Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Lucky,
    sind Hummeln auch fleißig?
    Weil ich mutier zur Zeit.......... :D

    GOG wird wieder gehandelt ab 19:30:
    JV mit ECU.
    Schöne Mineralisation, dürfte wieder einiges an Resourcen dazukommen.
    Erst 4 von 15 löchern.

    Golden Tag Resources Ltd. and ECU Silver Mining Inc.: Discovery of a New Polymetallic Skarn Environment at San Diego, Mexico

    Zielmann zu Orko: vom Ok Tread (Edel sei Dank!)
    Man beachte seinen 2. Kauf. Optimal!

    Ich hab OK früher gehabt als er und a bisserl billiger.....
    Aber nie so günstig wie sein 2. Kauf

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Nabend !
    Nun, das hat mich jetzt interessiert:

    Mein 3.Kauf war am 14.06.2006 zu 0,33 € x 1,397 = 0,461 C $ :]
    Mein 4.Kauf war am 15.06.2006 zu 0,36 € x 1,404 = 0,505 C $

    Auch nicht schlecht. ;)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @edel,
    ich hab schon im März 06 zu 0,39
    und dreimal Dez 06 Jänner07 zu 0,34-036. Aber die hab ich nimma.

    Bin Adabei ist bestens.......viel besser jedenfalls als Binaabeidl... :D
    (des verstehst scho no?)
    Foto: Cliffie als kampfbomber, so lieb ich sie......

    Exmin wieder mit Meldung: wichtig ist die fast 1005 eignerschaft für 41km²

    Und Silver Eagle: nicht spektakulär, ergibt aber wieder einiges an Resourcen.


    Silver Eagle Intercepts Massive Sulphides at Depth
    Monday March 3, 12:08 pm ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 3, 2008) - Silver Eagle Mines Inc. ("Silver Eagle" or the "Company") (TSX:SEG - News) is pleased to report additional drill results on the Calvario Ag-Pb-Zn Zone at its Miguel Auza Mine in north-western Zacatecas, Mexico.

    Hole number 8-171 intersected a massive sulphide vein over a distance of 6.85 metres core length at a depth of 415 metres below surface on the Calvario A vein. The intercept averaged 0.29 gpt Au, 147 gpt Ag, 4.4% Pb and 6.7% Zn over an estimated true width of 2.3 metres. It is located 250 metres east of Hole 7-131 which intersected the Calvario A vein at a depth of 410 metres below surface, measured 1.7 metres true width and assayed 0.29 gpt Au, 213 gpt Ag, 5.0% Pb and 4.4% Zn. See longitudinal section at…ver-eagle-planl-sect.pdf.

    All drill results not reported in previous press releases are shown in the table below. Intercepts not included in the Company's recent NI 43-101 Technical Report are asterisked. See 43-101 report at…ang=EN&issuerNo=00023502.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    sind Hummeln auch fleißig?
    Weil ich mutier zur Zeit.......... :D

    Hummeln sind ganz ausserordentliche Viecher, weil die schon bei viel tieferen Temperaturen fliegen (und Blüten bestäuben) können als die heissen Bienen, dabei solten sie nach Berechnungen der Biophysiker überhaupt gar nicht fliegen können. Sozusagen ein Wunder der Natur... :)

    buenas noches,


  • Hallo Lucky,
    interessant.......... :D
    Man kann sich ja nicht aussuchen, wohin man mutiert......

    Dass GOG.V auf die Meldung so fällt, verwundert mich.

    FR.TO auf Achterbahnkurs mit hohen Umsätzen.
    Gestern auf 5,6 geschlossen. Heute wieder runter.....
    Alles bestens.

    ECU mit Plänen. Produktion, Produktion, so schnell wie möglich....

    ECU Silver Announces Near-Term Resource and Production Objectives
    Tuesday March 4, 8:40 am ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 4, 2008) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU - News; "ECU Silver" or the "Company") is pleased to outline the exploration and production objectives of the Company over the next six to nine months.

    On Thursday, February 28th, 2008 the management and Board of Directors of ECU met to discuss, review and approve the Company's exploration and production objectives for the remainder of 2008. This was necessitated by the fact that the recently released NI 43-101 Resource Estimate (see press release dated January 24, 2008) highlighted a Potential that was much greater than management's original expectations. Consequently, a renewed focus on converting a portion of Potential into Inferred Resources was determined to be the best course of action to enhance shareholder value in the near-term.


