Crystallex International Corp. WKN 890 729 CA22942F1018 KRY

  • Im Moment schauts nicht gut aus.....ich kann mir aber andererseits auch nicht vorstellen, dass die Projekte sterben....sind ja nicht nur Arbeitsplätze in dem bettelarmen Land sondern auch Steuereinnahmen....und dafür die Dinger komplett zu enteignen und selber zu betreiben fehlt es i.m.O. sowohl am Geld und erst Recht am Know how ....werde hier weiter beobachten....dafür braucht es Zeit....wünsche allen Investierten Glück auf

  • Value, ich sehe das auch so, the Party is only over when the last Canadian is out of the Forrest.
    Die lassen das Projekt nicht sterben, selbst mit tausenden von Indianern im Urwald werden die nie so viel Gold rausholen, die brauchen die kanadischen Minenfirmen am Ende des Tages.
    Ich bin so frech und lade heute nochmals auf, dann habe ich mit Schnitt von knapp einen USD.
    Das ganze ist nun wieder mal ein geopolitischer Poker/Zockerstock, nur die Karten werden neu gemischt, wieder mal gehts um das Permit.
    Falls sich der Minister wieder was anders einfallen laesst und seine Meinung aendert springen die Venezuala Minen wieder stark an.
    Eine Gaenseblume, sie bekommt das Permit, sie bekommt es nicht,....sie bekommt das.... :D...dann ist es wieder weg, dann kommt es wieder, immer das selbe Spiel der Politiker in Venezuela.
    Ich sehe 14 millionen Unzen im Boden bei dem Kurs, wer im Endeffekt die rausholen wird ist eine andere Frage, wie gesagt wa ist wichtiger, einige Indianer die verdienen oder der Staat mit Steuern.
    Nach ihren Temperamentausbruch und Tequila Rausch werden irgendwann auch drauf kommen das nationalisieren und den Leuten zu geben nichts bringt.

    ""Only speculation remains on the outcome for Crystallex in Venezuela"....gilt fuer die anderen auch.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    1:0 fuer Ulfur....Tanzverbot, die Band spielt nicht im Moment...der
    Minister machte es nun offiziell,Permits annulliert, die KRY im
    Sinkflug, GRZ vielleicht heute auch. ;(

    Gold Reserve Inc. says permit rescinded for Venezuela mine


    Daß Permits schlankweg annuliert werden ? :evil:

    Darüber, daß ich seit langem dort raus bin, kann ich mich kaum freuen.
    Denn allen Investierten in diesem Raum gibt es zu denken.

    Auch Mittelamerika ist unsicherer geworden, siehe Aurelian /ARU.
    Bin da auch zeitig heraus.

    Wir sollten mal wieder den alten Sräd von Tschonko wiederbeleben.
    Der die Risiken in Südamerika behandelt.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Ist es schon traurig genug wie die Juniors allgemein abgesoffen sind, egal wo es ist.
    Oben drauf noch Politik die alles schlimmer machen kann, ob nun in Afrika, Alaska, Suedamerika,EPA, Indianer und vor allen die Hedgefonds die hier auch mitmischen,es ist manchmal echt zum kotzen af Deutsch gesagt wie die Kurse hin und hergeschuettelt werden.
    Was ist noch sicher, Mexico, Argentinen ???...wie lange ?...bis der naechste Politiker auf die Pauke haut und mit Permits spielt.
    Wer weiss, vielleicht will hier ein grosser Fisch an die Aktien die man vorher in den Keller haut.
    Ich gehe das Risiko ein,es dauert eh noch ein paar Jahre bis die mal Gold giessen in Las Christina.
    Abwarten und Tee trinken, bis dort hin kann noch viel passieren, Politiker kommen und gehen, die Mine und das Gold bleibt laenger als diese Zipfel.

    Have a nice day, bin gespannt wie sich der Kurs heute bewegen wird, ich meine in welche Richtung nach dem die bad news draussen sind.


    KRY ist mindestens 10 USD wert wenn mal alles endugeltig aussortiert ist.
    Lustig was Bill Cara in 2007 ueber KRY geschrieben hat...und heute steht KRY bei 57 cents. :huh:…-year-for-2007-crystallex

  • Shares of the Toronto-based miner plunged 43% yesterday as a bureaucrat in Venezuela's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources rejected the company's request to continue exploration, citing "sensitivities" :D with indigenous people and the government. The company has received no official notice from the ministry and has no idea what is going on. :hae:

    "This seems to be in complete conflict to what the ministry of environment approved and committed to last year," said Crystallex spokesman Richard Marshall.

