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  • Artikel zu GOG und ECU auf.…iarty/moriarty102407.html
    da kann man auch Bilderle anschauen.... :D

    Was mich noch freut, ist, dass ich hier schon vor ein paar Wochen gesagt habe: Wenn GOG denn mal geht, dann kräftig...
    Jetzt gogt sie mal ein bisserl.... :D
    $ Stock, was sonst?

    Mexican Silver:
    I'm all a-GOG

    Bob Moriarty
    Oct 24, 2007

    I'm just back from another two weeks on the road visiting up-and-coming juniors. This trip took me to Mexico for a few days and then to the mouth of the Amazon in Brazil.

    My first visit was to the San Diego project of Golden Tag Resources [GOG.V] located near the city of Torreon in Mexico. Golden Tag has entered into a joint venture with ECU silver to explore the property. Terms call for GOG to spend $1.5 million to earn a 50% interest in San Diego. It's a no lose deal for both companies. ECU gets someone else to spend the money yet keeps a 50% interest. Golden Tag gets a piece of a nice potential property for peanuts.

    Golden Tag has just started a third phase drill program of 6000 meters in order to define a greater resource. I try to spend some time on the website of all the companies I intend to visit to get a better feel for their intentions and capabilities. Quite frankly, the website didn't knock me over. They have a nice potential gold project in Red Lake; on strike with the Campbell and Goldcorp mine and they have this half interest in a nice potential silver project in Mexico.

    I will say Mexico is about my most favorite place in the world for mining projects. There is silver and gold all over the country. 80 years of under-exploration is giving way to some incredible opportunities. In late August, Golden Tag released results from the first two phases of drilling. The results were excellent and showed strong silver, lead and zinc numbers.

    I go to a lot of projects; I probably spend half my time visiting different companies. [Editor's note: Half the time? Hmmm - he's away from home 3/4 of the time, I wonder... He obviously pays Ted a bunch of 'hush dosh'] I see a lot of drill core and read a lot of press releases touting drill results. And they get really boring. It's very difficult for professionals to understand drill results as stated in the typical press release and even more difficult for ordinary investors. Those companies who want to confuse, do so easily.

    But I've been on the ground at San Diego and seen the core that went with the results. They claim a 2.2 million ounce silver resource but that is based on a very limited number of drill holes. ECU and GOG are in the process of working on a new 43-101 resource based on the Phase 1 and Phase 2 very successful drill programs. The expanded resource should be out by the end of November. Based on the holes I saw, it's hard to come up with a number but depending on the cutoff grade, it could easily be a barnburner. At these prices, the stock seems pretty cheap to me.

    Project geologist Kateri Marchand has worked nothing short of a miracle. Along with two assistants, she has run the entire exploration program, drilled 5,300 meters of diamond core and defined a lot of new ounces. The budget was about $1.1 million and with the new 6,000-meter drill program, GOG expects to have earned their 50% interest shortly.

    I am real sure that when the 43-101 is released, anyone interested in silver is going to wake up in a hurry. Kateri has managed more work for less money in a shorter period than any project I have seen in years. I was really impressed with her accomplishments. There is a lot of silver at San Diego.

    The project is only 9 KM from ECU's silver mine and mill at Velardena. It's in ECU's best interest to have multiple sources of feed for their two mills with 400 TPD capacity. I suspect GOG and ECU will put San Diego into production a lot sooner than anyone expects.

    When you are comparing mines and projects, the single most important element is always the people. I've seen great projects screwed up; I see it all the time. But good management will always come up trumps. That's what makes them good management. GOG identified a great project and locked up half of it. They aren't going to be the biggest silver producer in Mexico but I think San Diego has excellent potential for bulk tonnage and I know they have spent their money wisely.

    Lead and zinc prices have been hitting new records and the rock at San Diego has good percentages for both on top of the silver. The area has been mined for over 400 years and the surrounding communities have potential for the hundreds of skilled miners necessary to get into production. If you want to be mining silver, lead and zinc, the Velardena/Torreon area is about the best area in the world to be mining.

