Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Zitat

    Original von Edel Man

    Nur nb.:
    Habe meine Calls auf Gold und Silber vorgestern stark erhöht. :)

    Edel Man

    Buenas Dias :) hocke hier in der heissen Sonne - Hirn mit leichtem Sonnenbrand :rolleyes: :D und einem Internet welches laaaaaaaaaaaaaaahmt :( bitte kannst Du mir vielleicht einen Gold-Call "vermitteln" etwas längerfristig - habe was von 675 11-07 gelesen - muchas gracias - wenn's geht ;) falls nicht - no pasa nada :) mit SilberCall bin ich eingedeckt ;)

    sol - vino y amor :D......muchos recuerdos y mucha suerte a todo !!! :)

    Adios - linar :)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo linar,

    Aber hol Dir keinen Sonnenstich! :D
    Viel Spaß ...........

    Gucke mal PN ;)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Nur eine Idee von mir:

    Sentiment Gold mit Goldpreis zum Stichtag sowie das Silberspiel sagen nicht viel aus wie es weiter geht.

    Genug diskutiert wie es weiter geht, es ist Zeit fuer eine allgemeine Umfrage. IMO

    Ich setzt das auch mal hier rein falls die Umfrage kommt.

    Vergessen wir mal alle Analysten und fragen uns nun selber. ;)

    Das Ergebniss wird sicherlich interessant.



    Haben wir das Ende der Korrektur der Aktien gesehen die am 11 Mai begann ?
    Das waere mal eine Umfrage wert mit einem klaren Nein oder Ja hier im Board.
    Unsicher geht auch noch als Antwort.
    Die selbe Frage koennte man stellen was den PoG und PoS angeht.

    Wuerde mich echt interessieren wie die Umfrage ausgeht.
    Bitte alle abstimmen falls so eine Umfrage kommen sollte.
    Gewisse Dialoge zwischen einigen Mitgliedern zeigen nicht das Sentiment des ganzen Forums.
    Viele wollen sich dazu nicht aeussern, sie sollten zumindest anonym abstimmen bei dieser Umfrage.

    Bitte noch rechtzeitig abstimmen bevor der Markt es fuer uns macht. :D

    Danke im vorraus und herzlichen Gruss


  • linar,
    Sonnenstich vergeht, Hunger bleibt! :D


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Da gibt´s einen interessanten Chart mit einer Frage.:
    "Kann es sein, dass die ÖL-Dollars vergoldet werden?"

    Antwort darauf: No naa!


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Dave Lewis has served commentary at The Dos Passos
    Table entitled, "The limits of finance."

    "Henry Paulson's appointment to the position of Treasury Secretary brings yet another Goldman Sachs player

    Joshua Bolton was recently made Chief of Staff) to the Bush team. 8o

    Upon hearing the news of Paulson's appointment my first thought was that the US has been declared bankrupt and Goldman Sachs has been
    appointed receiver." :D

    Always good to read what Dave has to say.

    The limits of finance

    ... Perhaps holders of US debt are getting a bit antsy with the "deficits don't matter" approach of Cheney et. al.

    This is to invert the arrow of causation described in most press reports. Rather than thinking the Bush team chose Mr. Paulson, perhaps it was the global financiers, worried about the most recent spike in commodity prices, inter alia, who are driving the changes.

    Most press reports suggest that Mr. Paulson will have a much greater voice in policy than his predecessors, which fits with the inverted arrow of causation model. Goldman Sachs will now be driving US financial policy.

    Alas, but at least in my view, the problems the US faces are not financial but political, although the political miscalculations have financial repercussions. That is, the corporation that is the US government is not a well run ship that has unfortunately been unable to navigate the financial waters but rather seems to me more and more like one of those never profitable internet companies that were the rage in the late 90s.

    The collective sigh of relief press reports describe emanating from Wall St. is to me a sign of confusion as to the power of finance. A well run finance department can extract more profit from an already profitable corporation, and can put off the day of reckoning for a non profitable one but it can't turn the latter into the former.

    Moreover, the ability of the financial wizards to obfuscate the underlying financial facts on the ground (think Enron) tends to lead to a reduction in pressure to get the underlying business in shape in much the same way as as an ability to forge a report card tends to lead to a reduction in pressure to actually do well in school. Financial legerdemain then becomes counter productive to the true goal.

