Warum plus 19 %? who cares. Hauptsache, ich bin dabei.....
Ich bekam vorgestern noch folgende email. Es werden News erwartet in nächster Zeit. Vielleicht ist was durchgesickert oder vielleicht will sich einfach jemand positionieren, da in nächster Zeit offenbar Abcourt schön promotet (was für ein tolles neudeutsches Wort :D) wird
Hi Folks
Genevar, author of the feasibility study, has now received all
documents related to the feasibility study and is currently reviewing
the documentation, preparing the financial analysis and writing the
report. Renaud Hinse is proof reading the study to ensure that all of
the information is correct. We expect the study to be published in
approximately two weeks.
In the month of February, Abcourt will make every effort to promote
the company and our silver zinc project leading up to and following
the release of our study. There is currently a growing interest in our
project and there are two outfits that are preparing an analysis of
our company for publication in February.
The Abcourt executives will be traveling to Toronto and Vancouver
during the week of February 19th to 23rd for three days of institution
and brokerage house presentations. This is being arranged by the
Equicom Group of Toronto.
There are other initiatives in the works as we will make every effort
to put Abcourt front and center during February and March as we move
the story forward. Preliminary talks have transpired concerning the
acquisition or use of an existing mill but the company will step up
its efforts with the published feasibility study in hand. In the
meantime, Yves Gagnon is preparing our applications for various
certificates of authorization from the Quebec department of the
All the best,
Joe O'Brien
Abcourt Mines Inc.