    ECU Silver has a market cap of about $480 million based on an Indicated and Inferred silver resource of about 98 million ounces. They have five mines in the area and two mills but the market is giving them almost $5 an ounce for silver in the ground. At that price, GOG would be fairly valued today but I expect a much higher resource, their drill results really were spectacular. In any case, ECU and GOG will be releasing a joint resource. In the case of ECU, the resource will be for all their properties and in the case of GOG, only the San Diego project but it would be easy for any investor to calculate a fair value based on how the market values the increase in ECU ounces.

    Golden Tag has about $2.5 million in the bank. They will spend an additional $300,000 at San Diego which gives them their 50% earn in. And at Red Lake, they have a budget of $700,000 for drilling by their partner. They anticipate an additional $500,000 in matching funds to complete the Phase 3 drilling in Mexico. And in addition, they expect to bring in about $4 million with the exercise of warrants and options. The company has 35.1 million shares outstanding and 45.9 million shares fully diluted.

    I'm as biased as I can be. Management and Kateri really impressed me with how much has been accomplished at San Diego in about a year. The 43-101 will show the potential and it will be out very soon. With a $12 million market cap, GOG is really cheap. Golden Tag is an advertiser and I do own shares. Do your own due diligence, por favor.

    Golden Tag Resources
    GOG-V $.395 Canadian (Oct 23, 2007)
    31.3 million shares outstanding
    Golden Tag website

    Bob Moriarty

    Von Peter Grandich gibt es noch den hinweis auf eine neue GIX Studie.
    Ein absoluter Grandich Tip! hat er sehr hoch gewichtet.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hallo heron,
    der alte Mann hat schon Recht. Er muss die letzte 43-101 nehmen vom 30.6.06.
    Und da sind nun mal so viel ausgewiesen.

    An independent audit by Toronto-based Broad Oak Associates, completed for the National Instrument (NI) 43-101 technical compliance report and reported June 30, 2006, puts indicated resources at 1.45 million tonnes containing 17.4 million ounces of silver-equivalent and inferred resources at 6.3 million tonnes or 81 million ounces of silver-equivalent. The numbers represent a year-over-year, 42% increase in indicated resources and 608% increase in inferred resources. The June 30th report does not include five subsequent, major discoveries made in the second and third quarter of 2006 nor does it include lead and zinc assays. ECU commissioned an updated NI 43-101 in the fourth quarter of 2006. The Company anticipates frequent future updates as exploration drilling accelerates.

    Natürlich haben sie jetzt mehr.
    Ich erwarte ja sehnsüchtig den neuen!

    Oder hab ich da was verpasst?

    Ne, nichts verpasst. Aber was haben sie bisher gemeldet? Kannst du die geschätzte zahl mal reinstellen?

    Auf der Presi auf Seite 10 dasselbe:


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • hallo!

    bin noch ziemlich neu in diesem gebiet, interessiere mich aber sehr für minenaktien

    hatte jetzt kurz orko im depot und mit etwas gewinn wieder verkauft.

    bin nun am überlegen, bei welchen ich nun einsteigen soll.
    mir schweben sabina od. impact silver vor

    was haltet ihr davon, bzw. habt ihr gute tips zum anfangen


  • @at,
    sind beide gut. aber unterschiedliche Geschichten.
    Warum hast du OK verkauft. Die laufen doch..........
    Gut, sie sind nicht mehr billig, aber es läuft.....

    Anfangsposi sollten immer Produzenten sein, meine ich.
    Habe es aber selbst nicht so gehalten... :D
    Und Haue bezogen und wie! :D
    Aber auch schöne runs....

    KMN mit sehr guter Meldung. Da hatte ich gutes timinmg für Einstieg vorgestern.

    Kalman Exceptional Rhenium Assay Results
    The company is pleased to announce the rhenium assay results from re-assays received to date from drillholes shown on the attached drillhole location map.…744dd4/ASX-KMN-381962.pdf

    Mexico Mike hat sich zu scorpio und ECU geäußert.
    Bei Scorpio hab ich mehrfach geäußert, dass ich mich nicht auskenn.
    Mike hat da für mich ein Aktion "Licht ins Dunkel" (das gibt´s bei uns alljährlich via TV... :D) gestartet. Erfolgreich!

