Der hohe Ölpreis kommt beim US-Verbraucher noch nicht an. Böse Zungen behaupten die ÖL-Industrie hält die Preise niedrig, um Bush zu helfen.
27. November 2024, 20:54
Der hohe Ölpreis kommt beim US-Verbraucher noch nicht an. Böse Zungen behaupten die ÖL-Industrie hält die Preise niedrig, um Bush zu helfen.
GEAP No. 18 ist erschienen.
Wer möchte mir mir gemeinsam ein Abo abschließen.
Wenn mindestens noch Einer mitmacht, würde ich abonnieren.
Weiterleitung dann sofort bei Erscheinen.
Na endlich aufgewacht
ZitatOriginal von arnowolf4
GEAP No. 18 ist erschienen.
ja, auch die deutsche version!-Die-sieben-Sequenzen-der-Aufprallphase-der-umfassenden-weltweiten-Krise-2007-bis-2009-_a1019.html!-Die-gegenwartige-Krise-mit-einfachen-und-wenigen-Wortern-erklart_a940.html?PHPSESSID=7378feb014a79ebf9f2f221e425d88e1
Diese immense Schuldenmasse wurde nach und nach, dank der Kreativität der Banken und Finanzinstitute und mit der mehr oder weniger naiven Beihilfe des gesamten Bankensektors (Zentralbanken, Ratingagenturen, Finanzmedien, Politiker, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler usw.), zum einzigen bedeutenden Produkt, das die USA noch herstellten... und exportierten.
treffende Beschreibung
Dollar May Extend Drop After G-7 Fails to Address Record Slide
By Bo Nielsen and Min Zeng
Oct. 20 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar, trading at an all-time low against its major trading partners, may extend the decline after the Group of Seven failed to address the drop following a meeting of finance officials.…d=aKBy2zsuydgk&refer=home
Anscheinend will den keiner mehr angreifen.
ZitatOriginal von GOLD_Baron
Die werden sich sehr freuen, was sonst.
Gewiss. Und in ein paar Jahren werden sie regelrecht verzückt sein über all das, was noch nach und nach ans Tageslicht kommen wird.
Das dürfte so sicher sein, wie das sprichwörtliche Amen in der Kirche :D:D:D
Vorschlag an die IKB-Aktionäre zur Umbenennung der IKB-Bank:
IKB = Ihr kriegt Beklemmungen
Bekommt es nun sogar Wolfgang Gerke mit der Angst zu tun???
"Wie stark deutsche Banken bluten müssten, hänge an der Entwicklung der globalen Märkte, sagt Experte Gerke. Wie viele Immobilienkredite zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt verloren sind, ist unklar.
"Ich schließe einen Crash nicht aus", sagt Gerke in Anbetracht der vielen Unwägbarkeiten in den Bankenbilanzen. "
Hier gleich noch ein ziemlich harter Kommentar:
"Der totale Bankrott der Finanzpolitik"
SIV Shock, Inflation Make U.S. Treasuries Unbeatable
By Daniel Kruger and Liz Capo McCormick
Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) -- The combination of record U.S. home foreclosures, rising defaults and simmering inflation is making two-year Treasury notes and their equivalents unbeatable in the bond market.
Mortgages entering foreclosure increased to 0.65 percent in the second quarter, the highest recorded in the 35 years the Mortgage Bankers Association in Washington has tracked the data. U.S. builders broke ground at an annual rate of 1.191 million homes in September, the lowest in 14 years, the Commerce Department said last week. The same day, the government said consumer prices rose 2.8 percent last month from a year earlier, matching the biggest increase of 2007.
Longer-maturity debt typically yields more than shorter- dated securities because investors demand a bigger premium to lend for a longer period. Ten-year yields have exceeded two-year yields 80 percent of the time over the past decade, Bloomberg data show.
Between June 2006 and May 2007, the curve was inverted 82 percent of the time after the Fed lifted rates at 17 straight meetings in two years.
Investors watch the relationship between short- and long- term yields because the economy has gone into recession six of the seven times since 1960 that the relationship inverted.
Bildtitel heute: "Inflations Alarm"
Bedeutet: Deflation kommt!
Man denke an 1999: Bildtitel: Gold fällt auf 100$
Resultat: Gold stieg in kürzester Zeit von 255$ auf 330$
Schaun wir mal.............
If USA fires its missiles, Russia will fire back, Putin says
18.10.2007 Source: Pravda.Ru
Putin emphasized that Russia would not suffer another default, because the nation does not have any foreign debt. “Russia comes third in the world on the volume of gold and forex reserves. This is like an air bag for the entire economy. This is something that will not let Russia fall back to 1998,” Putin said.
Naja, nix ist 100%ig ab und zu könntens ja recht haben ...
