Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Zitat

    Original von Tschonko
    Ja, da kann ich mich erinnern,
    das war mit dem schacht.
    Da hab ich erst später durchgeblickt.


    @ tschonko

    Und eben wegen diesem teueren Schacht und einigen enttäuschenden Ergebnissen, weil sie bei Windfall in der falschen Richtung gebohrt hatten, habe ich sie damals nicht gekauft. Doch nun? Ob es wohl so ist, daß nun, wo die Warrants aus dem PP ( war übrigens auch der fromme Jason Hommel mit viel Kohle dabei - der hat wirklich Beistand von oben) wohl alle weg sind, der Weg nach oben frei ist, gar bis $10, wie dieser würdige ältere Herr Buffetlookalike am 6. September, also bei $0,75 meinte:

    "I honestly believe we have at least a $10 stock here in the long term (6-18m months). This is based on not only what I see in the drill results at Windfall and James Bay, but also the extrapolated estimates that have been posted here and there since last December by those with good geo contacts. With the price of gold rising and an estimated $2000 an ounce by 2011, there is nothing but blue skies ahead based on what looks like a sizable mine being setup at Windfall. But like everything else, this takes time. Patience is required here."

    Und aktueller:

    Einige Nachbarn: FWR,KWG,SPQ,BMC,FNC,PRB



  • auratico,
    die sind wohl alle weg.
    Bei UC kommen auch einige warrants in nächster Zeit und ich schätze, die werden auch weggehen.
    Das wird wohl sehr interessant werden mit UC.
    Sie haben die option als Betreiber 55% zu erwerben.
    Den Rest teilen sich SPQ und KWB auch mit einer Vereinbarung von 30% und 15%.
    Ich war ja immer gegen das Investment in Kanada, weil es mM die Nichtfortschritte in Mexico verschleiern sollte.. Da hab ich mich so was von getäuscht. Diesmal beim Getäuschthaben die Butterseite erwischt.
    Hamelin hat am 5.7 options gezogen. nicht wenig.
    Mc Faulds scheinen ja noch nicht richtig eingepteist zu sein.

    Hier noch mal eine Übersciht von der Homepage:…index.php?&content_id=139

    Überhaupt kommt wieder ein bisserl geld zurück in den Markt durch NOT und compadres.
    OK, GAM, EXM (kam gegen Börsenschluss wieder zurück - gut!), YLL, da sah man, dass auch wieder was geht.
    Und AMC!!

    Bei mir ist es halt so: Die Eier sind gelegt und wenn ab und zu was schlüpft wie UC, dann passt das schon.
    A bisserl wenden schadet auch nicht..... :D



  • Zitat

    Original von Tschonko

    Bei mir ist es halt so: Die Eier sind gelegt und wenn ab und zu was schlüpft wie UC, dann passt das schon.
    A bisserl wenden schadet auch nicht..... :D


    Hallo Tschonko,

    inzwischen sind ja so gut wie alle der erstaunlich zahlreichen Küken um die stolze junge Glucke Noront herum praktisch gleichzeitig geschlüpft. Da ist schon weit mehr als nur ein bisserl Geld in den Markt zurückgekommen. Es hat den Anschein, als gehen die Investoren davon aus, daß es sich hier um einen riesigen, die Liegenschaften der Noront weit übersteigenden hochmineralisierten, relativ leicht abbaubaren Gürtel handelt.
    Nun sieht man auch die ersten Gewinnmitnahmen bei diesen Minenküken, aber alles in allem ist das schon eine beeindruckende "G´schicht", um es in einmal in deiner Diktion zu sagen. Nur mal drei junge Backhendl zur Auswahl:



  • Tom Szabo auf silveraxis:

    I have one last thing to note, and that is UC Resources being on the above list, a company that I consider a primary silver stock on the basis of its projects in Mexico. This stock hasn't been doing very well lately for a variety of reasons, but in reality it has done no worse than most silver stocks, and much better than some. The point I would like to make is that the current episode at McFaulds Lake illustrates the advantage of having a diversity of projects instead of a singular geographic or area focus. I'm not saying anything will come of it (although UC has its own set of impressive initial drill results at McFaulds Lake), but a 40% rise in the stock price on huge volume at least creates a very good opportunity for shareholders to be able to trade should they want to revise their positions in the stock. I'd love to be in that situation with some of the shares I own!

