producer hedging continues to be unwound at a strong pace. The biggest risk intermediate term is the potential of further central bank selling. We believe this will continue to be restrained by current European Central Banks agreements at least until mid 2006, as well as partially offset by some Asian Central Bank buying. Bottom line: By the summer of 2005, EVERY investor will want some exposure to the gold market, just as they wished they had to the energy market in 2004/2005.

    The fundamental reasons for gold are fourfold:

    1) US Monetary Policy of easy money, which has also resulted in a Real estate Bubble.
    2) US Fiscal Policy: While investors cheered income tax reductions and believed it to be a stock market positive, longer term there is no such thing as a free lunch.
    3) US Government Spending is Out of Control.
    4) US Foreign Policy: Imperialistic, unilateral wars are inflationary.
    Summary: all of the above is GOOD FOR GOLD.

    Our investing advice calls for a modest 10% gold/commodity hedge with a monthly accumulation April, May and June.

    Our Current Fair Value for gold is $450 as a currency. As an inflation metal, we calculate gold’s Fair Value to be $500.
    April 1, 2005 gold closed at $425. You do the math.


    Gold has been in a secular bull market since making its 22-year low four years ago on April 2, just under $257. Short term, gold’s technical action in 2005 to date has been neutral to bearish. We believe this picture will change dramatically before the summer.
    Gold has broad support in the 420-425 area; it has overhead resistance 450-460. Assuming it is broken on the upside, then $480 to $500 is the next natural gold target.


    While there are some positive indicators in the US Dollar horoscope in Q2 2003, both the XAU and COMEX horoscopes are very positively configured for the summer of 2005. Looking further out, in 2006 we are forecasting that Gold will also outperform, while for 2008 we project it could be somewhat of a home run. Enough said.

    What is our long term track record for precious metals? As a sun sign Leo, I have a natural affinity for gold. Perhaps for this reason, our Gold forecasting record has often been nothing less than stellar. For example, The Astrologers Fund had warned clients a month before the Bre-X disaster. Years ago, when the gold commodity pit was boring and “sitting dead in the water”, we forecast a major rally from under $300 to the DAY it would break $400! We forecast that gold would reach $450 by December 2004 and have loudly and publicly proclaimed our $480-$500 August Gold break out rally for 2005!


    Historical cycles show that a strong gold rally ignites the major producers first. Soaring microcap gold exploration plays then follows this. Just as IBM and GE are the Dow bellweathers, Newmont (NEM) is the key proxy for gold. Given gold’s small market capitalization, NEM would be the first big money portfolio play. Along with the gold ETF (GLD) and Barrick Gold (ABX), it is where much of the BIG Wall Street money will go. Currently the stock price of the bigger gold companies have already factored in a gold price of $450. Hence there may be more short term upside in the metal itself. However, once gold moves into the $480-$500 range, the reverse will be true and the gold company stocks will outperform. A lot of more aggressive hedge fund money will move into midcaps such as Glamis Gold (GLG) and Nova Gold (NG). Should any of this be allocated to small caps? The answer obviously varies according to individual portfolio risk/reward parameters.

    If I am right about August gold (Futures) break, this time microcaps will fly as the public will enter the market. However, as the first quarter is often a seasonal high for many gold microcaps, we recommend some caution here. I would wait until Gold is at least $440 before a strong commitment to gold microcaps.
    If you prefer the adventure of finding buried treasure, then there are nearly 1000 mining exploration or development stage companies on the TSX alone. Note: In general, I prefer Gold stocks with mines located in countries having minimal, or no, political and currency risk.
    No sector demonstrates the advantages of illiquidity better than the gold share market. In a rising gold market, small- and mid-cap gold stocks tend to produce a much bigger bang than simply buying gold itself. When gold breaks through $450 an ounce on route to new multi-year highs, small cap gold stocks (as a group) are likely to perform much better than either the big cap XAU stocks or the metal itself. However, investing in junior resource companies can be especially risky. To minimize some of this risk, don't overload your portfolio with junior mining companies. I recommend buying over time a diversified basket of 5 small cap companies, all together totaling no more than 5%-10% of an overall aggressive portfolio. If you are sporting a large portfolio, then a 10 small cap gold basket would reduce risk. Note: You may wish to choose a mixture of early state exploration companies (highest risk/reward) with a strong exploration upside ["bonanza"] potential with near production/early production (lower risk) ones. Again this depends on one’s personal risk/reward profile. Shit, I have 50% ! Crazy ???


