Pan African Mining - Diamanten, Gold, Uran - Rohstoffherz, was willst du mehr?

  • Hi,

    und hier ist die angekündigte News.

    Pan African hat 4 (neue) Bohrgeräte für das Explorationsprogramm auf Madagaskar zum Preis von 850.000 $ gekauft. Diese kommen zusätzlich zu den 2 schon vorhandenen zum Einsatz.

    Von den beiden schweren Bohrrigs wird eins für das Uranprojekt unter Leitung von Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr eingesetzt, das andere zur Erkundung des Kohleprojektes Sakoa Area. Die beiden anderen leichteren Rigs werden auf dem Uran- dem Kohle- und dem Gold-Projekt eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zu den o.g. Projekten sollten jetzt wesentlich schneller als bisher geplant reinkommen.


    Grüße GW

  • Hi,

    das war heute die Überschrift im GlobalProfitScout .

    Grüße GW

    Pan African Mining (WKN A0D8VW) gibt bei seinen Projekte auf Madagaskar endlich Vollgas. Es wurden nämlich vier neue Bohrgeräte im Gesamtwert von 850.000 CAD erworben. Dabei handelt es sich um zwei große (Geo Explorer) sowie zwei kleine Geräte (JKS Winkie). Die Geoexplorer sollen innerhalb der nächsten 30 Tage von Kanada nach Madagaskar verschifft werden.

    Eines dieser großen Bohrgeräte wird beim Kohleprojekt im Sakoa Gebiet zum Einsatz kommen. Hier ist bereits ein umfangreiches Explorationsprogramm angelaufen. Das zweite wird für ein großes Bohrprogramm bei den südlichen Uranprojekten eingesetzt werden.

    Diese Geräte fahren auf Raupenketten und sind in der Lage bis in eine Tiefe von 600 Metern vorzudringen, werden aber typischerweise bis zu 200 Meter in die Erde bohren. Die JKS Winkie Bohrgeräte sollen für Bohrungen bei den Gold-, Kohle- und Uranprojekten bis in eine Tiefe von 45 Metern eingesetzt werden. Sie sollen in Kürze verschifft werden. Alle Bohrgeräte werden von einem eigenen Team unter der Leitung des erfahrenen Experten Kullervo Kumpumaki aus Finnland eingesetzt.

    Im Endeffekt erhöht sich die Anzahl der Bohrgeräte dann auf sechs. Die bisher im Einsatz befindlichen Geräte werden beim "Mountain of Gold"-Projekt sowie bei den Uranprojekten genutzt. Diese Entwicklung ist eindeutig positiv zu werten.

    Dank der neuen Bohrgeräte ist Pan African Mining in der Lage, seine Projekte wesentlich schneller voranzubringen. Bei den Gold-, Kohle- und Uranprojekte dürften die Arbeiten dazu führen, dass man Vorkommen nach dem kanadischen Standard NI 43-101 nachweisen kann. Im Anschluss daran wird das Management entweder in Joint Venture Gespräche mit Partnern einsteigen bzw. selbst in Produktion gehen.

    Der Börsenwert von Pan African Mining liegt gerade einmal bei 58 Mio. CAD. Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage von institutionellen Investoren führt Pan African Mining (WKN A0D8VW) nun eine Kapitalerhöhung mit einem Volumen von maximal 5 Mio. CAD durch. Die Aktien werden zu einem Kurs von 2,50 CAD platziert. Dies entspricht 1,63 Euro. An der Aktie hängt jeweils noch ein halber Optionsschein. Ein ganzer Optionsschein kann binnen von zwei Jahren zu 3,00 CAD ausgeübt werden. Diese Kapitalmaßnahme sollte den Kurs in Zukunft gut nach unten absichern. Die Aktie hat deutliches Nachholpotenzial.

  • January 31, 2007 TSX.V: PAF


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the "Company") is pleased to announce a non-brokered private placement offering to raise gross proceeds of up to CAD $5.0 million. Under the terms of the private placement, the Company will offer for sale a maximum of 2,000,000 Units (the “Units”) at CAD $2.50 per Unit.

    Each Unit will consist of one common share of the Company and one-half of one share purchase warrant (the “Warrants”), where each whole Warrant will allow the subscriber to purchase one additional common share of the Company at CAD $3.00 for a period of two years from the closing date.

    The Company may, in its discretion, pay a cash finders’ fee of up to 7.0% of the total gross proceeds of the offering and up to an aggregate of 200,000 warrants.

    The Units issued upon the closing of the private placement will be subject to a 4-month hold period. The private placement is subject to the acceptance of the TSX Venture Exchange.

    Proceeds from the private placement will be used to explore the Company’s properties located in Africa.

    About Pan African

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 10,000 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 5,500 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for gold, coal, uranium, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

    For more information, contact:

    Irwin Olian, President and CEO


    Phone: (604) 899-0100

    Fax: (604) 899-0200
    Tom Kinakin, Corporate Communications – Vancouver


    Phone: (604) 676-8671

    Fax: (604) 899-0200

    Carrie Howes, Corporate Communications – London


    Phone: +44-7780-602-788

  • Hi,

    heute hat´s bei Pan African Mining geschnackelt. 11% rauf ist ein schöner Schritt nach oben. Auch der Kurs und die Umsätze in Kanada scheinen sich sehr positiv zu entwickeln.