    VG heron

  • @....
    die einzige, die geht ist Spider.
    Zuerst rauf, dann wieder runter.
    Jetzt schauen wir mal, was NOT zu sagen hat.
    Ist viel Schwüle drin in der ganzen Sache.
    Wenn Hamelin nur halb von dem, was er versprochen hat, zeitgerecht durchgebracht hätte, stünde UC ohne Mc faulds auch auf dem selben Level.

    Das mit den Eiern bezog sich nicht auf die NOT G´schicht sondern auf mein Depot.

    Sehr interessant und ohne push und bash ist das Board.
    Lohnt sich, da ein bisserl herumzukrebsen auf dieser Seite.
    Wer ist da der deutsche Partner? :D

    UC hat sich da auch eingekauft.

    UC Resources Retains AGORACOM to Provide Online Investor Relations and Social Network for Shareholders
    Friday September 14, 3:59 pm ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(MARKET WIRE)--Sep 14, 2007 -- UC Resources Ltd. (CDNX:UC.V - News) is pleased to announce it has retained the services of AGORACOM Investor Relations ("AGORACOM") ( (The same firm recently engaged by Noront Resources (CDNX:NOT.V - News)). UC has retained AGORACOM due to increasing interest in the McFauld's Lake area in the James Bay Lowlands of Ontario, Canada. AGORACOM will provide online investor relations services, a Web 2.0 social network for current shareholders and Tier-1 awareness through the world's biggest websites for the purpose of attracting new shareholders.


    In response to overwhelming data representing the online research and communications habits of small-cap investors, UC Resources has turned the primary focus of its investor relations to the web via the AGORACOM system to facilitate faster, better and more accessible communications with both current and prospective shareholders around the world.

    Effective September 20, a customized and monitored UC Resources IR HUB will allow both the Company and AGORACOM to communicate with all investors simultaneously, anytime and in near real-time. Our new IR HUB will also provide management with an ability to extend communications beyond text via audio messages, video presentations, webcasts and podcasts. In addition to traditional e-mail, investors will also have the ability to receive all communications via RSS feed.


    The UC Resources IR HUB propels the Company into the forefront of Web 2.0 community building by providing investors with two very important functions. First, a monitored discussion forum for the purposes of constructive and high-quality discussion amongst investors that is free of spam, profanity and misinformation. Second, a social network that provides investors with the ability to create extensive profiles that include photos, bios, video messages to fellow investors, a rating system and other important items to create a closer bond between our shareholders.


    As an exclusive provider of "Small-Cap Centres - Powered by AGORACOM" to Yahoo Finance Canada, AOL Finance Canada and every Blackberry device on the planet, AGORACOM will provide Tier-1 financial coverage of all newsworthy UC Resources press releases for the purposes of attracting new and prospective shareholders.

    UC Resources President and CEO, Richard Hamelin, stated, "I believe the time has now come to significantly increase our communications with both existing shareholders and the massive online small-cap community of investors that are searching for their next great investment. I strongly encourage our shareholders to begin taking advantage of our new online IR system, which demonstrates we are a fully accessible organization with a great story to tell."

    The terms of the agreement are as follows: Duration - 12 months. Monthly Cash Compensation - $2,000. Stock Options - 250,000 shares at $CDN .57 per share. This agreement has been negotiated entirely at arm's length. AGORACOM is located in Toronto, Ontario.


