Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

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    Aber ganz und gar nicht,germoney!!

    Hab das heute früh um 7:19 in Golden Star reingestellt ;) :
    RE: Höhenflüge

    Das ist sicher richtig,valueman.

    Heute denke ich auch über einige Teilverkäufe nach.

    Einige Werte sind einfach zu schwer geworden.

    Hab das Gefühl überdies,daß die PM-Rallies Erholung benötigen.


    An Gewinnmitnahmen usw. :]

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Zitat

    Original von germoney
    Mag sein, dass ich hier als Lachnummer für die nächsten Monate diene,
    aber ich werde heute 20% in Cash wandeln.



    Ne durchaus plausibel, jetzt Gewinne mitzunehmen.
    Ist ja am 13. Dez. eine FED Sitzung mit voraussichtlich einer weiteren Zinserhöhung
    Und der 16. Dez.
    Bin momentan zurückhaltend, weil ich noch mit Überraschungen rechne, kann da aber auch völlig falsch liegen...

    Es ist noch kein Verschwörungstheoretiker vom Himmel gefallen.
    - Altes Sprichwort, neu übersetzt

  • Gold now at $513: is this the break?

    Alec Hogg
    Posted: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 08:00

    Ever since the gold price started seriously threatening its psychological barrier at $500 an ounce, technical analysts have pointed out that to really motor, the price would have to break the $509,20 peak set in February 1983.

    It looked promising for part of yesterday’s session in the Far East when the metal traded briefly above that level, touching $511. But that move fizzled out and the price eased back to a few dollars above $500.

    But gold is back in rude health this morning, setting a fresh 23-year high of $513 and showing signs of holding the higher ground.

    Might this be the final breakthrough which gold bulls have been waiting for? Bullion’s fan club is certainly in good voice.

    This week’s newsletter from New Jersey-based investment advisor and feted gold supporter Peter Grandich, describes $510 as being the bears’ “last line in the sand”.

    He argues: “The vast majority of investors and media are either unaware or unwilling to accept the belief that a group(s) has been heavily shorting and/or capping gold for several years.” He reckons market forces are finally besting these manipulators.

    Grandich adds: “Look for $510 to be taken out before year’s end, and then a run to $525-$550 into the New Year. I do think we’ll see a healthy correction in the first quarter of 2006, but $600-$650 remains my upside target for gold.”

    Judging by this morning’s action, Grandich’s timing may prove to be conservative.

    For South Africans, the surge in the gold price brings other benefits. As Absa economist Chris Hart explained on Moneyweb Radio last night, because gold still accounts for a substantial portion of the national export earnings (together with platinum around 25%), higher prices for precious metals translates into a stronger exchange rate.

    Although exporters wince when they see the Rand strengthening, there is little question that the national interest is served. The stronger currency helps reduce both interest rates and the price of petrol (over half SA’s oil is imported).

    On the other hand, the stronger Rand has been baffling many small investors who’ve been piling into gold shares expecting the higher bullion price would bring them juicy profits. But with the value of SA gold shares dependent on the Rand price of gold, the stronger currency has offset recent gains in US Dollar terms.

    Again, there could be good news on that front too. Hart, although expecting the Rand to remain firm, believes gold shares are a good investment. He talks of the bullion price consolidating above $500 and then enjoying “another extension”. And its future strength significantly outpacing future Rand rises.

    Says Hart: “Gold is not an inflation player at the moment. It’s actually reflecting the fundamental and deep-seated problems that you are seeing in your two major currencies, and that’s the dollar and the euro. And that’s why gold is starting to run.”

    The JSE’s Top 40 Index gained almost 1% yesterday and looks poised for another good session. International share markets were firmer overnight with the small gains posted by the US’s major indices following through to modest rises in Japan and Hong Kong.

    South Africa’s Rand eased back a little in early trade this morning, dropping from R6,28 to R6,30 against the US Dollar. It remains firm against both the Pound (at R10,94) and Euro (R7,41). The Brent crude oil price edged 20c higher, trading in London this morning at $56,22 a barrel.

