Afrikander Lease

  • # All,
    Ist ja wohl alles schon bekannt, aber das meiste ja in english, hier in deutsch:

    Afl teile am Rande der Londoner Uran-Investmentmeeting mit ,dass geplant ist,das Unternehmen in zwei AGs` zu splitten.Diese Strategie umfasst,die Goldaktivitäten der Grup0pe unter der Fimierung AfleaseGold und die Uranwerte unter AfleaseUnrniumOne jeweils gesondert zu führen.Ein Zeitplan gibt es allerdings noch nicht.

    AFLEASE beabsichtigt,die Durchführbarkeitsstudie seiner Uranressourcen der Projekte Dominon und Rietkuil in der südafrikanischen Klerkdrop-Region vornazutreiben.AngloAmerican gab 1988 diese Projekte auf wegen des Preisverfalls vom Uran.

    Die Aktivitäten sind derzeit auf die Wiederinbetriebnahme des Rietkuil-Schachtes sowie auf einde Produktion nahe der Oberfläche sowie auf den offenen Tagebau im Domiono-Projekt ausgerichtet.

    Das Management hofft das die eigenen Cashreserven von ca 5 Mio Rand dafür ausreichend sind , um die Durchführbarkeitsstudie zu vollenden, aber die Entwicklung der Projekte dann die Aufnahme weitere Finanzmittel erfordern wird.Geschätzt werden dafür 20 Mio Rand, die sollten ohne Ausgabe von neunen Aktien aufgebracht werden um zu verhindern das ein Verwässerungseffekt entsteht.

    Das Kursziel könnte evtl bei € 1.50 liegen,wenn alles so läuft wie sich es die Gesellschaft vorstellt.
    gruß hpoth

  • Danke für die Zusammenfassung !

    Viele Grüße


    PS. Nachfolgende Meldung habe ich mal aus dem GFI Thread auch hierhin kopiert, betrifft ja nun auch AFL:

    Aflease to acquire Harmony's uranium
    Posted Thu, 03 Feb 2005

    Aflease Gold and Uranium Resources announced on Thursday, that it had entered into an agreement in principle with Harmony Gold, whereby Aflease would acquire the right to mine, process and market all of Harmony's uranium in South Africa.

    The resource that is included in the agreement is estimated to consist of 155 million lbs of uranium oxide of high-grade dump and tailings material, which could start producing uranium in about two years.

    A further 145 million lbs uranium oxide low-grade tailings has also been delineated as a future target.

    Deal places Aflease in top ten producers

    The Harmony uranium deposits are situated predominately to the west of Johannesburg and in the Free State province.

    The rights have been acquired for R200-million and payment to Harmony would be by way of Aflease scrip.

    In addition Harmony will receive a royalty as and when these resources are brought to account.

    "By acquiring Harmony's uranium interests, Aflease will now have a uranium resource of more than 600 million lbs. This firmly places Aflease among the top ten international uranium companies," Aflease Chief Executive Officer Neal Froneman said.

    "We are very pleased to be part of a long-term relationship like this. It will create value for both Aflease and Harmony. There is huge window of opportunity for producers that can bring uranium production on stream within the next five years. We, in Aflease, plan to seize that opportunity with both hands," he added.

    The transaction is subject to the drawing up of a detailed agreement, normal regulatory approvals, various levels of due diligence, and the approval of the boards of both companies.

    I-Net Bridge

    "So wie die Freiheit bleibt Gold nie lange dort, wo es nicht geschätzt wird."
    J.S.Morill in einer Rede vor dem U.S.-Senat am 28.01.1878.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Spieler0815 ()

  • AFLUY -- Aflease Gold & Uranium Resources, Ltd.
    Sponsored Amer Dep Rec Level I; (representing 10 Com shs)
    Primary Venue: Pink Sheets

    PiggyBack Qualified
    Real time as of Feb 22, 2005 10:58:09 AM ; click "Refresh" for current price. Best Bid: 7.40 (1000 shares) Best Ask: 7.60 (1000 shares)
    MMID Bid Price Shares Date/Time

    Von 6.75 auf 7.40 BID heute - DRD und AFLUY in Merger Talks. Dies betrifft insbesonders die Goldinteressen von AfLUY.

