Avocet Mining PLC / AVM (LSS)

  • WKN 900 745 ISIN GB0000663038

    Seymour Pierce erhöht Kursziel von 108p (1,59 E) auf 118p(1,74E).
    Derzeitiger Kurs etwa 78p (1,15E).

    Seymour Pierce Ups Avocet Target >AVM.LN

    Wednesday, July 06, 2005 6:10:07 AM ET
    Dow Jones Newswires

    0948 GMT [Dow Jones] Seymour Pierce lifts Avocet Mining's (AVM.LN) target price to 118p from 108p. Move follows development of process routes which negate the problems associated with carbon at the Penjom gold mine, and the company's suggestion it may be able to upgrade the overall reserves contained within the existing mine plan. Maintains buy rating. Trades +5.4% at 78p. (DWE)

  • Hallo Ulfur,
    na das ist ja nicht schlecht.
    Aber in D wurde kein einziges Stück mehr gehandelt, seit wir da um den 9.6. herum zugeschlagen hatten.
    Sind heute in London um 4% gestiegen.
    Da heißt´s halt warten, bis in D mal die Musik reinkommt.

    Gut dass du einen thread zu avocet aufgemacht hast.


  • Tadschikistan ist irgendwie das Sahnehäubchen


    Focused on Gold Mining in Asia

    Avocet is a mining company listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. The Company’s principal activities are gold mining and exploration in Malaysia (as 100% owner of the Penjom mine, the country’s largest gold producer), Tajikistan (as 75% owner of the JV Zeravshan LLC (ZGC), Tajikistan’s principal gold mine), and Indonesia (as 80% owner of the North Lanut gold mine in North Sulawesi).

    Operation Highlights –ZGC -Tajikistan

    ÀzOwnership of 75% interest completed
    ÀzProduction (23,000 oz) and costs (US$427/oz) being addressed
    ÀzLarge scale dump leaching to proceed
    ÀzReopening of main pit and production expansion ongoingÀzNew deposits in area of operation being explored

    Outlook –Tajikistan
    ÀzExpand to 100,000 oz/year
    ÀzRe-open 1.8m ounce Tarormine for testwork
    ÀzUS$7m budgeted over 18 months for expansioncapital

    Es gibt auch Neues:
    News Release: Date: 11th July 2005


    Avocet Mining is pleased to announce continued exploration success from a number of projects in Indonesia. The activities of the Company’s exploration team in Indonesia expanded during the year to 31 March 2005 following the commencement of mining at the Riska deposit at the North Lanut mine on the Mongondow Contract of Work (CoW) in
    North Sulawesi. Our exploration focus has been on developing and assessing new gold targets in this CoW and throughout the country.
    Many of the development programmes discussed below are relatively early stage and until further results are available the directors are unable to assess fully the potential of these properties.

    Mongondow Contract of Work
    The main effort in the area of the North Lanut mine has been on in-fill drilling of the Effendi deposit in order to convert its resources to ore reserves. The team drilled 3,917 metres of diamond drilling at Effendi and increased its estimated resource by 16,000 ounces to
    118,000 ounces. Table 1 summarises the significant intersections, including 68m at 2.49 g/t Au, 18m at 9.03 g/t, 22m at 3.72 g/t and 24.9m at 3.12 g/t Au. The resource model only used drillholes up to EFD167. Therefore the high-grade intercepts in later holes will result
    in an upgrade of the resource. Examples of these include 57m at 2.99 g/t Au, 65m at 2.54 g/t Au, 15m at 7.70 g/t Au and 26m at 4.39 g/t Au.
    Elsewhere in the North Lanut area, the team has completed the evaluation of the Talugon vein deposit drilled earlier in 2004 and has identified an inferred resource of 50,000 ounces of gold. They also generated drill targets beneath post-mineralisation pyroclastic
    cover to the north of Riska.
    The Company has targeted the Bakan district, approximately 25km from North Lanut, as the main new initiative in the Mongondow CoW. This is a large high sulphidation epithermal system tested briefly by Newmont in the mid 1990s. Our exploration team conducted additional mapping and IP dipole-dipole surveys in 2004. This resulted in a reinterpreted geological model that suggests that the district has the potential for two or three Riska-style and sized deposits. The team identified a large, 100-200 x 1,200 metre zone of low-grade intense silica-alunite and massive to vuggy silica alteration covering several prospects on the Main Ridge. Three smaller, but higher-grade zones occur elsewhere in the district at the Camp (80-100 x 250 metres), Durian (20-60 x 600 metres)
    and Osela (20-60 x 500 metres) prospects.


  • LONDON (AFX) - Avocet Mining PLC said its pretax profit for the full year to end
    March rose slightly to 15.803 mln usd from 15.592 mln a year earlier, in a year
    where the company is debt-free.

    Basic earnings per share is 11.26 cents compared with 12.20 cent, after a share
    issue and placement.