  • Gold - In my opinion, gold is where it's all at. Our recent move and close above the psychologically important $500 mark occurred with such ease and relatively little fan-fair that I have to wonder just how mean that boogieman hiding under the bed really is This latest march up has just been relentless and a-typical in the sense that every effort by the Commercials to turn the price of gold back down, has been met with wave after wave of buyers. There are literally tens of thousands of futures contracts out there that are $60 to $90 in the red and you have to wonder who can sustain such losses. They certainly never show up in anyone's balance sheet. Goldman Sachs has been a continual seller of the yellow metal for as long as man has roamed the earth and yet they never suffer any financial malady. I have to question how that can be.

    In any event, gold is now at a critical stage. Our recent close at 513.80 for the March gold futures contract puts us above what I consider to be the breaking point of 509.50. This is our old high from the last significant rally dating back to the 80's and I believe it is a logical place for a correction. Also, I have maintained, and continue to maintain, that three consecutive closes above this point would be an indication that the wheels are now coming off and we are in for serious problems in the here and now. Not a popular notion, but it's what I believe. A look at the cash gold chart shows just how strong this leg up has been.

    Gold is as overbought as it's been in a long time. Both the MACD and RSI are extremely overbought and we are now trading well above the 50 - d.m.a. On the plus side, [U]there is no real resistance until we reach 569.75! [/U]What has fueled this leg up? In my opinion, it's Asian demand. I also believe that some Central Banks, including the Russian, Argentine, and Chinese, have turned aggressive buyers of the yellow metal. After all, what better way to get rid of the dollars they take in?

    What if anything could derail the gold express? Over the short run, the only thing I see that could bring down the price of gold would be a decline in the dollar. As illogical as that may sound, think about it for a moment. Gold has rallied hard in every major currency for months now, and gold is priced in dollars. If the dollar begins to decline, your profits in your home currency also could begin to decline. As a speculator, you could decide to liquidate and secure your profits. I'm not saying that will be the case; I'm just saying that could be the case. In any event, it's food for thought. I personally am and have been long gold since April 2004 and I will stay that way.

    Silver - Over the short run, the poor man's gold has actually looked stronger than its rich cousin. We recently took out good resistance at 867.00 with ease and the path is now clear to the 10.00 mark. The following silver chart shows just how strong the rally has been:
    Like gold, we have rallied off on a strong base that took months to construct, and like gold, silver is extremely overbought. It is now trading 10% above the 50 - d.m.a. but that doesn't mean that it can't become even more overbought.

    One should always keep in mind that gold and silver can trade differently than any other commodity (although I don't view gold/silver as a commodity, I view them as money). The fear and greed aspect enter into the gold/silver market much more than any other market. It is the only true safe haven. So where does that leave us? Well, for two years I have maintained that the only way to trade these markets is not to trade them. You take an original position, for example, buying December 2008 gold futures contracts and leave an ample margin. Say 65%. Then you wait for the inevitable correction, adding on once it's over. You never liquidate; you just sit tight! I honestly know of no one who does this, but I do, and the results have been quite good. I began a small gold fund based on this principal in late March 2004 and it's been quite successful. Don't try to sell tops and buy dips. You'll just loose money.

    Gold Stocks - The HUI has been a reluctant participant in the gold rally as of late. The following chart of the HUI gives the impression that it is being dragged along kicking and screaming.

    Not nearly as bullish as the other two is it? Believe it or not, the RSI is still in neutral territory! How can this be? My answer is that the market is so small that it can be easily manipulated with a relatively small amount of money. For years, the big boys would come in and sell naked shorts on these stocks and knock the price down. This would be a signal that gold would soon fall and everyone would jump ship. That same trick has failed time and again over the last couple of months and has led to some great short covering rallies. Times change! In any event, I am long the same stocks (BVN, CDE, GG, GLG, NEM, and RGLD) for two years and I will stay long these stocks for years to come. Why these particular stocks? They are the blue chips, they all possess decent balance sheets, and they all have excellent dividend potential. My best advice is to sit tight and hang on for dear life.