    Und zu ECU: einfach nur schön mit den bananaheads.
    sehr wichtige Info. Ich war auch der Meinung, die hätten die Produktion fast gänzlich runtergefahren.

    Well I got in touch with IR for Scorpio today, and did not like what I heard. I have been a loyal long term supporter of this company for a couple of years, but my confidence in the group is going down the drain. It now appears that management was relying on the early exercise of warrants in order to pay for the construction costs at the mill.

    They issued disclosure that they had all the money they needed a few months ago based on that assumption. That is strike one, IMO, because they should have stated that they were counting on warrants for the funding, which is a far more risky proposition that stating the money was in hand.

    Fine. So they needed more money, and lots of juniors run into similar problems. Then why go for such a large chunk of cash now? Why not complete a small offerring to carry the ball until the warrants get cashed in next spring and pay off the remainder then? What potential debt solutions were considered? Why not a line of credit to tap into? Surely they could have combined a number of possibilities to raise the short term money with less dilution. Strike two...

    What has me the most incensed is that the short position has been building all summer. It is clear that the shorts will be let off the hook with this big offerring, at huge profits. The syndicate of brokerage houses will be raking in huge profits and broker warrants. The share structure will grow allowing for more cheap insider warrants to be issued. And the only guy that doesnt make any money on this deal is the little guy that has stuck with the company for the last year while the share price was shorted into the dust.

    I am disgusted. I have not sold a share. I respect the management group. But they have let us down.

    Ignorance can be fixed but stupid is forever.

    Hi Guys!

    I am not suggesting management was behaving nefariously in the way that financing was handled. I think Peter Hawley is an honorable man and I respect his accomplishments overall. But I do think they dropped the ball on this one, and it was the common shareholder that got screwed in the process. I think they could have selected better options to resolve the financing requirement, and they should have reported the situation more accurately in the first place. If I thought they were playing games, I would have also sold. But either way, this is not a good deal for the people that supported the company the last few years and I am very disappointed. I know of quite a few juniors that have been able to accomplish more with less. And the fact that the placement is so quickly subscribed should tell management they gave away the store and more should have been done to secure the money on less dilutive terms.



    Und ECU:
    I received a number of phone calls last week from disgruntled shareholders of ECU, regarding the following quote from their last NR:

    "Steve Altmann, President, further added that "The Company's decision to stop small scale production and focus on resource delineation and expansion has been very beneficial in our identifying new discoveries and proving the continuity of several veins within our three properties: Velardena, Chicago and San Diego." - ENDQUOTE

    This appeared to be different from what the company had reported at the AGM just in the summer. I spoke with Stephen Altmann today to ask what was going on, and I think it is worth updated here.

    The company has NOT ceased operations at the mill. They have not closed down the operation and have not laid off any of the staff. What is going on is that they no longer attempting to generate positive cash flow from small scale operations. Instead, they are using the existing mill facility as a test-operation, that will enable them to run smaller batches of various ores through the circuits. They can then experiment with different treatment processes, and generate data from the results that can be used in planning for a larger operation.

    Just by changing the concentration of reagents in the circuits, or varying the crushing intensity and duration to change the average particle size in the circuits, or changing the length of time that material is subjected to processing, can have a great difference in the final costs and net recovery. So they get this work done now as part of the planning and it will enable them to prepare a longer term mine plan and build a suitable mill and recovery plant for a large operation.

    This does not represent a step backwards. It is simply that they have committed to grow to a much more significant mining operation, and are taking the right steps to arrive at that objective.

    I think some of the bananaheads on other forums have been bashing the company (as usual) on flawed information. I hope people will reconsider what the longer term impact of this decision represents and be less influenced by those who actively work to spread false information.



    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • at_07

    5 Werte sollten es schon sein, es sei denn Du hast Dich wirklich eingehend mit dem einen oder anderen Wert beschäftigt und willst traden.....

    Sabina und Impact sind nicht schlecht aber von Diversifikation kann dann keine Rede sein......Tschonko hat schon recht.....Grundstock sollte solide sein....und dann noch die eine oder andere Position mit höherem aber Geschmackssache und darüber hinaus bist Du ja für Dein Geld selber verantwortlich.....

