SILBER : Märkte und Informationen

  • @ Blacki: Ja, das fiel mir auch auf, es scheint ( wieder? ) von allem mehr als genug zu geben. Knappheit bei keinem EM zu spüren. Ist natürlich ein bisserl schade für die die schon einiges haben, für Käufer aber gut. Frage ist nur, ob sich noch genug Käufer finden. Viele werden entmutigt sein, dass bisher kein starker Anstieg bei irgendeinem EM erfolgte. Und statt EM lieber was anderes kaufen (whatever). :wacko:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Silber knapp ? Meint Gene Arensberg festzustellen; könnte für den US Markt zutreffen:

    "...Silver still scarce

    Although premiums for silver bullion products also came in a little according to dealers, they say they just aren’t seeing as much of some silver products as they might like. Nearly all still have waiting lists and priority call lists, some still with orders unfilled. Products like 90% silver U.S. coins in $1,000 face value bags, called “90% bags” or simply “90%” by dealers which contain roughly 715-ounces of pure silver, remain difficult to source in quantity and continue to fetch near-record premiums of around $2.00 to $3.00 the ounce over spot. The bags of pre-1965 dimes, quarters and half dollars used to sell at a slight discount to spot – as recently as last year.

    “One-hundred-ounce name brand bars (of silver) are going for $2.50 an ounce over spot now,” Hanicak said Saturday with cash market silver at $12.88. “Generic 100-ounce silver bars bring $2.25-over,” she said...."…-gold,-silver--Got-Gold-R


  • The Bullish Case for Silver


    April 30, 2009


    By Lara Crigger


    This article has 16 comments:

    Silver is a
    worthwhile holding, but I wouldn't bet the whole farm on it or gold. I would
    definitely hold bullion silver rather than an ETF--just my preference. Just put
    it away and forget about it.

    I hold a lot
    (for me) of physical silver,
    but also a lot of shares in silver
    and in
    . If you want to know about the coming
    silver squeeze, see Ted Butler's columns--do a search. This week he says there
    has been a shift, with the trapped COMEX silver shorts struggling to get out
    because they know that the silver push is coming to shove. As for where else to
    hold money, in addition to silver and gold and mining shares, there's platinum,
    there's oil and there's nat gas, and water, and grains... cotton. Lots of


    "If you're a
    copper miner,
    you don't care about the price of
    . You just pass it off to your bank for them to sell at any
    price they like. That puts a lot of pressure on silver prices," explains Morgan.

    Load of crap. The futures traders
    set the prices of everything
    and even the largest company's seem
    to have no control. Ever heard of
    Exxon saying, "Our price today is $75 a barrel?"

    "The natural gold/silver ratio, or the amount of silver coming out of the ground
    relative to gold, is closer to 8 to 1," says Morgan.

    I thought the prices of gold/silver were used to compute the ratio, not how many
    oz. are mined?


    Looks like I
    should clarify a few things:

    On Apr 30 11:39 AM ZZ wrote:

    > "If you're a copper miner,
    you don't care about the price of

    > You just pass it off to your bank for them to sell at any price they

    > like. That puts a lot of pressure on silver prices," explains Morgan.


    > Load of crap. The futures
    traders set the prices of everything

    > even the largest company's seem to have no control.
    Ever heard of

    > Exxon saying, "Our price today is $75 a barrel?"

    The issue here is not
    that pure-play silver mining
    companies are unable to set their own commodities prices,
    you're right--nobody gets to do that.

    Rather, the issue is
    that silver is
    overwhelmingly an "incidental"
    commodity -- most of the companies
    who mine it out (silver)
    of the ground do so
    only to get to the other stuff,
    like copper and zinc.

    So they really couldn't care less
    what silver ends up
    ultimately being priced at; they
    send it off to someone else and tell 'em, "sell it at whatever price you like,
    we don't care".
    That sort of "whatever" attitude puts a real
    damper on silver's market value.

    > "The natural gold/silver ratio, or the amount of silver coming out

    > of the ground relative to gold, is closer to 8 to 1," says Morgan.


    > I thought the prices of gold/silver were used to compute the ratio,

    > not how many oz. are mined?

    What Mr. Morgan was getting at was that there's a discrepancy between the ratio
    of actual physical gold mined each year to actual physical silver mined each
    year (which he calls the "natural" ratio) and what we as investors regard as the
    "gold/silver ratio" -- and that the former doesn't necessarily drive the latter.


    Dynamic? The derivative traders are the new dynamic.

    Oil zoomed to $150 a barrel
    and then down to $40 a barrel in a
    few months.
    there a supply shortage

    at $150? No

    Did demand fall off the roof on the way to $40?

    uses for silver are increasing but there's also another factor to consider in
    price forecasts. That is, the economic and political costs of bringing new mines
    into production. These will play a large role in future costs.

