Heißt das, ich warte vergeblich auf meinen 1-$-Einstiegskurs?
Angeblich könnten bis zu einem Drittel der SA-Produktion geschlossen werden. Nach Graulich ist die Zeit gekommen, um harte Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Dem Kurs von Droopy scheint´s seltsamerweise nichts zu nützen.
DRDGOLD says might close up to third of S.African output
Tue February 15, 2005 10:00 AM GMT+02:00
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African gold miner DRDGOLD said it needed to take tough decisions on its loss-making mines and might have to close or mothball up to a third of its domestic production.
"The time has come to make some tougher decisions," spokesman Ilja Graulich said. "We have lower yields in some of our operations, so we would be taking out some of the more low yield stuff. A third is not a number we are uncomfortable with."
The issues were discussed at a recent board meeting, but no firm decisions have yet been taken, he added.