  • Tschonko
    ECU hatte ja schon vor längerer Zeit über neue major discoveriers berichtet. Seitdem kursieren Resourcenschätzungen von 300 bis 500 Mio Unzen Ag-Eq. Was davon in der neuen Resourcenschätzung steht, muss man abwarten. Klar ist dass das langfristig vieeeel mehr sein wird. Sollten nun allerdings weniger als 300 Mio's geschätzt werden (und davon nicht mindestens 200 M&I), dann wär das gar nicht gut. Denn es gibt verärgerte Anleger die einen Produzenten haben wollen und nicht verstehen warum die Produktion eingestellt wurde. --Sehr gut übrigens der Kommentar hierzu von Mexiko Mike.

    Apropos GOG/ECU: Ich hab mal rausgesucht was Mexiko Mike im Frühjahr zur San Diego Property im Web gepostet hatte, nachdem er ECU besucht hatte:

    ...I believe that the results from San Diego indicate that the mineralization they have encountered is related to the same system that formed a number of other large deposits in the region. The topography of the district is rugged, and the limestone host rock of area was intensely altered by a large intrusion. The town of Velardena sits in a valley, alongside of which the main highway through Durango runs. To the north of this valley is the old Santa Maria Mine, a former Grupo Mexico base metals producer. To the east, another series of ridges is host to the ECU mines, and the Reyna Del Cobre Mine owned by Penoles. ECU geologists believe that the mineralization from all of these mines were emplaced due to the same underlying intrusive.

    Lower elevations of these deposits are base metals rich, and that is where the large skarn deposits have been encountered at each of the three mines. Higher up in the system, there are stockwork zones and narrow, high grade epithermal veins that bear greater precious metals content.

    Where it gets interesting is that each of the major mine developments in the area are located at different elevations, so they encounter the same systems a different depths. It appears Santa Maria, located lower down in the valley, was limited to base metals since the upper elevations of the mineralization had been eroded away. The composition of the fluids circulating below when these mines were formed could also have played a role in why Reyna Del Cobre is primarily a copper mine, yet the mines controlled by ECU are richer in gold and silver.

    I am very optimistic that as ECU probes further to depth, they will encounter some of the same higher grade skarn zones that the other large mines outlined from the system, however, if in fact the acidity of the mineralizing fluids were a contributing factor, we may find a greater concentration of gold to depth in the skarn at Velardena.

    Now to put all that into perspective for San Diego, the very high gold grades in the narrow veins have once again been encountered, and again this could be due to greater acidity in the plumbing of the system as the deposit was emplaced. I noted that the gold zone reported this week occurred at a depth of about 500m below surface, which is much deeper than the mines at Velardena. I believe San Diego is located about 20 kms from Velardena, and I do not know the elevation of the property but I would assume that it sits higher above sea level. And therefore even though the latest gold intersection occurred at greater depth, it may be roughly the same elevation of the mineral system as the higher grade gold ECU reported last year from Level 18 of the Santa Jauna Mine.

    If so, then we can look forward to the potential that skarn and stockworks may exist below these high grade veins.

    The bottom line for me is that the entire district is intensely mineralized, and there is ample evidence that very large deposits were formed at all three mines. San Diego could become the next big discovery area, and it bears a close resemblence to the ECU Santa Jauna, Terneras, and San Mateo Mines. I think they are going to find another gold-rich, bulk tonnage deposit as the exploration on the next round tests to deeper levels...

    VG heron

  • Heron,
    ich wär mit 300 zufrieden, dann wären sie auch nicht mehr teuer. Ca 1,5 pro oz.

    Thanks für den Mike Bericht. Da hab ich das letzte mal nachgekauft, wie ich mich erinnere. :D

    Heute Meldung: verblüffend hohe Goldgehalte, aber wenig Ausdehnung.
    Die neue 43 er kommt noch dieses Jahr.
    Juanita wird erwachsen........... :D

    ECU Silver Announces New Assay Results on CC Vein at Santa Juana
    Friday October 26, 1:48 pm ET


    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 26, 2007) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU - News; "ECU Silver" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received new assay results from the Santa Juana area in the Velardena Property.