    Siehe auch "Another Merger" einige Threads bevor diesem... frr

  • Aflease ist pure Promoterscheisse. Der Uranpreis muss sich mindestens verdreifachen, bevor die je in Produktion gehen können.

    Die Urangehalte in deren Resourcen sind viel zu niedrig, nur 0.52 kg je Tonne. Also rund 1 Pfund Uran je Tonne Erz, oder ein Metallwert von aktuell rund 21 US-Dollar je Tonne.

    Keine Chance, dies profitabel abzubauen, v.a. da das Erz in so genannten Reefs liegt, also schmalen, steil in die Tiefe führenden "Riffen".

    Und dann dieser "clevere" Deal mit Harmony, wo Aflease deren uranhaltiges Abfallgestein aus der Goldproduktion kauft - wenn sich die Förderung des Urans für Harmony nicht einmal als Nebenprodukt der Goldproduktion gelohnt hat, wie soll es sich denn je für Aflease auszahlen?

    Nun wird voll auf dem Uranhype gesegelt und ignorante Anleger werden von ihrem Geld getrennt... bevor aus Aflease was Rechtes wird, beschliesst Mbeki ein "White Empowerment Program".

  • Wer immer Du bist, Andvari: Das ist genauso.

    Nur, dort wird jetzt noch "manches Ding gedreht".

    Es gibt einen Kinofilm, der heißt "Unter dem Vulkan".

    Da zeigt ein bucklig Männlein einem Freier, wo der Puff

    ist. Als der Freier rauskommt, erklärt der Zwerg, daß

    die Nutten dort Syphillis haben und verkauft dem Freier Penicilin.

    Jeder kann sich seine Rolle aussuchen.

  • Naja, es musste mal gesagt sein. In Sachen Uran werden derzeit einige krumme Dinger gedreht bzw. an den Mann gebracht...

    Schliesslich gibt es hier noch den einen oder anderen unerfahrenen Anleger, der eine Warnung verdient hat. Wer dagegen mit vollem Wissen einsteigen und auf einen "Greater Fool" spekulieren will... nun, meinen Segen hat er, doch mein Geld kriegt er nicht ;)

  • Nun haben wir die Experten gehört!

    Erinnert mich stark an die Scheisse, die Frank Joubin entgegengehalten wurde als er Elliot Lake (Uranium) entdeckte. Nicht, dass ich Aflease dagegen halten möchte - ich möchte nur sagen - sour grapes - wenn Du nicht wie ich bei 1.50, damals noch 15 cents dabei warst. Bei 7.85 - 8.-
    ist relativierter Quatsch.

    ... und das in wenigen Wochen ... Habe die halbe Position heute verkauft - und sehe dass der Kurs weiter nach oben geht ... thanks to Sprott Securities.

  • um dranzubleiben:

    auf knapp 500 hochgelaufen, gezappelt, runter.

    Gestern 358.

    Sollte der böse Wolf weiter das Rotkäppchen erschrecken,

    läßt die das Körbchen fallen, vielleicht auf 150.

    Dann wird das Uran-Märchen nochmal erzählt.

    (Eldo sagt Euch gerne, welches Hippo den bösen Wolf gibt.)



  • @ gogh

    Ich hatte immer meine bedenken mit AFL und habe es mehrmals gesagt und hier gewarnt. Ein Freund von mir (62 Jahre) steckte so dumm wie er war alles was er sparte auf die AFL. Er hat sich fuerchterlich dabei verbrennt und ich weiss nicht ob er heil rausgekommen ist als das AFL fieber kam und jeder den Schrott/Uranium kaufte. Ich habe ihn geraten bei R 4.70 alles abzuladen und rennen. Ich hoffe er hat es gemacht !

    Ja, so gehts mit aktien, mal oben , dann unten !

    Sorry guys !


  • Uranium Update

    By Doug Casey
    March 28, 2005 Email Article

    Printer Friendly

    As many readers know, I’ve been a uranium bull for some time, recommending uranium companies as far back as a 16-page report in my October 1998 International Speculator, when the metal sold for just $9.50 per pound.

    Being early in a rising price trend has worked out well, giving subscribers the opportunity for some pretty spectacular gains in our recommended stocks. To name just a few: Cameco (T.CCO) up 542% since our October '98 recommendation; International Uranium Corp. (T.IUC), up 1,497% since our initial 1998 recommendation; Paladin (ASX.PDN), up 1,412% since our February 19, 2004 recommendation… and Strathmore Minerals (V.STM), up as much as 340% since our August 2004 recommendation.

