Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

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    Original von Aladin
    In Bezug auf den obrigen Artikel Astro und Gold halte ich einen Drop von 60-100 Dollar fuer unmoeglich...

    Würde ich selbst als ausgemachter "Goldbulle" nicht so unterschreiben.
    "Nichts ist unmöglich"...... ;)

    Hoffe auch, daß Gold weiter haussiert, aber beim Anblick meines Charts von vorhin
    erinnere ich mich daran,daß Gold immer etwa in die Nähe der 200-Tage-Linie konsolidiert.

    Es könnte noch mE.etwas weiter rauf gehen, doch dann kommt vermutlich das vorerwähnte.
    Aber wahrscheinlich in abgeschwächter Weise.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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    Aber,aber ;);ich garantiert nicht!
    Das ist doch wirklich klar.

    Nunja,hope the very best!! :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • GOLDINVEST-Kolumne: Denver Goldforum - Branchen-Highlight

    In den Alpen treiben die Bauern bereits wieder ihre Kühe ins Tal. Einen Almauftrieb bekommen Goldliebhaber derzeit dagegen in Colorado zu sehen. In Denver findet vom 26. bis 28. September das alljährliche Goldforum statt. Dieses Jahr geben und gaben rund 60 Konzerne ihr Bestes kund. Obwohl meist nicht viel Neues von den Unternehmensbossen zu hören ist, so stellen einige Updates doch positive Überraschungen dar.
    Positive Ergebnisse kann vor allem Sino Gold vorweisen. Die Gesellschaft verkündete die Bohrergebnisse von Jingfeng und White Mountain am 26. September. Sino strebt danach seine Reserven auf drei Millionen Unzen auszuweiten. Der Vorstandsvorsitzende Jake Klein setzt ganz auf die beiden genannten Projekte, um das Unternehmen voranzubringen. Sino hat sich unter den Explorationsgesellschaften einen guten Platz geschaffen um auf längere Zeit in der Goldminenindustrie mit vorne dabei zu sein.

    Eine andere Gesellschaft, die mit positiven Ergebnissen aufwarten kann, ist Aurizon Mines Ltd.. David Hall, der Präsident, verkündete den neuesten Stand beim Casa Berardi Projekt. Die Mine soll, so David, im vierten Quartal 2006 starten. Das Equipment ist zu 82 Prozent bereitgestellt. Da Anfang Oktober zudem die Berardi-Mine vor Ort Analysten vorgestellt wird, könnte sich der Aurizon-Aktienkurs in den nächsten Tagen positiv bewegen.
    Ebenfalls zu den besonders aussichtsreichsten Goldsuchern gehört Eldorado Gold. Ab 2007 sollte die Gesellschaft zu den mittleren Produzenten gehören. Ende 2006 wird mit den Bohrungen beim Tanjianshan Projekt begonnen. Pro Jahr sollen dort 100.000 Unzen gefördert werden. Insgesamt warten hier Goldreserven von 944.000 Unzen Gold abgebaut zu werden. In Nordbrasilien besitzt Eldorado Gold das Projekt Vila Nova, hier ist der Abbau einfach und die nötige Infrastruktur bereits vorhanden. Die Reserven bei der Sao Bento Goldmine in Brasilien werden bis Ende 2008 erschöpft sein.

    Zu den Explorationsgesellschaften, deren Vorträge kaum oder gar nichts Neues brachten, gehört zum Beispiel Guinor Gold Corp., dessen Vorstandsvorsitzender Trevor Schultz einen Überblick über das Projekt Lero gab. Für das Jahr 2007 wird erwartet, dass diese relativ neue Mine 320.000 Unzen Gold produzieren wird. Wir berichteten über Guinor vor einigen Wochen.

    Eine weitere Gesellschaft, die sich beim Denver Gold Forum präsentierte, ist High River Gold Mines Ltd. Dieses Unternehmen hat Projekte in Russland und Westafrika, die noch in der Entwicklungsphase sind, nämlich Berezitovy und Taparko in Burkino Faso. Für Berezitovy wird der Produktionsbeginn im dritten Quartal 2006 erwartet, für Taparko wird der Startschuss für das zweite Quartal 2006 vorausgesagt. Hierbei dürfte es sich letztendlich um ein besonders lukratives Projekt handeln. Mehr als 300.000 Unzen jährlich erhofft sich das Untenehmen.