    As part of the work related in completing our new mineral resource estimation, new drifts were driven whereupon the most important zones within the new drifts were drilled and/or sampled to fit within the new norms. One such zone, centered on a main vein in Santa Juana, the CC vein, on level 18 west of the Tres Aguilas fault. This zone was sampled for over 200 metres and assayed for precious and base metals. The results are listed in the Table 1 below.

    These very high gold and silver assays, coupled with significant base metal values, represent the main CC vein which is enclosed in a wider mineralized zone that includes numerous smaller veins and veinlets. This mineralized zone forms the northern edge of one of the mineralized vein packages that are being defined within the Santa Juana Mineralized Corridor in the Velardena Property. ECU continues the assessment and interpretation of several mineralized vein packages within the Mineralized Corridor.

    Also, as part of ECU's medium and long term exploration program, a new ramp is being driven which will accomplish two main objectives. First it will give us access to the vein system which extends below the current mine development at the Velardena Property. Second, it will provide a platform from which all the main veins at the Velardena Property can be drilled at depth and at much lower levels than currently reached. The planned length of the ramp is 2,500 metres of which the first 74 metres have been driven after the portal was completed.

    43-101 Technical Report Update

    We continue to advance our progress on the delivery of a new 43-101 mineral resource estimate which is scheduled for release this fall.

    Last week, at our operations office in Torreon Mexico, a representative from our consultants, Micon International Limited ("Micon"), reviewed our work to date. We are pleased to report that our approach and methodology in determining our new mineral resource estimate were considered to be well within Micon's guidelines.

    We are nearing completion of a 3-dimensional computer generated geologic model and the corresponding interpretation. The resulting new geologic 3-D model is anticipated to generate a comprehensive mineral resource estimate that will include results from the Mineralized Corridor at Santa Juana and from additional series of high grade veins located within the Velardena Property. In addition, results from the nearby Chicago and San Diego properties will also be included.

    The new mineral resource estimate will be predominantly a precious metal resource comprised mainly of silver and gold values. This new resource estimate will be augmented with additional base metal values of zinc, lead and copper.

    The Company is very excited about the upcoming resource estimate as we believe it will rank highly among all other world class silver assets.

    Table 1.

    Drift Samples Level 18 - CC Vein
    Sample Width m Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Cu %
    45750 0.40 9.00 264 0.01 0.06 0.22
    45751 0.40 11.30 113 0.02 0.04 0.06
    45752 0.70 19.90 320 1.23 2.60 0.52
    45753 0.40 7.20 174 0.51 1.91 0.34
    45754 0.50 28.10 606 0.56 3.28 0.93
    45755 0.50 70.70 353 0.28 2.30 0.57
    45756 1.20 29.90 364 4.02 8.19 2.41
    45757 0.40 33.70 294 1.03 10.80 5.42
    45758 0.60 21.50 653 1.45 10.33 2.03
    45759 1.20 1.60 143 0.67 10.81 1.53
    45760 0.50 60.00 318 0.63 6.91 0.25
    45762 0.50 53.00 381 1.63 1.63 0.27
    45763 0.30 31.70 864 3.95 2.45 0.51
    45764 0.50 126.40 541 7.46 8.77 2.33
    45765 0.50 6.10 637 11.15 2.46 1.08
    45766 0.40 13.40 936 8.96 4.21 3.23
    45767 0.50 9.80 788 2.54 1.94 0.83
    45768 0.60 19.00 524 3.58 1.71 1.28
    45769 1.00 18.90 338 0.72 0.67 1.13
    45770 1.10 4.70 238 0.78 1.51 0.40
    45771 0.70 26.70 424 0.93 4.66 0.47
    45772 0.40 16.70 556 0.28 1.52 0.29
    45773 0.30 12.10 138 0.44 1.83 0.62
    45774 0.50 38.50 1155 0.54 1.39 2.45
    45775 0.30 55.40 286 1.27 0.63 0.93
    45776 0.30 35.10 669 0.68 0.69 0.32
    45777 0.10 37.90 79 0.34 2.39 0.57
    45778 0.10 3.40 83 0.12 1.35 0.31
    45779 0.20 50.30 231 1.14 1.25 1.78
    45780 0.15 16.40 120 0.42 1.18 0.61
    45782 0.20 16.60 218 2.51 2.30 1.40
    45783 0.20 33.40 1109 1.66 0.60 0.36
    45784 0.25 44.40 340 0.48 0.49 0.79
    45785 0.10 30.70 1989 1.35 1.07 4.76
    45786 1.20 45.00 302 0.43 0.56 1.03
    45787 0.15 22.70 700 0.35 0.96 0.13
    45788 0.20 26.40 1580 4.48 5.10 1.83
    45789 0.15 14.00 574 0.79 3.26 0.85
    45790 0.20 25.30 1640 7.68 1.42 4.28
    45791 0.20 25.10 413 5.17 9.32 1.20
    45792 0.25 47.10 371 0.92 1.07 1.15
    45793 0.50 18.20 398 6.13 9.39 2.55
    45794 0.30 15.20 1082 6.50 5.93 1.69
    45795 0.30 50.90 759 9.43 4.11 0.70
    45796 0.20 33.60 1622 11.20 1.21 1.18
    45797 0.40 32.30 2585 1.48 9.25 1.31
    45798 0.30 25.40 2713 32.01 3.32 1.90
    45799 0.20 9.10 1689 1.83 4.69 0.34
    46600 0.20 12.80 251 0.40 1.24 0.74
    46601 1.00 9.00 174 1.84 0.05 0.28
    Average 0.44 27.08 544 2.70 3.73 1.21