    UC Resources has partnered with Spider Resources (CDNX:SPQ.V - News) to explore the McFauld's Lake VMS Project, which is one of the largest land packages of any company in the James Bay Lowlands. UC has an option to earn an undivided 55% interest in the McFauld's Lake project. To date UC and Spider have expended in excess of $9 million on the project, of which 54 drill holes totalling approximately 17,000 metres have been drilled on the McFauld's #1 and #3 occurrences.

    As announced on September 5, the latest discoveries from UC's 2007 exploration program, of which assay results have been received from four of seven holes, are as follows: Drill Hole McF-07-75 averaged 0.35 g/t AU, 6.63 g/t Ag, 2.69% Cu, and 4.35% Zn over 19.02 metres. Drill Hole McF-07-76 averaged 0.22 g/t Au, 7.47 g/t Ag, 1.8% Cu and 3.3% Zn over 7.5 meters.

    Highlights of UC & Spider's past years' exploration work at McFauld's Lake include 18.8 meters of 8.02% Copper (McF-04-57), and 25.75 meters of 4.83% Zinc (McF-03-18). Detailed information on the results of the past exploration program are available on UC's website (

    About AGORACOM

    AGORACOM Investor Relations ( is North America's largest online investor relations firm for small-cap companies. We have partnered with the world's biggest internet companies, including Yahoo, AOL, Google and Blackberry to market our clients to a massive audience of new small-cap investors.

    AGORACOM Investor Relations has displaced the telephone and e-mail as primary IR communications devices. Our IR HUB delivers two-way investor relations in near real-time that is 24/7/365 accessible to shareholders around the world and goes far beyond text by offering both audio and video communications.

    AGORACOM ( is North America's only small-cap community built to serve the needs of serious small-cap and micro-cap investors. No rumours, profanity, stock bashing or hyping. Our traffic ranking is above the top 1% of all websites around the world.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Tut sich einiges an Meldungen, Umsätze lau.

    Kemess Projekt wird gestoppt. Sie haben aber noch davidson projekt.
    Und das im minenfreundlichen British Columbien!

    MAG mit neuer Property: Wie auf schienen läuft´s da.

    Endeavour: da lief es sehr gut, jetzt nimma......
    Sagte, ja neulich, FR ist werthaltiger, was sich durch diese meldung bestätigt.
    Konnten genauso wie FR die Voraussagen nicht einhalten.
    Nur mehr 2 mille oz zu 6$.

    Dafür erhöht EXN die produktion auf 2,3 Mille oz.
    Und da die eine loan weg ist, wird sich das auf die zahlen auswirken.....

    Cream mit Cobalt: Kein longdrink! :D

    Bei EXM ist leichter Aufwärtstrend festzustellen.

    UC luscht ab und wartet weiter auf NOT News.
    Aber vielleicht haben sie ja selber noch was zu veröffentlichen.
    Da sind zur Zeit die Ratzen drin.... :D
    Und raus und rin.....


    Die MAR.AX Meldung keiner gelesen? )Mar Thread - ist nicht uninteressant)
    SST.V ist auch einen 2. Blick wert.

    2 PS: in Zeiten wie diesen entstehen dann solche threads!
    Hat was! :D

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    Bei EXM ist leichter Aufwärtstrend festzustellen.

    Naja, bischen untertrieben: +26 % in knapp 2 Wochen können sich sehen lassen. :]


    Die MAR.AX Meldung keiner gelesen? )Mar Thread - ist nicht uninteressant).

    Aber Tschonko!! Es genügt doch, wenn einer kommentiert. =)

    MAG ist wirklich Klasse, hab die vor einigen Tagen zugekauft.

