Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • MP3 Rock and Roll with Steve Dore: ;)



    Inflation Nation
    We're gonna hear it, sooner or later,
    Two words together, in perfect sequence,
    They rhyme and chime, they tell us the story,
    Revealing truth of our fiscal non-sense,
    How long before, we lose every penny,
    Of purchase power, we had once before,
    Way back then, almost a whole hundred years now,
    The old money wolf, stayed away from our door
    Then came along the new fed reserve,
    To steal that power away,
    You won't feel it, with your regular pay raise,
    But what happens when they just stop one day

    We are an, Inflation Nation,
    Inflation nation, too big to fail
    Inflation nation,
    We're gonna blow up too big some day

    A little pain, and a lot less spending,
    What ever happened to fiscal restraint,
    We make our money, out of nothing but air now,
    And up goes the price without a complaint
    We're gonna have, to pay it off some day,
    And it won't be a pretty sight,
    A lot of poeple will fall by the wayside,
    As their paper wealth disappears out of sight

  • The New Golden Bull: Ready to Charge or Ready for Pasture?

    Here’s a brief update on my view of the metals market from a historical perspective. This is the first such update in about a year, but until recently there hasn't been much to write about.

    This past week seems significant for several reasons. First, the London PM (Gold Cartel-adjusted) fix on the gold price Friday was $525.50. That was the highest fix since April 6, 1981 and thus a 24-year high. Also, silver's Friday London PM fix was $8.97, the highest close since May 22, 1987—an 18-year high. Additionally, the HUI "Gold Bugs" index closed in new high ground on Thursday at 264.86 and closed just a few points under that on Friday.

    Obviously something big is happening. Ironically, there's little to no excitement in the mainstream world, nor apparently the least concern by Joe Sixpack about the stability (much less the likely endurance) of the world's fiat currencies. It seems the clueless market analysts are tripping over themselves to call a top in the metals.

    But is it likely the metals have topped out? Of course, some of us laugh at the idea, but many others seem to be in a serious quandary about it. Here are some facts about the Great Gold Bull market of the late seventies and early eighties that might be of interest, as well as their modern-day counterparts. I think they'll help put things in perspective...

    First, it’s important to realize that serious bull markets nearly always end with big-time price volatility. Case in point: The average monthly fluctuation in the price of gold during its great advance from August 1976 to January 1980 was 7.56%. The average for the final six months was 17.33%. The average for the final three months (during the blowoff stage) was 20.4%, and the last month, January 1980, the price fluctuated an incredible 52% (even more if you count intra-day peaks). Now, that's what you call volatility!

    So how do we compare in our modern-day gold bull? Well, to continue the analogy, our bull is still a calf; it hasn't even found its legs yet. Our average monthly price fluctuation to date (starting from the commencement of this gold bull in April 2001) has been a mild 5.04%.

    But here's what's even more amazing: since April 2004 when gold topped out on the London PM fix at $427.25 and then fell to a low of $375.00 in May, our average monthly volatility has been a puny 4.66%, which is well below even the overall average since this bull began.

    To me, it's downright astounding that gold could be making multi-decade highs while logging some of the lowest volatility in recent years. Does this sound like a market that's topping out? Hardly. In fact, it sounds like a market that hasn't even gotten out of first gear.

    Here's another bit of evidence that things are just now heating up. In the 42 months of the Great Gold Bull of the seventies, the average monthly gain in the gold price was 3.01%, which is impressive by just about any standard (except perhaps Hillary Clinton's masterful play of the cattle futures market some years back; but that’s another story). However, since this modern gold bull's inception, the average monthly gain has been only 1.31%.

    That kind of return is respectable, especially when compared with deposits in CDs (AKA certificates of depreciation), but it’s paltry by comparison to the bull of the late seventies. Along these lines, this month has been notable for gold in another respect. With Wednesday's London fix of $515.40, those who purchased the barbarous relic at its lows in April 2001 have now officially doubled their money. We could compute the last 56 months' difference between returns on CDs and returns on gold, which "pays no interest," but I'm afraid it would embarrass the bankers among you. By comparison, though, it would be clear which of the two investment vehicles is the real loser.

    I continue to be amazed by the advisor contingent and its constant readiness to proclaim a "top" in the metals markets. As Bill Murphy has pointed out many times, where were these bozos when the NASDAQ was making new high after new high? Where were they at Nazzie 3000, 4000 or at least—"It's a new era!"—at NASDAQ 5000!!???

    In conclusion, here’s a bit of free holiday advice for those of you who still pay for gold advisory services that continually declare tops in the metals: drop your subscriptions immediately—they obviously pay no interest... :D

    Derek K. Van Artsdalen
    San Antonio, Texas

  • ghost_god

    imho ist dieser Anstieg vorallem der Unsicherheit bez. dieser Explosion bei euch zu zuschreiben.
    Solange nicht Hieb- und Stichfest feststeht, dass es kein Anschlag war, wird dies preistreibend wirken.

    PS: Was hast du davon mitbekommen?

    Es ist noch kein Verschwörungstheoretiker vom Himmel gefallen.
    - Altes Sprichwort, neu übersetzt


    The Feb Comex gold contract, which is the nearby pivotal
    one now on the continuation charts, has taken out its high
    of 1981 of $535 on a quarterly basis. This breakthrough is
    of big picture importance. What is of note is the next significant resistance for gold on a quarterly basis on the continuation charts is all the way up to $612.

    Frank Veneroso confirmed tonight what MIDAS and GATA have
    been saying for some time. The Gold Cartel has lost control
    of the gold market.
    This was also confirmed to us the other
    day by one of the members who sat on the Board of one of
    the 12 Fed banks. This Board member has loaded his own boat
    (big numbers) with physical gold and expects the price to
    reach $900 to $1,000 within 3 years. This, from a
    conservative banker.

