Aldoro Resources / ARN (ASX) -KREISLIGAplay

  • Starte vorerst mal mit Exakt Dem Gleichen Post, wie bei P. Corner:

    World Class Rubidium Potential at Niobe ; Aldoro chairman, Mr Joshua Letcher notes to commercial potential of the historical grades and quotes Dr Minlu Fu: ”based on the News of the Mining Association of Guangdong Province of China, a major Rubidium deposit called the Tiantangshan Rb deposit, was discovered in Guangdong province in 2019. It was reported that the Tiantangshan Rubidium deposit with the resources of Rb2O over 100,000 tonnes at the average grade 0.109% Rb2O, is the biggest Rb deposit in the world. On 8 May 2019, the Guangdong Provincial Government made an announcement saying that, as the project will be very profitable, the Provincial Government will invest multibillion RMB to exploit this Rb project in the next five years. It seems that the potential resources of the Niobe Rb project of Aldoro Resources Limited may be in the same order with the Tiantongshan Rb deposit with analyses of Rb2O>1.5% and is associated with other valuable elements, such as Lithium, Caesium and Tantalum

    - Aldoro defines an initial Exploration Target over part of the Niobe Pegmatite 1

    - The Niobe Tantalum prospect has been re-evaluated for Rubidium potential with historical Rubidium oxide (Rb2O) up to 1.09% from mid-1980’s RC drill holes

    - The majority of the mapped Pegmatite 1 remains untested for Rubidium

    - Drilling at the Niobe Project to commence in late September and will also target the Lithium potential of the mapped pegmatites
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Aldoro chairman, Mr Joshua Letcher notes to commercial potential of the historical grades and quotes Dr Minlu Fu: ”based on the News of the Mining Association of Guangdong Province of China, a major Rubidium deposit called the Tiantangshan Rb deposit, was discovered in Guangdong province in 2019. It was reported that the Tiantangshan Rubidium deposit with the resources of Rb2O over 100,000 tonnes at the average grade 0.109% Rb2O, is the biggest Rb deposit in the world. On 8 May 2019, the Guangdong Provincial Government made an announcement saying that, as the project will be very profitable, the Provincial Government will invest multibillion RMB to exploit this Rb project in the next five years. It seems that the potential resources of the Niobe Rb project of Aldoro Resources Limited may be in the same order with the Tiantongshan Rb deposit with analyses of Rb2O>1.5% and is associated with other valuable elements, such as Lithium, Caesium and Tantalum

    Report: Guangdong's rubidium, tin ore mining in KEY PRROJECT list for 2019

    "SHANGHAI, Apr 18 (SMM) – Guangdong Guangding Mining Group's exploration project of rubidium, tin ore in the Tiantangshan mining area was identified as a key project for the Guangdong province in 2019, according to a release by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission at the end of March.

    The rubidium, tin polymetallic deposit in the Tianshanshan mining area has a reserve of 175,600 mt, said experts from the China Mining Association. It has a RESOURCE VALUE EXCEEDING ONE TRILLION YUAN . "

  • The rubidium, tin polymetallic deposit in the Tianshanshan mining area has a reserve of 175,600 mt, said experts from the China Mining Association. It has a RESOURCE VALUE EXCEEDING ONE TRILLION YUAN . "

    Grad eben nochmal nachgeguckt:

    "1 Chinesischer Yuan entspricht 0,15 US-Dollar "…P0HHaxFD5sQ4dUDCA8&uact=5

    Werde mir RELATIV UMGEHEND von Dem Teil SPEKULATIV Stücke holen .

  • Aldoro Resources defines ‘world class’ rubidium project in WA

    [Blockierte Grafik:…alia-Windimurra-Niobe.jpg]

    "Aldoro Resources (ASX: ARN) has defined an initial exploration target for the industrial metal rubidium, a commodity that sells at more than US$1 million (A$1.4 million) per tonne.

    The target is at its Niobe prospect, part of the company’s Windimurra project southeast of Mt Magnet in Western Australia.

    Aldoro states that the target hold “world class potential”.

    Rubidium is used in a range of industrial applications — specialty glasses in fibre optic cables, GPS systems and night vision gear — but has the potential to be applied in sodium-ion batteries.

    Chinese battery giant CATL is at present working on sodium-ion battery technology, which is said to have lower energy density than a lithium-ion battery but is faster to charge and more resilient in cold temperatures.

    Aldoro’s report is based on a re-evaluation of historical drilling in the mid-1980s by the former Pancontinental Mining.

    Potential resource may equal world’s largest deposit

    Samples back then showed lithium, rubidium, caesium, niobium, tantalum, tin, potassium and sodium were present.

    Pegmatite 1 at Niobe contains rubidium oxide grades up to 1.09%.

    However, the majority of this pegmatite remains untested for rubidium.

    Aldoro chairman Joshua Letcher says the potential resources of Niobe may be in the same order as the Tiantongshan deposit in China, the world’s largest rubidium resource.

