Beiträge von ThaiGuru

    Einige weitere Presse Kommentare zu der gestern von den europäischen Zentralbanken beschlossenen Verlängerung, respektive der Neuauflage der Washingtoner Verträge zur Begrenzung von Zentralbanken Goldverkäufe für die nächsten 5 Jahre ab September 2004.

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    2500 Tonnen Gold stehen zum Verkauf

    Hamburger Abendblatt

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    Notenbanken dürfen mehr Gold verkaufen Jährlich bis ...

    Der Tagesspiegel

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    Verkauf von mehr Gold vereinbart

    Berliner Zeitung

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    Neues Gold-Abkommen der Notenbanken

    Neue Zürcher Zeitung

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    Einigung auf neues Goldabkommen

    St. Galler Tagblatt

    2. Teil

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    "A flurry of trade buying near the close braved the $400 out only to see offers lining up near the highs."

    (NY on Friday traded 66,347 lots; open interest fell a steep 4759 contracts to 226,921.)

    Mitsui’s comment, of course, fits with the experience of Friday. Subjectively, the short covering panic was extreme: Standard London’s comment:

    "gold prices just flew off the handle. As soon as there were any offers made, it was taken. Gold immediately rose towards 400 levels…"

    matches Mitsui London’s

    "the market ratcheted higher again to cover positions. The same story on gold with little opportunity to cover positions on the spike we regained a handle on 400."

    Objectively, the shorts had little trouble covering around $400. TOCOM and Comex together bought back over 900,000 oz, without driving the market much over $400. Clearly there was a large seller above the market.

    This makes the slightly quick renewal of the Washington Accord interesting. Generally the terms were as extensively advertised. The most interesting aspect was the dropping out of the UK. If Britain did not want to sell any more gold (therefore having an interest, presumably, in seeing better gold prices) why not sign the accord? How would it damage them to show some collegial spirit? Or, could it be that, like apparently Portugal, Greece and Norway, the British have calls sold above the market, the exercise of which could disrupt the Accord?


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    The John Brimelow Report:

    Monday, March 08, 2004

    India and Turkey buy: Who seller?

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $6.27, PM $4.86, with world gold at $398.50 and

    $399.40. Adequate, and dubious, for legal imports. Indian buyers clearly did not appreciate Friday’s sudden NY spike. On the other hand, Reuters carries an unusually upbeat story from New Delhi about Indian gold demand recently:


    "We have already seen a pick up in demand at a price level of around $400 per ounce," said Girish Kumar Choksi, a bullion dealer in Ahmedabad…. Jewellers and investors, who had held back purchases over the past few weeks because of a sudden rise in prices, have stepped up buying after gold prices fell below $400 an ounce…"Imports into Ahmedabad have risen to 600-700 kg per day from 250-300 kg when prices ruled above $400 per ounce," Choksi said."

    This is going to be a serious problem for the Bears.

    Buried on the Istanbul Gold Exchange site is the information that Turkey’s Gold imports jumped 49% in February to 21.75 metric tones, the highest since the middle of last year (when gold fell back to the $340s). Annualised, this would produce a higher import volume than 2003, when gold was on average c. $30 lower. Clearly, the propensity of the Middle East to buy bullion has risen. Premiums on the Shanghai Exchange fell today to just above $2, again, a reasonable response to the abrupt jump in the price of gold they faced this morning.

    TOCOM speculative longs faced a huge windfall gain this morning, with the $US gold price leap accentuated by yen weakness. They initially sold: volume surged 143% to the equivalent of 75,385 Comex lots, and open interest slumped the equivalent of 4,274 Comex to the equivalent of 115, 896 Comex contracts. Ominously, however, Mitsui-HK observes:

    Teil 1

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    Two other items to ponder:

    *There is no mention of "gold swaps" in the communique – a glaring omission.