    Ebenfalls als neutral zu bewerten ist der Vortrag von Hecla Mining Company. Präsident Phil Baker sprach über die Projekte La Camorra und San Sebastian. Die Bohrungen beim Projekt Lucky Friday kommen gut voran. Dort soll die jährliche Ausbeute 4 Millionen Unzen Silber betragen und dies für mindestens sieben Jahre. Der Produktionsbeginn wird in 2006 stattfinden.

    Wenig neue Aufschlüsse gab es auch bei Stillwater Mining. Der Wert des Unternehmens sollte zwar weiterhin steigen. Grund dafür ist der hohe Preisunterschied zwischen Platin und Palladium, der sich verringern könnte. Der Vorstandsvorsitzende Frank McAllister hob besonders hervor, dass das Unternehmen mit jeder Unze Platin noch 3,3 Unzen Palladium produziert. Es wird ein Produktionsumfang von 550.000 bis 570.000 Unzen der weißen Edelmetalle im Jahr 2005 bei Kosten von 315 bis 320 US-Dollar pro Unze erwartet.

    Noch eine Gesellschaft gesellt sich zu den als neutral zu wertenden Unternehmen, die Pan American Silver Corp. Vorstandvorsitzender Geoffrey Burns verkündete, dass er eine Produktion von 12,5 Millionen Unzen Silber in 2005 erwartet. Im Jahre 2008 soll das Produktionsvolumen auf 23 Millionen Unzen Silber erhöht werden. Dies bei reinen Abbaukosten von 3,50 US-Dollar pro Unze.

    Auch in der Mine La Colorada wurde wieder mit der Förderung begonnen. Die Produktion soll auf 0,9 Millionen Unzen bei Kosten von 2,20 US-Dollar pro Unze gesteigert werden.

    Sehr interessant waren auch die drei Vorträge australischer Minengesellschaften. Kingsgate Consolidated, die in Thailand fündig wurde, besitzt großes Potenzial. Der Vorstandschef geht davon aus, die Ressourcen zumindest von drei auf fünf Millionen Unzen Gold zu erhöhen.

    Oxiana ist ohnehin bereits die zweitgrößte noch börsennotierte und noch nicht übernommene Goldmine Australiens. Das Management sieht eine jährliche Produktion von 500.000 Unzen Gold und 300.000 Tonnen Kupfer durchaus als möglich an.

    Dagegen klein aber fein erscheint Leviathan mit ihrer Stawell Mine. Doch die Gesellschaft besitzt insgesamt 36 aussichtsreiche Ziele. Die 130.000 Unzen Gold fördert Leviathan bei Cash Costs von gut 400 A-Dollar je Unze. Diese Marke will der Vorstand nach unten drücken, um den Cash-flow zu steigern.

    Jeder Goldminen-Anleger sollte einmal versuchen bei der Denver-Goldshow, dem Almauftrieb der Goldminen-Auguren dabei zu sein. Es ist durchaus interessant direkt zu erleben, wie mancher CEO mit seinen Ausführungen einen in seinen Bann ziehen kann. Doch die kühle Analyse sollte darauf nicht vergessen werden und vor dem Investment folgen.

    Der obige Text spiegelt die Meinung des jeweiligen Kolumnisten wider. Die Smarthouse Media GmbH übernimmt für dessen Richtigkeit keine Verantwortung und schließt jegliche Regressansprüche aus.

    Quelle: FINANZEN.NET

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    Sehr interessant:
    A Basket of Resource Stocks Versus the HUI

    By David J. DesLauriers
    02 Oct 2005 at 05:34 PM EDT

    TORONTO ( -- In the period 1 April to 1 October, The HUI is up 20.7%. In that same period, the 26 companies (not including Denver last week) that have been reported on by your correspondent are up an average 38.9% at Friday’s closing prices. At their respective highs since they were written up, they are up 61.5%.

    Behind the Numbers

    The disparity is significant especially because RI covers many small companies, and the move in the HUI has not really filtered down to the juniors yet. Also, this six-month performance includes stories written over that whole period, up to just one week ago. This means that many of the stories included in these figures have not yet had time to run their course.


    These statistics are quite interesting, because they raise the question: How did the stories featured here beat the HUI’s performance so decisively?