    However, times have changed, with the uranium story now being covered by the mainstream press and the herd of wire-house brokerage firms attempting to lay claim to special expertise by pumping out fat uranium research reports. Being a contrarian by nature, I view these developments as indicators that the easy money has been made.

    Even so, there is still a lot of upside for uranium: the metal is not only going higher, it is going to the moon (I’ll touch on the reasons in a moment). In fact, as a fundamental proposition, I like uranium even more than the precious metals, which is saying a lot. In the interim, however, I believe that any slumps in uranium stocks are likely to trigger a rush to the exits for shareholders, largely because the investment masses are prone to skittishness and impatience. They really only understand uranium as a “flavor of the day” commodity. We’ve seen just such a panic over the past few weeks.

    Not being a trader, my tendency is to dismiss short-term trading volatility as irrelevant. However, the extraordinary gains in uranium stocks over the last year argue for caution: a year ago, largely because there were so few companies around, you could have built a portfolio of U3O8 stocks by throwing darts at a list and you’d likely be up by triple digits.

    That is no longer the case. Going forward, you’ll have to be a lot more selective in where you place your bets. Over the past six months, even the quality uranium plays have gotten ahead of themselves, and that goes ten-fold for some of the modestly radioactive garbage that has come onto the market of late. I’m nearly as likely to find uranium in my back yard as they are on their much-promoted moose pasture.

    Chasing the hot stock of the day just because it has “uranium” in the name will, in most cases, only buy you a quick trip to a large loss.


    That being said, let me go on record--again--to say that, for many reasons discussed in the International Speculator in the past, the developing bull market in resource stocks is likely to be even wilder than what we saw in the late ‘90s with the Internets. It’s likely to be one for the record books. The key is to get long the right stocks, and stay long until you see Newsweek doing a cover article on them. And I fully expect uranium issues to be among the leaders of the market.

    However, as investors get increasingly more conversant on U3O8, success will depend on selecting the right stocks at the right prices, and not being afraid to lock in gains by rotating out of the big winners and into earlier-stage companies.

    With this in mind, we recently put together a comprehensive report, 31 Uranium Companies Reviewed, based on the notion that stock valuations should in some way be reflective of the uranium resources controlled by a company, with credits for exploration budgets, cash in the bank, and size and location of its projects. The ultimate question is: what are a company’s odds of actually developing an economic uranium resource?
    This just-published report covers a total of 31 companies for which uranium is the primary mineral target. Companies are grouped and evaluated based on their respective stages of development, from large producers down to grass-roots explorers. That’s really the only way to compare apples to apples.

    For those companies that have a resource, we determined a rough “cost per pound in the ground” estimate by dividing the uranium resources by the firm’s market capitalization. The numbers strongly suggest that certain segments of the uranium market are ahead of themselves in terms of price, and that several much-touted companies are grossly overvalued.

    Adding extra filters—tonnage, grade and location, for example—it becomes clear that many companies’ resources would not be economic even at $100 per pound of uranium (which, for the record, I expect to see). Others’ deposits are located in politically sensitive areas where the chances of receiving a mining permit are vanishingly small. A case in point is Australia. While it’s true that the country is a major uranium producer and is geologically prospective for more yellowcake discoveries, it would be a big mistake to overlook the fact that green politicians and activists are intertwined with all levels of government: local, state and federal. Back in the 1970s, these groups successfully argued that uranium should be avoided because of potential use in bombs and supposed problems with radioactive waste disposal. As a consequence, Australia adopted a Three Mines policy on the Federal level, stating that the country will only allow three producing uranium mines at any time. The chosen three were Ranger, Olympic Dam and Nabarlek. All other uranium development came to an abrupt halt.

    Fast-forward 30 years. While the Three Mines policy has been rescinded at the national level, out of the eight states and territories, only two—South Australia and the Northern Territory—actually permit the mining of uranium, and the regulatory hurdles there are very high. There are still only three uranium mines in production in that country, and one, Honeymoon, permitted to go into production soon. While necessity and the opportunity for considerable job and tax revenue creation will, in time, likely force more liberalization of uranium mining in Australia, the long list of potential political roadblocks leads me to suspect that the current de facto policy of most states—and the outright legislative ban on uranium mining, processing, export, and sale in Queensland (Western Australia and new South Wales are said to be almost as bad)—will stand for several years, and maybe longer. And Australia is not alone in its uraniaphobia: certain U.S. states and Canadian provinces face similar issues. Companies with projects in such politically sensitive areas need to be price-adjusted for this added risk. Yet, as our analysis shows, many companies with primary assets in Australia are selling at valuations that all but ignore the political facts. Yet another sign of a market that is ahead of itself.


