Crystallex International Corp. WKN 890 729 CA22942F1018 KRY

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Sehe ich auch so,nach der Euphorie kehrt wieder der Alltag ein.
    Die Börse ist oft wie ein Kleinkind: Extreme Gemütsbewegungen.


    Die Freude ist nicht ungetrübt,bin mit einem Großteil vorher raus.
    Sumasumarum aber schon erfeuliche Entwicklung nach alledem.


    Der Chavez hat ja sogar kabarettistische Züge.........

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    KRY schießt hoch nach TV - Show 8)
    6,59C$ + 28 %

    KRY shares soar after Jim Cramer's recommendation
    By Jon Nones
    06 Apr 2006 at 12:55 PM

    Last night, Jim Cramer pointed his "Mad Money" TV show viewers to Crystallex - once again recommending the company.

    According to Cramer, the companyýs Las Cristinas property is ýthe largest, cheapest gold mine around ý and now that it's close to getting approval to operate ý could also be a takeover candidate.ý

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @EDEL

    Ich glaube nicht das KRY von einem Grossen übernommen wird. Das politsche Risiko dürfte seriös arbeitenden Unternehmensmanagern zu hoch sein. Wer weis was dem Chavez noch alles so einfä sei denn KRY wäre ein Super-schnäppchen und für einen Appel und ein Ei zu haben...das ist aber im Moment noch nicht der Fall und kann auch nicht im Interesse der derzeitigen Shareholder liegen.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von valueman

    Ich glaube nicht das KRY von einem Grossen übernommen wird. Das politsche Risiko dürfte seriös arbeitenden Unternehmensmanagern zu hoch sein..............

    Da wäre ich nicht so sicher ,valueman
    M.W. hat Gold Fields die Bolivar Gold gefressen,dicht dabei.
    Der Kurs enthält iÜ. tatsächlich schon sehr viel Fantasie!


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Edel Man

    Du hast natürlich recht.....GFI hat sich Bolivar einverleibt.....aber Bolivar hat schon produziert....bei KRY würden zusätzlich zur Übernahme auch noch die Konstuktionskosten der Mine dazukommen....ausschließen kann ich eine Übernahme natürlich nie, auch fehlen mir selbstverständlich alle "nicht offiziellen Infos" hinsichtlich KRY.....wir werden sehen....sicher ist, dass die Grossen nach wie vor auf Einkauftour sind imo


  • Lightning Round


    ...Crystallex International (KRY:NYSE)

    Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: General Malaise…moneywrap/10288751_2.html

    Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela. Recent expansion and anticipated increases in production will lift Crystallex from the ranks of a junior producer to one in the intermediate range.

  • Venezuela to Seek Majority Stake in Mine Ventures (Update1)

    June 12, 2006 13:39 EDT -- Venezuela may seek a majority control in mining ventures under proposed changes to the country's law regulating the extraction of gold and other minerals, National Assemblyman Jose Ramon Rivero said. Shares of Crystallex International Corp., which is developing the country's biggest gold deposit, fell 42 percent.

    z.Zeit -19,8%

  • TORONTO, Jun 16, 2006 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) -- TOP STORIES:
    Crystallex Not Affected By Venezuela Mining Law - CEO
    The head of Crystallex International Corp. (KRY) said the company would not be affected by a new mining law in Venezuela that calls for the government to take a majority stake in all non-producing mines.…teid=mktw&sid=42539&symb=

    Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela. Recent expansion and anticipated increases in production will lift Crystallex from the ranks of a junior producer to one in the intermediate range.


    March 31, 2006
    AMEX Precious and Base Metals Investment Conference. An archived webcast of the presentation can be view in the Events Section on the Crystallex website.
    Please click here to view presentation (slides only).

    January 18, 2006
    Sprott Securities Gold Rush Investment Forum 2006
    Please click here to view presentation

  • June 13, 2006

    Crystallex Confirms Las Cristinas Position

    TORONTO, ONTARIO, June 13, 2006 – Crystallex International Corporation (TSX: KRY) (Amex: KRY) - Todd Bruce, President and Chief Executive Officer, responded to the market reaction to yesterday's Bloomberg newswire articles by reiterating that, “The company has a valid and binding contract to operate the Las Cristinas project, which is 100% owned by the Nation of Venezuela. We have been working closely with all the relevant institutions in Venezuela such as the Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana (“CVG”), the appropriate Ministries and the National Assembly to advance the Las Cristinas project. Just last week the Permanent Commission of the National Assembly petitioned the Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources (“MARN”) in support of Crystallex commencing the Las Cristinas project as soon as possible. In addition the media in Venezuela reported last week that Deputy Ricardo Gutiérrez, President of the Commission of Mines of the National Assembly had met with the Mayor of Sifontes district to express their joint support for the rapid commencement of the Las Cristinas project by Crystallex. Deputy Gutiérrez also stated that he had arranged to meet with the Minister of MARN to express his commission's support for the rapid development of the Las Cristinas project by Crystallex.”