    Some Answers

    1. The 26 stories written on various companies include not just gold plays, but base metals and oil and gas. Some of these other commodity sectors have also done quite well, and this has served to provide diversification.
    2. By highlighting a range of companies (market caps ranging from C$3 million to C$500 million), RI stories provide the dizzying upside of junior moonshots and drill hole plays.
    3. By looking at companies that on the whole are not in the mainstream, not that well followed by the Street, and are smaller than the HUI components, RI has the advantage of being able to write stories about companies that are overlooked but that enter the spotlight as they achieve milestones.
    4. The names that make up the HUI don’t really change, but RI has the ability to put new names forward constantly, which can reinvigorate performance.
    5. Arguably, despite the fact that gold is up, our calculation which includes companies we wrote about six months ago and as recently as one week ago is helpful, because it captures performance from an adjusted gold price level over the 26 profiles, whereas the HUI calculation is a snapshot of where the index and gold were on 1 April, and where they both are now.


    These numbers may be food for thought for those who believe that it is dangerous or undesirable to hold too many small companies, and that the HUI components are exclusively where one wants to be investing in a sector that already has so much exogenous risk.

    Clearly these six-month returns may not be repeated, but perhaps what they illustrate is that by diversifying a precious metals/commodities portfolio between explorers, developers and producers, and focusing on quality names, the investor gets the best exposure and leverage to the sector.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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    So ist alles wieder in bester Ordnung (Troisdorf):

  • NY gold hit by profit-taking but supported on dips

    Monday, October 3, 2005 2:57:12 PM

    NEW YORK, Oct 3 (Reuters) - U.S. gold futures slipped Monday morning as traders took profits after recent light producer selling at quarter-end, but keen fund interest and expectations of higher prices still supported the market, dealers said.

    By 10:19 a.m. EDT, benchmark December delivery gold <GCZ5> at the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange was down $3.10 at $469.20 an ounce, dealing from $472.20 to $467.20.

    "Gold has been resilient. Traders have turned to buying on dips," a dealer at a precious metals desk said. "There is some supply coming into the market (from producers at quarter-end), but not anything major."

    Some traders were pocketing profits from gold's recent run-up to a near 18-year high, but prices stayed close to their peaks on rising energy prices and jitters after bomb attacks in Indonesia over the weekend, said market sources.

    Traders said gold might have drawn safe-haven support from some players since Saturday after three bombs ripped through restaurants packed with evening diners in the holiday island of Bali, killing up to 27 people and wounding 125.

    In recent weeks, new money has poured into the market and open interest is near a record. New gold-backed investment products, most prominently exchange-traded funds like streetTRACKS and IShares COMEX Gold Trust, have attracted new investors to gold as well.

    The fund long position in COMEX gold reached a fresh record high last week, Commitments of Traders data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission showed Friday.

    The noncommercial net long position rose to 166,100 contracts as of Sept. 27, from 158,126 lots a week earlier.

    Gold sources have said the yellow metal is expected to rise toward $500, until the specter of inflation goes away.

    December futures on Monday still were within sight of the Sept. 22 high of $479 -- gold's strongest since January 1988.

    Merrill Lynch said, however, that gold might fall this month on seasonally based selling after a roughly 8 percent rise in bullion since June 30.

    "If history is any indication, we would expect a modest decline for both bullion and equities (in the XAU Gold/Silver Index <.XAU>) in October," the investment bank said in a note.

    In 7 of the past 8 years, bullion and gold equities have declined by an average of 7.5 percent and 16.7 percent from late September/early October until late October/November.

    Meanwhile, oil prices firmed Monday as hurricane-wrecked U.S. refineries stayed shut and strikes threatened to cut supply at French plants, leaving consumers afraid of winter shortages.

    The dollar rallied to a three-month peak against the euro and a 16-month high versus the yen on ideas of more U.S. interest rate hikes and a disappointing survey of corporate sentiment in Japan.

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    Original von Aladin
    NY gold hit by profit-taking but supported on dips

    U.S. interest rate hikes and a disappointing survey of corporate sentiment in Japan.

    Diese feilen Vasallen der Amis lernen wohl nie aus............

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16


    by The Mogambo Guru

    The economy is not growing, and is instead showing definite signs of
    severe debt-related stress. Consumer spending is down, even as health
    care, housing and taxes go up.