    So, which companies currently provide the best value? As a reference point consider that Cameco (T.CCO), the world’s largest producer, is currently valued in the area of US$8.00 per pound in the ground (measured, indicated and inferred). Dennison Mines (T.DEN), by comparison, is selling for about US$23.00 per pound. The analysis gets far more interesting, however, when you move into the area of junior Canadian uranium companies, where we find Strathmore (V.STM) selling at US$.51 per pound, and Energy Metals (V.EMC) at US$.65.

    Although these look to be a screaming “buy”, don’t jump in just yet; there are other critical factors to consider, including the reality that the worst time to jump into a stock is after it has had an extreme upward move—certainly the case with most of the widely followed uranium stocks today. While there are many companies we like that have participated in the move, and that we continue to recommend—albeit primarily on weakness—the biggest upside will come from companies that have, so far, not participated significantly in the price gains. Some of these companies may not even have any proven pounds in the ground, but the best ones have rational market capitalizations, great management teams, cash in the bank, and a portfolio of properties with the potential for large tonnage operations to be started once the uranium price rises enough to make such deposits economic.

    And rise the price will. That’s because the value of uranium is inextricably tied to the price of energy in general, and electric power in particular, a market where uranium’s only serious competition comes from coal and oil, both of which are far more expensive and polluting. (So much so that a growing cadre of leading environmentalists are now advocating a switch to nuclear.) I’ve always held that nuclear power is not only the cheapest and safest source of electricity but is also, by far, the cleanest mass power source available. And it’s likely to stay that way until breakthroughs are made in fusion or, more likely, nanotechnology.

    A chronic supply/demand imbalance has developed in yellowcake (U3O8)—the clearest indication of which is that the industry has been living on inventory since 1985. My instinct tells me that uranium, after decades of being the unwanted stepchild of energy sources, will now offer better percentage returns to speculators than oil, gas or any other energy alternative.

    While uranium has already moved up significantly from its lows, I don’t think we’ll have to wait long to see it going much higher. Commodities associated with energy, like commodities in general, are in a secular bull market and typically, once in motion, commodity trends tend to stay in motion for a decade or more. The looming energy shortage has even become clear—belatedly, of course—to the U.S. Department of Energy, which last year announced incentives encouraging U.S. power companies to apply for licenses to build new nuclear plants (the first such move in 25 years).

    Many of the 103 operational U.S. nuclear power plants, which provide 20% of the country’s energy, are so old that they are now applying for 20-year extensions on their 40-year operating licenses. This is a big change from just a few years ago, when talk was that the nuclear industry would be shut down entirely, not only here, but worldwide. I always felt such talk was nonsense, and that the world would be building many more plants, not mothballing those it has. Case in point: the Chinese alone now have plans on the board for over 35 new reactors.


    With a little forethought and the good sense to see through the hype, you can position yourself in a portfolio of carefully selected, quality uranium plays and settle in for a long and very profitable ride. If you are already invested in uranium stocks, do yourself a favor and complete the research required to be sure that you are hooked up with a solid company at a price that gives you a realistic chance of participating in the long uptrend.

    If you’ve got a big profit, consider rotating out of your position—at least enough to get your original investment off the table—and look to redeploy the gains into another company with better prospects. Alternatively, given the market froth we identified in our new report, it may not be a bad idea to sit on the sidelines and let things cool down a bit.

    If you are not already invested in uranium, take your time… and whatever you do, don’t blindly pile into a stock that has already appreciated 300% over the past year.

    But whatever you do, don’t miss out on the opportunity to (intelligently) build a portfolio of uranium stocks… the big returns are still ahead.

  • Aflease ist zur Zeit Hippo´s liebster Tümpel zum Suhlen.

    Da sollte man als Anleger jetzt nicht reinspringen.

    Zuviel Matsch!