    *The work of the GATA camp regarding the real total of gold loans/swaps is becoming more critical by the month/year. Our work reveals half the central bank gold is gone and much of it is not available to be sold, leased or swapped. With a yearly supply/demand deficit of 1500 tonnes, or more, The Gold Cartel is running out of physical supply to continue their scam. What is happening in silver now will eventually happen to gold, which is why the prices of both are going to rocket higher.

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    The headline gold news of the day was the official five year extension of the Washington Agreement:

    Eurosystem:Gold To Stay Important To Global Bk Reserves

    Monday March 8, 6:26 am ET

    BASEL (Dow Jones)--European central banks have signed an agreement on gold sales for the next five years, a joint statement issued Monday by the banks said.

    In the statement the central banks said that "gold will remain an important element of global monetary reserves."

    "Annual sales will not exceed 500 tons and total sales over this period will not exceed 2,500 tons," the statement said. The concerted program of sales is set to begin Sept. 27.

    The agreement was reached during a meeting at the Bank for International Settlements (News - Websites) in Basel. This pact will be reviewed after five years, the statement said.

    "Over this period, the signatories...have agreed that the total amount of their gold leasings and the total amount of their use of gold futures and options will not exceed the amounts prevailing at the date of the signature of the previous agreement," the statement said.

    The U.K government said it hadn't signed up to the agreement and that that it won't immediate sell any more of its reserves.

    Germany's Bundesbank said it would like to keep the option of selling over 600 tons by 2009.


    Pretty much a yawn as far as I am concerned. Many of us in the GATA camp believe this 600 tonnes of German central bank gold is already gone in the form of leases or swaps with the likes of Deutsche Bank, etc. If we are correct, the Bundesbank will receive cash from the commercial banks and mark down their reserves. Overall, the gold market is in such a supply/demand deficit this 500 tonne yearly allotment will not be nearly enough to keep the gold price from rising so that it can come into a supply/demand equilibrium.

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    The efforts by the cabal to cap gold continue to become more obvious by the month. Over the past months bullion has always come in lower the next day following sharp rallies. That is just not natural. Most of the time markets will open up higher following sharp rallies. The ensuing rally might eventually fail for the day, but that is not the point.

    The Comex gold open interest dropped 4759 contracts to 226,921. Since we know the cabal was capping the market $6+ on the day, it means the spec shorts were covering fairly aggressively. Contrast the gold drop to that of silver. Its open interest rose 2196 contracts to 113,422. The silver open interest pattern is completely different and much more constructive from a technical standpoint. Over the past months the silver open interest has gone up on rallies and contracted on setbacks, which is what is supposed to happen in a healthy bull market. This is another sign the silver price managers are losing control of their fraud.

    The March silver open interest fell 100 contracts to 615. There were 84 silver deliveries of which 23 were taken by Deutsche Bank.

    The trading today was both choppy and light. After coming in lower, gold and silver spent most of the session drifting up to close their opening gaps. Great Lakes, a trading firm, has been a featured silver buyer of late. When they showed up again with some buying near the end of the day, silver rallied 12 cents on little volume to make a new high for the move, reaching $7.02 bid at one point. The silver police made sure silver didn’t close there, knocking it back down when Great Lakes was done with their buying. The important point to note here is there isn’t much silver for sale. When even modest buying shows up, the price surges. To me this is an indication of some serious upside drama headed our silver way in the very near future.

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    March 8 - Gold $400.40 down 60 cents - Silver $6.94 down 1 cent

    An Intriguing Day


    "Another delusion about money has often led nations into trouble - the idea that a government could "make money" simply by stamping certain words upon pieces of paper, just as any of you can "make money" by writing a note promising to pay one hundred dollars on demand. But you know that when you do that, you are not making "money," but making "a debt"; so is any government that issues its promise to pay. And there is this about both the individual and the government who take to issuing such notes on a large scale: they seldom pay them. The French did this during their revolution, and more recently the Confederate States "made money" at a great pace, and issued bonds which are now scarcely worth the paper they are printed upon. Every experiment of this kind has proved that there can be no money "made" where there is not value behind it...