    In Deutschland scheint PennyStock-Alert den Boom geschürt zu haben:

    Der PennyStock-Alert empfiehlt: Pan African Mining Corp (PAF.V - Nachrichten) . - Uran-Bonanza auf Madagaskar! Achtung: Vervielfachungspotenzial! Berlin (ots) - Die Analysten vom PennyStock-Alert empfehlen in ihrer heutigen Ausgabe die Pan African Mining (WKN: A0D8VW / ISIN: CA6977431023). Sie besitzt ein riesiges Projektportfolio auf dem rohstoffreichen Madagaskar (Vor rund fünf Jahren sicherte man sich dort die vielversprechendsten Gebiete für Gold, Uran, Nickel, Kohle und Diamanten), eigenes Bohrequipment, ein 12-köpfiges internationales (Advertisement) Geologenteam, starke Investoren und eine volle Kasse. Im Management sitzt Irwin Olian, in eingeweihten Kreisen ist er als Mr. Shareholder Value bekannt! Zwischen 1930-1960 wurde in einigen Regionen seitens der Franzosen Uran mit einfachen Mitteln gefördert. Die Uranoxidgehalte lagen dabei zwischen beachtlichen 0,7-0,8 Prozent. In der Spitze wurde sogar 25% Uranoxid gefunden! Diese Werte sind um einiges höher als jene des Börsenhighflyers Paladin Resources!

    Auch das Comeback der Atomkraft lässt den Uranpreis auf historische Höchststände klettern. Seit 2002 sind die Notierungen um mehr als 500% gestiegen. Für die kommenden Monate rechnen Marktbeobachter mit einer Rallye (Paris: FR0000060618 - Nachrichten).

    Das Timing für Pan African Mining könnte nicht besser sein! Der Uranexperte des Unternehmens geht davon aus, dass noch dieses Jahr eine Test-Uranproduktion gestartet werden kann.


    Die Analysten vom PennyStock-Alert sehen alle Kurse unter 2,50 EUR als STRONG BUY und raten zum sofortigen Kauf, bevor es zu spät ist! Denn gut informierten Quellen zufolge dürften bereits in dieser Woche die ersten Ergebnisse von den Uranprojekten eintreffen. Behalten Sie im Hinterkopf, dass alles über 0,2% Uranoxid als hochgradig angesehen wird und lassen Sie sich von den Resultaten im positiven Sinne schocken! Dieser Treibsatz dürfte die Uranrakete zünden! Die Analysten vom PennyStock-Alert sind sich auch sicher, dass Pan African Mining (WKN: A0D8VW / ISIN: CA6977431023) viel früher als beispielsweise Uranium Energy (URME.OB - Nachrichten) in Produktion gehen wird.

    Wenn Sie mehr über die Pan African Mining Corp. erfahren wollen registrieren Sie sich kostenlos auf!

    Grüße GW

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Goldwasser,

    etwas muss man denen lassen: sie haben eine sehr professionelle (und damit entsprechend teure) PR, wie ich auch schon früher zu bemerken Anlass hatte. Scheint, dass es sich lohnt,. Wenn sie nun ihr pp zu höherem Preis verhökern können, freut sich die PR-Firma und das Managment zugleich. Neue Investoren sollten vielleicht jetzt gerade nicht einsteigen :P, sondern erst, wenn das pp 'verdaut' ist.

    Der grösste Teil (the bulk) hat gerade mal 0.25 % Uranoxid. Nicht so schlecht, bei heutigen Preisen, abhängig davon, wie es verteilt ist und wie mächtig die ganze Ablagerung ist. Eine Tonne gestein hätte dann sehr grob geschätzt einen Wert von über 200 USD. Als 'Phantastisch high grade' würde ich das nicht bezeichnen, sondern erst dann, wenn wegen des 'fantastic high grade' die natürliche Radioaktivität so hoch ist, dass nur mit gekühlten Robotern gearbeitet werden kann :D.


  • Eine spannende Woche ist für Pan African vorüber. Das GAP bei 2,65 CAD wurde geschlossen. Das PP scheint kein Thema mehr zu sein.

    Und Sprott kauft fleißig Pan African. Sprott Asset Management war schon beim Private Placement im Juli 2005 beteiligt, kurz nachdem PAF die Rechte zur Uranexploration erhielt. Ein Schelm, der Böses dabei denkt.

    Die 2,65 CAD könnten noch ´mal getestet werden. Danach ist der Weg nach oben aber frei.

    Grüße GW

  • Das PP ist durch und Pan African hat so viel Geld wie noch nie für die Exploration zur Verfügung.

    Grüße GW


    Vancouver, BC February 16, 2007

    FSC / Press Release


    Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, February 16, 2007 /FSC/ - Pan African Mining Corp. (TSX - VX: PAF, FWB: P2A), (the "Company") is pleased to announce the closing of its previously announced non-brokered private placement offering which raised gross proceeds of CAD $5,000,000. Under the terms of the private placement, the Company issued 2,000,000 Units (the "Units") at CAD $2.50 per Unit.

    Each Unit consists of one Common Share of the Company and one-half of one share purchase warrant (the "Warrants"). Each whole Warrant entitles the subscriber to purchase one additional Common Share of the Company at CAD $3.00 until February 15, 2009.

