"Unabhängig", in London ansässig, Bohrungen in Alaska (und in Texas) mit dem Ziel, entsprechend auszusteigen (Ziel wie von Oroco(Cu)). Größte Anteilsanteileigner: Goldman Sachs und anonyme "Vidalco Nominee Ltd" Mit dabei: Former Alaska State Commisioner for Revenue... http://pantheonresources.com https://www.londonstockexchange.com/stock/PANR/pantheon-resources-plc/company-page "Despite being a small exploration and appraisal company, we have the benefit of over 10 years in-depth proprietary knowledge of the geology, resulting from over US$200m invested on Pantheon’s Alaskan acreage to date. The board of Pantheon believes that its low cost, narrow focus (“prove up and sell”) strategy offers investors a unique and attractive opportunity to participate in high impact, risk managed drilling which offers significant potential. We have over 1,000 square miles of proprietary 3D seismic as well as a significant acreage position spanning four projects. The anticipated award of two production units in late 2020 by the State of Alaska over the Greater Alkaid and Talitha projects (which encompass nearly 70,000 acres combined) will be a crucial milestone for our company." Bin mit bescheidenem Betrag dabei.