    “In working as closely as we have with all the relevant institutions of the nation, we have received no request or proposal for any change to our operating contract,” stated Mr. Bruce. He continued, “As recently as March, 2006 the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining ("MIBAM") officially approved the Las Cristinas Feasibility Study and the terms and conditions of the Las Cristinas operating contract.”

  • June 13, 2006

    Crystallex Comments on Venezuelan Mining Policy

    TORONTO, ONTARIO, June 13, 2006 – Crystallex International Corporation (TSX: KRY) (Amex: KRY) - commented today that there has been considerable confusion resulting from yesterday's press coverage on possible revisions to the Venezuelan mining law, namely the incorporation of mixed companies as an exploitation structure in the mining sector. The Government stake in such mixed companies would be at least 51%.

    The Crystallex share price has been negatively impacted as the market seems to have interpreted the comments about mixed companies in the mining sector to mean that this structure has now become the only model under which mining will be allowed in Venezuela.

    It is important therefore to stress that the mixed company model under discussion is not applicable to the Crystallex Las Cristinas operating contract as the draft mining law provides express recognition of existing contracts which are in proper execution and good legal standing.

    Furthermore Article 11 of the draft mining law specifically provides for exploitation by way of operating contract, in a manner separate and distinct from the mixed company structure contemplated elsewhere in the draft. A translation of Article 11 is provided as follows:

    "Article 11: For the purposes of this Law, operation contracts shall be understood as those legal arrangements entered into between National Social Mining Production Corporation and private legal entities, for the rendering of services within the work frame of exploration activities and rational and sustainable exploitation of mineral resources."

    Crystallex holds a valid and binding operating contract issued by the state through the Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana ("CVG"), its regional natural resource development arm, that was officially approved and endorsed by the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining ("MIBAM") in March of this year. As noted in the Venezuelan press yesterday, MIBAM was the entity responsible for preparing the mining law reform working paper and providing it to the National Assembly.

  • GSP-Komet,

    wie verhindert der erwähnte Artikel 11, daß KRY Las Cristinas in ein zwangweises Joint Venture mit dem Staat einbringen muß?

    "Article 11: For the purposes of this Law, operation contracts shall be understood as those legal arrangements entered into between National Social Mining Production Corporation and private legal entities, for the rendering of services within the work frame of exploration activities and rational and sustainable exploitation of mineral resources."

  • Die Antwort ergibt sich aus dem folgenden Satz von Crystallex:

    "It is important therefore to stress that the mixed company model under discussion is not applicable to the Crystallex Las Cristinas operating contract as the draft mining law provides express recognition of existing contracts which are in proper execution and good legal standing."

    Crystallex holds a valid and binding operating contract issued by the state through the Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana ("CVG"), its regional natural resource development arm, that was officially approved and endorsed by the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining ("MIBAM") in March of this year. As noted in the Venezuelan press yesterday, MIBAM was the entity responsible for preparing the mining law reform working paper and providing it to the National Assembly.


  • Dossier: Carrie Tait looks at one of the key stories of the week


    The existing deal between Venezuela and Crystallex will be honoured, he said.


    "Not every project will be affected by the proposed changes. And among those worth noting, for example, are the Las Cristinas project, the Camorra mine, Revemin, Minerven and others." -- Luis Gamargo said in his statement on Thursday…-ffcaa465b7ac&k=78154&p=2

  • "Bruce said that indicates Venezuela is "not targeting the companies that are in compliance, they're targeting the companies that are not playing the game. The problem is that people were taking a contract or concession from the government and doing nothing with them."