    From a business investment standpoint, it is really ugly out there, which
    means risky, which means you will probably stand a better chance of making
    money by sending the cash to me, in a plain envelope, addressed to
    "Resident," and then waiting by the phone for me to call and tell you how
    much money you made.

    Now, I hang my head in shame and admit I have no idea what to do about all
    of this. Fortunately, Dr. Richebächer does. He says, "We expect shocking
    economic weakness. All asset prices, depending on carry trade, are in
    danger, including bonds." So sell 'em all, unless you want to be sitting
    on something dangerous.

    So, what do you buy instead? Mark Faber, who writes the famous Gloom, Doom
    and Boom Report, says that commodities of all kinds have surged here in
    the last couple of years, except, notably, grains. "In fact," he says,
    "grains are at a 200-year low vis-à-vis oil." At this, your Super
    Sensitive Mogambo Investing Senses (SSMIS) should have sprung to full
    alert, ("Beep! Beep! Beep!") when you heard that something that everyone
    needs is at a 20-year low against something else that everyone needs, too.

    Apparently, Dr. Faber has a well-developed SSMIS himself, and will not
    benefit from the Mogambo Super Sensitive Investing Sense Home-Training Kit
    as he instantly intuits, "As a long-term investor I would also consider
    buying some agricultural commodities."

    Well, if you have ever tried to trade commodities or store soybeans in
    your garage, you know what a hassle it is. And you already know what a
    lazy little creep I am, so doing that much work is really, really, really
    out of character for me. No, what I want to do is buy something now, when
    prices are low, store it away somewhere that has no commissions to be
    paid, no account maintenance fees, no inactivity fees, and in short, there
    is nothing for me to do and nobody is taking so much as a damned dime from
    me for any reason, less they get a dose of old Doctor Twelve-Gauge for
    their trouble.

    And nothing fits the bill like precious metals...I suppose any metals:
    Copper Molybdenum, Uranium. You name it, especially gold and silver
    (doubly especially silver). I bring this up especially because I was just
    at the Silver Summit in Wallace, Idaho, at the kind invitation of David
    Bond, who will probably lose his job because of it. I spent a delightful
    time ranting and raving, and meeting a lot of really nice people, and
    trying in vain to play boogie-woogie music on the fiddle behind the
    talented Steve Dore on piano and embarrassing myself in more ways than
    one. As a result of this sudden explosion of sensory overload, I am now
    even more convinced that the upside potential of silver, as a percentage,
    is staggering, and almost guaranteed to happen.

    Secondly, I am convinced that I like being around people who understand
    the importance of owning precious metals, since they do not introduce me
    as, "Uncle Mogambo, who is a gold bug and a real first-class lunatic, so
    don't stand so close to him or you might catch his cooties or get his
    drool all over your nice shirt."

    But this is not about my cooties, dammit! It's about silver! I mean, the
    stuff is selling at just over seven lousy dollars per freaking ounce! When
    gold is selling at over $460! Most of the gold ever mined is still around.
    Most of the silver ever mined is all gone, and demand is higher than
    supply for the zillionth month in a row. And while gold has few uses
    beyond wealth preservation and jewelry, silver has myriad industrial

    Well, just between you and me, and don't let this get around, but to be
    entirely truthful, all of that is so much blah blah blah to me. What
    impresses me most of all is the historical ratios of silver to other
    things, like gold, oil, food, or anything else you can get data on. In
    every case, and I am talking Every Freaking Case As Far As I Can Tell
    (EFCAFAICT), in all of history, silver is at historic lows when compared
    to everything else. And when something is at historical lows, then there
    is only one way for the price to move: Up.

    OK, but it is knowing the historical ranges of these ratios that tells you
    how high silver might go, right? Right! So, because you are so smart and
    thus you are my little teacher's pet, you immediately raise your hand with
    a question. With a beneficent smile of loving indulgence beaming in my
    Mogambo face, I point to you, and you say, in that delightful way that you
    have, "How high has silver gotten, your worshipful Mogambo-ness?"

    Well, my little grasshopper, you will be surprised to know that there have
    been times when silver traded at a premium to gold. So, if this were one
    of those times, silver would be at over $470 per ounce. It is selling for
    about $7 right now. So dividing 7 into 470, which is probably easy for
    you, but difficult for me because I am so stupid (audience shouts "How
    stupid, Mogambo?") that I have to get out the instructions to turn the
    damned calculator on. I figure that the answer is, I hope, around 67. Your
    investment, if you bought silver now and the price rose to more than gold
    right now, would have a return of 6,700%! I have heard of lots
    often-bagger investment, but a potential 67-bagger? Wow! Truly rare!