    1) The primary objective of the Company will be to convert a portion of our "Potential" into the Inferred category as quickly as possible;

    2) The Company will resume mining and milling operations to gain benefit of current metals prices and generate internal cash flow to help finance our exploration program without further dilution;

    3) To drill at depth, the Santa Juana vein system, to prove the depth extension of veins, verify the continuity and evolution of the mineralized skarn and check the possibility of finding massive sulfides bodies near the intrusive/skarn interface;

    Exploration Plan for 2008

    In 2004, the Company began an extensive exploration campaign that included drilling from surface and underground, plus underground development in old and new areas of the Velardena Properties. The Company also began conducting metallurgical testing of the various old and new types of mineralization it was finding. The campaign was a success, mainly because of the strength of our geological models, which we proved and refined with time that guided all our exploration efforts. Thus the exploration phase that began in 2004 culminated with the release of the NI 43-101 report issued in July of 2006, and our latest NI 43-101 report issued recently in January of 2008.

    During the last few months, the process of inputting all the information collected over the past seven years into a 3D model has clearly shown the possibility of the existence of additional potential as well as how those new areas could be probed. This was consistent with the Company's geological model when the campaign initially started in 2004, but what was surprising to the Company was that the size of the potential was much greater than anticipated at this stage of the exploration program.

    The Company is pleased to report that important workings with the specific objective of providing us launching stations for our next exploration drive are well underway and close to completion. The new "San Mateo" ramp will reach the Santa Juana vein system at depth and will also provide a perfect base to drill the veins systems (excluding Chicago and San Diego) currently included in the Company's Mineral Resources at depth and, sometimes, laterally. We have also already driven a cross-cut on level 18 of the Santa Juana mine to install a drill station permitting us to test the Santa Juana vein system deeper than ever before.

    Furthermore, we have been extending a cross-cut to reach the potential Eastern extension of the Terneras vein at higher levels, near what used to be level 4 of the La Chona veins which we now believe to be part of the Terneras system. We have been also building roads in the mountains for the surface drills to access stations from where the extensions of the Chicago veins can be tested.

    In summary, this new exploration drive will have three parallel fronts: underground drilling, surface drilling and underground drifting to new veins. Thus, the Company expects to receive regular results from each of those sub-programs. Furthermore, short range drilling for definition and locating new veins will be on-going from several locations in the underground mines.

    ECU's goal to convert a portion of our "Potential" into the Inferred category over the next six to nine months has the objective of increasing our current Inferred Resource by approximately 35% to 50% to between 190 million to 210 million ounces of silver equivalent (excluding the base metal equivalent of 38 million silver ounces as per our recent NI 43-101 or any additional base metal equivalents that we may include in our next update). This additional Inferred Resource would be over and above the existing Measured and Indicated Resources of approximately 34 million silver equivalent ounces (38 million silver equivalent ounces including base metals).

    As for the drilling programs, the holes are planned, the contracts signed and all the drills will be moving on site this month. The Company will have two surface drill-rigs, one underground drill-rig and three bazooka drills operating underground.

    Readers are cautioned that there are no assurances that all or any part of the resource estimate or the potential resources will be economically viable and although the information in this press release is based on the best available data the company has collected to date, a material difference between the actual results and the company's expectations may arise once further exploration is completed. The reader is also cautioned that while the company has had success in the past of converting "Potential" into the Inferred category, there are no assurances of further future success.

    Production Outlook

    As stated recently, the Company intends to resume regular mining and milling operations at the Santa Juana mine and Velardena mill where metallurgical and processing tests of mineralized material from the mine is essentially completed. ECU is now better positioned to resume mining and milling operations as the completion of our 3-D geological model of the mineral resource for the NI 43-101 report, will enhance our mining efforts.

    The objectives of resuming mining and milling operations are to highlight specific high-grade sectors of the mine, refine mining methods, fine-tune the metallurgical processes and generate cash flows to help finance exploration efforts. Mineralized material is already being processed at the mill and the company expects the Velardena mill will have a throughput rate of 200 tonnes per day (25 days per month) initially and to reach 300 tonnes per day by the second quarter of 2008.

