Beiträge von linar

    .....Another area also needs clarification. Obviously, you are
    very vocal in your criticism of the short interest in the futures markets,
    while your criticism of the long interest is muted or non-existent. As you
    know, a debate is raging in Washington about the immorality of the long
    positions in energy and food-related futures contracts (see Reference
    below). Your wholesale condemnation of the futures markets will not solve
    the problem. Although it would put you in the same boat with Senator
    Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, but don't forget, he may next propose
    legislation to check the activities of people who own more than, say, 100
    ounces of silver. He could blame silver investors for the collapse of the
    dollar and, as such, silver hoarding could be declared against public
    Finally, I have just been reading an interesting news
    item in a British daily, reporting that European airlines could weather
    the supply-shock of aviation fuel better than their American counterparts,
    because they have been trading the oil basis. The article mentions
    Lufthansa by name as one airline which has put on hedges covering 80
    percent of its fuel needs, and right now is flying its planes on oil
    costing only $70 per barrel, or about one half of the going price. In
    comparison, American airlines have hedged an average of 20 percent of
    their needs only. Question: is Lufthansa guilty of usury?.....

    ...ich bin etwas über diesen Abschnitt gestolpert ?) wenn so was käme ;( Herr Lieberman ist nicht eben meine Wellenlänge - leider beeinflussen solche Menschen das Geschehen :rolleyes:

    linar :)

    Mal ganz was anders von Mahendra:

    ....My most nagging worry has nothing to do with the USA, but with China, India and Europe.
    My prediction is that within the next three months, the GDPs of China and India will drop substantially and it will be too late by the time the rest of the world realises. Consequently, I urge that one be very cautious about where you place your money. The truth is that the USA still holds 61% of the world’s economy and if anything goes wrong with it or there is a further fall of the dollar, the world’s economy will soon be on its knees. The growth story will be finished and people China and India will talk about how to survive because burst of GDP growth. As I have said, I am an optimistic person and I see the world moving ahead despite the various ups and downs. Indeed, I am certain that the USA and the USD will survive in coming most uncertain period, but I am not so sure about Europe and some countries in Asia. If there is drought, all vegetation affected as the existing one wilts and dries, while growth of new vegetation cannot occur. Only big plants or those specially adapted can withstand and survive the effects of prolonged drought till the following rainy season. Such is the situation in the market as this analogy of the natural cycle of life is still applicable to our situation. I therefore hope that you find some answers and act accordingly.

    ...bis auf diesen letzten Abschnitt - der hoffentlich nicht so eintrifft - finde ich ihn dieses Mal :thumbup:

    linar :)

    :rolleyes: Eldo - was meinst dazu ?) diese Zeit (November) sollte doch ---> :thumbup: für die PMs sein :rolleyes:

    ......Stock indices were not the only financial market in decline much of
    last week. Gold and Silver also fell to their lowest levels in over a
    . From a high of 934 on May 21, Gold fell to a low of 860 on June
    12. Silver’s decline was from 1833 on May 23 to 1625 on June 12, again
    with the “translation” period of Sun-Venus in square to both
    the Saturn-Uranus
    that make up the forthcoming opposition later this
    Currencies also fell hard last week against the U.S. Dollar......

    linar ?)

    Will the Hunts buy silver again after selling Hunt Petroleum?

    By: Peter J. Cooper

    -- Posted 12 June, 2008 | Digg This Article[Blockierte Grafik:] | Discuss This Article - Comments:1

    This week XTO Energy finally agreed to buy Hunt Petroleum for $4.2
    billion after a long legal tussle between Hunt family heirs. The firm
    was founded by the late billionaire HL Hunt whose sons Nelson Bunker
    Hunt and William Herbert Hunt once cornered the world silver market in
    the 1970s.

    Huntis a privately held company which makes no public comment on its
    affairs. But commentators think the Hunts are calling the top of the
    oil market and that the price for Hunt Petroleum suggests a quick deal
    was the objective.

    However,market watchers are bound to wonder if the Hunts are planning to
    re-enter the silver market which they so dramatically dominated in the
    1970s. It was in 1973 that the family first decided to buy precious
    metals to hedge against inflation, much as many rich investors are
    doing today.....

    full story:
    linar =)

    WA gas explosion fallout serious for iron ore, gold and base metals suppliers

    Varanus Island gas explosion and subsequent loss of around 30 percent
    of the state's gas supplies is creating serious problems for the
    state's massive mining industry and will affect productivity and supply
    for months, rather than weeks.

    Author: James Regan

    Sunday,08 Jun 2008

    PERTH (Reuters) -

    WesternAustralian miners, which supply the world with metals and iron ore,
    fear sharp falls in productivity and lay-offs after a gas-plant
    explosion robbed them of power, industry and local government officials
    said on Sunday.