    So, the upside of silver is so high that it boggles the mind that you can,
    right now, today, this very minute, get up off of your fat backside,
    grunting and complaining about your aching back, and simply walk over to a
    phone or a computer and buy all the silver you want at a lousy seven bucks
    and change per ounce! As Mike Maloney of Gold & Silver, Inc. put it,
    silver is "stupid cheap!" I immediately translated that as an insult to
    The Mogambo, who is both stupid and cheap, but when he calmed me down and
    soothingly explained it a dozen times or so, I finally understood it to
    mean that if you are not buying silver on the cheap, then you are stupid.
    Being stupid, of course, I was not buying silver. But after learning that
    I could appear to be smart by buying silver, I got a little.

    Well, unfortunately, nobody was fooled for a minute. But a few people did
    agree that because I was buying silver, I appeared to be slightly less
    stupid than I really am, but still, unfortunately, stupid, which, being
    stupid, I did not understand. I still have the silver, and so should you,
    whether or not you are stupid. And if you think that you are not stupid,
    then I will rudely point out that you are obviously reading the stupid
    Mogambo Guru, and that doesn't say very much for you or your stupid choice
    of reading material.


    The Mogambo Guru
    for The Daily Reckoning

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    Higher Interest Rates and a Lower US Dollar

    Author: Jim Sinclair

    Now there is a piece of heresy in today’s world of OTC derivative trading kids, market maven brats, wunderkinds and seers.

    The rub is that this piece of heresy is going to take place due to unusual circumstance with an undeniable scenario. This conclusion is supported by eons of monetary history when such an evil gathering of economic fact takes place.

    1. The US Federal Budget deficit as a result of really bad weather and worse contingency planning is not going to be as advertised - under $360 billion - but rather over $550 billion. The idea that you can fight multiple wars, rebuild decimated cities and lower taxes is madness of world-class proportions. Lets' also not forget that cities and states as good little children are following the example of their Federal Daddy and deficit spending their tiny rear ends off as well.

    2. The Trade balance thanks to ever escalating energy prices is also going off the scales on the deficit side.

    3. The mad, mad, mad, world of US conspicuous consumption has landed US saving rates at below zero.

    So how can all this be financed? Don't look at China as China bashing has finally bashed the dickens out of the theory that because Asia has so much US paper it has to buy as much as the US can print. Not so! Asia may not be functionally able to sell what they have but their continued consumption in order to allow the US to offend them is simply not going to happen. Asia will off-load their US paper by massive international corporate acquisitions outside of the US.

    It happened again as the US put pressure on China for a more vigorous revaluation of their currency at the recent Washington get together. This is like a person (the financial management of the US) slitting their own throat and demanding a sharper knife so they can cut a few other necessities off as well.

    So as currently presented, US financial managers intend to peddle US federal paper to people who are fed up financing the US, producing a backlash that no one really expects. More federal paper means more dollars. More dollars mean more supply on the market as interest rates rise as a direct result of smaller and smaller purchases by non-US interests of the much bigger supply of US Treasuries for sale.

    The classical result that will happen by mid 2006 is:

    1. A sharply lower US dollar.

    2. Sharply higher interest rates.

    3. Former Chairman Volcker's prediction that we would have a financial crisis within the next five years (one more year to go) could actually unfold tomorrow.

    Want another reason for gold at $529 and $1650. Well, here it is!
    * Credit Derivatives Go Wild
    * New Total is a Notional Value of 12.4 Trillion
    * Concern Grows over 3rd Party Deals

    The spin on this is two fold: First, the notional value is simply notional while real value is determined by slices. Second, the problem is simply a back office situation of keeping track of the transactions.

    The geeks can slip and slice, cut and dice, but when derivatives hit the fan they will hit for all the performances required. Therefore, the notion of slicing is nothing more than mad mathematicians who are out of touch with real world markets. When the fat lady finally sings, notional value will be real value.

    The so-called back office problem is somewhat true but not in manner that it is presented. This is not a log jam of paperwork as much as it is the presence of third parties implied lifting of legs of the derivative spreads randomly which simply cannot be done without a disaster of mammoth proportions.