    The Company would like to report that underground drifting to test the eastern extension of the Terneras vein commenced in January 2008 and positive results have already been achieved. The Company expects to receive assays results shortly and will publish them immediately thereafter with the proper corresponding interpretation.

    Statements in the release that are "forward-looking statements" are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially. We undertake no duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statements to actual results or changes in our expectations.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    Hallo Lucky,
    interessant.......... :D
    Man kann sich ja nicht aussuchen, wohin man mutiert......

    Nashörner vielleicht? (Eugène Ionesco)

    Hallo Tschonko,

    heute interessierte mich mal, was 'spot silver' eigentlich ist.

    Nix Genaues findet man nicht.
    Kitco stellt es ins Internet, die haben ein Heer von Programmierern auf der payroll!!
    Sollte sein: der aktuelle Preis, zu dem physisches Silber aktuell übern Tresen geht.

    Ist es das wirklich?

    Wo geht es wann über welchen Tresen???????
    Der grösste Teil des physischen Handels soll ja bei der LBMA geschehen, also loco London. Dort hat auch der alte Mann aus Omaha sein Silber eingekauft, bevor er es unter ungeklärten Umständen wieder verloren hatte. Aber Kitco publiziert die Preise, die zum grössten Teil woanders gemacht werden? Und in welchen Mengen gehts über den Tresen?? Eine Unze?? 1000 Unzen? hunderttausend Unzen?? Wird, verrückte Idee, eine Unze, je nach Bedarf, hin und her geschoben?

    Ich kratze mich am Schädel, obwohl ich weder Läuse noch Flöhe habe!


    Wie kommt diese wundersame Kitco-Kurve zustande??

    Wer weiss was darüber? Ein Mann, der es wissen könnte, der EM-Meier aus Zürich ('Schnäppchenjäger liegen bei mir falsch') schreibt hier nicht.

    (könnte auch im 'grossen' Faden 'Vermutungen...' stehen, aber dort wird alles schneller zugemüllt als ich hingucken kann)

    Anlass natürlich das heutige Gesumse der Hu(o)mmel aus Übersee....

    (jede Antwort wird gern gesehen und im Voraus verdankt!)

  • Wieso ist das OK mit FR?

    Für mich schaut das Entweder nach purem Chaos oder nach massiver Manipulation aus.

    Gestern Kaufrausch und heute Verkaufpanik? Wer kauft bzw. verkauft da?

    Rauf geht's nicht mal 1:1 zum POS, runter mit Faktor 2.

    Eigentlich unverständlich.


    der DAU

  • @dau,
    gestern spread 5,2 bis 5,75
    heute 5,11-5,64

    Die wird halt gespielt, übrigens vollkommen legal,
    SL auslösen, daytraden, shorten.
    Und dazu auch sehr geeignet.
    Schon groß genug und nicht zu groß, da verpufft es nämlich.
    Alles paletti. Hauptsach, sie bleibt über 5.

    Zur Zeit sind viele trader am Werk, es werden schon kleine Gewinne umgesetzt.
    Volatile zeiten und das bleibt so.


  • Raymond rings the bell..........

    Also ich wär mit 1,5 Mille oz für 2008 auch zufrieden. Geplant 2,8.
    Einige haben ja auch von 4 Mille gesprochen..... :D

    Sterling Mining Celebrates TSX Opening and Updates Current Status
    Tuesday March 4, 1:32 pm ET

    WALLACE, IDAHO--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 4, 2008 -- Sterling Mining Company (Toronto:SMQ.TO - News)(OTC BB:SRLM.OB - News)(Frankfurt:SMX.F - News) was profiled on February 27, 2008 at the Toronto Stock Exchange to celebrate its listing where Ray De Motte and company representatives opened the market in Toronto. The ceremony coincides with the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada's Annual Convention (PDAC) at which Sterling is an exhibitor (booth 3141) and where over 18,000 delegates are expected to attend.

    To view a photo of the bell ringing, please visit the following link:

    As part of the listing ceremony, Sterling was featured in an interview with the Canadian news channel CP24, followed by a reception at the TSX with invited guests and members of the Toronto brokerage community. Ray De Motte was also interviewed by BNN on Monday, March 3, 2008. Pictures from the listing ceremony are available at

    After the successful achievement of its goal to resume production in December 2007, Sterling has set 2008 to be a pivotal year as the Company expects to become an important primary silver producer. With the re-start of the Sunshine mine accomplished, Sterling is expecting to process over 120,000 tons of silver ore in 2008. Sterling's 2007 NI 43-101 technical report forecasts 2.8 million ounces of silver production in 2008.

