Royal Standard Minerals - WKN: A0BLUE

  • @Bulli,

    wußte nicht, daß Doug Casey ´ne qualified person im Sinne von NI43-101 ist. :D

    Spaß beiseite,

    Casey, Sprott und RI legen nahe, daß es sich bei RSM nicht um einen reinen Scam handelt.

    Dennoch, in der von Dir kopierten Firmengrafik wird von Ressourcen und nicht von Reserven gesprochen. Also wieder die von w:o gewohnten übertriebenen Darstellungen.

    Bei der Firmenwebseite fällt ohnehin auf, daß nicht klipp und klar die Reserven und Ressourcen von Goldwedge benannt werden. Stattdessen Hinweis auf Potential auf Multimillionen Unzen und auf ein großes Vorkommen in der Nachbarschaft.

    Der letzte techn. Report vom März 2005 gibt nur bescheidene Ressourcen in der Gegend von 100.000 Unzen an. (The author believes that with the current
    information, the measured resource is actually around 220,000 tons at 0.310 opt gold and
    the indicated resource is 110,000 tons at 0.310 opt gold or basically half that of the
    measured resource. This gives the project and estimated measured and indicated resource
    of 102,300 ounces.)

    Ob danach noch eine erneute Ressourceneinschätzung erfolgt ist, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis, beim Überfliegen der Titel der News Releases ist mir nichts aufgefallen.

    Ich weiß, daß die Claims in Nevada extrem aussichtsreich sind, ein Spatenstich und schon kratzt man an den Goldnuggets. Andererseits erinnere ich mich an Aberdene Mines, die ebenfalls in der Nachbarschaft eine Goldmine ausmachten (Jerritt Canyon mit 12 Mio Uz, ) und die auf den Fund von 10 Mio Unzen hofften. Aber irgendwie wurde daraus nichts, die haben im Gegensatz zu RSM gar nichts gefunden.

  • Royal Standard Minerals Inc.: Goldwedge Project Developments Includes Plant Startup
    MANHATTAN, NEVADA, Jul 24, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

    ROYAL STANDARD MINERALS INC. ("RSM")(TSX VENTURE: RSM)(OTCBB: RYSMF) The Goldwedge project plant startup was initiated in mid-June, 2006 and has included the installation of an additional crushing and screening facility, this plant is expected to process up to 150 tons per hour. The feed material will include waste and lower grade heap leach material for the leach pad. Plant feed and startup has continued with the throughput of stockpiled gold mineralized material. During the last month the plant operation has been affected by startup issues in regard to normal mechanical problems with the plant that have affected the operations for a full shift. In addition water management issues have also affected the operation, the maintenance of the water pumping capacity and maintaining a regular continuous flow has been achieved. For the longer term the Company has made plans for the installation of a large (125,000 gallon) water tank to assist in a uniform water distribution to the plant during periods of continuous operations. The issues with the plant are typical problems that are expected during plant startup operations. Considerable progress has been made with the operation of the plant and the plans initiated to date including establishing a large inventory of spare replacement parts will help improve the effectiveness of the plant operations over the long term.

    The underground test mining program has progressed very effectively, currently the Company is mining and developing three active headings with a ten man underground crew. The main spiral decline has encountered a small volume of water above 300 feet in depth. The Company has taken measures to begin a grouting program as a means to manage mining under wet conditions as the development gets deeper. RSM has experienced no significant issues with the mining conditions and its ability to effectively mine and develop this deposit.

    The drilling program utilizing a Company owned and operated core drill rig will be initiated this week. This program will include field training under the direction of the manufacturers representative will review procedure and operations and train our people. Underground drilling will commence concurrently with the training program.

    In spite of problems with hiring and maintaining a qualified construction support staff, RSM has been able to advance/develop the Goldwedge project from the ground up during the past 12 months.

    The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.

    Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.