    God help the world when interest rates really get out of hand. There are 12.4 trillion dollars and what side do you think they are betting on?

    I have long held that there is not a single thing basically different between the derivative schemes of today and the old London commodity straddles and T-Bill spreads of the late 1970s. The spread transactions for instance on the COMEX where in the old days put on after the close at any level you desired in the range of the trading day. They were not put on as a purchase and then sale but sold as a completed long and short in different months.

    I for instance purchased a 6000 contract silver spread in this manner. These spreads were usually taken off in the same manner, having more tax implications then than any other motivation. The difference between the old COMEX spread and today's over-the-counter derivative is that you could drop on side of the spread if you wanted to produce a mountain of money. I know this because the biggest money my old firm made was when my former partner Vincent went into our arbitrage department when gold broke above $400 and took off every short they had on their spread trading. This could be done because these trades were clearing house guaranteed.

    This is not the case with the over-the-counter derivative markets where I maintain the pillar transactions are total frauds. The reason why there is panic in Mudville is because these transactions have been offset by many who really don't understand the inside game of a derivative, leaving the potential of selective leg lifting which simply cannot occur with such disruption you might as well be standing in a line in Baghdad to apply for a job with the police force.

    Don't you think it slightly strange that when Enron blew up, all the firms that had formed to trade in supposed markets in OTC derivatives on electricity closed up shop? The answer is simple. There was no such market. The entire thing was a fraud.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Mahendra lese ich auch nur noch zur Unterhaltung - in letzter Zeit taugt er ja schon fast als Kontraindikator... :rolleyes:

    @ Troisdorf


    ps, dass es bei nur kurze Schwierigkeiten mit dem Server sind, möchte ich doch mittlerweile bezweifeln. Keine Meldung, nichts dergleichen. Nun schon seit mehr als einer Woche nicht erreichbar.
    Ich denke, die haben aufgegeben.

    Wieso das, sie sind doch schon seit letztem Mittwoch wieder on. Nur das Forum musste man zwischenzeitlich von der Hauptseite aus abrufen, wegen der Serverumstellung...
    Aber in ihren Informationsmails haben sie ja alles erklärt und ich finde die Entschädigung (1 Freimonat) ganz ok. Zusätzlich habe ich im September den Brief gekriegt, obwohl ich nur für den Online Bereich abonniert bin. :]
    Finde ich auch eine kulante Geste...

    Wenn Du ihre Info-Mails nicht gekriegt hast, würde ich sie mal anmailen...

    @ valueman

    Danke für den Denver-Bericht

  • Kann sich das von Euch jemand anhoeren und hier darueber berichten ?

    Dear Member

    I have mentioned a couple of times in my newsletters, that a financial product will be launched, that I will manage. Today, time has come to inform you, that ABN AMRO will launch the "Wave of Nature Strategy Certificate". I will be the strategy manager of this innovative product solution. The issue size is limited to USD 50 M. I will start to manage the strategy 31 October. I have to tell you that this product is dedicated to very professional (banks, family offices and independent asset managers) only. One counterparty who wants to invest into the strategy/certificate has to invest minimum USD 1 million. I will be on road-show together with ABN AMRO on the following dates:

    13 October, Zurich, luncheon presentation, 11:30 a.m., Widder Hotel (Widdersaal)
    13 October, Zug, dinner presentation, 6:45 p.m., Rest. zum Kaiser Franz im Roessel
    14 October, Zurich, cocktail presentation, 11:30 a.m. Zunfthaus zur Meisen
    17 October, Frankfurt, dinner presentation, 6 p.m. Frankfurter Hof

    If you are interested to participate at one of those presentations, please send an e-mail to the following address of ABN AMRO: . Please indicate your full contact details. ABN AMRO will then contact you directly.
    IMPORTANT: Please note, that space for the presentations is limited. The presentations in all locations are for professional investors only. You are only invited, when you have received an invitation-e-mail by ABN AMRO.

    Now I can imagine, that some among you may be disappointed, that this product is dedicated to big clients only. But I am keepig also common invetsor's in mind and may plan some thing interesting.

    Thanks & God Bless

  • I receive so many emails and faxes every time gold reacts that you would think I was television’s Frasier Crane listening to problems on his mental health radio show. The truth is “I am listening and trying to guide you into better performance."