    Aus MINING WEEKLY vom 04.04.05

    Aflease to restart gold production in second quarter

    South African mining company Aflease, which terminated gold production at its operations last year due to loses incurred because of the strong rand, said last week that the first of its three high-margin operations would become operational during the second quarter of this year.

    The company said its Bonanza South mine will begin generating a revenue stream, while its other high-margin operations, Modder East and the Dominion uranium project, require significant expenditure for feasibility and exploration drilling.

    “It is pleasing to note that with the operational restructuring, and despite the continued strengthening of the rand, the large operating losses of 2003 have been reversed,” Alfease said in a statement, adding that a 99% improvement to the cash operating loss of 2003 has been achieved for the year ended December 31, 2004.

    “The financial statements for the year 2004 reflect the initial success of the 'strong-rand strategy' that was developed and implemented towards the end of 2003.

    “This strategy required that the operations be restructured, that the company develops its high-margin assets and continues with focused exploration,” the group stated.

    Despite the additional expenditure on exploration drilling at Modder East and the Dominion uranium project, Aflease operating loss for the year, before other costs, reflects a 56% improvement - to a R47-million loss.

    The implementation of the strong-rand strategy also required that the company raise sufficient cash to ensure that it is fully funded.

    As a consequence, a number of nonreoccurring costs resulted in the net loss attributable to shareholders for 2004 being R87,3-million, a 79% improvement over the previous year.

    During the current financial year, an extensive independent and internal review was performed of the rehabilitation obligations at the operations. The preliminary closure cost estimate for the existing infrastructure at the Klerksdorp operations amounts to R22,6-million.

    Headline losses for the period under review are R80,5-million.

    During the current financial year, the company acquired 9,4-million ordinary shares of R0,01 each, fully paid up, in the issued share capital of Randgold against the allotment and issue to Randgold of 9,4-million ordinary shares of R0,02 each, fully paid up, in the issued share capital of Aflease.

    The terms of the transaction included the intention of the company to dispose of the Randgold swap shares in a commercially prudent manner, in consultation with Randgold.

    Aflease noted that the provisional financial results for the year ended December 31, 2004, have been prepared on the going concern basis.

    “Aflease is certain that it has sufficient funding to continue with its current capital programmes which will bring its future cash generating projects into production,” the group commented.


    Afrikander Lease Ltd. (“Aflease”) owns significant uranium deposits in the Klerksdorp area in the form of the Dominion Reefs, Rietkuil and Rhenosterhoek resources. These resources were previously mined by subsidiaries of Anglo-American, including 2.5 million pounds U3O8 at a grade of 0.09% from the Dominion Mine between 1955 and 1961. The deposits are uranium-rich, but also carry important gold credits.
    Aflease aims to commence production in Q1 2007 at a rate of 0.9 million pounds U3O8 per annum rising to 4.1 million pounds U3O8 and 96,000 ounces gold by 2013. The life mine average cash operating cost is estimated to be US$ 14/lb U3O8 (net of gold credits).

    In February 2005, Aflease entered into an agreement in principle with Harmony Gold Mining, whereby Aflease would acquire the right to mine, process and market all of Harmony’s uranium in South Africa. These rights have been acquired for R 200 million and payment to Harmony would be by way of Aflease scrip. In addition, Harmony will receive a royalty as and when the estimated resources of 155 million pounds U308 of high grade dump and tailings material are bought to account.

    By acquiring Harmony’s uranium interests, Aflease will have a uranium resource of more than 600 million pounds, which firmly places the Company among the top 10 international exploration companies.

  • Edel Man

    Bin Dir noch den von mir angesprochenen Aflease-Bericht schuldig:

    Mit auffallender Dynamik zieht Aflease in Richtung 0,90 €. Diese
    Marke entspricht dem Hauptwiderstand im Original-Chart in Rand. Dort befindet sich bei 700 südafrikanischen Cents ein
    langjähriger Widerstand (aus den Jahren 2002 und 2003). Dieser resultiert aber aus der Zeit der „alten“ Afrikander Lease, als die Uran-Interessen noch keine Rolle spielten. Vergleicht man Aflease mit anderen Uran-Gesellschaften, so liegt hier nach wie vor eine klare Unterbewertung von rund 50% vor.