    · Gold was last above $500 in mid-December 1987 and we project it to test $480-500 as early as July 2005. If so, this time small cap junior gold companies will shine as the Majors and Midcaps have already done.
    · As a portfolio hedge, we recommend at least 10% gold. This would be done conservatively with a mixture of physical gold (GLD) and gold majors ABX and NEM. If you have more tolerance for risk, look to midcaps such NG.
    · I recommend an accumulation over April, May and June.· If you love to gamble and desire Las Vegas style investing excitement, buy a group of 5-10 microcap stocks that are likely to soar should the public becomes as excited about gold as they have about energy. For a current list of small cap gold companies that we are watching, please visit my seasoned website.

  • Ich spuerte es kommt eine riesen attacke schon 1 stunde vorher und habe auch gesagt das viele heute auf dem schlachtfeld liegen bleiben. :(

    Meistens wurden mit absicht geborgte aktien in den markt geschmissen.
    Man hat heute nicht mal ca. 150m USD genommen um den markt zu dreschen und panik verkaeufe einzuleiten sowie stop loss orders zu triggern die ihnen bekannt waren . Bei den seniors war es heute ca. das doppelte volumen und gleichzeitig fiel der DOW, welches ebenfalls einen effekt auf die Goldminen Aktien hatte. Wenn der Dow faellt dann fallen am anfang ebenso die GM Aktien. Siehe Bericht weiter oben.Dass gab einen doppel effekt da einmal der HUI auf der abschussliste stand, und der DOW fiel. Die juniors fielen fast um das doppelte mit gleichen tagesvolumen mit wenig geld.

    Morgen kann man die doppelte menge ebenso gehandelt werden da noch einige die es verschlafen haben, ebenso verkaufen wie angsthasen die ihren glauben an Gold/Silber verloren haben.

    Lange rede, kurzer sinn, die kaufen wieder die aktien guenstig auf wenn die zeit gekommen ist und reden sie wieder hoch, bis zum naechsten abladen. :D Und so wiederholt sich das spiel der banken und medien, sprich Anti Gold Cartel, das nun in trouble ist mit Dollar und Dow, Fannie and Freddie etc. Die gehen noch auf die knie und gold wird sich fuer diese manipulation noch bedanken auf seine weise. ;)

    Erstmal den IMF Goldverkauf als monster X( im hintergrund und einen mafia meeting dieses wochenende... Wie wird das wieder ausgehen ? :D

    Mit allen tricks in der kiste versucht man den dollar nun stark zu halten .
    Der langsame Tod kommt beim 80 USD Index, spaetestens August.

    Egal, sie moechten gerne weiter den markt weiter manipulieren aber jede hoert irgendwann auch auf. Wir stehen davor,sagt meine Intuition. :rolleyes: Die haben sich selber in die schlinge gesteckt, und das wissen sie alle. End of $$ confetti party ! :D

    Der Boden ist fuer mich bei physical gold ca. 420 USD.
    Ich glaube nicht das Gold jemals unterhalb fallen wird.
    Bye, Bye, 420 !!

    Weil sie Gold nicht tiefer haemmern konnten haben sie den HUI seit gestern ausgewaehlt um terror nun auf den GM und Rohstoff Aktien zu schaffen und den markt auswaschen, dieses mit voller wucht. 8o
    Scary movie Part 2 und manipulation hoch zehn !! Diese Gangster X(

    Ich bin der Ueberzeugung dass der HUI 90% ausgewaschen ist und erwarte eine erholung spaetestens naechste woche. Die 180 halten !!
    Ich vermutete ?( falsch mit 195 und es war fuer mich auch eine unangenehme ueberraschung,mit erwarte das unerwartende ! 8o

    Der HUI kann in extrem phasen ca. -26% sehr schnell fallen und steigen.