    EDR haben wir auch vorhin im EDR Thread diskutiert.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Tschonko
    Ich seh das auch so, dass der Kurs von UC nun bei NOT gemacht wird. Aber NOT wird nicht immer und immer wieder noch bessere Ergebnisse vorlegen können, denn besser als visible geht ja wohl nicht :rolleyes:

    Hervorragende Ergebnisse von IPT.V
    Impact Silver Announces New Discovery At The Royal Mines Of Zacualpan

    ECU.TO kauft sich aus altem Vertrag heraus. Das ist gut, allerdings gibt es weitere Verwässerung.
    ECU Silver announces Acquisition of Title and Ownership of Key Velardeña Mineral Claims

    VG heron

  • Silbertaler,
    ISIN: CA4987221070
    WKN: A0F6YK

    An gute Geschäfte erinner ich mich immer gern.
    Die Klondike silver waren gratis und der Kurs um einiges höher.
    Da hat der Hommel mal gepusht, was ich für Verkauf genützt habe... :D
    So ziemlich oben an der fahnenstange....
    War zu 95 % Glück!

    Eine spezielle Vorführung gab´s bei Noront:
    da wurden ne Menge rausgekegelt und dann ging´s wieder hoch.
    Die Trittbrettfahrer (NOT hatte ja trading halt), in die man reinging, verloren kräftig. UC, Spider und Freewest.

    Hab UC nicht verkauft, im Nachhinein wär es g´scheiter gewesen, ein Drittel zu geben.
    Aber da kommt noch was.
    Ich hab da Zeit, 2 Drittel sind aus der Jahresfrist, der rest im Jänner.
    Ich kann warten.... :D
    Die heutige meldung:

    Wetere Meldungen:
    sind schön am laufen.


    Scorpio: Wann gibt´s da endlich mal larheit in der abspaltung mit Scorpio Gold und bactech…o_nuestra_senor.html?.v=1

    halte beide Meldungen IPT und ECU für gut.
    Werthaltiger ist Impact mM.

    Die nächsten paar wochen werd ich auf´s Wenden wert legen.
    D.h. ich will einige zu halbwegs vernünftigen kursen anbringen, während der Rest sich entwickelt.
    Aber das wollen viele.... :D
    Was die sache nicht erleichtert!


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Mexiko Mike gestern zu SEG.TO:

    I spoke with Terry Byberg today to get some idea of how things are going. They hired a new mill supervisor this summer and he has helped improve the efficiency of the processing plant. Last month they achieved 81% recovery of the combined silver, lead, and zinc, which is very good for a polymetallic deposit. Considering the high grade of the resource if they can continue at that rate or better it will project to strong operating profits. The company processed 170 tonnes or ore yesterday and the interim goal is to get to 200 tpd.

    A second ball mill has been installed and is now operating. They are still looking for a larger 3rd ball mill that will allow for the next upgrade in processing capacity as the operation grows.

    There are currently 3 drills turning on the property for exploration drilling. One more drill will be delivered next month that will enable underground drilling as well.

    Work is underway to complete an updated resource estimate, and RPA is the consultant that is preparing the report. These things tend to take a long time to be accepted and finalized, and RPA is highly respected but thorough and conservative, so I am sure there are some pretty intense conversations going on behind the scenes on just what data will be included. However, with all the exploration work that is ongoing, and the fact that recently announced discoveries have not even been presented, whatever number they come out with on this report will be handsomely trumped about this time next year when the next report is presented.

    I bought a few more shares last month, and I will be looking to add more this month. I mentioned SEG in my Mexico Mike column this week so I have to wait a few more days before I can enter a buy order. SEG is a paid advertiser on the website.



  • Exmin hat ein Option agreement mit Canarc:
    da haben sich zwei gute gefunden.

    Die vereinbarungen sind nich gerade sehr gut für Exmin.
    Es wird aber verständlich, wenn man sich die Projektseite genauer anschaut.
    Sie haben sooo viele Gebiete.
    Außerdem haben sie nur einen Teil weggegeben.

    Man beachte auch die karten und die Präsentation.
    Gestiegen sind sie heute wohl kaum wegen dieser Meldung.

    Außerdem gibt´s bald Cash von der Morris Mine.