    Readers are cautioned that until a complete pre-feasibility study is completed, there are no assurances that the mineralized zone discussed above will be economically viable.

    All widths are true widths. Samples were assayed at the ERSA laboratory in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico which is currently in the process of being certified. Samples were also assayed at the SGS laboratory in Durango, Durango State, which is a certified laboratory. Property specific quality control samples were inserted at regular intervals in the sample sequence and the Company routinely does check assays at other certified laboratories.

    Mr. Michel Roy, P. Geo., a "qualified person" within the meaning of NI 43-101, prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.

  • @at und alle,
    die folgende Liste ist recht brauchbar.

    Wenn man sich MC anschaut und was geboten wird, Reserven zum Beispiel od. Produktion, dann kommt man schon recht weit.

    Zusätzlich: wie weit vom Hochstand entfernt, mit oder ohne Probleme (GAM z.B)

    Fifty silver mining stocks sorted

    Silver stocks are underperforming their gold and platinum peers, but given the array of stocks on hand, pockets of value and promise are hardly rare.
    Author: Barry Sergeant
    Posted: Tuesday , 23 Oct 2007


    In the past five years, silver has increased from $4.34 to a fraction under $15 an ounce, inspiring a veritable rush in listing silver stocks, and even a silver ETF (exchange traded fund) (AMEX: SVL, $135.39 a unit - each unit representing 10 ounces of silver). Today, the capitalisation of silver stocks is around $32bn, or some $38bn if seven gold stocks with serious silver output are thrown into the pot.

    This provides a total of 50 stocks, a challenge for any generalist or even specialist investor. Leaving aside the sheer choice, the most pressing investor challenge is undoubtedly the ongoing underperformance of the sector. Silver itself peaked back in June 2006, and currently trades around $13.60 an ounce. The 50 stocks mentioned are trading around an average of 29% off 12-month peaks, compared to 22% off for gold stocks, and 27% off for platinum stocks.

    It would be a mischief to even suggest that silver is driven by fundamentals similar to gold or platinum, but silver can probably be seen as possibly more specialist among precious metals, barring only rarities such as rhodium.

    Leaving aside the fundamentals for a moment, there appears little question that the official launch of the silver ETF in May 2006 cast a pall over the silver stocks sector. Up to that point, silver stocks were indeed trading at premiums to both North American gold and base metal stocks. Before the end of 2006, the ETF had attracted more than 120m ounces of silver, about 50% more than analysts had anticipated.

    It seemed that investors preferred to at least partially step aside from the operational and other risks associated with the actual mining of silver, and to be invested directly in a metal proxy. As such, silver stocks had to show up something sexy to attract investor specific attention, be it strong operating results, unexpected exploration success, or such like.