    And it is the true goal that ultimately matters. In the case of a commercial corporation, the true goal is underlying profitability. In the case of a governmental corporation, the true goal is a sound economy which includes such features as ultimately balanced fiscal and trade accounts.

    So, while Mr. Paulson may well be a financial wizard, he will likely not have the answers to the underlying problems of current US policy. He will not be able to help win the wars in either Afghanistan or Iraq and without victory on those fronts, the US will eventually have to deal with the failed experiment in imperialism.

    You see, when President Bush says that it is imperative that we win the War on Terror I believe him. The US is, as they say in games of Texas Hold 'em, all in on a hand of military dominance. If the Afghanis and Iraqis prove as tough as the Vietnamese to subdue, the hand the US is playing with will not take the pot. And then the markers will come due, regardless of who runs Treasury.

    Dave Lewis

  • @ Tschonko

    Du schreibst im anderen thread:

    ""Ein weiteres richtungbestimmendes datum ist dann 19.-21.6.""

    I think so too ! ;).. ""Cluster"" am 19 Juni gehts ab in den Urlaub fuer fast drei Monate. :D

    ZWILLINGE (21. Mai - 21. Juni)

    Abwechslung ist für die Zwillinge der Garant für eine unbeschwerte Woche!
    Wer nicht in Urlaub ist, verbringt seine Zeit jetzt gerne Zuhause, und findet in Haus und Garten genügend Beschäftigung. :D
    Zwischendurch aber müssen Sie unbedingt raus gehen, andere Menschen treffen oder einen Überraschungsbesuch starten. :P
    Andernfalls kann die gute Stimmung schnell kippen. Wichtigen Verhandlungen sollten Sie wegen Missverständnissen aus dem Weg gehen.


    BEGINNING June 5, 2006

    Raymond A. Merriman

    Review and Preview:

    Hold on to your seat. 8o

    Here we go. Friday, June 2 began the first trading day of the third powerful cluster of geocosmic signatures for this year.
    The previous two (March 1-17 and April 30-May 10) were extremely dynamic in terms of providing exceptional trading opportunities. Based on the past two trading days (June 1-2), it appears that this current time band will be just as significant.

    What happened last week?:

    Well, Silver fell to 1155, its lowest level since March, and already down nearly 25% from its 20+year highs of May 11 (prior cluster zone). This is consistent with our forecast for a 111-week cycle trough as discussed in the Forecasts for 2006 book for this time period. Gold is also falling, with the August contract touching 625 on June 1, well off its high of 732 achieved on May 11. On the other hand, the Euro nearby futures raced to its highest level in over a year on Friday, June 2. This too is consistent with our forecast (and special report) that the Euro is in a new 4-year cycle, with a target of at least 1.4000, and possibly even 1.7000 area in the next few several months.

    ....PS ...just imagine what it does to the PoG ! 8o

    World equity markets also had an up week last week, as suggested in this column last week. However, the performance leaves a lot of open questions. Although nearly all the indices rose, none of them succeeded in closing above their 25-day moving averages, which leaves open the possibility that this current cluster could still produce a new multi-month low. Once we exceed those moving averages, we can confirm the lows of the past two weeks were primary in nature. But even then, the cluster zone may produce a high from which prices fall sharply into their 4-year cycle troughs, which are still due before the end of this year. And that 4-year cycle trough is still expected to finds these indices off at least 20% from the highs of the year attained in May.

    This week, therefore, is very important. Readers should understand that about 70% of the time, the market is in congestion, looking for a reason to trend in one direction or another. Only 30% of the time (approximately) is the trend really clear to most analysts, including me. And this is why astrology is such a valuable tool – it gives us a slight edge in many cases, especially when the trend is unclear (which is most of the time).

    Short-Term Geocosmics:

    June 4-22 contains seven Level One signatures, the most powerful and consistent correlations to primary or greater cycles in stock indices. That’s a lot in such a short span of time.
    Two of them occur this Sunday and Monday, June 4-5.
    The first is Venus in waning square to Saturn, which has a 70% correlation to primary or greater cycles within 11 trading days. With this aspect, we like to find markets that make lows close by, for Saturn works best when it correlates with depressed prices, Then, when the aspect passes, prices rise sharply.

    The lows we saw in many indices, precious metals, and even currencies in the past two trading days fir this pattern very well.