    Maildienst von EXM:
    Investors and Potential Investors,

    Given the large amount of work EXMIN has completed this summer, we thought a synopsis might make it easier to understand the shareholder value our company has created over this period. Weakness in the Precious Metal mining shares has clearly affected EXMIN, and we view the current share price as an extraordinary value. Here are some of the key things we have accomplished this summer:

    Inaugurated the Moris Mine our 30%-owned Moris mine project commenced production on schedule in August, with the first gold pour anticipated in October. When fully ramped up, likely by year-end, EXMIN's share of production will generate cash flow of roughly US$300,000 per month, based on annual mine output of roughly 36,000 ounces of gold (Au price U$650) and 150,000 ounces of silver.
    Continued drilling at the Moris exploration project - In July, we reported solid drilling results at Moris with our JV partner, Hochschild Ltd. of Peru, including an intercept that cut 17.05 metres of 1.05 g/t gold. In July, the second significant drilling program commenced at Moris, with a third program potentially commencing in the fourth quarter.
    Created a significant strategic alliance with Hochschild In July, we announced that Hochschild participated in a $4.5 million private placement with EXMIN. Under its terms, EXMIN's debt to Hochschild was cancelled as well, in exchange for shares that effectively raised its stake in EXMIN to approximately 17%. Additionally, Hochschild will work more closely with the company on project generation, and obtained the first right of offer on many of EXMIN's available projects.
    Commencement of second stage drilling with Industrias Peoles This week, we announced that the second major drilling program at Maguarichic will commence in early fall: a 3,000 metre program with very high potential. Prep work has been completed, and initial sampling is very promising.
    Continued developing drill targets at our joint venture with Yale Resources Last week, Yale renewed its earn-in JV agreement with EXMIN for the Urique project, entering the second year of the five-year term. First year work was very successful, with one large drill-ready target defined and several other promising targets being explored.
    Received favorable drilling results from our 100%-owned Horcon project In August, we published initial drilling results from Horcon, including cuts of 1.12 g/t Au over 13.7 metres with nearly 1 ounce silver per ton and almost 2 % combined lead and zinc and 2.88 g/t Au over 3.6 metres with nearly 2 ounces of silver per ton and 5% combined lead and zinc.
    Made a significant acquisition In August, we acquired the high grade Pino silver project in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Durango state. This project is located near several other projects being explored or mined by Canadian junior resource companies, including Guanacevi (Endeavor Silver), Topia (Great Panther Resources) and Tahuehueto (Soho Resources). We view this project as having excellent discovery potential, either as a 100%-owned or joint venture property.
    Created our fifth Joint Venture This morning, we announced a new joint venture with Canarc Resources (CCM.V) to explore the Santiago project on our Batopilas concession. This five-year agreement represents are fifth joint venture, with Canarc being the fourth company to become a partner of EXMIN.
    We are very proud of these accomplishments, and look forward to adding further to shareholder value in the near future. Management works for you and all EXMIN shareholders. We encourage and welcome your questions, criticisms, and praises, and are here to answer your calls or e-mails at any time. In North America , our toll-free number is 866-493-9646.

    Viele gehen halt mit mit POG und POS. Sehr sensibel ist da FR.

    Gestrige einschätzung zu UC wahr wohl auch richtig.

    Und AMC schiebt auch an.

    Man sollte sich zur zeit wohl die anschauen, die nicht gehen und nach den gründen suchen.
    Und Tschüüsss! :D


  • Impact mit der 3. Mine fast fertig und produktiopn wird erhöht.
    Sind halt alles Miniminen, aber dafür mit hohen grades..
    Sozusagen Handarbeit! :D
    ind auch gut gestiegen die letzten Tage. Noch immer saubillig.

    Ohne Kommentar!