    The Company paid cash finders\' fees of CAD $258,475, representing 5.17% of the aggregate proceeds of the offering and 147,700 finders\' warrants ("Finders\' Warrants"), where each Finders\' Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share of the Company at CAD $3.00 until February 15, 2009.

    The Units and the Finders\' Warrants are subject to a 4-month hold period expiring June 16, 2007.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "It is extremely gratifying to see the strong support for our Company demonstrated by the swift completion of the private placement, which was oversubscribed.

    It was comprised largely of investors and institutions from Canada, United Kingdom, and Switzerland. Closing of the private placement, coupled with recent exercises of incentive stock options, now leaves the Company with cash in excess of $8.2 million, its strongest financial position since inception. In addition, we have just concluded purchase of several new drill rigs and additional equipment and vehicles to accelerate our programs. These funds will be used by the Company to carry out all of its budgeted exploration programs in Madagascar across the mineral spectrum for at least the next 18 months. At the same time it will allow for retention of significant reserves for working capital and discretionary funds. We are excited about our prospects for 2007 and look forward to significant advancement of our projects this year."

    About Pan African

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 10,000 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 5,500 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for gold, uranium, coal, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two properties for gold and metals in Mozambique under a Joint Venture. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Interessant; in dem Monster-Report, dessen link linar gestern in den Uran-Thread gestellt hat, erwähnt Sprott die nicht ;)



    February 19, 2007 TSX.V: PAF


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has now appointed Dr. Andrew E. Moore, Ph.D., to serve as its Vice-President, Diamond Exploration. Dr. Moore has been directing the Company’s diamond program in Madagascar since 2005 as a senior geological consultant. He now heads the expanding program as an executive officer. Dr. Edward

    Schiller and Dr. Felix Kaminsky also serve as senior consultants on the diamond program, which has a team of 12 full-time Malagasy field geologists and technicians on the ground in Madagascar.

    Considerable milestones have been achieved to date in the Company’s Madagascar diamond program, which remains the focus of the Company’s diamond exploration efforts. However, new permit applications have recently been filed by the Company in Botswana and Namibia on ground deemed to be highly prospective for potential primary kimberlitic diamond sources. In addition, joint venture discussions have been underway concerning other prospective diamond properties in Lesotho and South Africa. Pete Siegfried, P.Geol., will be supporting the diamond program’s efforts in Namibia.

    Dr. Andrew E. Moore, a South African national, received his Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Cape Town. He is a seasoned diamond geologist with over twenty seven years experience in Africa, having worked on major exploration projects for a wide range of companies including de Beers, Rio Tinto, Falconbridge and Trans Hex Group. Andy is well-known in the industry for his successful interpretations of kimberlitic indicator mineral anomalies in the Kalahari Desert environment of Namibia and Botswana, where he has been working previously. He will oversee the Company’s diamond program >from Antananarivo, Madagascar and his home in Maun, Botswana.

    The Company now has five executive officers and two managing directors of its Malagasy subsidiaries. In addition to Dr. Moore they are: Irwin Olian (Chairman, President & CEO), Limor Rubin (CFO), Ardito Martohardjono (Vice-President, Laboratory Services), Jennifer Todhunter (Secretary), and Fafah Ramboasalama and Olivier Rakotomalala (Resident Managers in Madagascar).

    About Pan African

    The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 10,000 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 5,500 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for gold, coal, uranium, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. In addition, the Company is exploring two properties for gold and metals in Mozambique under a Joint Venture. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at


    “Irwin Olian”
    Irwin Olian
    Chairman & CEO

  • Hi,

    wie ihr auf der 1. Seite des Threads sehen könnt, haben wir im letzten Jahr eine heiße Diskussion um das Thorium von PAF geführt. Dazu habe ich jetzt folgende interessante Meldung gefunden, durch die PAF auf einen Schlag wesentlich wertvoller würde.

    Grüße GW

    Thorium: An Alternative to Uranium, 2007 Update

    By Jack Lifton
    22 Feb 2007 at 04:06 PM GMT-05:00

    DETROIT ( -- The component of the global warming agenda that is purely political is the driving force behind the contemporary uranium “boom.” Doomsayers and scaremongers are shouting, not whispering, that we must stop using the sources of heat, which have been discovered, chosen and used universally to power our industrial civilization during the last two centuries, and choose, overnight, something else, which is now in limited use (nuclear power) or is basically just emerging from the laboratory (solar power) or is understudied but dramatic in appearance (wind, tide and geothermal).

    Rather than trying to catch the uranium roller coaster on a down loop investors who think about the long-term need to take a serious look at the naturally occurring radioactive metal, thorium, which but for the exigencies of the last truly global war and the need for some nations to defend themselves from other nations that would conquer them in the name of the latest and greatest social movement, or that old time religion, would have been the metal of choice for the development of nuclear powered electric generating stations.

    Is it time for thorium to make its re-entry on the global stage? The answer is yes, and therein lays an opportunity.

    Just about one year ago I wrote an article for Resource Investor entitled “Thorium: An Alternative to Uranium.” A lot has happened since then with regard to both uranium and thorium, but only the run up in the price of uranium has been covered by the financial press. Even that run up has been covered by short sighted analysts as if an increasing demand for uranium is a given. I want to bring the readers of RI up to date on the very significant events that have occurred in thorium power technology and the re-assessing of America’s thorium reserves since then.