    Investors have waited six years for the company to receive permitting and finally build a mine at Las Cristinas, one of the world's best undeveloped gold deposits. Along the way, Crystallex has endured several crises as Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made wild statements and nationalized various parts of the economy. But industry experts said that until yesterday, the government appeared to be on the right track with its mineral industry, as it revised its mining law and provided more clarity on the key issues.

    Crystallex met the government's permitting requirements, and all that was left was for Mr. Chavez to sign off on an environmental permit. But yesterday's announcement brought a whole new level of uncertainty. Industry sources are not sure what the government wants, as the bureaucrat's message had nothing to do with nationalization or higher taxes, and the environmental issues were all resolved last year.

    "I've never seen this before. It's precedent-setting," said Catherine Gignac, an analyst at Wellington West Capital Markets "I just have no idea what the rationale is."

    There were plenty of theories flying around Bay Street yesterday, the most popular being that government insiders were shorting Crystallex shares, which have been falling for the last 10 months. While conspiracy theories were mostly dismissed, there are believers.

    "There is money in the ground [at Las Cristinas], but right now it's much easier to make money on the stock market if you're a government minister," :thumbup: said Tom Winmill of Midas Funds.

    The government's move yesterday is the latest in a long line of setbacks at Las Cristinas, which was previously abandoned by Placer Dome Inc. and seized by the government. , and
    The deposit holds an astounding 16.9 million ounces of gold in proved and probable reserves could be mined with a basic open pit.
    But Crystallex's sinking share price suggests that investors doubt it will ever get to do so.

    While many investors are worried the government will kick Crystallex out of the country, experts pointed out yesterday that Venezuela has paid fair market value when it nationalized other industries.
    Las Cristinas is also a unique case as the country needs outside expertise to build a mine. That is why Crystallex was given the mining rights in the first place. :D

  • GRZ Response:

    Brisas Project Update Regarding Construction Permit
    GRZ | 5/8/2008 5:40:48 PM
    SPOKANE, WA, May 8, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
    Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX:GRZ - AMEX:GRZ) announced that it has obtained from the Venezuelan Ministry of Environment (MinAmb) formal notification of the rescission of the March 2007 permit for the commencement of the construction phase of the Brisas Project (the "Authorization to Affect").
    MinAmb referenced in its formal notice the existence of environmental degradation and affectation on the Brisas property, the presence of a large number of miners on the Brisas property and Presidential Decree No. 4633 dated June 26, 2006, declaring an emergency in certain areas of the state of Bolivar including within the Imataca Forest Reserve as the primary reasons for their decision.

    Doug Belanger, President of Gold Reserve stated:

    - There are no small or illegal miners on the Brisas property.

    - There are minor environmental disturbances on the property resulting
    from crude mining activities undertaken prior to the Company acquiring
    the property in 1992. Those disturbances were neutralized by the
    Company and are clearly documented in our operating plan, which the
    Ministry of Basic Industries and Mines ("MIBAM") previously approved,
    and are subject to future reclamation, as outlined in our
    Environmental and Social Impact Study ("ESIA), previously approved by
    MinAmb prior to the issuance of the Authorization to Affect.

    - The Authorization to Affect was issued March 27, 2007, subsequent to
    Presidential Decree No. 4633 dated June 26, 2006, and that decree
    expired in June 2007. Since the issuance of Presidential Decree
    No. 4633, Brisas has received a number of other exploration permits
    from MinAmb as well.

    - The Km88 area in which Brisas is located was approved for mining prior
    to the Company acquiring Brisas and that approval was reaffirmed in
    2004 by Presidential Decree No. 3110.