    Political costs, permitting etc. are increasing as are the labor and associated
    social costs of mining. Mines are now expected to not only operate at a profit
    for shareholders but, increasingly, to provide benefits for nearby communities.
    With increased energy, demand and capital costs substantial increases in prices
    are inevitable.

    Should silver regain some of its status as a monetary asset David Morgan's
    estimates could appear conservative.


    Wheaton Corporation

    ), another major silver mining company operating mines in Mexico, Sweden,
    Peru, Greece and the U.S."

    I thought SLW only had one mine, which wasn't acquired until this year.
    Its primary business model takes
    advantage of silver being, as you call it, an "incidental" commodity.

    SLW buys silver in advance, from
    who produce it as a
    purchase price is lower than the market price, so SLW earns the spread and takes
    on the risk/reward from moves in the silver price.
    The miners get a guaranteed price
    and don't have to bother marketing the silver.


    The lack of
    interest is from the investors that have been doing their homework and know that
    J.P. Morgan Bank
    has been manipulating
    the Silver market
    with their large short positon.


    You might add, their large "naked" short
    highly unlikely that they have those options covered
    the size of the position.

    Or could it be they
    have it covered with the bullion from the SLV ETF, which they are supposed to be
    the custodian of?

    I haven't substantiated this stuff, so as far as I'm concerned it's all rumor.
    If it's true it would explain a great deal.


    I keep
    hearing of the JP Morgan nekkid short position. Them folks is smarter that I is,
    so what I wants to know is why the
    'massive' short position?

    From what I've read they could
    never really cover
    they could buy/sell enough
    call/put options on Silver or miners
    to make up for it), so why'd they do it?
    Why didn't they cover in October '08?

    Can anyone enlighten me or point me in the right dee-rection?


    The one
    company that has a shot at being
    taken over
    in the silver arena
    is HL (Hecla-silver-stock).
    It is a crappy company with a good portfolio. A major could eat them up and the
    share holders are so willing now to sell out at a premium. That is the only
    worthwhile silver play and it is only due to potential take out. Sorry silver
    won't move for sometime.


    "But if
    silver has so much potential, why
    is it still so hush-hush among investors?"...

    Look at what happened to the Hunt
    The money changers stepped in and changed the rules,
    lest they be successful and others follow in their footsteps.
    And Warren Buffet? Even he
    was only allowed to hold his silver
    for a few short years.
    the big names know
    that silver
    is an off-limits
    special metal, that due to its nature,
    is used to control the price of gold (and thus paper

    For all we know, silver could not only be the most indispensable metal on Earth,
    but throughout the whole Universe as well.


  • Lest euch mal den Bericht von Daughty vom 30.04 auf der Startseite über Silber durch ?…artikel.php?storyid=10385

    erst mal die Preise von 1970 - 80 und dann die Begründung des damaligen Preisanstieges ?

    Denke jeder von uns kennt die Gründe des Preisanstiegs um 1980, lest mal den Käse.

    Anbei die korrekte Preisentwicklung siehe Link.

    Leider sind viele Berichte hier ganz weit weg von der Wahrheit.

  • Hallo,

    des öfteren wurden vor entscheidenden Ereignissen, wie des Banken Stresstests sind oft Gold und Silber runter gegangen.

    Warum sollten die Amis auch etwas veröffentlichen was den Aktienboom unterbricht ?

    Macht es sinn sich Short mit Silber einzudecken, aktuell ist der Kurs nach gestern vollkommen 'stabil'.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Der Autor weist auf neue Anwendungen hin, aber auch darauf:

    "...Today, stockpiles of silver are tighter than for any/every other widely-used metal, yet it's suppressed/manipulated price makes it the most-undervalued commodity on the planet :huh: – even in comparison to gold."

    Tja, da ist was dran, wird aber nicht vom Markt erkannt, --- noch nicht. :)…iple-sources?source=yahoo


  • Hallo Leute, ich habe gerade einen Interessanten Bericht gefunden:

    Speziell geht es mir dabei um die Tonnen Angabe an geprägten Münzen.

    281 Tonnen in 2008 ? Kann das sein, erscheint mir alles sehr wenig :(

    > Allein die 2Mio 10€ Silber Münzen verschlingen ja schon enorme Mengen Silber ? ( ~62 Tonnen ? )

    Könnt ihr die Zahlen bestätigen ? Wie kann es sein das es so 'wenig' ist ?

    Vielen Dank schonmal :)

  • Welche Gründe sprechen den für die aktuell exzelente Performance von Silber ?