    The Company will report on production milestones as the year progresses along with quarterly operating results.

    In 2008, focus at the Sunshine Mine will remain on steadily increasing production from the 2700 and 3100 levels. The Company's mine plan incorporates continuing development of these levels to be followed by rehabilitation and development from the 3700 level to achieve production targets of 250,000 tons per year to maximize mill throughput.

    Sterling Mining will continue an aggressive multi-year exploration program targeting both the upper country and lower areas to expand the mine's potential, including under-explored areas of the mine at deeper levels.

    Sterling Mining Company now controls over 60,000 acres of silver prospects in Idaho, Montana and Mexico offering additional exploration potential.

    Ray De Motte commented: "The Sterling Mining team is focused on aggressively developing the mines' resources and maximizing the value of this operation for our shareholder's benefit. Our production and growth initiatives now underway come at a time of strong silver prices, which are forecasted to remain strong throughout 2008".

    About Sterling Mining Company

    Sterling Mining controls the Sunshine Mine, which began initial production in December 2007, and related exploration lands in the prolific Silver Valley of northern Idaho. The Company also holds several silver properties in Mexico, including the Barones Tailings Project in the Zacatecas Silver District. Shares of Sterling Mining Company trade on the TSX under the symbol "SMQ"; on the OTCBB under the symbol "SRLM"; and also on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the trading symbol "SMX".

  • @dau,
    heut nicht im jammermodus weil grün.... :D

    Sprachst du von der Sterling?

    Zuerst fragst was, dann antwortet man dir, dann Funkstille.

    Dasselbe wie der "heinsein", ....
    Heinsein, was für ein erstrebenswerter Zustand!

    Nur 60 km von La Parilla entfernt wird ein weiteres Schmuckstück entwickelt.

    First Majestic Silver Corp.: Drill Intersects 39.6 Metres of 199 g/t Ag, 3.92% Pb & 4.02% Zn at San Juan Silver Mine

    Bei UNO ist nun auch svchon einiges zusammengekommen beim Chester Projekt.
    First Narrows Reports Final Drill Results From Resource Delineation Program at Chester
    Wednesday March 5, 10:37 am ET

    Results Are From Westerly Step-Out Drill Holes of Up to 112 Meters, and Include Values of Up to 9.5% Copper Over 3.1 Meters (10.2 ft.) in Hole 191 and 3.13% Copper Over 9.3 Meters (30.5 ft.) in Hole 193

    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 5, 2008 -- First Narrows Resources Corp. (CDNX:UNO.V - News) (Other OTC:FNRWF.PK - News) ("First Narrows" or the "Company") is pleased to provide the latest analytical results of the delineation drilling program recently completed on the Chester Copper-Polymetallic Feeder Deposit. Analytical results of the 2006-2007 delineation drill holes will be included in an initial mineral resource estimation being prepared by an independent geological consultant in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101").

    The results detailed below are from step-out drill holes that extend the Feeder Deposit's stringer mineralization for up to 112 meters down dip to the west. High-grade indium values (139.5 g/t) are associated with very high grade copper mineralization of 9.50% Cu over 3.1 meters (10.2 ft) in hole C-07-191.

    Tabellen besser auf

    Entwickelt sich gut ......

    Bei Kimber ist auch irgendwas am Laufen. Steigt ganz schön

    Hier kann man sich Beiträge ansehen von der PDAC Toronto.

    In dem Link ist der Mittwoch eingestellt.
    Dienstag war Roulston, Montag Ray de Motte.

    Nur ich krieg das verdammte plug in nicht rein.

    De Motte würd mich interessieren


  • Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - First Majestic Silver Corp. - FR & FR.WT

    TORONTO, March 5 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by Market
    Regulation Services (RS):

    Issuer Name: First Majestic Silver Corp.
    TSX Ticker Symbol: FR & FR.WT
    Time of Halt: 3:25 p.m EST
    Reason for Halt: Pending News

    a schau her, gänzlich unerwartet....................................
    Vielleicht brauchens a Geld, ne, hab keine Ahnung
    Kann eigentlich nur gut sein....