    Contacts: Royal Standard Minerals Inc. Roland Larsen (775) 487-2454 (775) 487-2460 (FAX)

    SOURCE: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.
    Copyright 2006 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

    Sehr schön! Kontinuierlich wird alles verbessert!
    Bald sehen wir den Kurs auf neuen Höhen! 8)

  • RSM to go Underground at the Fondaway Canyon Property
    MANHATTAN, NEVADA, Jul 26, 2006 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

    ROYAL STANDARD MINERALS INC. (TSX VENTURE:RSM) ("RSM") plans to go carry out an underground metallurgical sampling and drilling program on its 100% owned Fondaway Canyon gold-tungsten property located in Churchill County, Nevada. The Fondaway Canyon gold Property consists of 148 contiguous unpatented lode-mining claims on BLM land on the western slopes of the Stillwater Range, Churchill County, Nevada. The USBLM has approved a Plan of Operations for this project that is bonded. According to Qualified Person, Roland M. Larsen, the program will commence with the reopening of the Tenneco adit. This effort will include reentering the existing underground workings and test mining and drilling a portion of the quartz-sulfide vein system within a folded Mesozoic shale, sandstone and limestone rock package. The principal veins at Fondaway are situated within an 11,000 foot long easterly trending belt that includes 15 separate gold bearing veins. Drilling indicates that the vein system in the area tested is persistent from the surface to a depth of approximately 1,000 feet and is open at depth.

    The currently drilled gold resources are primarily within a segment of the Paperweight and Half Moon veins and include a strike length of approximately 1,000-1,200 feet to a depth of about 500 feet. These resources are currently classified in a NI-43-101 report by Strachan, 2003, as indicated and inferred. Indicated resources of 390,636 tons with an average grade of 0.428 opt Au for a total of 167,192 ounces of gold. Inferred gold resources total 372,849 tons with an average grade of 0.409 opt Au for a total of 152,621 ounces of gold within the most intensively drill tested portion of the property. Horizontal continuation of the gold-mineralization within the shear zones is remarkable. The Paperweight-Hamburger Hill mineralized shear zone is the most persistent known, with a strike length of 3,700 feet and width commonly between 5 and 20 feet. Drilling and assay records indicate that 568 holes have been drilled on the property for a total estimated footage of 200,000 feet of RC drilling and 22,000 feet of core drilling to include 455 reverse circulation, 49 core holes and 64 air track holes. Tenneco the latest and the most active company drilled approximately 350 of the 455 reverse circulation holes and drove 500 feet of adit workings for sulfide metallurgical sampling and analysis on the underground targets. Tenneco also developed and operated an open pit heap leach mine on this property before exiting the mining business in the 1990's. Historically the property has supported minor tungsten production that is separate from the gold system, the tungsten potential needs to be evaluated.

    The Fondaway Canyon property has excellent exploration and development potential, RSM is very optimistic that this property may prove to be one of our best projects.

    The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.

    Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.

    SOURCE: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

    Royal Standard Minerals Roland Larsen (775) 487-2454 (775) 487-2460 (FAX)
    Copyright (C) 2006 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

    Eine TOP-FIRMA! Heute schon 10% in Frankfurt!

  • gehe davon aus, dass mitte/ende august richtig bewegung in die sache kommt.

    imo ist auch für goldwedge NI43-101in auftrag gegeben worden. somit werden sich hoffentlich die news die türklinke in die hand geben :D

    chart sieht auch schön hungrig aus

  • RSM Submits Mine Permit Applications to State and Federal Agencies for the Pinon Gold-Silver Project and a Drill Hole Location Permit Application to Test the Copper Skarn System...
    ... on the Railroad Property, Elko County, NV

    MANHATTAN, NEVADA, Aug 8, 2006 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

    ROYAL STANDARD MINERALS INC. ("RSM") (TSX VENTURE:RSM)(OTCBB:RYSMF) has filed a Plan of Operations with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and a Water Pollution Control Permit application with the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) for the purpose of achieving a permit to develop and operate an open pit heap leach gold-silver mine on its Pinon property located in Elko County, Nevada. The applications were completed by JBR Environmental Consultants in Elko, NV and Dyre Engineering Consultants Inc. of Reno, NV. The applications will be reviewed by the agencies involved and comments will be returned to the Company, these comments may result in further changes/modifications to the Company's application.