    There is no serious fundamental immediate or near-term basis of supply shortage to account for the tripling of the price of uranium in the last year. There are no more uranium fuelled nuclear power plants today than there were a year ago, and no new plants have been ordered in the United States. It is in fact not at all clear just who or what is buying uranium to increase the demand so substantially in such a short time. Uranium mining stocks are being traded in a frenzy that masks the discussion of whether or not there is any need for such an investment in uranium production. It is therefore absolutely necessary for investors to keep in mind the distinction drawn by television investment evangelist, “Mad Money Jim Cramer,” that short-term ownership of a stock is a trade as opposed to a long term hold, which is an investment.

    There are lots of hazy stories around to justify the uranium frenzy. I have been told, for example, that uranium fuelled nuclear power plants scheduled to be decommissioned will now be kept in service, but this does not require any new supply! I have also read that China will build 20 new pebble-bed (i.e., cheap to construct) reactors to produce electricity in remote regions without the need for coal or oil in the next 20 years. But even Chinese long-term thinking wouldn’t justify buying so much nuclear fuel in advance, would it?

    What has happened is that investors and mining companies are speculating on a nuclear power boom that they think will shortly begin due to the widespread concern, even fear, generated by the study of global warming, which holds that:

    It has been proven scientifically that the earth’s climate is entering a period of rapidly escalating global warming;

    It has been accepted that if this global warming has been caused by anthropogenic (i.e., man made) activity, and the IPPC is 90% certain that this is scientifically proven, then the primary bad actor is the carbon dioxide naturally formed by the burning of coal, oil and natural gas to produce electric power and vehicular propulsion, and;

    If the burning of coal, oil and natural gas for these purposes is not eliminated, or, at least, substantially curtailed (or, if it is held at present levels and all the carbon dioxide generated by stationary power plants is somehow “sequestered,” i.e. stored) then the global economy will suffer irreparable damage as the climate shifts permanently causing massive changes in the habitability and agricultural usefulness of the earth’s surface, and therefore coal, oil and natural gas must be replaced as sources of heat as soon as possible.

    The only well understood, well-known and developed technology that can possibly, in a relatively short time frame, substitute for the generation of heat by the external combustion of carbon-based fuels is based on nuclear reactors, the heat from which can (and, indeed, now does) produce superheated steam to turn turbines to produce electricity. By locating nuclear power plants on shore lines, the electricity they produce could be used not only directly for commercial, municipal and residential power, but also to electrolyze water (including sea water) to produce hydrogen as a clean burning fuel for vehicular propulsion. The burning of hydrogen by internal combustion engines produces only water as a waste product, and the principle, and only draw back to the mass production of hydrogen powered internal combustion engines is the lack of a fuel production and distribution infrastructure.

    Speaking of hydrogen for a moment, I think that investors should, perhaps, now be looking at Hydrogen Engine Center, Inc. (HEC), a company founded by an engineer who was with the Ford Motor Company when that company actually had a plan to maintain a leading place in the development of alternatively fuelled power plants. Ford discontinued the program, but the engineer did not. HEC is making and selling hydrogen fuelled internal combustion engines (ICE) right now, and its website has some good discussions of sources for hydrogen, other than the electrolysis of water, which I think are worth looking at. I am “warming” up to the idea of hydrogen powered internal combustion engines for mobile (vehicular) power plants both as direct motive power and as on-board sources of electricity generation either for direct application to the motive wheels or for recharging batteries as needed.

    When I read the website of this company, and I read news articles about BMW, a first class automotive engineering company, putting hydrogen powered big engine (V-12!) cars on the test road, I am tempted to reassess my original scepticism about hydrogen as a direct fuel for ICEs in cars. What I haven’t changed my mind about is the mistake that the Ford Motor Company made in choosing development intensive paths instead of this one, hydrogen powered ICEs, for immediate consideration.

    Now back to the main discussion. There are sufficient global uranium reserves to supply the needs of all the nuclear power plants that our global industrial civilization could build even if it is decided politically, because economically it is nonsense, to replace 100% of carbon burning plant currently generating electricity. There is also sufficient uranium to fuel all of these plants for centuries. Clearly the price of developing all of the known uranium reserves and looking for more will not be an issue if governments decide that this emergency is upon us.

    The speculation that nuclear reactors will produce electricity so that, even if carbon burning power plants are phased out, there will be no reduction in available electric power is also driving into high gear (excuse the pun) research into the critical components for vehicles that can no longer use carbon-based fuels such as high capacity, long service life, rechargeable lithium-ion battery technology for plug-in hybrid electric ground vehicles (cars, trucks and trains) using storage batteries and a small internal combustion engine to generate electricity.

    These are already seen to be themselves only an intermediate technology awaiting the arrival of a hydrogen distribution system in the next generation that will allow internal combustion engines burning hydrogen to either generate electricity directly to drive ground vehicles or be used to charge higher capacity batteries than we now have for propulsion systems.

    Mobile hydrogen burning fuel cells may replace the projected substantial size battery packs and even on board hydrogen burning internal combustion engines for charging them if a fuel cell catalyst system can be found that doesn’t involve the need for huge amounts of platinum group metals that simply do not exist in the quantities required for global use even if hydrogen burning internal combustion engines completely replace hydrocarbon (gasoline and kerosene) and oxygenate (ethanol) burning ones thus eliminating completely the need for catalytic converters, which today are the principle demand drivers for platinum group metals.