    Enrico Orlandini
    Lasco Report

    7 December 2005

  • Wenn ich mir den HUI und POG Chart anschaue in der Vergangenheit was kann die schlimmste Situation sein. ??

    Der HUI kann 24% fallen (200)
    Der POG kann 12 % fallen...jedoch unmoeglich bei der Nachfrage.

    Nun sind aber die shorts in trouble mehr als je zuvor und darum ist das obrige max.Down schon sehr gebremst IMO.

    dH... HUI - 18% (210)

    POG - 9 % ( 475 USD )

    Jetzt nehme ich noch den starken Dollar dazu der wenig Luft nach oben hat sowie
    eine weitere Zinserhoehung dann komme ich rein geschaetzt auf einen max. Fall auf

    HUI 225
    POG 485 USD

    So, jetzt bezahlt man 5% Courtagen da bleibt vielleicht ein 12% Profit uebrig den man rausholen kann wenn man zum richten zeitpunkt rein und raus geht.

    Viel Glueck beim handeln, ich lasse alles laufen da ist noch Luft bis 467 USD.

    Wenn ihr mich fragt Gold haelt sich sicher ueber 490 USD und der HUI 230.Wegen knapp 8% Gewinn nach Gebuehren trade ich bestimmt nicht.
    Der HUI hat noch Luft bis 280, dann kann man ein wenig abziehen.
    Ich nehme als Faustregel einen max. Sturz von 50% vom letzten High vom letzten Low. D.h z.ZT 220 auf 260 - 50% = 240 HUI.

    Es geht weiter wie ein Krebs, zwei Schritte vor und einen zurueck bis sicher 1000 USD in 3-5 Jahren.

    5% Cash auf der Seite reicht mir.

    Orlandi sagt:

    For years, the big boys would come in and sell naked shorts on these stocks and knock the price down. This would be a signal that gold would soon fall and everyone would jump ship. That same trick has failed time and again over the last couple of months and has led to some great short covering rallies. Times change! In any event, I am long the same stocks



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Ulfur

    Was macht eigentlich Elliotwaver Bob Prechter ??? [Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:]

    Morgen POG unter 200 USD ?

    Möchte ich auch mal wissen.
    Der hat schon "sein Fett weg bekommen" in einem anderen Thread. :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Can Gold Reach $900?

    By Lindsay Williams
    07 Dec 2005 at 11:14 AM EST

    JOHANNESBURG (Business Day) -- Classic Business Day gets multi-billionaire Jim Rogers, former partner of George Soros in the legendary Quantum Fund, on the line about the performance of commodities in 2005, and the outlook for 2006.

    LINDSAY WILLIAMS: Jim, can we maybe start with commodities that are most important to South Africa and Africa - the precious metals, and base metals. Even I am surprised by the way the gold price has behaved - I think it’s doubled in the last five years to $510 an ounce, and platinum was recently at 25.5-year highs, with silver also doing extremely well - what do you think the prospects are for this particular complex?

    JIM ROGERS: I suggest you read my book where I explained how all this would be happening, and it’s going to get better - you haven’t seen anything yet. Copper needs to correct, some of these things need to correct – but the shortages of raw materials is going to get much worse over the next 10 to 15 years, and we’re going to have an unbelievable bull market. Even I – and I’m bullish – am going to be surprised! There’s been no major oil discovery anywhere in the world in over 35 years - oil fields are depleting. Most metals companies have not been exploring for metals, and certainly not opening many new mines - except for gold that’s continued to expand - but for most other metals people just haven’t done any exploration. Phelps Dodge - which is the second largest copper company in the world - has made a conscious decision not to open any new mines, they’re going to try to expand their old mines. This is going to cause problems down the road....

    LINDSAY WILLIAMS: So if we break it down - you’re talking about copper, you’re talking about oil - but if we go back to the precious metals complex are they just going to tag along because of the inflationary consequences, or just tag along with the whole commodity bull market in general?