    The other Level One signature is the Sun forming a waxing square to Uranus on Monday, June 5. This is an even more impressive correlation to cycle culminations than the Venus-Saturn square. In this case, primary or greater cycles happen about 82% of the time within 11 trading days. Not only that, but 4% or greater reversals have been noted within 4 trading days in 86% of cases studied. The Sun-Uranus signature is a very volatile one. The nature of Uranus is to either reverse suddenly and without much warning, or to move extremely sharply, well past well defined support or resistance levels. This is the signature that worries me right now with stocks. Because they could not rally above the 25-day moving averages last week, it makes one wonder if they might not suddenly roll right back over again and fall hard into the middle of this June 4-22 cluster zone. :rolleyes:

    Or, if they rally sharply and close well above the 25-day moving average, we can anticipate the surge will continue into the middle of this time band for a high instead of a low. :]

    It is a case of where we have to let the market tell us what it is going to do, probably early this coming week, as the Sun squares Uranus.

    Long-Term Thoughts:.....

    Wer nicht in Urlaub ist, verbringt seine Zeit jetzt gerne Zuhause, und findet in Haus und Garten genügend Beschäftigung.

    Zwischendurch aber müssen Sie unbedingt raus gehen, andere Menschen treffen oder einen Überraschungsangriff starten. :D
    Sonst gibts einen "burnout""...und der ist nicht gesund !

  • Le Metropole Members,

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
    The Telegraph, London
    Monday, June 5, 2006…y/2006/06/05/cnrussia.xml

    The world's big money brigade is snapping up gold bullion at eight times the rate originally thought, according to a report by UBS, the world's biggest gold trader.

    The huge sums entering precious metals below the radar are likely to help to put a floor under the gold price after the dramatic fall of $112 an ounce in late May -- the sharpest correction since the bull market began five years ago.

    The Swiss bank said information from its trading floor suggested that funds and investors were allocating 20 percent of their commodity portfolios to precious metals.

    This is far more than the index tracking funds run by Goldman Sachs, Dow Jones-AIG, and others, typically taken to be a guide to overall investment flows.

    UBS said these indexes gave a deeply misleading impression, obscuring a silent shift of funds from oil into gold.

    The Goldman Sachs GSCI index, for example, has a gold and silver weighting of just 2.27 percent, compared to 73 percent for energy.

    "If our traders' experience is representative of trends in the wider market, this has very important implications for metals investment," said the bank's gold expert, John Reade.
    The UBS gold reports are watched closely by the markets. The Zurich bank is the world's leading gold trader and manages the biggest known stash of private client wealth, surpassing $1,000 billion.

    The extra volume in gold buying has been channelled through the London Bullion Market Association, eclipsing the Comex futures market in New York usually monitored by speculators for clues.

    Gold recovered from lows of $618.50 an ounce last week to end at $637.30 after weak US jobs data renewed fears of a dollar slide.

    "The sort of money that is chasing this market higher is not hot money," Ross Norman, director of the

    "It is slow, steady investment by pension funds and long-term buyers. Anybody who thinks this market is about to head sharply lower is reading it badly," he said.

    Mr. Norman said there was a chronic dearth of new mine supply across the world due to eco-regulations and a lack of discoveries.

    Output in South Africa, the world's biggest supplier, fell to 10.9 percent in the first quarter of 2006 despite high prices. The country's production has reached its lowest level since 1923. "It's becoming very hard to get gold out of the ground," he said.

    Oil states armed with an estimated current account surplus of $480 billion in 2006 are thought to be feeding the "stealth demand" for bullion, led by Russia.

    President Vladimir Putin, a frequent critic of dollar hegemony, has ordered the Russian central bank to raise the gold share of foreign reserves from 5 percent to 10 percent.

    Russia's reserves have surged to $237 billion -- the world's fourth biggest -- after rising 61 percent in 2004 and 40 percent in 2005. With a current account surplus of 10 percent of GDP, it must sweep up a big chunk of global gold output just to stop its bullion share of reserves from falling.

    In China, monetary committee member Yu Yongding last week issued the most explicit call to date for Beijing to diversify its $875 billion reserves into gold to protect against a tumbling dollar. "We need to use some of the reserves to buy other assets such as gold and strategic resources such as oil," he said.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    .....auf den höchsten Quartalsanteil seit 2002.

    Sehr gut für die Stabilisierung des Goldkurses.