    Avocet said it intends to ask permission at the AGM to issue up to 100 pct of
    its issued share capital for acquisitions, and to issue one third of its issued
    share capital for cash through a private placement.

    It said it wishes to have the ability to move expeditiously should an
    acquisition opportunity arise.

    Avocet said it intends to pay a dividend this year.

    "With solid operational cash flow combined with zero debt and an unutilised 10
    mln usd credit facility from Macquarie Bank, the balance sheet of the Company
    remains strong."


    Sogar ne Dividende soll´s geben :))

  • So langsam, still und leise pirscht sie sich an die 100pc.

    Aus jahresbericht 07/05:

    Operating profit up 11% at US$15.9 million
    Retained profit up 4% at US$11.7 million
    North Lanut mine in Indonesia brought into production
    ZGC interest increased to 75%; turnaround started
    Bank debt fully repaid
    Penjom gold resources increased by 54% over last 2 years
    Significant exploration results in Malaysia and Indonesia

    Nächste daten:
    Year End Results 13 July 2006
    AGM 27 September 2005
    Interim Results 16 November 2005


  • Avocet Mining Lower; 1H Results Weigh

    Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:53:16 AM ET
    Dow Jones Newswires

    1137 GMT [Dow Jones] Avocet Mining (AVM.LN) -7% at 93p. Follows 1H results which showed pretax profit down 26% after encountering higher costs and the effects of hedging. Evolution Securities notes a strong increase in gold production to over 100,000 ounces, and expects this growth to continue while helping to fund more exploration projects. Maintains buy rating and 130p price target. (DWE)

    Avocet Mining 1H Mixed Bag But Outlook Strong
    Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:24:18 AM ET
    Dow Jones Newswires

    1201 GMT [Dow Jones] Avocet Mining's (AVM.LN) interim results are "a mixed bag," says analyst Charles Kernot at Seymour Pierce. Notes an increase in production and revenues is offset by increased costs at the Tajik ZGC. Says once the major pre-stripping program ends costs are set to decline "and the earnings outlook for the group is therefore better." Notes its hedge position will continue reducing revenues for the next 12 months. Overall, however, sees the outlook for Avocet as "particularly strong" and reiterates buy rating. Shares trade -7% at 93p. (PBA)

  • Minews Story Date: November 17, 2005

    Avocet Mining Consolidates Position in Central Asia With Deal In Western China

    There are three companies involved in the deal just announced between Caledon Resources, Avocet Mining and Dynasty Gold. One too many for comfort as Princess Diana once observed, but in this case George Salamis of Caledon played a useful role in persuading Avocet to purchase shares and rights to shares for an undiluted interest of up to 35.9 per cent in Dynasty. Caledon itself has a 12 per cent holding in Dynasty and became aware that four of its shareholders Tou Yeung, Wayne Koshman, Brilliance Holdings and Koshman International Holdings were tending to use their votes in a way which might be interpreted as slowing down the company’s progress. If they had been persuaded to sell in the market it would have hit the Dynasty share price hard, so this looks like the ideal solution. At the same time Avocet has taken up shares in Dynasty’s recent C$1.55 million placing which brings its total to 21.4 per cent and the balance comes if and when purchase agreements are exercised.

    At that stage, of course, Caledon and Avocet will effectively control Dynasty as Caledon will have 13 per cent post the placing. This is the key to the whole deal as the Hatu property includes the Qi-2 deposit which has an independently verified inferred resource of 16,855,400 tonnes at 1.68 g/t gold to give 912,600 ounces of gold using a cut-off grade of 1.0 g/t. In one jump Avocet has got its hands on a significant deposit across the border from its Zeravshan deposit in Tajikistan as well as all the permits required to take it into production. It is not a big deal from Avocet’s point of view, but the deposit is currently at the stage where infill drilling will bring the resource up to a measured and indicated category ready for production and Dynasty has two other less advanced projects..

    In addition to this there is the undisputed logic that Avocet possesses the mine building and operating skills as well as the financial capacity necessary to conclude the feasibility and mine development. and mining skills. The company has just announced its interim results for the six months to end September and these show that production has topped the 100,000 oz mark for the first time compared with 82,000 ozs this time last year. The Penjom mine is still the power house and it is interesting to learn from chairman Nigel McNair Scott that when operations commenced there back in 1996 the mine life was only 2.5 years. It now has a life of at least another four years and exploration continues to come up with increased resources.

    Total gold sales for the period were 105,010 ozs, but the average realised price was only US$402 /oz. Had it not been for the hedging programme insisted on by Macquarie as part of the funding package for Penjom the average realised price would have been US$433/oz which would have added more than US$3 million to gross revenue. A total of 24,000 ozs was delivered into the hedge which was sad for shareholders as the debt has now been repaid in full. As part of a US$10 million revolving credit facility from the same bank Avocet has agreed to liquidate at least 4,000 ounces of this gold hedge per month as from April 2005.There are still another 50,000 hedged ounces outstanding with an average delivery price of with an average delivery price of US$305/oz so the pain will continue for another year.