    JIM ROGERS: You mean gold and silver?


    JIM ROGERS: Gold is certainly going to participate, but I think you’re going to make more money in other commodities - you will make more money in sugar or coffee than you will in gold, but I own some gold and some silver - we’re certainly going to make money in all of these things. In previous bull markets of any asset class - everything makes a new all-time high. That means gold has to go to at least $900, and silver has to go much higher if history is any guide to how bull markets have always worked....

    LINDSAY WILLIAMS: I remember you speaking to us last time - I think it was maybe it was about nine months ago - you said perhaps the oil price had run a little bit too far, and you proved correct. It did go to $70 a barrel, but it’s back now at around about $60 - is there going to be a second or third wave on this particular commodity?

    JIM ROGERS: Sure, oil will be well over $100 before it’s over - if history is any guide this bull market is going to last until around 2018, sometime between 2014 and 2022, and everything is going to go much higher. There has been no major oil discovery anywhere in the world in over 35 years - every oil field you know about is in decline. Somebody has to do something....

    LINDSAY WILLIAMS: That’s the supply side of things – on the demand side of things in the past we’ve spoken a lot about China, and we’ve spoken about the U.S. economy as well - is the demand factor still a big one?

    JIM ROGERS: Of course. I think most Chinese still don’t have electricity, most Indians still don’t have electricity - they’re going to get electricity even if those countries grow at a slow rate, and they’re certainly not going to rip out their electricity anymore than you’re going to rip out your electricity if things slow down - demand will continue to grow.

    LINDSAY WILLIAMS: Is there any problem perhaps with the U.S. dollar when it comes to the dollar price of commodities - we’ve seen the gold, platinum, silver and copper prices and everything else dislocating from the strength of the U.S. dollar - does that mean that we should ignore the dollar’s strength and just buy commodities?

    JIM ROGERS: The dollar is fundamentally very flawed, and it’s going to be a serious problem in the next five or 10 years - it’s having a big rally in 2005 for some technical reasons. It was beaten down in 2002, 2003 and 2004 and there’s a special tax incentive for American companies to bring their money back into the US this year - but that incentive ends this year, and so you will see the dollar resume it’s decline, and that is bullish for commodities, but that’s not the main reason commodities will be going up. The main reason is supply and demand are out of whack, but a weak currency like the dollar is going to help commodities.

    LINDSAY WILLIAMS: What do you think about the implications for the other asset class - that being equities. We’re seeing the Dow Jones getting very close to 11,000 and everyone getting very enthusiastic. Ben Bernanke is coming in to take over the chairmanship of the U.S. Federal Reserve - what are your predictions for the financial markets?

    JIM ROGERS: I’m not optimistic about the U.S. stock market in 2006. The economy will slow down, the market will slow down - the market has been flat for a couple of years now basically, and Ben Bernanke will be a disaster for the Federal Reserve. His solution to everything is to print money - so I’m not optimistic about the dollar, the stock market, the economy in the U.S. next year....

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Eldorado

    Es geht weiter wie ein Krebs, zwei Schritte vor und einen zurueck bis sicher 1000 USD in 3-5 Jahren.

    5% Cash auf der Seite reicht mir.

    Moin Eldorado

    Bin selbst ein grosser Verfechter von "Buy an Hold".
    Insoweit sind Deine Überlegungen prinzipiell iO.
    Aber manchmal ist eben Umschichten angesagt.

    Dabei verlasse ich mich ganz auf eigene Strategie.

    Heute fahre ich auf mind. 10% cash rauf, ausschließlich bei sehr übergewichtigen Silber-und Metallwerten.

    Deine Goldschätzung ist mE. noch konservativ.
    Der Daueroptimist Sinclair toppt uns da glatt. ;)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Gday Edel ;), da ist nichts verkehrt mit umschichten und Geld in bessere Qualitaets Aktien zu stecken sowie die Depotleichen loszuwerden.