    In 1939, it was publicly announced that the fission of some of the isotopes of a few heavy elements had been induced by a man made experiment, which was in fact designed to build heavier elements not break apart the ones being targeted. It was immediately obvious to a few specialized scientists that if a system could be constructed in which the newly named “nuclear fission” were produced and controlled, i.e., it could be started and stopped, then a new source of, essentially, limitless power (heat) could be constructed that would not need to burn carbon-based fuels.

    At the same time it was theorized that if sufficient quantities of the rare isotopes of uranium or thorium that exhibited the property of being fissile could be concentrated then it should be possible to, by known engineering, produce a special minimum quantity of them, a critical mass, in which once fission had been triggered by an outside source the fission would generate additional fission, through a chain reaction, so rapidly that a large quantity of the potential energy. Perhaps as much as a few percent would be released in a fraction of a second.

  • This theory so impressed the world’s then best known scientist, Albert Einstein, that he signed a letter to then president Franklin D. Roosevelt that stated that he agreed that if such a bomb were constructed it might be possible, for example, to contain it in a seagoing vessel, which, if brought into a port and detonated, would destroy the port. World War II had already begun in Europe and Asia when Roosevelt’s scientific advisors concluded that Einstein’s conjecture was not only possible but that research into constructing such a weapon was probably already under way in both Germany and Japan.

    Thorium although it had a relatively abundant fissile isotopes was immediately relegated to a back seat, because its properties dictated that although it could be used to manufacture a nuclear reactor it could not be used to or be useful in the construction of a fission weapon!

    Thorium powered reactors were designed and built during and just after World War II to test power an ocean going vessel and to create the first civilian use only nuclear power plant at Shippingport, Pennsylvania.

    Early proponents of civilian nuclear power did not want to manufacture devices from which weapons grade materials (i.e., highly enriched uranium or the new synthetically produced and highly fissile plutonium) could be easily extracted, because at the beginning of the “atomic age” it was believed that only a massively expensive and sophisticated industrial nation could afford to build the enormously costly and limited use base to produce weapons grade materials.

    So, the development of thorium-based nuclear reactors was continued for a while in parallel with those using uranium and/or plutonium-based technologies. Then a series of intelligence underestimates and political errors combined to terminate government support and funding of what parallel development there was and to propel uranium to the first and only place in the race.

    First, the devastated, and by American standards, primitive Russian industrial base produced and detonated a test atomic bomb in 1949. Then Great Britain whose scientists had contributed to the bomb’s development way out of proportion to their numbers, but whose industrial base was considered to have been shattered by the war, followed the Russians shortly after with a successful test of their own even though Britain had been cut off from research and development information almost as soon as the war ended.

    The atomic arms race was on, and it became the obsession of the world’s politicians that the future must belong to the leader in numbers of atomic weapons. Thorium reactors were quickly forgotten for the same reason as they had once appealed. They could not be used, in any easy way, to make weapons grade material. Uranium and its daughter element, plutonium, were crowned the undisputed queens of nuclear power.

    The governments of the nuclear powers went on a 50 year binge of hypocrisy. They talked about clean cheap safe civilian nuclear power but they skewed the nuclear power industry through subsidies towards uranium. This kept the weapons grade uranium and plutonium pipeline with a backup system and kept the nuclear fuel reprocessing industry in business economically. Most insidiously the public was trained to view safety as the prevention of detonations (not possible) or leaks (less likely than at carbon-based power plants) rather then the prevention of any possibility at all, of producing weapons grade material. Thus thorium was relegated to the back of the funding line.

    The United States and the Russian Federation today have many times the number of nuclear weapons either one would need to destroy civilization. In addition Great Britain, France, China, Israel, Pakistan, India and bankrupt and starving North Korea have nuclear weapons and delivery systems for them. All it seems to take today to build a nuclear weapon is a uranium-based reactor, time and a knowledge base. The world does not need any more nuclear reactors based on uranium and/or plutonium!

    The speed with which it is claimed that global warming is advancing dictates that we need immediately to begin to switch over to nuclear reactors to produce the heat upon which the generation of electricity is based.

    It is too dangerous to build or allow remaining in operation nuclear reactors that can produce weapons grade material. The answer is thorium-based nuclear reactors.

    An American company, Thorium Power, Ltd., [OTCBB:THPW], is at the forefront of thorium power technology. The principals of the company in fact give it a continuity and breadth of expertise in engineering, government, law and the military that is outstanding and unbroken from the very dawn of the idea of safe civilian nuclear power. The company’s website makes fascinating, and I think, today, compulsory reading for any investor who wants to participate for the long run in the continuation and maintenance of a society and polity, the United States of America, that can improve and expand the quality of life for the earth’s billions without the need for depriving its own citizens of anything or of controlling the lives of others.

    Although thorium power is today a common topic among the punditocracy - just “Google” the term “thorium” to see what I mean - it is not at all clear how to invest in the mining and production of thorium.