    "This is very serious," Reg Howard Smith, head of the state's
    Chamber of Minerals and Energy, said after crisis talks with some of
    the world's biggest resources firms, including BHP Billiton
    BHP..AX(BLT.L), Rio Tinto (RIO.AX)(RIO.L) and BP (BP.L).

    "We're seeing some stand-downs of staff occurring and we're still deciding what needs to be done," Smith told Reuters.....
    full story:…age34?oid=54329&sn=Detail

    :rolleyes: linar :)

    Martin Murenbeeld: Some bullish thoughts about gold

    Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2008-06-04 15:26. Section: Daily Dispatches 11:25a ET Wednesday, June 2008

    Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

    Resource Investor has posted the elaborately detailed presentation to
    last month's New York Hard Assets Investment Conference of Martin
    Murenbeeld, chief economist for DundeeWealth Economics. It's a strong
    argument that many fundamentals support a continued rise in the gold
    price. Murenbeeld titled his presentation "Some Bullish Thoughts" and
    you can find it here:

    CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer

    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

    Interessant [Blockierte Grafik:] merci @Hoka (SCN) :thumbup: (Lautsprecher)


    International Forecaster May 2008 (#9) - Gold, Silver, Economy + More

    By: Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster

    the cartel does is geared into keeping both professional and private
    investors out of precious metals. The so-called "wall of worry" which
    any given market is said to climb, is nothing more than a false,
    fraudulent front of disinformation which is created by elitist insiders
    on Wall Street, in our government and in corporate America, in order to
    scare people out of any market from which the elitists wish to profit.
    They want you to keep out until they have bought in cheaply. After they
    have glutted themselves, the wall of worry is removed and the public
    dupes are let in on "the coming huge rally" in whatever, all as
    promoted by our "beloved" fane-stream media. The market is then run up
    by the sheople-dupes to a blow-off top, and then the inside players
    bail out with as much stealth as they can muster, booking monumental
    profits while the public sucker-dupes crash and burn and are
    essentially left holding the bag as they are advised by the fane-stream
    media to follow Charles Schwab's mantra that "we're in it for the long
    term." (Barf) We have news for you -you're in it for the long greased
    pole that the elitists will be shoving up your collective derrieres
    after they have glommed their pirate booty. Yes indeed, you're "in it
    for the long pole.".....
    The problem is, that in their unmitigated greed and lust for power, as well
    as their paranoia about political fallout which they feel must be
    avoided at all costs (costs which include the destruction of our
    economy), they have destroyed our nation's real estate market, thereby
    destroying themselves in the process as all real estate-backed
    securities are in the process of being taken to the cleaners......
    The dollar rally has already petered out at 73, and the dollar will now get
    systematically destroyed as everyone begins to flee stocks, bonds and
    treasuries in favor of real assets, which has already ongoing for many
    months now since the credit-crunch took control over market sentiment. Specs
    should consider buying some dollar longs on the next big dollar dip,
    and acquire a healthy portion of oil shorts to guard against a takedown
    of oil to hit the precious metals....
    full story:…Forecaster/1212344040.php

    ...hmmmmmmm - ich hatte wohl Tomaten auf den Augen :wall: ist zwar nicht "meine" Tabelle :P
    vielleicht wird's ja noch korrigiert :rolleyes:
    Edel hat ja schon vorgearbeitet ;)

    linar :)


    Roland Watson

    Gold is currently moving in volatile times and to
    me at least the debate on where it is going next looks increasingly
    polarized. While the hot money seems to have abandoned gold and silver
    to ride the crude oil bandwagon (which will certainly suffer the same
    drop soon), the old maxim “Sell in May and go away” seems to have been
    pinned to gold’s lapel.......

    .....So in the last six May periods we
    have gold up in five years and down in one year. The average percentage
    gain computes as 5.8% which is not shoddy at all for a five month
    period and if we exclude our negative year, it comes out at an average
    of 9%. So much for sell in May and go away for gold......

    full atory:


    24. Mai 2008, 17:10

    Tausende protestieren für Ende der Gewalt

    In Südafrikas Metropole Johannesburg haben Tausende gegen die fremdenfeindliche Gewalt der vergangenen zwei Wochen demonstriert.

    Zuvor hatte ein Soldat erstmals einen
    Township-Bewohner erschossen. Der Zwischenfall ereignete sich am Rande
    von Johannesburg in einem Armenviertel der Stadt Springs bei der
    Absicherung einer Polizeiaktion. Als Soldaten eine Attacke auf eine
    Frau bemerkten und auf einen Angreifer zugingen, richtete dieser seine
    Waffe auf das Militär. Er wurde von den Soldaten in Notwehr erschossen......

    @Eldo - wie lange musst/gedenkst Du denn noch zu bleiben ?) Ist es denn für Deine Kinder nicht auch viel zu gefährlich ?)

    linar ?)