  • ...Venezuela will consider subscribing operating contracts with private companies to help develop projects that are 100% owned by Venezuela as it revamps its mining laws. Crystallex has an operating contract to develop and exploit Las Cristinas gold project, which is 100% owned by Venezuela. This relationship was mentioned in Mr. Gamargo's statement as one which will be honoured as new mining laws are passed.…48-4790-a5c0-85fee0654ba6

  • Catherine Gignac, an analyst with Wellington West, said it doesn't look like the law is aimed at companies like Gold Reserve and Crystallex International Corp. (KRY), another mining company with a property near Las Brisas. "They've been developing their projects so they wouldn't be considered 'idle' properties," she said.

  • Aus einer englischen stockhouse-Board Übersetzung eines spanischen Textes:

    >Chavez hat das letzte Wort in der Minengenehmigung von Cristinas Caracas. Der Venezuelanische Präsident Hugo Chavez wird das letzte Wort haben, wenn seine Regierung eine Umweltgenehmigung an die kanadische Crystallex authorisiert, um die Goldmine Cristinas zu entwickeln, sagte die Ministerin für Umwelt heute. Die Authorisierung durch das Umweltministerium .. ist das letzte Dokument, daß die Firma benötigt, um die Bergwerkskonstruktion von Cristinas, eines der größten Goldvorkommen der Welt mit Reserven von nahezu 13 Mio Uz., zu beginnen. „Wir gaben eine Empfehlung an den Präsidenten ... und darauf basierend, wird er uns empfehlen, was zu tun ist.“ sagte Ministerin Jacquelie Faria zu Reuters. ... Cavez, ein Nationalist, der den 5.größten Petroleumexporteur seit mehr als 6 Jahren regiert, hat eine große Revision der Kontrakte von ausländischen Investments im Kraft (werks ?) bereich und Grundstoffbereich angeordnet, eingeschlossen die Produktion von Aluminium und Gold. Zusätzlich sind die Steuern für Ölprojekte, die angeblich Venezuela „berauben“, erhöht worden und eine Revision der industriellen Projekte ist angeordnet worden, um den finanziellen und technologischen Nutzen für die Nation zu maximieren. Faria sagte, Chavez habe eine wachsende Sorge um Umweltthemen geäußert, eingeschlossen die Bedrohung der Venezuelanischen Wälder durch Bergbau. „Wir möchten keine Konzession herausgeben gegen diese Prinzipien von ihm (Chavez)“. ...<

    W(07: 14 p.m.) Chávez has last word in permission for mine the Cristinas Caracas. - The Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, will have the final word on if his government authorizes an environmental leave to the Canadian company Crystallex International Corp. in order to develop to the gold mine the Cristinas, the minister of the atmosphere said today. The authorization of the Ministry of the Atmosphere, person in charge to emit the environmental permission for mining developments, is the last document that needs the company/signature to initiate the construction of the mine the Cristinas, one of the greatest gold deposits of the world with reserves considered in near 13 million ounces. “We took a recommendation to the President (...) and based on that, he will recommend to us what to do”, minister Jacqueline Faría said to Reuters. Crystallex has said that it hopes to count at some time on the June permission. Faría said that Tuesday will receive a report of specialists of the ministry on the environmental project and its implications. Once the civil employee has prepared her report, she will be given to Chávez for a decision. Faría did not need when this would be carried out. Chávez, a nationalist who has governed the fifth world-wide petroleum exporter by more than six years, has ordered an ample revision of contracts of foreign investment in the power sector and of basic industries, including the production of aluminum and gold. In addition it has increased the taxes to oil projects that say were “robbing” to Venezuela and has ordered the revision of the projects of industrial investment to maximize the financial and technological benefits for the nation. Faría said that Chávez has expressed an increasing preoccupation by the environmental subjects, including the threat of the mining on the Venezuelan forests and forests. “We did not love to give a concession that outside against all those principles of him (Chávez)”, added. Crystallex has said that the Cristinas will begin the construction of the mine, of 265 million dollars, as soon as it has the permission. The company/signature hopes that the Cristinas, in the mining state Bolivar, produces 304,000 ounces of gold annual in the first five years.…7/eco_ava_07A567281.shtml

  • Mineweb Fri, 23 Jun 2006 1:38 AM PDT
    RENO--( Responding to what he termed "sensationalist media headlines" regarding sovereignty over Venezuela's mineral resources, Crystallex President and CEO Todd Bruce insisted to shareholders Thursday that all is well with the relationship between the Canadian junior miner and the Venezuelan government.

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