    Look at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) documentation on thorium, but, be aware, that it is out of date. The current USGS material shows the U.S. with less than 200,000 tonnes of thorium reserves. In fact a new company, so far private, Thorium Energy, Inc. told me that the unpublished results of a new study commissioned by it from the USGS that show that TE’s Lemhi Pass property in Idaho has 600,000 tonnes of thorium reserves by itself. This if proved out would give the U.S. the largest reserves of thorium in the world, and would in fact be more than 1/3 of the world’s known thorium.

    The Lemhi Pass deposit is said to be primarily thorium, and this is rather unusual historically. Most of the world’s known thorium reserves are byproducts of rare earth minerals such as monazite, which, coincidentally, is also found in a property called the Mountain Pass site in southern California, which environmentalists shut down because of the radioactivity from the thorium in the tailings - the thorium was not concentrated and removed because it had little or no commercial value.

    The mine was ironically discovered by prospectors using Geiger counters looking for uranium in the first, post World War II, uranium boom! Molycorp moved away from the original discovery because of the radioactivity and developed another, relatively non-radioactive, ore body on the property and then fruitlessly tried for decades to create a market for the rare earths produced. I don’t know who owns this property now, but keep an eye open for it. Mountain Pass could come roaring back.

    The main source of rare earths today, globally, is China, and the principal producer of rare earth metals there is a unit of the parent company, Baotou, of China’s third largest steel maker, Baosteel. The products of Baotou’s rare earth production unit are marketed in North America by a Canadian subsidiary named HEFA. It is intriguing that the website for HEFA, which names all of the rare earth products available from the company does not mention thorium. Does this mean that the Chinese do not know the thorium is there, or does it mean that they do know but have no wish to sell material outside of China that can be used in place of uranium?

    The American company, W.R. Grace [NYSE:GRA] has been in business since 1854 and has processed rare earth ores for decades. It was even doing so when the ores were produced in the United States. It certainly has the technology, at least historically, to produce thorium metal and its alloys if required as it did during World War II when the company was called upon to produce uranium chemicals, metals and alloys for the Manhattan Project.

    Thorium Power, Inc. has told me that they already have the technology to “switch over” from uranium to thorium more than 60% of the reactors in use today in the world.

    They said that a switched over or built from the ground up thorium powered reactor has for the “blanket” a total of three times the life of a uranium powered reactor. This would mean that the savings during the first fuel cycles will pay for the changeover in the case of a “retrofit.” The core can be used to burn fissionable grade plutonium to non weapons grade material while the blanket will be made from thorium and uranium-233, not 238, so that no weapons grade plutonium-239 can be produced in the reactor.

    In the last analysis of what keeps the uranium reactors running is unsurprisingly your tax dollars. The U.S. Federal Government subsidizes the storage of “spent” fuel from nuclear power plants. It (with our taxes) pays “private” utilities to store dangerous-because weapons grade material can e extracted from it and it is intensely radioactive to boot-spent fuel rods while awaiting that far off day when there will be a national repository for such waste. It has become a lawyer’s trick to sue the Federal Government on behalf of a utility that needs more storage space or operating funds claiming a breech of the contract implied by the government’s promise to maintain a safe operation and to defend the country.

    If this subsidy were to be phased out or reduce ed it would immediately point the utilities towards the longer and thus cheaper fuel cycle of thorium power, which produces less waste, as well as towards reducing the security aspect of the cost of storing and transporting materials from which weapons grade materials can be extracted.

    The public is generally unaware of the history of thorium as an alternative to uranium for the production of electricity by nuclear reactors. Those that are aware believe that thorium technology was a dead end path undertaken and finished many years ago. Long term investors might want to gamble that global warming will shortly reveal that the public needs a re-education with regard to the utility and future of thorium power.


    Grüße GW

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Thorium ist in der Tat eine interessante Alternative, scheint aber seit Jahrzehnten deswegen nicht weiter verfolgt worden zu sein, weil kein Material entsteht, das sich für Bomben eignet!! Dies, wenn nicht der Kugelhaufen-Reaktor betrachtet wird. Ein Atomreaktor, der praktisch mit einem einzigen elektrischen Schalter abgeschaltet werden könnte, hätte schon was für sich!

    Dies scheint aus folgender Notiz hervorzugehen (etwa das 10. Zitat im Google für 'Thorium'):

    Furthermore, thorium requires an accelerator-driven system (or ADS) reactor, and these have significant differences from reactors commonly used for uranium. When a uranium-235 atom splits, it releases a wave of high-energy neutrons which can then collide with other U-235 atoms, releasing more neutrons. This is the chain reaction responsible for the explosive power of an atom bomb, and when out of control, it is also the force that can drive a disastrous meltdown in a reactor's core.

    But in an ADS reactor, that chain reaction cannot get out of control. "The technology for building such a reactor became ripe some 10 years ago. It uses an external beam of protons to kick-start the reactions," says Lillestol. The thorium does not then continue the reaction on its own - it needs the external beam of protons to keep it running. To stop the reaction, and close down a power station, all that would be needed to be done would be to pull the plug on that external beam of protons.

    "In the first step, the protons enter into molten lead where a large number of neutrons are produced," continues Lillestol. "These neutrons enter into the thorium blanket. In fact the proton accelerator has to have a rather intense proton beam, and such accelerators could not be built 10 years ago. This is no longer considered to be a major obstacle."