  • @dau,
    ah gehhh......
    wenn schon, dann würden sie wen übernehmen.
    a Geld ham´s braucht.....

    Mar 05, 2008 15:42 ET
    First Majestic Silver Corp.: New Issue-Approximately $45 Million

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 5, 2008) -


    First Majestic Silver Corp. ("First Majestic" or the "Company")(TSX:FR)(PINK SHEETS:FRMSF)(FRANKFURT:FMV)(WKN:A0LHKJ) has today entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters led by CIBC World Markets Inc. and including Blackmont Capital Inc., Cormark Securities Inc. and GMP Securities L.P., under which the underwriters have agreed to buy 8,500,000 Units ("Units"), from First Majestic at an issue price of $5.35 per Unit representing an aggregate offering of approximately $45 million ("The Offering"). Each Unit will consist of one common share (a "Common Share") in the capital of First Majestic and one-half of one Common Share purchase warrant. Each whole Common Share purchase warrant (a "Warrant") will entitle the holder to acquire one additional Common Share at a price of $7.00 for a period of 24 months from the closing of the Offering. The Company will grant the underwriters an option, exercisable up until 30 days following closing of the offering, to purchase up to an additional 15% of the number of Common Shares and Warrants at the issue price. Closing is expected on or about March 25, 2008.

    The Company plans to use certain of the net proceeds of the offering for the expansion of each of the mill capacities at the Company's three producing silver mines in Mexico, the La Parrilla, La Encantada and San Martin silver mines. In addition, certain of the net proceeds will be used for the ongoing development and exploration programs presently underway and for general working capital.

    Closing of the Offering is subject to certain conditions, including but not limited to, receipt of all necessary securities regulatory approvals, including the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange.

    The Offering is being made in all Provinces of Canada except Quebec and is subject to the approval of regulatory authorities. The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any State in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

    For further information please contact:, visit our website at or call our toll free number 1.866.529.2807.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    vielleicht ein hübscher Chart...ein Versuch

    funktionierte nicht..

    FR scheint aus einem Dreieck nach oben auszubrechen, man muss selber nachschauen. 5-Jahres -Chart, 50er und 200er DMA nach oben durchbrochen.


    vielleicht doch noch:

  • Ganz verstehe ich deine Frage nicht, denn du beantwortest sie ja schon selbst -auch ist das nicht eben der richtige Thread dafür.

    Der Spot Preis für Silber ist der aktuelle Cash-Preis, und ja, die meisten physischen Transaktionen über Warenhausbestände und auch die physische Auslieferung an die globale Schmuckindustrie haben ihr Zentrum in London. Auf dem Kontinent ist Zürich die wichtigste "physische" Adresse.

    Dennoch gibt es bekanntlich noch andere aktuelle Preisfeststellungen, angefangen mit der asiatischen Zeitzone in Hongkong bis eben hin zu New York, wo aber viel mehr Futures gehandelt werden als Physisches und die Preisfeststellungen zur aktuellen Auslieferung eine geringere Rolle spielen. Spot-Silber muss spätestens innerhalb zweier Tage geliefert bzw. lieferbar sein.
    In London sind am Silber-Fixing weniger Clearing-Banken beteiligt als beim Gold, obwohl es freilich die gleichen sind, nur eben deren drei:

    - The Bank of Nova Scotia–ScotiaMocatta

    - Deutsche Bank AG

    - HSBC Bank USA, NA.

    Die Sache läuft per Telephonkonferenz bis 12 Uhr Mittag , wenn die drei beteiligten Clearing-Banken sich anhand der aktuellen Kauf-und Verkaufsorders ihrer Kunden auf ein Preisfixing festlegen, das aber freilich nur für den Moment gilt. Insofern ist die Bezeichnung also für den Laien schon irreführend.

    Derzeit werden auf dem Londoner Spotmarkt ca. 120 Millionen Unzen Silber täglich umgeschlagen, wobei sich die Anzahl der Transaktionen zuletzt um etwa 20% von 430 auf 530 erhöht hat, nicht jedoch sosehr die Menge der umgeschlagenen Unzen Silber. Zumindet bis Ende Januar war dies so, die aktuellen Zahlen sind noch nicht veröffentlicht und da könnte sich angesichts der letzten Preisralley schon auch etwas verändert haben.




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