    In diesem Monat soll nun die Fusion mit der kanadischen Southern Cross Resources
    zur SXR Uranium One vorangetrieben werden. Hier steht die Zustimmung der Aktionäre zur Fusion noch aus.
    Parallel dazu beabsichtigt Aflease die Auslagerung der Goldinteressen. Diese wiederum sollen mit der südafrikanischen „New Kleinfontein Mining“ und „Sub Nigel“ zur „Aflease Gold“ fusioniert werden.
    New Kleinfontein befindet sich bereits im Besitz von Aflease. Bei Sub Nigel handelt es sich um einen kleineren südafrikanischen Goldproduzenten, dessen Aktie an der Johannesburg Stock Exchange gehandelt wird. Dieser Fusion müssen also die Sub Nigel-Aktionäre ebenfalls zustimmen.

    Gold Fields ist mit 16% an Sub Nigel beteiligt und dürfte der Fusion sicherlich zustimmen. Die Investorengruppe Trinity besitzt 20% an Sub Nigel und 11% an Aflease und wird sich ebenfalls nicht gegen die Fusion aussprechen. Auf die Aflease Aktionäre würde bei dieser Fusion ein Anteil von 80% entfallen.
    Gelingen beide Fusionen, so erhalten die Aflease-Aktionäre neue Aktien von SXR Uranium One als auch von der neuen Aflease Gold.
    Berücksichtigt man die Aflease-Krise im Vorjahr, so ist dem Management allergrößter Respekt zu zollen. Im Sommer 2004 fiel die Aflease-Aktie vorübergehend bis auf 0,12 €. Mit den aktuellen Kursen bis 0,85 € hat die Aktie seitdem rund 600%
    zugelegt! Sicherlich hat die positive Entwicklung der Uran-Preise den Turnaround eingeleitet. Aber: Das Aflease-Management hat die Gelegenheit klar erkannt und umgehend genutzt.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Dank dafür.
    Nach dem Daueranstieg ist eine Konsolidierung notwendig.
    Hab mal denThread so überflogen: da haben sich aber einige Koryphäen,zB Gogh,
    etwas verrechnet,wenn ich den Spott über die Uran- und Goldäquivalente denke.

    Aber das konnte wohl keiner ahnen,daß AFLsich,auch aus geopolitischen Gründen, nochmals vervielfachten.

    Die Story ist noch lange nicht zu Ende,sh.auch den Spinoff.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hier die Pressemitteilung: (gekürzt)

    Press Release Source: Aflease Gold and Uranium Resources Limited

    Aflease and Southern Cross Sign Definitive Acquisition Agreement
    Thursday September 15, 7:44 am ET

    JOHANNESBURG, South Africa and TORONTO, Canada, September 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Aflease Gold and Uranium Resources Limited (Aflease, AFL) and Southern Cross Resources Inc. (SXR) are pleased to announce the signing today of a definitive agreement providing for the acquisition of Aflease by SXR. The acquisition agreement, which is subject to customary closing conditions, follows completion by Aflease and SXR of due diligence in accordance with the pre-merger agreement signed by the parties on July 5, 2005, and has been approved by the boards of directors of both companies.

    click here
    The combined company will unite Afleases South African uranium and gold assets with the Australian and Canadian uranium assets of SXR. The new company, which will be focused on the growth and development of its uranium business, will also have an initial 80% interest in Aflease Gold, a new vehicle being formed to develop the pure gold assets of Aflease and Sub Nigel. The combined entity, which is planning to commence uranium production in the first quarter of 2007, expects to produce over 4 million pounds of uranium and 90,000 ounces of gold per year from its current projects by 2010.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Aflease shareholders approve empowerment deal

    Mining group Aflease Gold and Uranium Resources (AFL) announces that its shareholders have approved its empowerment deal. At a general meeting in Johannesburg, shareholders backed resolutions to implement the empowerment deal, with votes of 99.9% in favour, just one abstention, and no votes against the resolutions. The approval gave legal force to the disposal of a 26% stake of the company's Klerksdorp assets - the Dominion Reefs uranium project and the Bonanza South gold mine - to the Micawber empowerment consortium. Micawber is comprised of an Aflease workers' trust and a Klerksdorp community trust, each holding 30% of the empowerment consortium, plus Africa Vanguard Resources with a 20% interest, and four additional groupings each holding 5% - Indalo Resources, Emseni Investments, Umlilo Mining and Finance and Magumo Investments.

    , INet
    21 September 2005

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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