Zitat Anal E. Fekete :
Central bankers making themselves the laughing stock of the world
We must distinguish between gold sales by a weak central bank from that by a strong one. A weak central bank prefers to conduct its gold sales in perfect secrecy. It does not want the world to know about the timing and the extent of its selling program lest the market's unfavorable reaction cause the proceeds from the sale to suffer. Even so, the market has an uncanny way of bringing down the gold price ahead of the sale just long enough to accommodate the central bank eager to unload its gold, only to put the price back up once the sale is completed.
By contrast, a strong central bank wants to show off that its gold is 'surplus'. All the same, the central banks has to proceed carefully lest it become the laughing stock of the world in selling its patrimony for a pittance. Embarrassing questions might be asked such as this: "why is it that central bankers always sell at the bottom, and never at the top?"