    "You haven’t had a rush until you’ve had a Gold Rush"

    … Adrian Douglas

    When I woke up this morning, gold was $3.10 higher with silver 8 cents to the good. Our gold and silver rockets were maintaining and accelerating their upward thrusts.

    As is almost always the case, The Gold Cartel and Comex locals could not wait to sell. Gold came in much weaker than expected, coming back to the unchanged mark, and then shot right back up, rising more than $3 in the early going.

    The feedback from the floor is that while a number of bulls remain that way, most are looking for a correction. Gold is climbing the proverbial Wall of Worry. Since so few understand WHY gold is doing what it is (the dollar was up sharply this morning), they are even more worried than normal.

    What struck me was how gold ground its way higher after the opening … very calmly … matter of fact-like … very little exuberance.
    It seemed like investors were watching the move in disbelief. ?(

    At one point gold went up the limit ($6 Rule), then sold off, yet did not break. Sure a correction (meaning a down day) can occur at any time, and should be expected, however, I doubt we will have a meaningful correction until the price of gold rises sharply from these low levels (as to where the price really should be).

    Gold is accelerating out of its $458 to $478 base, as MIDAS expected. Then, it blew through significant $500 resistance as if it were not there. Now gold JUST made a new 24-year high with no important (historic ) short-term resistance in sight. The probability of a short-covering price explosion from here is far more likely than a correction of any technical meaning.

    While there is little excitement on Planet Wall Street over the gold move, this is not the case in areas where a good deal of the physical buying is coming from:

    Bulliondesk headlines:

    *Gold trades at 24-year High in Asia as Demand Remains Strong
    *Gold Fever" Hits Shanghai
    *Japanese hedgers keep gold at dizzy heights

    Both gold Fixes were higher than the prior Comex close:

    AM: $512.30
    PM: $515.40

    From London, word has it:

    Hi Bill,
    Just heard that paper bought 3'000 of the Dec '07 700 calls for $20! That's $6 million in premium!

    (Later confirmed by my Comex sources) Now that is a gold bull!

    Brother Tim tells me Jim Rogers is now telling people he expects gold to take out its 1980 highs. That is a fun one for me having had dinner with the legendary Mr. Rogers twice (same table) and listening to him pan gold for so many years. While he was never bearish, he always said almost any other commodity would be better, such as LEAD. That was his standard line. Nevertheless, GATA loves all the talk like this from the respected ones on Planet Wall Street. Eventually it will take hold and be a mega boon to the shares.

    The gold open interest only rose 2297 contracts to 341,111 and still stands 30,000 below its old high. The press is full of talk of a correction due to massive spec profit taking. Sure we can get a short-term dump at any time. However, the specs have a LONG way to go before this is overdone.

    The silver open interest went up 348 contracts to 141,571.

    Silver continues to go up and up and up … and is doing so like Rodney Dangerfield. It gets no respect and little attention from the Planet Wall Street media. Of interest … when silver is taken down, it roars back with a vengeance. When it rallies, it never explodes with a vengeance. It is trading limply in a way, WHICH has lulled the shorts to sleep. The silver price explosion is still ahead of us.

    One of the main reasons Planet Wall Street refuses to give gold the time of day is because the reasons associated with a sharply rising gold price are in conflict with the financial asset investments they are pitching to the public. Think of it. What are the standard reasons given when the price of gold rises?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Den Beitrag hatte ich vorhin im Sinn: :]

    Dear CIGA:

    It's positively amazing how even the best of CIGAs moan and groan about prosperity. To my mind, it would seem that a goodly number of the gold gang cannot stand prosperity.

    The internet allows anyone with a keyboard and a mailing list to send out their emergency "gold top" warnings, hoping at last to get it right and then claim to be total geniuses. This is a phenomenon that never happened in any equity bull market. Gold is currency gang, not a controlled substance. This gang will to their detriment continue looking for the top in the gold price. It will be so until $1,650 when anyone suggesting a top will get death threats.