    RSM has recently acquired additional property near the proposed Pinon minesite currently in the permit stage. The Darkstar gold property is located less than 2 miles from the Pinon deposit. A NI-43-101 report is planned that will include an evaluation of the near surface gold-silver resources that currently exist on this property.

    The Company has filed for permits to drill 13 core holes with the USBLM to test a copper-lead-zinc-gold-silver prospect that occurs on the Railroad property located south of Newmont's Rain gold district. The base and precious metal skarn prospect is centered on the Bullion intrusive. The current program is to attempt to determine overall size and thickness of this occurrence north of the Bald Mountain Fault (BMF), the northern down thrown extension copper mineralization was identified as part of a gold exploration program. Secondly, the company will drill several other targets south of the BMF to test the large alteration zone that exists for more than one (1) mile south of the BMF. Immediately south of the BMF this property has had copper-lead-zinc- gold silver production in close proximity to a skarn assemblage.

    Prior to drilling all of the geophysical data will be evaluated to include an expanded ground geophysical survey of the entire property, this work is expected to commence in September, 2006.

    The Canadian Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of this release as per Exchange Policy 3.3 section 6.5.

    Royal Standard Minerals cautions that the statements made in this press release and other forward looking statements made on behalf of the Company may be affected by such other factors including, but not limited to, volatility of mineral prices, product demand, market competition, imprecision of mineral estimates, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the Company.

    C.U.S.I.P. # 780919106

    Listed: Standard & Poors

    SOURCE: Royal Standard Minerals Inc.

    Royal Standard Minerals Inc. Roland Larsen (775) 487-2454 (775) 487-2460 (FAX)
    Copyright (C) 2006 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

    Weiter aggressive Fortschritte.
    Beantragung der Lizens für Railroad-Pinon + weiterer Gebieterwerb!!!
    Die wissen ganz genau, warum!!!



    Überzeugt Euch selbst mal von diesem TOP-Wert.

    Die erste Mine (Goldwedge) steht schon und diesen Monat werden noch 1700 Unzen Gold gegossen. Das mit dem 1700 Unzen ist aus einem Telefonat mit der Firmenleitung bekannt.

    Desweiteren soll die 2. Gold/Kupfermine - Railroad Pinon - schon Ende 2007/Anfang 2008 in Betrieb gehen. Das Genehmigungsverfahren wurde schon eingeleitet.

    Fondayway ist auch ein weiteres hochinteressantes Projekt, welches in den nächsten 2-3 Jahren ein Mine werden wird.

    Schaut Euch die Präsentation einfach an:

    Klasse Company!

    Der CEO peilt bis Dezember 3 CAD an! Das wären 200 Prozent in 4 Monaten. :D :D :D :D :D :D

  • Na hoffentlich behält der Gute recht mit seinem 2006er Ziel :D



    "Stirbt ein Bediensteter während einer Dienstreise, so ist damit die Dienstreise beendet."
    (Kommentar zum Bundesreisekostengesetz)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von GOLD_Baron

    Klasse Company!

    Der CEO peilt bis Dezember 3 CAD an! Das wären 200 Prozent in 4 Monaten. :D :D :D :D :D :D


    ----Der Link funzt nicht (jedenfalls bei mir,hab mal einen anderen reingestellt,sh.vor..

    ----Wenn ich von den 200% überzeugt wäre, würde ich mein Depot zu 80% mit RSM füllen. ;) :] :D

    Die 50% festen Hände(sind sie es ? :] ) sind wohl auch nicht so sicher. ;)

    Als einer der frühen Investoren wäre ich schon mit einigen zig % zufrieden. X(


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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