    Geologix Expolrations and Silver Standard Resources Amend San Agustin Option Agreement
    Thursday September 20, 12:37 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 20, 2007) - Geologix Explorations Inc. ("Geologix") (TSX VENTURE:GIX - News; FRANKFURT:GF6 - News) and Silver Standard Resources Inc. ("Silver Standard") have signed an amendment to the San Agustin Option Agreement dated August 29, 2006 ( for the San Agustin property located in Durango State, Mexico.

    The amendment to the Option Agreement defines the following terms:

    - A final Drill Plan has been agreed to that defines the remaining 12,450 meters of the15,000 meter drill commitment required to be completed to prepare the resource estimate that will be used to determine the property purchase price.

    - The resource calculation will be based on all historical information as of August 22, 2007 and the remaining 12,450 meters identified in the amended final Drill Plan.

    - The final Drill Plan has moved 1500 meters of drilling from a central core area in the original agreement to Zone 2 as defined by Geologix.

    - Additional drilling or data completed by Geologix outside of the amended agreement terms and final Drill Plan will not be included in the resource calculation used for purchase of the property.

    - The Silver Standard back in right to the property has been removed.

    - The resource calculation period has been extended from 3 months to 4 months from the completion of the drill plan to accommodate slow assay lab turnaround.

    A Geologix press release providing a summary of the original August 29, 2006 San Agustin Option Agreement is available by clicking this link:

    About Geologix

    Geologix Explorations Inc. is a mineral exploration company focused on acquiring, exploring and developing gold properties in North and South America. The Company has a wealth of experience in the mining industry taking early stage exploration prospects to final feasibility and ultimately to production.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


    Michael Mallard
    Geologix Explorations Inc.
    V.P. Corporate Communications
    (604) 694-1742 or Toll Free in Canada and USA: 1-888-694-174

    Dunham Craig
    Geologix Explorations Inc.
    President & CEO
    (604) 694-1742 or Toll Free in Canada and USA: 1-888-694-174

  • heron,
    du sagst es.
    So was ist aber indem geschäft nicht ungewöhnlich. :D

    Die Noront G´schicht wird ja immer interessanter. Schau mir das von außen (na ja UC halt am Nebengeleise) an.
    Ist mal Geld da, dann, wenn es noch passt....
    Zur Zeit sicher nicht

    Zu SNN.TO: kommt da ein bisserl Volumen rein, geht die ab wegen der wenigen freien aktien.
    Und dann muss Kings minerals nachziehen. Die ist beweglicher.
    Heisst, wenn bei SNN nicht mehr viel geht, werden sie Kings entdecken.
    Hab ja beide nicht. Stink bid bei Kings hat nicht gezogen. :D

    KXL.V; ein ehemaliger Highflyer mit besten Bohrergebnissen, dann Abstürzer mit nachfolgend schlechten. startet wieder durch.

    Schönes Wochenende

    Guter Überblick zu Silverstone

    Silverstone Resources Accelerates Silver Production Over Next Couple of Years
    September 20, 2007

    Silverstone Resources is not exactly a conventional junior mining company as has been obvious from July last year when it completed its initial public offering, prior to listing on the TSX Venture Exchange, by way of distribution as a dividend-in-kind to the shareholders of Capstone. The dividend-in-kind was paid on the basis of one unit of Silverstone for every three shares of Capstone held. These units consisted of one common share in the capital stock of Silverstone and one half of one transferable share purchase warrant to purchase common shares in the capital stock of Silverstone. The obvious question is what is the relationship between Silverstone and Capstone and the answer is that in February of this year Silverstone agreed to buy 100 per cent of the silver produced from Capstone’s Cozamin mine in Mexico for the next 10 years.
    So there you have what amounts to a virtuous circle. Capstone gives birth to Silverstone and once it has established its own individuality Silverstone comes back to Capstone and offers to buy its future silver production for US$20 million plus 19.35 million special warrants which together were valued at US$44 million. On top of this Silverstone will pay US$4 for each ounce of silver, but not until it has actually been delivered. Cozamin is a copper-zinc-lead and silver mine in Zacatecas State, Mexico, which is expected to produce an average of 1.2 million ounces of silver for the next 10 years so the back-of-envelope calculations are simple. At the end of the period Cozamin should have produced 12 million ounces of silver for which it will have been paid US$48 million, plus the upfront US$44 million, which equals US$92 million.