    For the hard core gold investors, sitting tight is all you need to know. For the aggressive investor who sells 1/3 of their gold-related position into strength TA correct and buys back that 1/3 in the same manner, a review is apparently required.

    Some complain they sold too soon and then wonder if they will get it back. Others who held tight are now upset because they missed a temporary top.

    TA correct is the key to proper timing. To keep this absolutely simple all you need to do is understand the use of a simple trend line. All you require is a straight edge and a sharp pencil. As long as the trend line and power uptrend line holds - regardless of an overbought situation - you hold tight. When the power uptrend line breaks, you cut your position by 1/3. The opposite is the way back regardless of what your selling price was. It is so simple that I cannot for the life of me understand why so many of you who call yourselves aggressive investors fail to use this approach.

    I am going to annotate a selection of gold share charts using this dirt simple method once again, imploring you to use a discipline that will at least reduce your risk. Any reduction of risk is an improvement in the potential for profit.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Der verd..... Hund schwächelt.
    Wo bleibt da die Zuversicht?
    Kommt später wieder. ;)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eine feine Anmerkung von Mogambo alias R.Daughty:
    And the rgold lease rates on gold have started back down, which usually means that the people that manipulate the price of gold are trying to manufacture a lowe gold price. In practice, this means that you can soon buy gold on the cheap. Do so, or suffer the consequences of having your spouse and family laugh at you and say hurtful things like "Hell, even an idiot like The Mogambo knew to buy gold!"

    Oct 4, 2005
    Richard Daughty

    Und die heutige Grafik dazu

  • Edel Man, das mit den lease rates hat was auf sich, ein schoenes Zeichen das man am Radl draht. :D

    Wen es interessieren sollte, ich habe das Gefuehl das der HUI bis 215 fallen koennte, erst Recht in Sympathie mit dem Dow Jones der dreistelling gefallen ist. Bald gibst wieder eine Zinserhoehung und dann unter die 10.000 ruck zuck. Im schlimmsten Fall HUI 205 aber nur kurz. :D

    Sogar die PAL ist mit 7% gefallen, ich Trottel kauf die noch ein Tag vorher. :(

    Bei HUI 220 versuche ich wieder nachzuladen falls Cash vorhanden ist. :rolleyes:

    Ich hoffe der Boden haelt von ca. 220 HUI , damit ich gut schlafen kann.

    50% vom Anstieg der letzten drei Monate kann weg sein in wenigen Wochen. Eine unsichere Zeit kommt auf die Maerkte, es zieht die Commodities und deren Aktien mit. eventuell auch $/Euro 1.18

    Also abwarten und durchhalten heisst es nun fuer die Gold/Silverbugs.
    Von dort gehts auf die 280 und naeher zu Indy 500.

    Gold kann auf 456 runter fallen wenn der PPT mit allen anderen schiessen was sie haben. Falls es auf 430 gehen sollte so viel Gold koennen sie gar nicht anschleppen was gekauft wird in Asien. :D

    Silber max 7.15 USD, man kann begruenden das weniger verbraucht wird in einer Rezession.

    Der Dow Jones soll angeblich richtig fallen >10.000 am 14 October bis 10 November, laut Astro Merrimar.

    Nur so nebenbei bemerkt, weil sonst keiner was sagt im Moment.

    Das Schweigen der Laemmer ? :D

    Lets go on a holiday.

    Good luck and Gnight 8)


  • Hallo Aladin

    denke auch, dass eine Korrektur anstehen könnte... es riecht aktuell sehr danach. Wäre abgesehen auch eine gesunde Entwicklung: es läuft doch immer so bei einem Bullen - drei Schritte vorwärts und zwei zurück.
    Könnte mir auch durchaus vorstellen, dass Gold wieder auf 435 udn der HUI unter 200 geht. :O

    Aber dann... geht es vielleicht schnell wieder auf 500$/Unze!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Aladin et,

    Ist schon merkwürdig,was da so manipuliert wird.

    Was den Goldpreis anbetrifft,hab ich am 2.10. mit Chart und Kommentar geunkt,daß da was fällig sei.

    Aber so Rücksetzer sind einfach gesund für die Märkte.