    Bei HUI 180 ist aber kein Blutstropfen mehr drin fuer Hanibal & Friends und es muss hochgehen da keiner mehr verkauft fuer witzkurse wie 0.40 USD for Droopy, HMY, GFI, SSRI, etc. :]

    Wenn der Punkt erreicht ist dann wird sich der HUI so schnell erholen von Hanibal , da werdet ihr euch noch alle wundern !!. :))
    Ich wuenschte ich koennte kaufen, aber leider habe ich zu frueh gekauft oder zu spaet.... verkauft. :D

    Diese aktien muss man handeln wie die gangster auch.
    Manchmal geht es zu schnell wie heute.

    Das wort inflation hat in den letzten jahren gefehlt, aber das kommt noch !

    IMHO,.....just keep your heads up !

    Churchill sagte, we'll never surrender ! :P (Siehe Bild von Gogh,blutig geschlagen, zusammenhalten) :D

    Gnight, tomorrow is a new day ! :))

    H or Gday :D :D

    XEX 8)

  • What's going on with gold & the dollar?

    Todd Stein & Steven McIntyre
    The Texas Hedge Report
    April 15, 2005

    "Hi guys, I know this message may be the sign of the bottom, but I cannot take these markets anymore. I am getting these terrible stress headaches watching my gold & silver stocks and I am selling out my positions tomorrow morning."

    Another e-mail from a non-subscriber:

    "Why do the gold stocks keep declining? Do you think the government is behind it?"

    It seems that blood is in the streets in the land of gold and silver mining equities. Additionally, the US Dollar has roared back ferociously ever since being featured on the cover of Newsweek. So what's going on?

    We were at a second hand bookstore the other week and purchased a copy of Martin Mayer's The Fate of the Dollar which was published in 1981. The book, written during the height of the Dollar crisis, offers a detailed history of US Dollar policy in the twentieth century. Where it gets interesting however, is in the play by play account of the gold bull market during the 1970s and how it affected the public's perception of money. During the rocky 1970s, there were many times when the Dollar would mount vicious bear market rallies in the face of worsening fundamentals. Most of the time according to Mayer's book, these rallies were artificially created by central banks of various countries. So if you believe that humans tend to behave the same way throughout history, then it only makes sense that the current Dollar rally (in the face of record trade deficits) has been influenced by central banks. X(

    There are many reasons why it is in everyone's interest to keep the Dollar from declining in a straight line. The Europeans are only weeks away from voting on an EU constitution. Sensing populist resistance to any further loss of sovereignty, perhaps the Eurocrats in Brussels do not want to rock the boat with a stronger Euro. After all, a stronger Euro means less exports and higher unemployment which could result in clashes between European federalists and anti-federalists. Tying monetary policy with electoral politics is well documented in Mayer's book, so don't think history couldn't repeat. After all, why do you think incumbents hoping for reelection beg for low interest rates?

    At times like these, we think it makes sense to step back and look at the big picture. The fact is that the Chinese are months (perhaps weeks) away from revaluing the Yuan which would have the effect of unloading a bunch of dollars into the open market. Also, don't ignore the trade deficit numbers - they will matter at some point - no country has ever consumed its way to prosperity. Finally, guys with the great track records (ever heard of Warren Buffett?) continue to move out of the Dollar. It might be a good time to pick up a few gold coins and mining shares. ;)

    April 15, 2005
    Todd Stein & Steven McIntyre

  • GO GATA!!!

    No doubt many of you saw the MIDAS headline last evening and groaned. It should have read: Gold, Silver Ready To Tumble (instead of rumble). Year after year after year, we have seen the same phenomena. I use that word because not even the worst trader in the world could be so wrong at breakout points time and time again as I continue to be.

    The reason is simple. The Gold Cartel X( knows exactly what traders are watching for in the gold market. Should gold have come in $2 higher and broken out, it would have attracted buying from all over the world. Thus, just when gold is in position to make a substantial move higher, the cabal forces go into attack mode, using whatever means it takes to bring the price of gold down. Using me as a contrarian indicator in moments of cartel truth, such as we just observed, has been invaluable to certain Café traders over the years.