    Without entering the realms of discounted cash flow and compound interest the simple fact is that Silverstone is buying silver for US$7.6/oz until 2017. The present price of silver is US$13.12/oz so there is plenty of margin for any treatment undertaken by Silverstone and the present demand/ supply situation in the silver market indicates that the price should go higher over the coming years. Just in case anything goes wrong at Cozamin, which has more than enough resources to cover this contract, Capstone will pay Silverstone US$1.00 for each ounce of silver less than 10 million ounces delivered at the end of the 10 year term. The advantage to Capstone is that it has found a way to sell production forward and Silverstone gets the advantage of steady cash flow geared to the price of silver.

    Clearly it has worked out to the benefit of both parties as Silverstone has recently announced that it has agreed a similar deal with Lundin Mining to acquire 100 per cent of the life of mine payable silver production from its Neves Corvo and Aljustrel mines in Portugal. As Darren Pylot, Silverstone’s chief executive points out, “This transaction, coming on top of the Cozamin deal, will triple Silverstone’s silver sales to around 3 million ozs annually by late 2009. We have acquired this silver production from base metal mines with long mine lives and significant exploration potential”.

    Neves-Corvo and Aljustrel are base metal mines (copper-zinc-lead-silver) situated quite near each other, but operated separately. The mill at Neves-Corvo, located in southern Portugal, produces around 500,000 ounces of payable silver annually contained in copper concentrate. In July 2006 production of zinc concentrate commenced at the site. The Aljustrel mine is just being commissioned and it is scheduled to process 1.8 million tones of lead-zinc-silver ore annually, which is expected to yield approximately 1.2 million ounces of silver in lead concentrate when full production of the Feitais ore body is reached in 2009. The price paid in upfront cash, shares and warrants reflects the larger amount of silver involved and this time marginally less is paid for each ounce of silver. The other difference is that at the time of the Cozamin deal funding came be way of equity placements, this time US$40 million in bank debt has been arranged with Scotia Capital.

    Lundin Mining also becomes a significant shareholder in Silverstone which could prove a useful relationship in the future. It is worth remembering that Silverstone also has an option to earn a 90 per cent interest in 4 advanced silver-gold projects in Mexico. The current focus is on the Copala silver-gold project in Sinaloa State where drilling has taken place on the Clemens and El Muerto zones on the Animas Refugio vein and intersections included 11.33metres grading 1.65g/t gold and 288g/t silver and 7.75metres grading 1.86g/t gold and 227g/t silver. The data accumulated from this drilling confirms that the silver-gold mineralization in both the Clemens and El Muerto zones is open along strike and down dip and there is excellent potential for both underground and open pit development on this vein. Metallurgical testwork and an initial resource estimate are next on Silverstone’s list with Capstone and Lundin Mining looking over Mr Pylot’s shoulder.

  • Tom Szabo vom Silver summit in Idaho:
    Der spricht sogar dort, dabei war er bei "save the sunshine" aktiv :D