    Andrew Carnegie 12/05/03

    The breach of The Gold Cartel’s $6 rule lasted all of one half hour from a market hours trading standpoint. Gold rallied a couple of bucks in the last half hour of Comex trading on Friday, as the efforts by Goldman Sachs and friends to keep gold gains limited to $6+ failed. However, they wasted no time in taking gold down $2+ as soon as the Asian trading market opening. The price remained there all evening long until Comex opened this morning.

    Teil 1

    Noch ein Dreieck, diemal ein aufsteigendes!

    Vista Gold Corp. (VGZ)

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    Vista Gold hat das Dreieck heute nach oben verlassen, und ist um 2.52%, auf 4.88 Dollar gestiegen, bei einem fast dreifachen durchschnittlichen Umsatz von 321600 Aktien.

    Der MACD hat ebenfalls ein Kaufsignal generiert, die Aktie wird auch von GATA empfohlen, und Gold steigt im Moment gerade auch wieder über die 400.- Dollar Marke, und steht jetzt gerade schon wieder bei 401.- Dollar

    Ein Langzeit Chart von Vista Gold

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    Werde mir wohl heute davon noch einige zusäzliche Stücke ins Portefeuille legen.



    Dass Du Deinen Freund den Karl hier in meinem Thread Beleidigungen und fadenscheinige Begründungen posten lässt, und es nicht einmal für nötig hälst mich zu Beginn der von Karl inszenierten Anfeindungen direkt anzusprechen, zeigt klar wo Deine Prioritäten liegen.

    Mit Sachlichkeit hat Deine Auslegung des Sachverhaltes sicherlich herzlich wenig zu tun.

    Du scheinst anscheinend zuwenig Manns zu sein, das mir direkt zu sagen, was Du und Dein agressiver Freund wirklich möchtest, nähmlich dass ich hier aufhören soll zu posten.

    Vielleicht hast Du dazu auch nicht die Kompetenz dazu, ich weiss es nicht.

    Du wirst es mir nach diesem meinem Posting wohl schon noch sagen

    Den Titel Boardmod trägst Du meiner Ansicht nach zu Unrecht.
    Ein Bordmod soll normalerweise ausgewogen, und fair handeln, und nicht parteisch wie Du es in diesem Fall gemacht hast.

    Und noch was nebenbei, ich werde hier weiter posten, nicht etwa wegen Dir, oder Deinem bissigen Freund Karl, sondern wegen den vielen für Deinen Freund Karl anscheinend ungern gesehenen neuen Lesern aus dem W:O Gold Board, die Du Deinem Freund Karl unterstützend Huldiger benennen lässt, und natürlich auch den Lesern und Usern aus diesem Board, die hier im Thread lesen wollen, und vor allem wegen der Sache Gold und Silber wegen.

    Falls Du das nicht möchtest solltest Du mich ganz einfach sperren.



    @Bordmoderator Warren

    Du willst Sachlichkeit in diesem Board die kannst ganz einfach haben.

    Bring Deinen Freund Karl dazu sich zu benehmen!

    Sache ist anscheinend auch, dass Du und Dein Freund Karl ein grosses Problem haben mit der Freiheit, wie ich mich in diesem Board ausdrücke.

    Ich habe gestern hier meine ersten Postings in einem neueröffneten Tread verfasst den ich , !!! GOLD + SILBER PREIS !!! Informationen und Gerüchte !!! genannt habe. In diesem von mir eröffneten Thread habe ich gepostet, und Infos aus aller Welt gebracht die eine in diesem Board wohl bislang nicht übliche Anzahl interessierte Leser in meinen Thread geführt hat, nicht mehr und nicht weniger.

    Infos zum Gold-, und Wirtschaftsgeschehen habe ich gepostet, einige kommentiert andere nicht. Deinen Freund Karl, habe ich zuvor nicht mal angesprochen, bevor er angefangen hat sein Ego zu befriedigen, indem er mehrere beleidigende Postings in meinem Thread verfasste.