    Das mit PAL ist einfach Pech, die pack ich seit längerem nicht mehr an.
    Der PT/PD - Markt ist auch iA. undurchsichtig

    Wenn der künstlich hochgepflegte DOW eines auf den Deckel bekommt,
    bekommen das auch die PM zu spüren,um dann umso fröhlichere Urständ zu erleben.
    Wie überhaupt zur Zeit viele PM- Aktien nervös reagieren. :(

    Dem Crystalball fehlen wohl auch im Moment die richtigen Eingebungen. ;)

    Für meinen Teil: "sit tight and be right".

    Frühe Grüsse

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • GO GATA!!!

    Oct. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Gold fell in London for the third trading session in four on speculation that hedge funds and other large speculators will sell their holdings in the metal…-END-

    The Planet Wall Street explanation early this morning of why gold came in lower today is par for the course. The dollar was weaker, oil slightly higher, nat gas through the roof, and the US stock market was hit fairly hard the night before. So now the long hedge funds are going to get out? This is contrary to all I know. Many more of the specs are in this at the present time for a big picture macro bet. They are not going to get out of the trade to make a few bucks when so much is on the line as we sail into treacherous October.

    The Bloomberg article is nothing more than Gold Cartel disinformation in an attempt to influence the market on the downside. If they can bring in enough selling and bring gold down enough, it could turn some of the "fast funds" or some black box traders. This could take gold lower enough to allow the cabal forces to cover some shorts, as they have been doing all the way up.

    For all that "selling in London" the AM Fix was $465.25, only slightly lower than the Comex close the day before. As usual, The Gold Cartel began to sell as the Comex session approached. It was another volatile session with the cabal succeeding in taking bullion down over $3 to $462.10. However, like yesterday (and unlike what occurred so often over the past 7 years), gold surged right back. Buyers were in there waiting for The Gold Cartel to go into action.

    When was the last time Café members can recall gold being "on the ropes" in back-to-back trading sessions, only to climb back from a hole? This suggests the new buyers know exactly what The Gold Cartel is going to try and do and they are there waiting for them. Thus, the selling dries up, the locals are forced to cover, and the exasperated Gold Cartel is left scratching its head. Two grins, two days in a row.

    If December gold can print $475, it should accelerate towards $500.

    December gold

    Funny animal silver spent the trading session rejecting lower prices and rallied late to close on the high of the Comex session. Still think silver readying for a substantial move higher. Could come any day now.

    The silver chart is more constructive than the gold one. Like Rhody, I smell something is up here. Same sort of smell I mentioned weeks ago. The scent is getting stronger.

    December silver

    There was some unwinding of long gold/short silver spreads today. The silver open interest rose 749 contracts to 125,742.

    Spoke with our STALKER source today, who had the following information for Cafe members while I was in Toronto, most interesting:

    *STALKER buying groups 1 and 2 have been steady buyers of physical gold on all breaks for some time now. Our source believes even more strongly that they are surrogates for the Chinese Government.

    *Chinese retail buying has really picked up as of late. The Chinese public has started to buy gold from the official outlets set up by their government.

    *The real architect behind the financial market pressure for change in Saudi Arabia is King Abdullah’s son who is 50+ years of age. This is significant as he will be around for some time to come. The STALKER groups are watching the developments in Saudi Arabia to play out, believing them to be very bullish for gold.

    One more reason why gold is so bullish:

    A good friend of mine is loaded up with gold shares. He also owns gold and silver bullion, but is more oriented to the shares, which are quite substantial. We were going over the gold market this morning and we discussed the sentiment numbers, which are so dismal. The fact the attendance at the Toronto gold conference was mediocre and lack of interest in the smaller golds are prime examples to prove the point.

    He then said when he discusses the markets with people and talks about gold, he no longer is "dissed." Now, he receives a favorable reaction. I then asked, "How many of those folks were long gold, or the shares?" He replied, "NONE!"

    What that means is an entire universe of buyers is out there who will become gold/gold share owners in the months ahead. On top of that, it is very difficult to find a short-term bull among the gold market pundit crowd. Most are cowed by the "commercial" shorts. Because The Gold Cartel and friends have bombed the market over the past year and buried rallies, the gold commentators and market timers are in the same camp in their belief the shorts will win the day once again.

    My bet is the opposite. Growing gold demand around the world is making life very difficult for the bad guys. The odds are becoming more favorable by the day we are coming closer to our long awaited Commercial Signal Failure.

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