    Lillestol says that the problem is political will - and money. "Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia began work on the ADS while he was director-general at CERN [the European Organisation for Nuclear Research]. He and his group made so much progress that we all believed that a prototype would be built within a decade. However, when the EU turned down the application for $500m first in 1999 and then in 2000, Rubbia gave up pushing and concentrated on solar energy which he then was also heavily engaged in."
    Lillestol - whom Rubbia appointed as deputy division leader of CERN's Physics Division back in 1989 - has continued to fight for the thorium cause. He estimates the cost of a prototype reactor at 550m euros and believes it will take around 15 years to develop: "Molten lead becomes highly corrosive - and the problem is, how do we contain that lead? But the greatest difficulty is getting the world's experts to work together in one place and on one prototype. This, I believe, can only be achieved if all the participating countries have equal rights to all the results." Of course, the supply network for uranium has already been established, and is an important issue for governments all over the world. Switching to thorium would move the goalposts and put new power in the hands of the countries that have the thorium. And on such massive issues, it seems that no one likes change.

    India, which has about a quarter of the world's total reserves, has already planned its nuclear power program eventually to use thorium, phasing out uranium. But Greenpeace thinks this is a bad idea. The organisation's senior adviser on nuclear energy, Jean McSorley, says: "Operating thorium reactors would mean taking an enormous risk with untried and untested reactors. We shouldn't forget that we need to reduce energy demand, and fully embrace clean, safe and secure alternatives such as renewable energy systems."
    But Dr Norman says that new nuclear technology, of some description, is the future. "If you want evidence that nuclear power is back on the agenda, then take a look at what's happening at universities. Our Masters course on the Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors was launched 50 years ago, and this year we've got 36 students - the most we've ever had, almost double the previous highest number which was 19 students back in 1957. Global warming is proving far more deadly than Chernobyl. We could try and keep running with the current reactors, which will run as long as uranium-235 lasts. Or we could try something new." He agrees the something new could well be thorium. Or nuclear fusion, which, he admits, "is technically harder to achieve". Perhaps a thorium reactor is not so far-fetched.

    Das alte Lied - Machtspiele überall


  • PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP beteiligt sich an der PDCA Convention 2007 in Toronto vom 04. bis 07.03.07.

    Die PDCA ist die Mining Investment Show in Kanada.

    Hier die email dazu:


    Come visit us at the PDAC CONVENTION, Booth 2304 to see:

    · RICH CORE: 2.5 m @ 106.14 g/t Au!


    Show Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre

    North Buildings

    255 Front Street West

    Toronto, Ontario

    M5V 2W6

    Show Dates and Hours: March 4-6, 2007 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Sunday – Tuesday)

    March 7, 2007 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon (Wednesday)

    We look forward to seeing you there!


    Wilma McKenzie
    Project Coordinator
    Pan African Mining Corp.

  • March 26, 2007 TSX.V: PAF


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to report assay results received from ALS Chemex Labs of Vancouver for rock samples taken at and around old French mine site 37, Northeast of Tranomaro in the South of Madagascar. These were selective follow-up samples taken from outcroppings in situ to further examine and evaluate the surface anomaly at mine site 37 initially revealed in the Company’s 2006 regional uranium reconnaissance program. The old French site is situated on permits controlled by the Company’s 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl, under its Joint Venture with L’Office des Mines Nationales et des Industries Strategiques (“OMNIS”), a Malagasy state agency.

    A total of five follow-up surface samples were analyzed, all returning uranium values in excess of 3000 ppm or greater than 0.3 of 1% U, with two of the samples in excess of 22,000 ppm or greater than 2.2% U. They confirmed the existence of a high-grade surface uranium anomaly at the old French site. Three surface rock samples from mine site 37 had been previously reported on February 6, 2007, as part of the regional sampling results. Surface radiometric readings were taken in the area over a grid with 20m. X 20m. spacing and generated results consistent with sampling. They confirmed a sizeable radiometric anomaly at surface with dimensions of approximately 250 m. NS and a width up to 40 m.


    Surface samples, rocks (from in situ outcrops)

    Results of sample analysis from ALS Chemex, no: VA07010592

    Location : Mine 37




    TR/37R/C5S 45E

    TR/37R/DOS 45E

    TR/37R/B6S 50E

    TR/37R/D8S 38E

    TR37/R/E5S 40E

    The results of follow-up sampling and radiometrics at old French mine site 37 clearly establish it as a high priority target for further exploration by the Company near-term. Systematic trenching across strike is being undertaken, together with other surface studies. It will be followed up by core drilling to investigate the grade and extent of down dip extensions of the high-grade uranium-bearing mineralization, which typically occurs at this location as uranothorianite hosted in North-South trending lineaments of pyroxenite. Mine site 37 is one of over fifty targets that have been identified for exploration in Madagascar’s South by the Company’s uranium team, which is being managed by Dr. Reinhard Ramdohr. Such targets include numerous known uranium occurrences, radiometric anomalies and old French open-pit workings.

    According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We are now in the process of identifying discreet targets for in-depth exploration and drilling in Madagascar’s Tranomaro Zone. Old mine site 37 certainly appears to be a strong initial target and we look forward to continuing our work at that site in the coming months.”