    Today’s inquiry from CIGA “Mad Jack My Money” went on to say that gold is all over CNBC so does that means a top? Well, there is no denying that $517 does present resistance but it is minor in nature. Gold is going to and through $529 on this move and will challenge the 3% rule. Yes, their will be gyrations, backing and filling but as I see it $529 is going to be taken down.

    Jack, what do you think will happen on CNBC when gold vaults above $600, $700, $800, $900 and $1,000?

    Those selling good gold shares and gold itself will be looking back from the mid $500s and significant percentages higher on their sold out gold positions, wondering why they did it. When will people learn simple trend lines to be watched both on the daily and weekly basis, acting only when TA correct? Probably NEVER!

    Every bullish economic report today is translated into potential Fed action on interest rates and, by default, the dollar while gold cranks along based on a recent massive over-the-ounter derivative failure. There was a quite an international rescue by getting the winners on those deals to take payments in kind, not cash.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Eldorado
    Gday Edel ;), da ist nichts verkehrt mit umschichten und Geld in bessere Qualitaets Aktien zu stecken sowie die Depotleichen loszuwerden.

    "You haven’t had a rush until you’ve had a Gold Rush"

    So sieht das aus,Eldo. :D

    Ganz neu für mich,daß der Rogers auch zu den PM - Optimisten übergelaufen ist. :)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Zitat

    Original von Edel Man
    Aber ist schon klar,redest vom ORO PURO.


    ORO PURO? ?(

    Ich meinte meine Depotrendite (wenn ich verkaufen würde). Verkaufen werde ich gar nix. Es gibt ja Stop Loss und das werde ich nutzen. Gehts rauf ist es gut. Gehts runter ist es nicht ganz so gut, aber die Rendite ist sicher. Und Stop Loss kostet keine Gebühren, bei meiner Bank.

    @Eldo: Sag mal, was hast Du denn für eine Bank mit 5% Courtage? Wenn ich was kaufe oder verkaufe, sagen wir mal für 10 Kiloteuro, dann zahle ich ~ 35 Euro an Gebühren und Maklercourtage. Macht zusammen also ~ 70 Euro, mithin nichtmal 1% (auch wenn mir das immer noch zuviel ist :D ).

    Gruß an Euch beide!

    Zeit ist der Freund von wunderbaren Unternehmen und der Feind von mittelmäßigen Unternehmen. Warren Buffett

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Na flapsig "Reines Gold". 8)

    Mein Depot hat aber das Mehrfache gegenüber dem Gold gebracht.
    Über Faktor 3. Ohne Warrants/ Optionen /Terminkontrakte. :]
    Ist auch manchmal etwas Glückssache dabei.

    Über die Gebühren von Eldo wunderte ich mich auch.
    Auch bei mir nur bruchteilig.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Zitat

    Original von Edel Man
    Reines Gold

    Aha. Danke! Ich bin ja relativ neu in der Goldgräberszene. :D


    Mein Depot hat aber das Mehrfache gegenüber dem Gold gebracht.
    Über Faktor 3. Ohne Warrants/ Optionen /Terminkontrakte. :]
    Ist auch manchmal etwas Glückssache dabei.

    Wie wahr, wie wahr. Ich bin da zuvorderst ein konservativer Anleger. :) Ich hoffe, Du hast die Relation auf die 20 Tage nicht übersehen. Übers anno gesehen habe ich gerade im letzten Jahr eine Depotrendite von 50% eingefahren (für meine Begriffe ist das ganz ordentlich).


    Über die Gebühren von Eldo wunderte ich mich auch.
    Auch bei mir nur bruchteilig.

    Vielleicht lohnt sich bei ihm mal ein Bankwechsel (nicht das Papier, sondern die Institution).