    Aber immer noch 1563 t Gold gehedgt. X(

    "....Independent precious metals consultancy GFMS has published its quarterly hedging survey and reports that in the first quarter of this year a provisional 142 tonnes of gold was removed from the delta-adjusted hedge book, leaving the outstanding position at 1,563 tonnes, which is equivalent to almost seven months global mine production. This represents the largest quarterly fall since the fourth quarter of 2002...."

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Those readers familiar with my work know that I believe a Gold War is taking place.

    It is a war fought within the marketplace, either for the side that seeks dominance of Gold and Silver, or for the side protecting their freedom.

    The theatre of war encompasses the entire planet and all peoples. It is a war of stealth - like the robber who comes under the cover of night.

    One side wants to dominate and destroy Gold; the other side wants Gold and Silver to be free as the Sovereign of Sovereigns they are. To win at war - one must first know he is in a war - and who his opponent is.

    "Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

    If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

    If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." [3]

    So notice is hereby given - The Gold Wars are presently occurring in a theatre near you. The fight to have free markets, unhampered by paper fiat debt-money, and the intervention of the State within what are supposed to be free markets is upon us.

    What's At Stake ?

    So make no mistake - a battle is waging, but it is a financial battle fought in the open markets of commerce, and on the floors of trade and exchange, especially in the gold and silver futures pits where the elite gladiators of today ply their craft.

    Why is Gold and Silver perceived to be the enemy of those who rule over paper fiat debt-money? It is because Gold and Silver stand in the rulers' way of controlling all markets and all players in the markets. As one of their best generals Sir Alan has said:

    "Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the 'hidden' confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights."

    How can it be more clearly stated, and by one who knows from whence he speaks. Paper fiat debt-money is the insidious process of wealth confiscation - and only GOLD and SILVER stands in its way....more

  • Lustig, ich hoerte gerade auf CNBC :

    ""Iran threatens to boycott with Oil.""

    But don't they need the money ? .....war die Frage. :D :D

    Bob Pisani :D... sagt der trend geht weiter mit dem ""sell off"" der Rohstoffe und deren Aktien sind die heutigen Verlierer. ;(
    Mein Depotwert merkt da nix. :D

    What a comic show !

    Guat schauts aus mit dem Uranus und der Sonne. :D

    Who needs Mahendra if you watch CNBC.

  • Pisani, Pinsani :D....

    Most commodity prices were higher. Silver added 3 cents to $12.12 an ounce and gold rose $4.50 to $645.50 an ounce. Copper fell 5 cents to $3.53 a pound. Gold producer Newmont Mining (NEM:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) was upgraded at Citigroup to buy from hold.

    Die Mullah Nachrichten und steigender Oilpreis machen wenig fuer deren Aktien heute.

    Die tuempeln dahin.

    Interesting :rolleyes:

  • :D.. die Freunde von Saudi Arabia helfen sofort aus und sagen es gibt zu viel Angebot im Moment und sie drosseln nun die Oil Produktion.

    Falls Iran brav ist dann geht der Oilpreis um ca. 10 Dollar runter.

    Im Oilpreis schon eingebaut ist eine Premium von 30 Dollar mit geopolitischen Risiko.

    Hat einer von Euch den Video Syriana gesehen. ?( aehnlich laeuft es`ab im Moment. ;)

  • Lustig, Herr Solana fliegt nach Teheran und bietet der Regierung ein ""Incentive Package"" an.

    Burgers/Coke und US Gueter fuer Oil wenn sie das Atom Program stoppen.

    Iran ist viertgroesster Lieferant und wichtig fuer die Welt.

    Aber ""momentan"" sind die Lager voll, es gibt genug Oil auf dem Markt, sagen sie wieder.

    Don't worry !...schwupp diwupp und schon gehen die Oilaktien wieder ins minus. :D

    Benzin um 75 US Cents teurer seit einem Jahr das ist ja genug wenn man einen Spritfresser hat.

    Wo immer Solana oder Lord Owen hingeflogen ist gab es Krach hinterher, mich wuerde es nicht wundern wenn er wieder Kriegskurier spielt.

    Sobald die mehr Soldaten runter schicken gehts los, die Truppen in Iraq und Afghanistan reichen momentan fuer einen Angriff nicht aus.

    Die sind voll beschaeftigt und muede, also bringt man erstmal einen Burger zum Mullah. :D

    Vor den Bomben versteht sich !

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