    Sache ist auch, dass viele neue Leser aus dem W:O Board hierher in dieses Board gewechselt haben.

    Ebenso sollte Dir als Board Moderator eigentlich aufgefallen sein, dass heute ein neuer Rekord an Besuchern und User auf dieser Homepage zu verzeichnen war.

    Jedoch ganz sicher nicht wegen Deinem Freund Karl.

    Dass sich nach meinem Debut hier bei innerhalb von 36 Stunden ca. 15 neue User angemeldet haben, die wie ich anscheinend fälschlicherweise Angenommen haben, Gold Bugs wären hier im Gold Board beim willkommen, und könnten sich frei Ausdrücken, scheint Dir anscheinend entgangen zu sein, oder noch schlimmer, persönlich auch nicht zu gefallen.

    Teil 1

    Dieser eindeutigen Falschmeldung zufolge, liegen bei der BUBA immer noch mehr als 3400 Tonnen Gold in den Tresoren

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    Goldverkäufe in großem Stil

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    Die europäischen Zentralbanken halten insgesamt 45 Prozent der weltweiten offiziellen Goldreserven. Allein in den Tresoren der Deutschen Bundesbank liegen mehr als 3.400 Tonnen, das sind die zweitgrößten Goldreserven der Welt.

    Basel/Wien- Die europäischen Zentralbanken dürfen bis 2009 maximal 2.500 Tonnen Gold verkaufen, 500 Tonnen mehr als in den vergangenen fünf Jahren. Darauf einigten sich die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) und Zentralbanken 14 weiterer europäischer Länder, wie die Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich am Montag in Basel mitteilte. Das derzeit gültige Washingtoner Goldabkommen von 1999 läuft im September aus. Es sieht einen jährlichen Verkauf von bis zu 400 Tonnen Gold vor; diese Obergrenze wird für die kommenden fünf Jahre auf 500 Tonnen erhöht. Für Österreich hat Notenbankgouverneur Klaus Liebscher das neue Abkommen unterschrieben. Neuer Unterzeichner ist Griechenland. Großbritannien machte bei der Verlängerung nicht mit.

    Gold bleibe ein "wichtiges Element der globalen Währungsreserven", erklärten die Zentralbanken. In Finanzkreisen war erwartet worden, dass für die Laufzeit des neuen Abkommens bis 2009 eine höchstens um zehn bis 15 Prozent höhere Verkaufsmenge als die bisher gültigen 2000 Tonnen vereinbart würden, um den Markt nicht zu belasten. Der Goldpreis war allerdings in den vergangenen Monaten weiter stetig gestiegen und liegt derzeit bei rund 400 Dollar pro Feinunze (31,1035 Gramm).

    Artikel vom 08.03.2004 |apa |grü


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    08.03.2004 16:38

    Goldmarkt ignoriert neues Abkommen

    Die Europäische Zentralbank und 14 nationale Notenbanken in Europa haben sich darauf geeinigt, ab September 2004 mehr Gold als bisher zu verkaufen. Der Goldpreis reagierte kaum und hat damit eine wichtige Belastungsprobe bestanden.

    Nach der Nachricht gab das Edelmetall nur rund einen auf knapp 399 US-Dollar je Feinunze (31,1 Gramm) nach. Eine Reaktion, die nicht unbedingt zu erwarten war.

    Denn ab dem 27. September dürfen die Währungshüter fünf Jahre lang jeweils 500 Tonnen des Edelmetalls verkaufen. Das sind pro Jahr 100 Tonnen mehr als nach dem bisherigen Abkommen, das 1999 in Washington abgeschlossen worden war.

    Beobachter hatten erwartet, dass das Abkommen verlängert werden würde. Doch dass die Notenbanken in Zukunft 25 Prozent mehr Gold verkaufen dürfen, ist überraschend. Die meisten hatten nur mit einer geringeren Steigerung gerechnet.