    Tiantongshan, in Guangdong province, was discovered in 2019, with an announced resource of more than 100,000 tonnes at 1.109%.

    The provincial government announced it would spend “multi-billion yuan” over the following five years to develop the deposit.

    The defined section at Niobe has an estimated contained tonnage of rubidium between 330t and 1,500t.
    Drilling at Niobe will begin in late September and will also target the lithium potential of the mapped pegmatites.


    Rubidium typically found in pegmatites

    Rubidium (symbol Rb and No. 37 on the periodic table) is an alkali metal (as are lithium, sodium, potassium and caesium) and has a melting point of 39oC.

    It is typically found in hard rock pegmatites, and the extraction process is similar to that of mining caesium.

    Historically the largest producer country has been Canada (notably the Raleigh Lake mine in Ontario), although southern Africa is thought to contain substantial reserves.
    Rubidium is also found in the US, Russia and Afghanistan."

  • Dazu nochmal.

    Das bestätigt genau Meine Grundüberlegung.


    Das wird vom "$/tonne" voraussichtlich Mein Abgefahrenster Wert, EVER, mit WEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTEM ABstand zum "Nächsten".
    (PPK Group könnt da "vielleicht noch bisschen" mithalten)

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    "Excitement is building at Aldoro’s Niobe project in Western Australia’s Mt Magnet region after an initial evaluation defined world class potential for ULTRA-high value rubidium .

    While originally acquired in July this year to extend the company’s lithium footprint, the definition of an initial exploration target of about 33,000 tonnes to 150,000 tonnes grading between 696 parts per million to 1,457ppm rubidium oxide, or between 350t to 1,500t of contained rubidium, from historical drilling is hair-raising .

    After all, rubidium carbonate COMMANDS A PRICE OF OVER $ 1 MILLION PER TONNE :D :thumbup: 8o 8o 8o 8o :) :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: , meaning that proving up this target could make for a quick and simple development decision......................................"

  • Also was Das heisst, mal KONKRET:

    Die werden/potenziell würden "nur paar Micker Tonnen" von Dem Zeug nachweisen,
    aber Das wird/potenziell würde DUTZENDE VON MILLIARDEN, VIELLEICHT sogar Eine "DREI/3"stellige Milliarden Zahl- Bruttowert/"IGV"- wert sein !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o

    Ich werd mal "versuchen Aktuelle Rubidium Produzenten zu finden".
    Bin mir nicht sicher ob man da was findet. :rolleyes:

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

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    DAAAAANKE Eselchen !

    Also MINDESTENS 1 Risiko sehe ich bis jetzt hier.

    Da komme nochmal drauf zurück.

    Aber werde dazu davor auf Hotcopper erstmal noch aufm Busch kloppen.

  • Zum Rohstoff, wie "Pricing", bei Interesse Das Schreiben DURCHLESEN

  • Report: Guangdong's rubidium, tin ore mining in KEY PRROJECT list for 2019

    "SHANGHAI, Apr 18 (SMM) – Guangdong Guangding Mining Group's exploration project of rubidium, tin ore in the Tiantangshan mining area was identified as a key project for the Guangdong province in 2019, according to a release by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission at the end of March.

    The rubidium, tin polymetallic deposit in the Tianshanshan mining area has a reserve of 175,600 mt, said experts from the China Mining Association. It has a RESOURCE VALUE EXCEEDING ONE TRILLION YUAN . "

    Zu Dem Chinesen Projekt scheint "echt schwierig deutlich mehr rauszukriegen".

    Aber Ein "CHinesen AUstralier" wird sich da wahrs ranmmachen.............

    In Country, Die Ohren SPITZen.

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  • (optische)Übersicht besser, Graphik

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.proactiveinvestors…tled%20folder%207/ARN.jpg]

  • Die sind jetzt "auch Ein "Area" Play auf Aldoro".

    Kommen/bleiben definitiv auf "Beobachtungsliste",

    falls sich Was "andeuten, abzeichnen sollte".............................

    .......................kauf ich mir von Dem Teil auch 2 Shares, "würde".

    A "number of Enquiries". :D :D :D

    Was für Mich interessant ist: Die haben, sogar, KNAPP 30x GRÖSSEREN Ground, als Aldoro da.

    Bulletin’s Tenement Position near Aldoro’s Niobe Rubidium ProjectMt Farmer Project

    - Bulletin has received a number of enquiries regarding Aldoro Resources Limited’s Niobe Rubidium Project (refer ARN announcement dated 27 August 2021) proximity to Bulletin’s Mt Farmer project

    - Bulletin’s 59km2 tenement application E59/2413 COMPLETELY surrounds Aldoro’s 2km2 Niobe Rubidium Project tenement

    - The Mt Farmer project (E59/2413) has along strike potential from the Niobe Rubidium Project

    - Bulletin looks forward to updating shareholders once the tenement application is granted

    - Bulletin remains well funded and will commence on ground exploration works as soon as possible

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