    One of the most critical dynamics of the gold market at
    the moment confirms what GATA has said all along ... and
    what no one in the gold mainstream gold world will even
    admit exists. There is a MASSIVE Gold Cartel short position,
    one they cannot get out of. The bums are trapped. These
    white-collar thugs, who have violated US anti-trust laws
    for so many years, have cooked their own goose.

    I sent the following today to Ted David of CNBC, which
    is like dropping an email into a black hole, but we
    (GATA ARMY) have to keep up the good ole college try. I
    included the Russian/GR 21 stuff I have been pounding
    away on for weeks ... and these notes (facts):

    *Since Gold Rush 21 gold rose $95 - YET, the dollar rose
    from 87 to 91 and oil fell from $68 to $60 per barrel.
    Almost no one thought that possible a year ago. The key
    to the gold market is surging physical market buying
    overtaking the Gold Cartel's ability to suppress the price.

    *For years GATA stated the price of gold could rally $100
    and the dollar do nothing as The Gold Cartel lost control
    of their price rigging scheme.
    Few, if anyone else, thought
    that possible. (It has done that.)

    *The Central banks have less than half the gold they say
    they have. Over the last decade they have surreptitiously
    lent out this missing gold in order to suppress the price
    This calculation is based on studies by three GATA

    *One of the major factors in the gold market today is the
    gold short position ... more than 10,000 tonnes in a market
    with a 1500 tonne yearly supply/demand deficit and only
    2500 tonnes per year coming out of the mines. The shorts
    are trapped. Cannot get out. There are mega-derivatives
    tied to those shorts. GATA knows this because of the
    Bank For International Settlement derivatives numbers.

    *A Gold derivatives neutron bomb will go off. Could happen at any time.
    *Price prediction: Adam Fleming, former Chairman of Harmony
    Gold and now Chairman of Wits Gold, said at Gold Rush 21
    that he is looking for $3,000 to $5,000 per ounce. I concur.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Danke ebenfalls!

    Vielleicht für Goldbugs ein FEIERTAG :D

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Selten mit einem solchen Grinsen ins Office gegangen.. ;)

    Und dabei geht's mir gar nicht primaer um das verdiente Geld, sondern vielmehr um den historisch wichtigen Tag fuer Gold & Silber. +14$ in Japan koennte man als harte Kost fuer die Amis bezeichnen. Let's see, how they'll react..

    Ich habe allerdings vorerst meine Futureposition geschlossen. 40$ in einer Woche kann man schonmal mitnehmen - Hoffe auf leichte Korrektur an der Comex.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die Reaktion in Europa folgte bald.
    Aber immer noch berauschend.

    Mal sehen, wielange die Cabal gegenhalten kann. :]

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Interessant,den "starken" Tollar zu sehen.
    M.Guru liegt nun völlig daneben "94". :D

  • Die Minen ziehen aber nicht so wirklich richtig nach. Entweder gehts diese Woche wieder runter oder die Minen werden nach oben explodieren. Siegel schreibt das in seinem heutigen kommentar auch....bin nicht immer seiner Meinung aber was das betrifft schon.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die Minen hinken zum grossen Teil weit hinter der Goldpreisentwicklung her.
    Haben manchmal gerade ihre Höchststände von 2003/04 errreicht.
    Ist auch in den Depots zu ersehen.

    Das ist mE jetzt kein Nachteil.
    Mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit wird dieser Rückstand bald eruptiv nachgeholt.
    Siegel spricht anschaulich von "Flaschenhalseffekt".

    Das übliche Spiel: mal läuft das Metall vor,mal die Minen.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • ghost_god

    klar und die kleveren Anleger denken das Gold kommt im Moment von der Börse und nicht aus den Minen :D

    Wenn´s erstmal an der Börse (am Futures Markt) genauso ausgeht wie bei EMTV oder Enron dann wird die Meute sich über die Minen stürtzen, auch wenn sie nur Ackerland statt Goldadern haben.

    Deshalb kaufe ich JETZT Mienen, weil sie schlecht laufen :D

    Gruß Osterhase

  • Zitat


    Wenn´s erstmal an der Börse (am Futures Markt) genauso ausgeht wie bei EMTV oder Enron dann wird die Meute sich über die Minen stürtzen, auch wenn sie nur Ackerland statt Goldadern haben.

    Ich denke auch mit guten Minen sichert man sich den Anteil den die Minen noch im Boden haben.

    mit Derivaten auf Gold und Silber habe ich auch so meine Bauchschmerzen, diese können mit einem einfachen Federstrich abgewertet werden, wie auch das ganze Papiergeld.


  • Sollte rein theoretisch der Goldpreis jetzt Richtung 600, 700$
    wandern wird Johann Saiger der absolute SuperGoldGuru werden


    Wer nicht an sich arbeitet ist wie ein elendes Stück Holz im Ozean
    Samael Aun Weor

  • Silberwolf

    Absolut richtig.
    Die "Bodenware" ist günstig im Preis und relativ sicher.
    Gauner gibt es in jeder Branche.
    Das im Boden liegende AU und AG in Prozenten kann man nicht so schnell verschieben wie Optionen.
    Gauner suchen das schnelle Geld und treffen sich in der Wallstrasse.
    Die Graben nach Geld und nicht nach Metallen, daß ist denen viel zu streßig.
    Die Umständlichkeit eines Minenbetriebes gibt auch immer etwas Sicherheit vor Raubrittern aller Art.

    Wie bei allen anderen Sachen: Nicht alles auf eine Karte setzen!
    Es sollten schon 10-20 Minenwerte sein.
    Wenn dann 2-3 Platt machen, was solls, die Gesammtperformence macht das Rennen.

    Good Luck !

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