    Zeit ist der Freund von wunderbaren Unternehmen und der Feind von mittelmäßigen Unternehmen. Warren Buffett

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Kaufrausch

    Wie wahr, wie wahr. Ich bin da zuvorderst ein konservativer Anleger. :) Ich hoffe, Du hast die Relation auf die 20 Tage nicht übersehen. Übers anno gesehen habe ich gerade im letzten Jahr eine Depotrendite von 50% eingefahren (für meine Begriffe ist das ganz ordentlich).

    Das Thema wollte ich eigentlich nicht vertiefen.
    Da gibt es aber schon grundsätzlich interessante Aspekte:

    Eine Depotrendite von 50% pA. ist zunächst mal traumhaft.
    Zwischendurch gibts gerade bei den PM´S starke Schwankungen.

    Insoweit nur mal eben diese letzten 20 Tage:
    Gold + 5,8%
    PM - Depot + 17,6%

    Das entspricht auch Richtwerten,die zwischen 2 und 4 liegen.
    Aber das liegt in jedem Einzelfall anders,manchmal ist die Korrelation negativ.
    Hochrechnen kann man das nie,nb. ist das besagte Depot sehr spekulativ.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Rick Ackerman erklärt die wichtige $564 - Marke.
    Er geht auf HUI und einige Minen ein.

    M.E.nicht sehr fantasievoll,aber relativ sichere Aktien eben:


    Bemerkenswerter schon 2 Uranproduzenten:



    Ricks Picks

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @Edel Kaufrausch

    Ueber die Bank bei der ich trade,egal wo die ist bezahle ich im ganzen 2.4% fuer einen Handel dafuer bin ich weit weg vom Schuss.
    Ich finde es bei Euch eine Frechheit was ihr an Spekulationssteuer zahlen muesst,wieviel das ist weiss ich nicht, diese faellt dafuer weg bei mir.
    Ihr wuerdet froh sein bei der Bank zu sein, die wechsel ich bestimmt nicht fuer den Schutz und Sicherheit die sie bietet, da gibt es kein Finanzamt.
    Unter 50.000 Euro kommt man dort gar nicht rein, sie hat auch eine interne Boersenabteilung, alles geht uebers Telefon dieses blitzschnell ohne Fax oder Schriftverkehr was auch Geld ist wenn es um Zeit geht.

    Ich kaufte gestern noch einige Kruegerrand (537 USD) fuer die Rente,ich habe nun genuegend bis ich 85 Jahre bin. ;)
    Mein Schnitt bei den Kruger Rand ist 432 Dollar.
    Wer das Gewicht wegheben kann ohne Hilfe dem gebe ich 5 Krueger. :D

    Cameco habe ich aufgestockt und neu KEP gekauft die alle neuen Atomkraftwerke bauen in Asien.
    Das Oil geht zu Ende es gibt fast keine andere Alternative fuer Strom der knapp ist. (Schubladenstock) ;)
    In China darf man nicht mehr den Aircon unter 26 Grad stellen, so knapp ist er schon.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Nabend Eldo

    Das mit der entfallenden Spekusteuer ist ein schlagendes Argument !

    Abgesehen von den bei Banken wichtigen sonstigen Dingen,zB. bei Margin,Zins.
    Da mußte schon was dahinterstecken,war auch nicht abwertend gemeint,gell?

    Mit den Krüger Rand kannste sicher gut alt werden,aber nicht heben ?(?
    Aber für die 5 lohnt nicht der Ausflug in das gelobte RSA. :D

    Atomkraft,ja danke,bin sei längerem dabei,sh. den Thread!! :]

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Edel, mein physisches Gold (18% vom Depotwert) liegt bestimmt nicht in RSA. :D

    Ich stocke spaeter noch auf 25% auf bei Gewinnmitnahmen von GM.

    Gold ist die einzige Rentenversicherung der ich traue.

    Am besten hat man soviel Unzen im Monat wie man Finger hat.

    Super die 520 USD waren vorhin mal kurz zu sehen, das tut gut. :))

    Keine Spur von Korrektur..... bis jetzt ! :rolleyes:

    Seelisch bereite ich mich aber vor, dann tut es nicht so weh.

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