    The irony is if you take my conclusion out of the rest of my MIDAS commentary last night, it was right on the money. Gold was capped at $429 (and yes taken down as soon as Asian trading began, BEFORE the dollar took off) and NOT ALLOWED TO breach that targeted level of the cabal on the upside. And, the dollar is going nuts even though US interest rates are going down and the US economy is weakening to the surprise of many of the Wall Street pundits. They say the dollar is running up because of European economic weakness. Yet, that has been known for some time, like half a year. It is the weakness in the US economy which is the surprise to the mainstream investment world and would be a key negative market factor for the dollar were we to have free markets in the US.

    Another reason GIVEN for the dollar strength is the talk that the French will vote ‘No’ to the European constitution on May 29 (see story below). Yes, that ought to create some serious concern over the euro and is a negative. HOWEVER, nothing could be more positive for gold. Certainly, this should send western investment demand for gold through the roof – a cabal nightmare and what they have done their best to fend off for years. So why is gold down? Because The Gold Cartel is manipulating it that way, pure and simple. In the end, the dollar action vis-à-vis gold is meaningless (except for manipulation purposes). Gold will go berserk when the bums lose control of their rig for the reasons mentioned in MIDAS yesterday. It won’t matter what the dollar is doing.

    The irony about today is, while incredibly aggravating, nothing has changed. Gold and silver closed today higher than they did 10 days ago:

    April 4 - Gold $422.80 down $2.50 – Silver $7 up 3 cents

    What you see here is The Gold Cartel ripping off the specs and keeping gold in check to prevent the derivatives bomb from going off. The creeps sell as gold approaches $429 and buy back when gold approaches $420 because of the strength in the cash market. The crooks were in there buying today when gold took out $423, as the funds were dumping heavily.

    If you own physical gold, instead of the shares, you have to feel just fine as it holds its own while the stock market caves in. It is the gold shareholders who are rightfully morose. The HUI was 198.70 on April 4th or more than 15 points lower than where it closed today. The juniors and explorations have fared far worse.

    Right on cue re the cabal and the euro gold price. Yesterday I mentioned it finally broke out. Not for long. The bums cancelled the breakout by taking it right back down today to 330.20.

    The gold open interest rose 694 contracts to 280,239, while the silver open interest jumped 1170 contracts to 103,298.

    The CRB continues to retreat even though oil rebounded after taking out $50 per barrel before closing at $51.13, up 91 cents. The CRB finished the day at 299.35, down 1.48.

  • Secrets Of The Plunge Protection Team

    The Four Derivative US Dictators
    By Michael Edward


    There are just four people who control all of the U.S. markets through their use of dangerous and explosive DERIVATIVES. They are risking the assets and retirement funds of all Americans. Because of their manipulations, especially since 2001, U.S. financial markets are now based on the gambling whims of a special fraternity of Federal Government DERIVATIVE dealers.
    This group is known among Wall Street as the Plunge Protection Team (PPT). Their "official" role was to prevent another 1987 "Black Monday". They have the entire U.S. Treasury at their disposal to manipulate the markets through DERIVATIVES (futures options). In other words, they are using the assets behind the U.S. Treasury to rig the prices of commodites (gold, currencies, etc.) and stocks.
    This fraternity comprises of Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, the Secretary of the Treasury Snow, and the heads of the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Association. It works closely with all the U.S. exchanges and Wall Street banks, including the largest DERIVATIVE risk holders Citibank and JP Morgan Chase.

    Those are the culprits who gave us a bad day !! X( gruss, Eldorado 8)

  • Hallo Eldorado,

    können ja, aber zumindest im Moment ist mir die Motivation abhanden gekommen. Du bist ja auch Mitglied, lasse Dich also nicht abhalten !!! ;)


    Die Börse ist wie ein Paternoster. Es ist ungefährlich,
    durch den Keller zu fahren.

    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

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