    Wenn Gold runter geht, geht Silber gleichmäsig mit runter,

    Wenn Gold minimal steigt, steigt Silber Faktor 4 oder 5 ?

    Vielleicht macht sich der Rückgang der Produktion bemerkbar?…um-700t-zurueckgehen.html
    Gruß Henry

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die Frage nach der relativ guten Performance von Silber hatten wir heute auch im Goldsräd.

    GOLD : Märkte und Informationen

    Ergänzend zum letzten Posting von Henry:
    Silber wird zum großen Teil als Nebenprodukt bei der Gewinnung von Kupfer, Zink etc gewonnen.
    Infolge des weltweiten Wirtschaftsrückganges werden diese Metalle, und somit Silber, etwas geringer produziert.


  • :D :D :D (Abfall Silber) :D :D :D könnte ja der Silber Preis bei gleichbleibender Nachfrage , steigen :D theoretisch 8o :thumbup:

    :D wird ja auch mal wieder Zeit :D :thumbup: in dem Welt Chaos :D der Bad Banken :D


    alibaba :D

    " Wo ich willkommen bin' lass ich mich nieder ,ansonsten geh ich wieder " ;)

    " jeden Morgen steht die Lüge als erste auf ,bis die Wahrheit ausgeschlafen hat " :D

    "Ich bin für mein Textinhalt verantwortlich ,nicht für das was du verstehst" 8o

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Jim Whillie in sehr gutem Artikel über US Witschaft mit Verwerfungen, Bonds, Dollar; besonders aber zu Silber und Gold

    Die gute Silberpreisentwicklung hatten wir hier schon andiskutiert, Whillie auch mit zusätzlichen Chartbetrachtungen.

    Tasse mit Henkel ist denkbar, schaun wir mal, dann wäre 20 $ auch folgerichtig, abgesehen von den Marktkräften. :)

    Sehenswert und zu beachten das Verhältnis Gold : Silber !

    "...The next stop for silver is 15, which should occur easily, and then 18 in another easy leg up. The cyclicals are both nicely aligned in a positive direction. Enrico Orlandini demonstrates that the Point & Figure chart method indicates a 26 price target for silver, although the method has a timeless element in its elegance....

    The ratio of gold to silver has finally favored silver again after three months of consolidating. Notice the 200-day moving average that supported the ratio. Some give little credence to technical chart support and resistance theories. They matter less during times of serious dislocations, to be sure, but they are evident even in the most obscure of ratios like this. Hedge funds and Wall Street firms both employ complex trading strategies. Their monitor and usage of the gold/silver ratio is definitely a tool. Notice the absence of support in this ratio, down to the 52-53 level again. The snap conclusion is that silver is bound to recover quickly toward the 18-20 level ...."


  • "In Silizium-Zellen bestehen die Leiterbahnen zwischen den Wafern aus
    Silber. Sie leiten die Elektronen weiter, die durch den
    photoelektrischen Effekt im Silizium in Bewegung gesetzt werden. Bringt
    man die Bahnen mittels Siebdruckverfahren auf, verwendet man eine
    Silber-haltige Paste. Das Material ist allerdings nicht so leitfähig
    wie die Silber-haltige Tinte im neuen Verfahren. Zudem sind wesentlich
    feinere Dimensionen möglich: Lag die Breite der Bahnen bislang bei 100
    bis 125 Mikrometern, könne sie jetzt auf 35 bis 40 Mikrometer reduziert
    werden, sagt van Hest."…nsenkung--/artikel/137488

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Jim Whillie in sehr gutem Artikel über US Witschaft mit Verwerfungen, Bonds, Dollar; besonders aber zu Silber und Gold

    Die gute Silberpreisentwicklung hatten wir hier schon andiskutiert, Whillie auch mit zusätzlichen Chartbetrachtungen.

    Hier noch ein weiterer Optimist für den Silberpreis, der die -- bekannt hohe -- Volatilität hervorhebt:

    "...I find silver moves in a more emotional pattern (panic buying and panic selling), and with that comes volatility for sharp parabolic spikes and fast sell offs.

    This chart below is the weekly chart showing a clean bull flag breakout. Using technical analysis we can calculate a measured move which is about the $19.50 level. =) This is done by measuring the rally from the bottom in October to the top in February. If you calculate this move again from the high then you arrive at the $19.50 -$20 level....."


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hmmm....wenn du meinst es hilft dann schreib ich was.
    Silber steigt :thumbup:

    Sanfte Grüße
    Der Misanthr :whistling: p

    Gut, nach dem vielen vorher gesagten:

    Silber steigt noch sehr hoch. ^^


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

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