    Die erwähnte silvermex ist SMR.V.
    Die anderen Erwähnten hatten wir hier schon öfters..
    The Silver Summit is going very well with solid attendance, although by no means standing room only. Alas, the "silver hairs" still dominate on the pariticipant side as I only counted a handful of younger investors under 50. There have been a number of good speakers and panels and the quality and breadth of the exhibiting companies is excellent. I particularly liked what I've learned about Silver Quest (by far the cheapest silver company with solid projects at a market cap under $5 million), Impact (more on this later), Mines Management (still a long term play, but now there is an end in sight along with exploration upside in the near future) and newcomers Silvermex and Mexican Silver Mines. I'll talk more about the latter two in greater detail at some point as well, but for now I will just mention that they both have good appreciation potential in the short term for risk averse silver investors looking to diversify their Mexican junior exploration portfolios. It appears there is still no shortage of high potential projects in the "land o'plenty" since both of these companies came along after I wrote in May 2006 that Arian Silver might have arrived just in the nick of time (May 2006) in terms of good projects not yet vended by their Mexican owners to junior explorers. I'm amazed that the exploration and mining potential in Mexico appears to remain virtually untapped even after the flurry of discoveries and mine developments that have taken place in the past few years.

    War heute bei einer gediegenen Veranstaltung:
    "No cash, no hope - a tribute to Johnny Cash", ich l i e b e den alten Cash.
    Lost Compadres, Rainy river two (das wird die nächste österreichische Kultband nach Lassiter (gibt´s leider nimma, Schicksal von Explorern, um den Metallbezug herzustellen.) :D
    "Krautschädl" als rockband könnt´s euch auch merken. Das "Schädeln" werd´s noch brauchen können :D
    Und wenn schon Metallbezug, es gibt eine ältere CD von Cash, die heisst "Silver".
    Fritz Ostermayer gab den DJ und versoff seine gage mit dem publikum mit Vodka aus der Flasche.
    Das, was er auflegt, ist genial. Er war übrigens blunznfett, wie wir sagen, im Geegnsatz zu mir.
    Dafür gönn ich mir jetzt einen mindestens 15 jährigen Dalwhinnie (Single Highland Malt). So was Gutes, aber nur in Minischlückchen, was den genuss steigert. Der geht auf im Mund wie ein Germteig (Hefe)!

    Ich schreib das übrigens auch deshalb: "No cash, no hope" wird möglicherweise heuer im Oktober noch tragend. :D

    Tschonko (bin übrigens nicht besoffen, noch nicht mal "angespitzt, weil da schreib ich etwas pfefferoniartiger! :D

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • @eldo,
    jaaa, das war eine Hommage an den Herrn.

    Gestern noch einen drauf mit den "Bastard Sons Of Johnny Cash" in Linz´s ältestem Punklokal.

    Eine super Band aus Austin, Texas in der klassischen Besetzung; acustic, electric und bass guitar + Schlagzeug.
    Mark Stuart ist Extraklasse.
    Eine richtige Liveband, wo man jedes instrument genau raushören kann.
    (Sind auch die Tourdaten für D drauf - kann ich empfehlen!) :D.

    Vom freitag noch die Red River two:…profile&friendid=74769793

    Und heit bin i müüüde und soll kochen und arbeiten?


  • First Narrows Reports Latest Results From the Chester Definition Drilling Program
    Monday September 24, 10:55 am ET

    Latest Results Include 4.0% Copper Over 13.85 Meters (45.4 ft.) in Hole 128, and 10.5% Combined Lead-Zinc Over 8.0 Meters (26.2 ft.) in Hole 131

    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Sep 24, 2007 -- First Narrows Resources Corp. (CDNX:UNO.V - News) (Other OTC:FNRWF.PK - News) ("First Narrows" or the "Company") is pleased to provide the latest analytical results from the National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") qualifying mineral resource definition drilling program in progress on its Chester Copper-Polymetallic Feeder Deposit.

    Wegen der Tabellen hier der link:

    Sie derrappeln sich, könnte noch interessant werden mit UNO.

    Hab heute einen Thread eröffnet zu VMS.V. Gehört nicht hierher.

    Die GQC.V rennt auch die letzten wochen wie die Sau.

    Und diese Meldung famd ich einfach nur gut, na eigentlich nur witzig.
    ALMI bohrt für UCOI, meinen 99,3% Verlust.
    Aber da mach ich noch mal was. das reizt mich irgendwie..... :D
    Seltenblöder Zock!


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

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