Front page / Opinion / Readers feedback
16.10.2007 Source:
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that American War Leaders have 'suicided' one of their Top US Air Force Officials Charles D. Riechers as the rift growing between the US War Leaders and their Top Military Officers over a nuclear attack on Iran appears to be nearing open warfare.
According to Western propaganda media sources, Charles D. Riechers was 'found dead of apparent suicide'
These reports to the Kremlin, however, state that Mr. Riechers' 'suicide' was, most likely, due to his involvement in the American Neocon plot to secret US nuclear missiles outside of the control of the
US Air Force to be used for an attack upon Iran, and which we had previously reported on in our September 20th report titled "American Spy Satellite Downed In Peru As US Nuclear Attack On Iran Thwarted".
ZitatAlles anzeigenOriginal von GOLD_Baron
Renowned Funds Manager Julian Robertson, Predicts
Global Economic Collapse
Global Econ News Article
AL MARTIN of has written an article about an interview on CNBC with the renowned funds manager Julian Robertson.
Julian Robertson formerly ran Tiger Management, the world\\'s largest hedge fund.
Martin describes Julian Robertson as "One of the greatest of the old-timers. 53 years on the Street. He manages the Robertson group of funds. They used to call him, still do call him `Never Been Wrong\\' Robertson. He has predicted every economic cycle, every debacle, every bull market, and every bear market."
Martin says "Of course, he\\'s a very old man now. But his reputation on the Street is like nothing you could imagine. When the segment of his interview was through, his comments alone took the Dow Jones down 50 points. Just on his comments alone. That\\'s how powerful this man\\'s reputation is."
Robertson said that he\\'s worried about the speculative bubble in housing and the fact that more than 1/4 of all consumer spending is now sustained by that bubble, plus the fact that 20 million citizens could lose their homes in a collapse of the speculative bubble in housing, and that the Fed and, indeed, central banks worldwide would act in concert out of desperation to reinflate the global economy in the process, creating an inflationary spiral unheralded in the economic history of the planet.
"Where does it end?" Robertson was asked and he said, "Utter global collapse." Not simply economic collapse; complete disintegration of all infrastructure and of all public structures of governments. Utter, utter collapse. That the end is collapse of simply epic proportion.
In 10 years time, he said, whoever is still alive on the planet will be effectively starting again."
Bill Murphy of says "As for Robertson’s comments as they relate to the gold price, we will most likely see the gold price somewhere between $3,000 and $5,000 US an ounce. Wait until the facts surface about how the central banks squandered 2/3 of all their bank reserves to foster a price manipulation scheme. There will be a frenzy to own the stuff like never seen before."
Julian Robertson blamed everything on what he calls \\'the Bush-Cheney regime\\'.
He says "they have now consolidated power and money on the planet to the maximum extent possible. The planet´s net liquidity, that is its, net free cash flow. Is now a negative number. The planet is not simply sinking into a sea of red ink; it is already sunk. The people just don´t realize it yet."
Robertson says "the Bush-Cheney regime is preparing the nation for transition from democracy into dictatorship because a dictatorship will be necessary to control, in 5 years´ time, food and water riots."
He said "the federal government, that part of Patriot II Act, the internal exile, that the government is going to have to build now huge detention compounds on federal lands, probably in the West where the land is available, to potentially house 50 million or more citizens that will be in financial ruin."
Julian Robertson went on to say "Food production will fall. Any further effort to control environmental destruction will be abandoned. Inflation will run into the double and eventually triple digits. People will be carrying around U.S. dollars in wheelbarrows like Germany."
Robertson said there would be "total collapse of public infrastructure. Total collapse of medical care systems. All public pension plans, Social Security will collapse. All corporate pension plans will collapse."
Robertson backed up his comments with statistics in one statement he said "But, 14% of all real estate transactions now being interest-only mortgages, and another 14% of people now, that, when they bought their homes, originated more than 100% of the purchase price in the mortgage and then borrowed further."
He said "The American consumer is effectively now supporting the rest of the planet, consumption rates in all other nations are falling, have fallen to the point that the tax revenues to governments, that the business and industries those nation states are providing is now a net negative number relative to total debt service and public cost, that this exists in virtually every nation state on the planet now."
He said "More importantly, and I´m trying to think how we imply this or how we express this to the people, what extraordinary times we are living in and how the destruction of the planet has been engineered by the Bushonian Cabal from 1980 to 1992, and then from 2001 to present, which has effectively destroyed the economic liquidity of the planet."
When Ron Insana the interviewer said "you have sold all of your real estate and you are moving into one of the new super-secure compounds for wealthy Republicans for when the ´barbarians will be at the gate.´
Robertson replied, "Ron, those barbarians will be potentially a third of the American population."
Robertson ended his comments by saying that "he hopes that he is not alive to see this. The lucky ones are the ones who are my age now."