    Thus Orko Silver (OK.V, C$1.45 a share), definitely one of the favoured silver stocks, was earlier this month upgraded to a "buy" by Research Capital. The stock had announced an updated statement of resources at La Preciosa of 10.36m tons at an average grade of 200 grams a ton of silver and 0.324 grams of gold, resulting in 73.1m ounces of silver equivalent. Analysts anticipate that Orko is likely to continue expanding the silver resource at La Preciosa.

    Silvercorp Metals (SVM.T, C$21.83) is also doing very well, but investors should note that some 40% of its revenues are attributable to its lead production. Lead stocks are as rare as hen's teeth, and for some investors, Silvercorp is about the "purest" lead play around. Prices in the opaque lead market have increased by around 115% this year, outperforming all other major metals. Gold is up 22%, and silver by a modest 5%.

    Another top performing silver stock may be found in Hochschild Mining (HOC.L, £4.41), a much fancied London stock that only listed a year ago, but has been profitably digging around its world class Latin American assets for more than 50 years. Given its track record, and its ongoing delivery, investors appear to trust that the stock will continue to outperform.

    Penoles (MEX: PNLSF, 220 Pesos), by far the most heavily capitalised silver stock, is certainly among the top rated stocks in its sector, as are Silver Wheaton (SLW, $14.44) and Silver Standard (SSRI, $37.28). Silver Wheaton recently announced a 50% increase in reserves at the Penasquito project in Mexico to 864m ounces of silver. Silver Wheaton previously agreed with Penasquito owner Goldcorp (GG, $31.47) to purchase 25% of life-of-mine silver production from Penasquito for $485m in cash plus $3.90 an ounce of silver produced.

    For its part, Silver Standard has announced excellent drill results from the San Luis joint venture (where Silver Standard can increase to 70%). The results include 4.2m at 8.1 g/t gold and 503 g/t silver; 5.7m at 6.2 g/t gold and 271g/t silver, and 4.7m at 17.9 g/t gold and 657 g/t silver.

    As for the fundamentals, analysts at RBC Capital Markets (who somehow keep an eye on all listed silver stocks) maintain a positive outlook for the silver price for the next two to three years, based on three key fundamentals.

    First, the continued baseline outlook for a weaker US dollar, which would underpin higher precious metals prices in general. Second, fundamentals for silver are seen as remaining positive, with demand increases for industrial and investment segments forecast to more than offset continuing decline in photographic demand.

    Third, concerns over increased primary silver supply is seen as remaining a few years out, as remain analysts' expectations for increased by-product silver supply resulting from high price levels seen in gold, copper, lead and zinc. Analysts at RBCCM recently repeated silver price forecasts at $12.75/oz for 2007, $13.00/oz in 2008, and $13.50/oz for 2009.

    Analysts at RBCCM name Pan American Silver (PAAS, $29.48) as a preferred silver stock, given its above-average growth prospects bearing fruit over the next several quarters, with new silver mines starting up this year and next, plus a proven management and operating team seen as "an attribute that is increasing in scarcity".

    Pan American Silver has also announced that it will proceed with an expansion at the San Vicente silver-zinc mine located near Potosi, Bolivia. Post expansion, the mine is expected to produce 2.8m ounces of silver a year at an average cost of less than $2.00 an ounce, net of zinc by-product credits, for the first five years of operation. The expansion is expected to take 18-20 months at a capital cost of $40.5m.

    Selected silver stocks
    Die Liste ist unleserlich. Daher der Link…age33?oid=38748&sn=Detail

  • @miner,
    dein Depot ist Spitze, vor allem da es nur aus 5 werten besteht.
    Ich hab ja 40+. Bezieh mich auf Energold Thread!

    Wen hast du im letzten Beitrag gemeint als Anzusprechenden...?

    Noch mal der Verweis auf die 50 Werte Liste.
    die ist extrem brauchbar.
    Da könnte man einzelne Werte gut vergleichen!
    Interessant auch, wer nicht drauf ist.... :D


    noch was zu ECU. Also mit 300 wär ich soooo zufrieden, dass ich an die Decke hüpfen würde. Nicht bei diesem 43er........., das wird´s nicht spielen.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hommelberg hat für ECU getrommelt.
    Hält sie für günstig und überverkauft.