  • Pan African Mining - Was ist mit den Diamanten?
    Leser des Artikels: 932

    Die Aktie von Pan African Mining (WKN A0D8VW) eilt von Hoch zu Hoch. Doch das ist erst der Anfang. Momentan fokussieren sich die Anleger auf die Uranprojekte des Unternehmens, scheinen aber die Diamantenprojekte vollkommen aus dem Blickwinkel verloren zu haben. Noch einmal zur Erinnerung:

    Schon Marilyn Monroe hat sie besungen und mittlerweile ist das Interesse der Investoren an Diamanten wiedererwacht, denn auch hier sehen wir Parallelen zu Rohstoffen wie Öl oder Silber. Nach rund 25 Jahren Angebotsüberhang neigt sich die Waage in die andere Richtung. Es naht die Zeit, in der die Produzenten wieder den Preis bestimmen werden. Davon profitieren auch Explorationsunternehmen und deren Kursentwicklung nimmt dies bereits vorweg.

    Der CEO Irwin Olian von Pan African Mining hat die Creme de la Creme der Diamantenexperten um sich geschart und diese glauben aufgrund der bisherigen Ergebnisse, dass das nächste große Diamantenvorkommen auf Madagaskar gefunden werden wird!

    Zu dem Team gehören unter anderem Weltklassegeologen wie Dr. Andrew E. Moore und Dr. Edward A. Schiller. Der Südafrikaner Dr. Andrew E. Moore kann mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung als Diamantengeologe in die Waagschale werfen. Dabei arbeitete er bei Großprojekten von De Beers, Rio Tinto und Falconbridge mit. Dr. Moore ist branchenweit bekannt für seine treffende Interpretation von diamantenführenden Kimberlit-Anomalien in der Nähe der Kalahari-Wüste in Namibia sowie Botswana.

    Anfang Februar 2006 konnte mit Dr. Felix Kaminsky, einer der besten russischen Diamantenexperten, als Berater von Pan African Mining verpflichtet werden. Seine langjährige Tätigkeit umfasste Projekte in Algerien, Kanada, Russland, der Mongolei, Simbabwe und Venezuela.

    Dr. Kaminsky ist hoch angesehen für seine Arbeit als leitender „Diamantensucher“ für das sowjetische Ministerium für Geologie, wo er ein großes Diamantenvorkommen im Archangelsk Gebiet im nördlichen Teil des europäischen Russlands entdeckte. Dabei entwickelte er spezielle Techniken und Modelle zur Auffindung von neuen Diamantenvorkommen.

    Gemeinsames Ziel ist das Aufspüren von diamantenführenden Kimberliten. Darüber hinaus schaut man ebenfalls nach wirtschaftlich verwertbaren Vorkommen anderer Edelsteine.

    Was ist aber eigentlich ein Kimberlit? Der Kimberlit ist ein grünes bis schwarzes Gestein magmatischen Ursprungs. Entstanden sind die meisten heutigen Kimberlite vor 70 bis 150 Millionen Jahren; der älteste Kimberlit allerdings schon vor rund 1,2 Milliarden Jahren. Sie kommen in Afrika, Australien, Nordamerika, Indien, Brasilien und Sibirien vor.

    Und Kimberlite sind primäre Lagerstätten für Diamanten! Erinnern Sie sich? Madagaskar gehörte vor Urzeiten zum Großkontinents „Gondwana" und trennte sich vor rund 150 Millionen Jahren von Afrika und 60 Millionen Jahre später von Indien. Deswegen ähneln sich deren geologische Strukturen – sprich die Chancen diamantenführende Kimberlite auf Madagaskar zu finden, sind extrem hoch!

    Über eine 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft verfügt Pan African Mining über Projekte mit insgesamt 3.000 Quadratmeter auf Madagaskar, wo Diamanten- und andere Edelsteinvorkommen vermutet werden. Bei der Auswahl der Projekte stützten sich die Pan African Mining Geologen auf historische Daten der Franzosen und ihre erdgeschichtlichen Kenntnisse. Besser ging es nicht!

    Zwischen Mai und September 2005 wurden eine Reihe von möglichen Kimberlit-Zielen auf dem eigenen Lizenzgebiet identifiziert. Einige entnommene Proben zeigten interessante Parallelen zu den diamantenführenden Mothae Kimberliten in Lesotho. Diese wurden im gleichen Gebiet entdeckt, wo die Franzosen bereits in 1909 Diamanten in Edelsteinqualität gefunden haben.

    Es besteht heutzutage keine Möglichkeit anhand der historischen Daten den genauen Fundort zu bestimmen. Das ist aber nicht so wichtig, da Pan African das komplette Einzugsgebiet gehört, wo die Diamanten entdeckt wurden! Andere Proben wiederum deuten auf titanreiche Kimberlite hin. Die Voraussetzungen für einen großen Wurf (Big Hit) sind also exzellent!

    Wir erwarten in Kürze die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse einer magnetischen und radiometrischen Untersuchung, die Ende letzten Jahres mit dem Helikopter durchgeführt wurde. Schnallen Sie sich an!

    Diese Nachricht bezieht sich auf die Meldung Aktiendividende bei Pan African Mining? vom 28.03.2007 / 11:56Uhr. (hier klicken (History))
    Karsten Busche ist Chefredakteur vom Rohstoff-Börsenbrief „Global Profit Scout”.

    Quelle: http://www.wallstreet-online.d…en/nachricht/2051893.html

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