High River Gold Mines Ltd. WKN 876 240 ISIN CA42979J1075 HRG Russia+Burkina Faso

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    Halte selbst einen kleinen Depotanteil HRG-Aktien

    High River is a Canadian based mining company engaged in

    Russian Federation


    Burkina Faso, West Africa.


    In 2005, High River increased its equity interest in the Russian company

    OJSC Buryatzoloto ("Buryatzoloto") from 54.1% to 84.1% by completing

    share transaction agreements with several investors. This initiative

    simplifies the Company's structure and places High River/Buryatzoloto in

    a stronger position to compete for quality assets in Russia. The

    Company has demonstrated its ability to generate positive operating

    cash flows at its underground operations (click Zun-Holba & Irokinda

    Mines), even though it has experienced higher production costs due to

    changes in mining methods, higher inflation and labour costs, and the

    appreciation of the Russian rouble against the US dollar. The Company

    has initiated cost management initiatives and is reviewing operational

    procedures to mitigate these factors. High River/Buryatzoloto are

    planning additional exploration work at the mines and seeking

    opportunities in the vicinity of the mines with the objective of increas

    ing reserves and extending the mine life of these operations.

    Gold production for 2005 at these operations is expected to be
    approximately 147,000 ounces at a total cash cost of US$280 per ounce.

    High River has a 99% interest in the Berezitovy gold project (click

    Berezitovy Project) located in the Amur Region of Russia. Construction

    and development of the open pit mine and on-site processing activities

    started in late 2004 with production scheduled to start at the end of 2006

    . Annual gold production is expected to average 100,000 ounces over a

    mine life of nine years.

    On the exploration front, the Company acquired in early 2005 the

    Novophirsovskoye exploration and mining license, a promising gold

    exploration property in a poly-metallic district.

    Burkina Faso

    In Burkina Faso, West Africa, High River is constructing and developing

    the first recent gold mine in the country (click Taparko-Bouroum Project),

    which is scheduled to commence production in late 2006 at an initial

    annual production rate of 100,000 ounces and ramping up to over

    140,000 ounces in the third year of operation. The Company's objective

    is to use this infrastructure as a base to expand its activities in Burkina

    Faso and throughout West Africa. In September 2005, as part of this


    High River merged with Jilbey Gold Exploration Ltd. ("Jilbey") who
    had identified potentially new significant gold mineralization at Bissa

    (October 2004: measured and indicated resources of 150,000 oz

    averaging 3.3 g/t at Bissa Hill). High River now has the largest

    prospective landholding in Burkina Faso (over 8,000 km2) and is

    currently focussing on extending and defining a significant deposit at


  • Die kugeln auch schon seit längerem auf meiner Watchlist herum.

    Letztens waren sie ja durchaus preiswert, wahrscheinlich auch weil sie im letzten Quartal einen Verlust gebaut haben. Allerdings sind sie seither mit dem letzten POG Anstieg etwas mitgefahren. (was auch wiederum für ihre Qualtität spricht 8)).

    Die Locations ihrer Minen sind nicht gerade in den politisch und wirtschaftlich stabilsten Erdteilen. Obwohl, High River betont das vor allem die Geschäfte mit den Russen zur vollsten Zufriedenheit laufen und die Qualität des russischen Minenequipments durch den niedrigeren Einkaufspreis mehr als wettgemacht wird.

    Das Börsenblatt "Zyklen - Trends - Signale" spricht in seiner letzten Ausgabe von einem Marktwert von 96 USD/oz Au Reserven und einer Jahresproduktion von 300.000 oz im Jahr 2007 aus vier Minen. Allerdings liegt da ja noch etwas Finanzierungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit dazwischen.

    Würde mich interessieren ob der Deal mit Royal Gold gut war ?


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die hatte ich vor Jahren.
    Nach dem steilen Kursanstieg dann 2002 verkauft.

    Stehen deshalb nicht auf meinen Watchlists, weil ich
    den Zuordnungen in Russland nicht so recht vertraue.

    Deshalb auch zB. BEMA und Kinross nicht mehr dabei.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Hallo Tambok,

    hielt viel --- und heute nicht weniger von der Aktie--- solange , bis Ende 2006 keine neuen aufregenden Nachrichten kommen, wird sie aber unter dem Russlandsyndrom weiter leiden, außer einige PR -Aktionen wecken sie zwischendrin auf.
    Bis dahin warte ich geduldig...(nervenschonend)
    Gelegentliche Diskussion wäre aber super!!!



  • so geht´s auch:

    Finanzierung einer Verarbeitungsanlage Open Pit in Burkina Faso,
    Westafrika, mittels Partiarischen Darlehens


    Royal Gold Completes Transaction With
    High River Gold for Its Taparko Project

    (Nasdaq: RGLD; Toronto: RGL) today announced that it has finalized an
    agreement with Somita SA ("Somita"), a 90%-owned subsidiary of High River Gold
    Mines, Ltd. ("High River") (Toronto: HRG), to provide a total of $35 million,
    over the next year, for the construction and development of High River's
    Taparko open pit gold project, located in Burkina Faso, West Africa. High
    River expects construction of the Taparko-Bouroum Project to be completed in
    the fourth quarter of calendar 2006. Today's announcement follows last
    month's announced (October 18, 2005) signing of the term-sheet agreement and
    approval by both the Board of Directors of Royal Gold and High River.
    In exchange for the $35 million in financing Royal Gold will receive two
    concurrent production payments, a tail royalty and a milling royalty. The
    first production payment is fixed at 15.0% of produced ounces (equivalent to a
    15.0% gross smelter return royalty). The second production payment (also
    equivalent to a gross smelter return royalty) is set at a 4.3% fixed
    percentage rate of the produced ounces when the average monthly gold price
    falls between $385 and $430 per ounce, or a sliding-scale at a calculated
    percentage rate, when the average monthly gold price falls outside of this
    The calculated rate, expressed as a percentage, is determined by dividing
    the average monthly gold price by 100 for gold prices above $430 per ounce,
    not to exceed 10.0%, or by dividing the average monthly gold price by 90 for
    gold prices below $385 per ounce (i.e., a $450 per ounce gold price results in
    a rate of 450/100 = 4.5%). Both production payments continue until the
    earlier of the production of 804,420 ounces or payments totaling $35 million
    under the fixed 15.0% production payment.
    The tail royalty, which is a 2.0% gross smelter return ("GSR") royalty, is
    applicable to gold production from defined portions of the Taparko-Bouroum
    Project area. The milling royalty is a 0.75% GSR royalty on ore that is mined
    outside of the defined area of the Taparko-Bouroum Project and that is
    processed through the Tarparko processing facilities to a maximum of
    1.1 million tons (1.0 million tonnes) per year. Both of these royalties
    commence once the two concurrent production payments have ceased.
    As part of the $35 million funding, an initial payment of $6.4 million was
    made to Somita upon closing. Subsequent funding of the Project is contingent
    upon Somita's satisfaction of certain project requirements. If these are not
    met within a specified time frame, Somita is obligated to repay this initial
    payment with interest to Royal Gold.

    High River, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, is an emerging mid-tier gold
    producer with quality exploration and development properties in Russia and
    West Africa.

    Royal Gold is a precious metals royalty company engaging in the
    acquisition and management of precious metal royalty interests. Royal Gold is
    publicly traded on the NASDAQ National Market System under the symbol "RGLD,"
    and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "RGL." The Company's web
    page is located at http://www.royalgold.com.

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