    Higher operating costs were another pain. Although production from Penjom remained steady at 60,530 ozs, cash operating costs rose from US$211/oz to US$234/oz due the larger interim open pit which required extra waste stripping. To be fair these waste stripping costs also included costs that had been deferred but are now being amortised over the mine’s life. Zeravshan Gold in Tajiistan has also yet to turn the corner, but it is fair to say that it is in the revolving door. It also had to contend with extra waste stripping at the Jilau Main open pit in order to access higher grade ore. In the meantime most of the ore was lower grade stockpiled material and this accounted for the fall in production from 23,000 ozs to 18,000 ozs and the increase in production costs. Once the higher grade ore is exposed Charles Kernot, mining analyst at brokers Seymour Pierce, anticipates positive benefits over the coming months, although the exact timing of the improvement is uncertain.

    The news from the North Lanut mine in Indonesia is good now that it has overcome some teething problems when production started in October 2004 and reported gold recovery from the leach pads is above the 75 per cent rate assumed in the feasibility study. The mine is now operating at close to design capacity and gold production is running at an annualised rate of over 50,000 ounces with cash costs below US$200/oz. Fuel costs have risen since the Indonesian government was forced to reduce fuel price subsidies, but the impact has been limited by the purchase of a new mining fleet which has replaced expensive and inefficient mining contractors.

    Exploration at North Lanut has focused on extensions to the existing orebody, but recent drilling results from the Bakan prospects, which are also within the North Lanut Contract of Work, have been particularly encouraging since their geology is similar to the area around North Lanut. Exploration at Zeravshan has also focused on infill drilling at the current open pits of Khirskhona and Jilau North where the majority of ore being mined is in the inferred category. The results from this work will be assembled into a revised resource model which should be finalised before the end of the current financial year. Avocet looks set for a good second half to its financial year and analysts are expecting production to grow to 235,000 attributable ounces of gold in 2007, with plenty of blue sky in Malaysia, Indonesia, Tajikistan and now China. Such a pity the directors did not take a bolder view of the price of gold and cart out more of that hedge over the past two years. But hindsight always gives one 20:20 vision.

  • Doch ganz schön, daß hier wenigstens einige den m.E. besten Goldproduzenten der Welt besitzen.

    Aktuell 220000 oz Produktion, 1.25 mio oz Reserven nach JORC Standard (diese Zahl ist sehr irreführend), 1.8 bis 2 mio oz Reserven, ca. 5 mio oz Ressourcen, 20 mio oz Ressourcen in russischen Kategorien und jede Menge Explorationsgebiete (Idenburg, South Sulawesi, Hatu).

    Derzeit mit $770/produzierter Unze sogar billiger als DRDGold (manche Minen werden pro reserveunze so hoch bewertet..)

    Wenn es gelingen sollte, Taror und Chore in Produktion zu bringen, sind wir bei unter $500/oz und das waste stripping in Tadschikistan ist auch irgendwann beendet.

    Die Explorationsgebiete sind dabei noch kein bischen berücksichtigt, z.B. Bakan in North Sulawesi mit 16.2g/t von 0m bis 47m.

    DRDGold wird natürlich durch die Ausgliederung aller internationalen Minen in Emperor auch sehr viel interessanter. M.E. ist DRDGold jetzt langfristig zu verkaufen und in Emperor umzuschwenken. Was will man nur mit den südafrikanischen Minen?

    Verglichen mit den "Standardminen" sollten sich beide verdreifachen, bei Explorationserfolgen entsprechend mehr.

    Erschreckend ist für mich die derzeitige Bevorzugung der Trash-Minen. Barrick, Placer, Harmony usw. sind sehr sehr gut gelaufen, obwohl sie alle ihre Probleme haben (Hedges, fehlende Reserven/Produktion).


  • Saccard bleibt seiner Linie treu.

    Lese Deine Postings schon seit Jahren.

    Hatte nicht auf die Warnungen vor Thistle gehört,

    die sich nachher als absolut begründet herausstellten.

    Entscheide eben letztlich emotional. Das brachte

    im Falle von Thistle Totalverlust und in anderen Fällen Vervielfacher.

    An Avocet stört mich der Einfluss der Tadjikistan-"Regierung".

    Alles andere kann ich nachvolziehen.

    Das Tandem DRD/EMP schätze ich zumindest für EMP anders ein.

    EMP war defacto Pleite bevor THT seine Neu-Guinea Minen einlegte.

    EMP wird die gesunden N.G.Minen auch noch verfrühstücken.

    Meine Engagements zur Zeit sind in eher kleinen Austral-GM und in

    Western-Areas, JCI . Die GFI und HAR habe ich letztens verkauft.


    ehemals Tsuba

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