    Betonung auf die anstehende 43-101.
    Hab da in D heut vormittag noch ein bisserl ergänzt. :D


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    Hommelberg hat für ECU getrommelt.
    Hält sie für günstig und überverkauft.

    Jo, sehe ich auch so;ECU ist seit längerem für eine stärkere Erholung reif gewesen.

    Habe noch einigen Altbestand als Freiläufer. :]

    Die Mineweb Liste ist gut aufgemacht, danke für den Hinweis.

    Auch empfehlenswert der Klick links oben auf Platinum Group u.a.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • ECU: Hommelberg geht von 50%, maximal 100% Resourcenerhöhung aus.
    Sollte trotzdem reichen an das ATH heranzukommen, meint er.

    Silvercorp: minus 64%
    Nichts Passiert. Nur Split 3:1.

    Samex: die laufen weiter. Überraschung!

    Richtig abzwirnen tut Tara und ich weiß nicht wieso........

    Scorpio: Merger

    Warum schmiert CPN.TO so ab heute. Mist!
    Ist da mit Gabriel wieder was los?

    GOG.V: die hat nun auch schon fast 100% in letzter Zeit.
    Die gehen ja irgendwie mit ECU mit.

    EXM: bewegt sich auch. Hab nichts mehr dazugekauft.

    die Liste ist gut.
    Aber wenn niemand darauf eingeht, ist es mir auch Recht.
    Kann man sich in ein paar Monaten auch noch darauf beziehen... :D


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Tschonko

    Ich bin der Meinung das viele Aktien die Performance verschlechtern denn läuft die eine läuft die andere nicht und wenn ich mal der Meinung bin in einen Wert zu investieren und ich die Aktie für gut befinde investiere ich einen nicht unerheblichen Betrag in diese Firma.

    Aber jeder hat halt so seine Strategie.

    Heute hab ich mir mal Coeur d´Alene gekauft.

  • liberty,
    danke, den link hab ich repariert.



    Ich bin der Meinung das viele Aktien die Performance verschlechtern denn läuft die eine läuft die andere nicht

    der Meinung bin ich auch.
    Andererseits, wenn von den 5 zwei absacken, dann ist die Performance auch schlecht.
    Da gleicht ein größeres depot eher wieder aus.

    IIch hab auch nur 5-6 sehr große,aber auch so gut 10-15 kleine, wo wenig drin ist.
    Wenn da aber eine so abpfeift wie VMS, wird´s auch wieder interessant.
    Der Rest ist ao mittel. Da ist es dann so dass 2-4 Aktien ein Thema verkörpern.
    z.B ECU, GOG und Yale.

    da gab es letzte Woche ein IPO: schon 100% gestiegen.
    Seit freitag auch in frankfurt.
    Tirex resources: TXX.V
    Die werkeln in Albanien......historische Gegend.
    Dort lagert sicher einiges.
    Über die company weiß ich so gut wie nichts.

    Und schon wieder VMS! :D

    da dürfte diese Meldung für den gewaltigen Anstieg in den letzten tagen verantwortlich sein.


  • Tschonko
    Natürlich hab mir die Liste angeschaut. Es gibt da widersprüchliches und überraschendes. Und die Erkenntnis dass so eine Liste nicht als Einkaufszettel benutzt werden kann ;)

    Hier eine andere Liste: Doug Beiers Lieblinge:
    Canasil CLZ
    First Narrows UNO
    Houston Lake HLM
    Impact Silver IPT
    Northern Continental NCR
    Silver Eagle Mines SEG
    Colibri CBI
    Energold Drilling EGD
    Gold Canyon GCU
    Hathor HAT
    Mountain Lake MOA
    Northern Hemisphere Development NHD
    Northern Sun Exp NSE

    Sein Kommentar zu IPT: "IMO Impact is the best “buy and hold” junior silver miner in all of Mexico. I have been looking to add more on any serious weakness but so far the Impact share price has been holding strong so I am more active with trading and accumulating more speculative drill plays. I expect from here and through 2008 to be Impact Silver’s best share performance to date."

    Ein interessanter Wert auf der Liste ist auch GCU.V. Aber erst in 1-2 Jahren.

    VG heron

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