I would add to Julian Robertson comments, the lucky ones will be the ones who buy gold and silver coins now, at less than $500 an ounce before the price of gold sky rockets to $3000 then $5000 an ounce and the price of silver goes over $100 an ounce in the years ahead as Julian Robertson\\'s predictions, made in his interview on CNBC, unfold.
IMF chief warns of risks of "abrupt fall" of dollar 2007-10-23 00:26:35
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- After over a week of saying the dollar has fallen too far recently, International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Rodrigo de Rato warned Monday that there are still risks of an "abrupt fall" in the dollar.
"There are risks that an abrupt fall in the dollar could either be triggered by, or itself trigger, a loss of confidence in dollar assets," Rato told the IMF board of governors.
"And there is a risk that exchange rate appreciation in countries with flexible exchange rates -- including the euro area -- could hurt their growth prospects, and that in these circumstances protectionist pressures could worsen," he added.
In its twice-yearly World Economic Outlook published Wednesday, the IMF lowered its 2008 global economic growth forecast to 4.8 percent from 5.2 percent it estimated in July due to the financial turmoil.
Citing the crisis, Rato also said the world economy now was at "a time of uncertainty," instead of a time of opportunity it was in spring.
"Over the past few months, we have lived through an earthquake in the credit markets," he said. "Like most earthquakes, it has been distant for most people: something they have read about in the newspapers."
"But there is still a risk of aftershocks, and the full effects of the disruption we have already had will only be felt over time. We need to consider what actions we can take to limit the damage, and also what lessons we can learn from the crisis," he said.
ZitatOriginal von GOLD_Baron
IMF chief warns of risks of "abrupt fall" of dollar
das hört sich für meine ohren an wie " IMF chief warns of risks of "abrupt increase " of gold spot price."
der übliche lohkäs....
nehmt mal die Ohren vom Rasen....das einzige was es da zu hören gibt, ist das Kratzen des Maulwurfs.
Alles andere ist Einbildung.
Was hier bei dem ganzen Weltuntergangsgeschwafel oft vergessen wird, ist daß die Eliten so lange wie irgendwie möglich das System mit allen erdenklichen Mitteln aufrecht erhalten werden und falls dies nicht möglich ist, es stufenweise mit Hilfe "eleganter" Tricks in ein anderes System umwandeln, wobei zwar viele Leute viel verlieren, aber OHNE dass unsere "Ich kauf mir von ner Unze Gold mal einen Wolkenkratzer"-Träumereien jemals in Erfüllung gehen werden. Die Eliten werden einen Weg finden auch die Goldliga auszutricksen. Ausserdem pickt Ihr Euch ständig Fakten heraus, welche Eure Thesen untermauern, reitet darauf herum, aber vergesst gleichzeitig die Kehrseite der Medaille zu analysieren bzw. objektiv nach Gegenargumenten zu suchen. Ich sage nur "Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer"...
ZitatOriginal von Fr0stbeule
Was hier bei dem ganzen Weltuntergangsgeschwafel oft vergessen wird, ist daß die Eliten so lange wie irgendwie möglich das System mit allen erdenklichen Mitteln aufrecht erhalten werden und falls dies nicht möglich ist, es stufenweise mit Hilfe "eleganter" Tricks in ein anderes System umwandeln, wobei zwar viele Leute viel verlieren, aber OHNE dass unsere "Ich kauf mir von ner Unze Gold mal einen Wolkenkratzer"-Träumereien jemals in Erfüllung gehen werden. Die Eliten werden einen Weg finden auch die Goldliga auszutricksen. Ausserdem pickt Ihr Euch ständig Fakten heraus, welche Eure Thesen untermauern, reitet darauf herum, aber vergesst gleichzeitig die Kehrseite der Medaille zu analysieren bzw. objektiv nach Gegenargumenten zu suchen. Ich sage nur "Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer"...
Gut, Frostbeule, vieleicht haben ja ein paar Leute hier den objektiven Überblick verloren, und berichten einseitig.
Allerdings, wenn Du es schon anders weißt, dann bringe auch DU uns jetzt die Gegenargumente. Oh Frostbeule, zeig uns die Kehrseite der Medallie, analysiere diese für uns........und bringe uns und die Welt in den Winter zurück!
Ich freu mich drauf!
Dazu fehlen mir leider Zeit, Lust, Vorkenntnisse, Kompetenz... ich glaube allerdings aus anderen Themenbereichen zu wissen, dass eine einseitige Betrachtung und Faktenselektion nie die Realität widerspiegeln können.
Themawechsel: Schwere Waldbrände in Kalifornien
Was kommt mir da in den Sinn: Die Immobilien-Krise!
Könnte es sein, dass hier Villen abgefackelt werden, um Geld aus den liquiden Versicherungsgesellschaften zu quetschen bzw. Eigentümer zum Kauf neuer Villen zu bewegen? Oder hat mich die Paranoia schon wieder?