    Doug Belanger noted that, "Venezuelan legal counsel has advised the Company that the revocation of the Authorization to Affect is groundless and legally unsupported.
    The Authorization to Affect was granted to Gold Reserve by a competent authority following the corresponding legal procedure, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. At the time the Authorization to Affect was issued, there was no legal norm prohibiting MinAmb from authorizing performance of mining activities in the area of the Brisas Project.
    We are actively meeting with members of the MIBAM, MinAmb and other Government officials to solve this issue many of whom support our Brisas Project. These officials have given us no indication that the Government intends to create a mining moratorium in the Imataca Forest Reserve. The notification does not cite any specific criticism of the Brisas Project, does not indicate that there is any opposition to mining in the Imataca nor does it revoke the previously approved ESIA or preclude future issuance of Authorizations to Affect."
    Belanger further stated, "The revocation issued by MinAmb not only conflicts with the rights granted to Gold Reserve under the previously issued Authorization to Affect, it conflicts with what we believe to be the Government's desire to diminish and contain, to the extent possible, the irrational and environmentally damaging mining activities of the small and/or illegal miners as well as the interests of a community council representing 21 local communities who have publically expressed their full support of the Brisas Project. We believe that the Brisas Project could be a participant in crafting the solution to the problems that the local area is faced with. We have made no secret of our interest to assist the Government in the resolution of these problems.
    Our management continues to actively work with members of Government to resolve this issue. We are also working with Venezuelan counsel to prepare our legal response against the revocation, including administrative and court actions and, if necessary, other avenues to protect the interests of our shareholders will be pursued."
    On Behalf of the Board of Directors

    Gold Reserve Inc.
    A. Douglas Belanger, President

  • :D :D :D ...ole-ole....+ 50 %...bei GRZ ist auch eine Party....der Minister scheint wieder nuechtern zu sein. :D

    Die Kasse klingelt Ulfur...muss nur die richtige Band aufspielen, schon tanzen sie wieder, damit mache ich zwei Monate Urlaub. :thumbup: ..... :thumbup:

  • UPDATE 3-Venezuela stops open-pits and gold mines
    "Mineral-ladenVenezuela on Thursday shut the door to new gold projects and threatened
    other mining and logging concessions in a step by leftist
    President Hugo Chavez to tighten control of natural resources.

    Environment Minister Yuviri Ortega said the South American
    country will not give permits for any open-pit mines and will
    not allow companies to look for gold in its vast Imataca Forest

    "Venezuela will deny environmental permits for the open-pit
    mine exploitation," Ortega told Reuters in an interview.
    "Neither private or public companies will for now explore
    Imataca's gold."

    OPEC member Venezuela is one of the world's top oil
    exporters. With its coffers bulging from record crude prices,
    it feels it does not need to risk further harming its
    environment with more mining and logging.

    "For the moment we do not need to exploit these minerals;
    as the president says, we don't need diamonds or gold, or
    ," she said, but did not give further details.

    Das dürfte der substanzlosen Aufwärtsbewegung, nur basierend auf der Meldung, daß man Widerspruch einlegen werde, erst mal den Wind aus
    den Segeln nehmen.

  • Eine neue Einladung zum Salsa...Good news - bad news music...

    Soll ich wieder auf die Tanzflaeche bei dem Song "we don't need gold"... :hae: :D

    Bei GRZ ist auch eine Party....dort gibts auch huebsche Frauen die solo neben der Tanzflaeche stehen.

    Nur die harten bleiben im Garten...frage mal Lupo. :thumbup:

  • Gerade wurde abgerechnet, Neueinstieg bei KRY 0.67 $ und GRZ 1.63 $
    Die Maedels verdienen auch den Drink so wie sie tanzen werden... :thumbup:
    Ich konnte nicht widerstehen, eine alte Sucht diese Frauen von Venezuela.
    Immer wieder ziehen mich die an, auf keinen Fall ein Elch. :D
    Bis zur naechsten fear and you might get lucky. ;)

  • "dort gibts auch huebsche Frauen die solo neben der Tanzflaeche stehen."

    [Blockierte Grafik:…xi123456789/ugly-alan.jpg]

    Dann doch lieber Moose Pasture als solche Eroberungen,
    aber Geschmäcker sind nun mal verschieden.

    Venezuela To Keep Blocking Mining Permits In Imataca - Report

    6 hours ago
    CARACAS (Dow Jones)--The Environmental
    Ministry is upholding its decision to block mining permits in the
    Imataca Forest Reserve, confirming the announcement made two weeks
    ago by Environmental Minister
    Yubiri Ortega, El Nacional daily
    reported Tuesday.

    The decision affects Crystallex International Corp. (KRY)
    and Gold Reserves (GRA), which were attempting to dig the country's
    largest gold and copper mines in that region.

  • Hy du alte Schnapsdrossel :whistling:
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    erstmal alles Gute und einen Pog über 1200
    wünscht dir die Zipfelmütze
     [Blockierte Grafik:] [Blockierte Grafik:]

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