    An dem neuen Abkommen sind neben der EZB, den nationalen Notenbanken des Eurosystems, auch die Schweiz und Schweden beteiligt. Großbritannien ist dagegen dieses Mal nicht von der Partie, da die BOE kein Gold verkaufen will. Großbritannien hatte sich bereits bis Ende der Neunziger Jahren von großen Teilen seiner Goldreserven getrennt. Die meiste Gold verkaufte das Land damals in der Gold-Baisse.


    Soviel zum Wirtschaftsaufschwung in Deutschland!

    [Blockierte Grafik:]…503_A_1135361_1_A,00.html

    Wirtschaft 08.03.2004

    Einzelhandel blutet aus

    Der deutsche Einzelhandel hat im vergangenen Jahr den stärksten Stellenabbau seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg verzeichnen müssen. 50.000 Arbeitsplätze seien verloren gegangen - deutlich mehr als befürchtet, berichtete der Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels (HDE) am Montag in Düsseldorf. Dies sei auch eine Nachwirkung des katastrophalen Geschäftsjahres 2002 gewesen, sagte Verbandspräsident Hermann Franzen. Die Branche beschäftigt noch rund 2,8 Millionen Menschen.

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    Precious metals and copper intersected at IAMGOLD's Quimsacocha..

    2004/03/08 14:31:55

    property, Ecuador (2 of 2)

    "Iron Quadrangle" district in Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil, 50/50 joint venture partner AngloGold Brazil is financing a 6,000 metre diamond drill program. The Gandarela project covers an area dominated by a laterally extensive quartz-pebble conglomerate horizon similar to that of the prolific gold producing Witwatersrand basin in South Africa. Drilling, which commenced in the third quarter of 2003, on what was previously referred to as the Moeda project, is designed to intersect the conglomerates at depths down to 1000 metres to test paleochannels believed to have the best potential to host elevated gold mineralization. Three drills are now on the property with drilling expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2004.

    - At the 7,500 square kilometer Los Menucos project located in Rio Negro province, southern Argentina, joint venture partner Barrick is expected to fund up to US$12.5 million in exploration over an eight year period to earn a 70% interest in the properties. As part of its expenditure commitment in 2004, Barrick is expected to commence drilling on the property before the end of the year.

    - IAMGOLD entered into an agreement with Rubicon Minerals Corporation (TSX:RMX) to explore the latter's Avalon project in eastern Newfoundland, Canada in February 2004.


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    River Gold leaps 10 pct on expected zone expansion

    Monday March 8, 2:40 PM EST

    TORONTO, March 8 (Reuters) - River Gold Mines Ltd. (RIV) jumped 10 percent on Monday after news that it had created a tunnel to expand its Ontario gold mineralization zone, bringing it closer to replacing and increasing its reserves this year.

    Shares of the Toronto-based junior miner rose as high as C$3.30, before retreating to C$3.17 mid afternoon on the Toronto Stock Exchange, for a gain of 18 Canadian cents, or 6 percent.

    The zone, which was discovered about a year ago, is near to one of River Gold's existing mines, Eagle River Mine in Ontario. Since the discovery the company has created a tunnel to expand the area eastward.

    "You don't see results like that very often. This is a very good start to replacing our reserves again," said George Mannard, River Gold's vice-president of exploration.

    "We've established a position underground where we can drill it to expand to the east. The drilling is adding on to what's discovered and it seems to be getting higher grade."

    ($1= $1.32 Canadian)

    ©2004 Reuters Limited.

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    SNB confirms to sell 130 tonnes under new gold deal

    Monday March 8, 6:29 am ET

    ZURICH, March 8 (Reuters) - The Swiss National Bank said on Monday it had no plans to sell gold beyond the 130 tonnes it aims to offload under a new accord by the European Central Bank and 14 national central banks in Europe on gold sales.

    "The SNB does not plan to sell more gold beyond the sales already planned for the first year of the accord," a spokesman said. He said the current programme to reduce gold holdings was running according to schedule, with the SNB selling around one tonne of gold each working day.

    The central bank had already said last September that it would sell 284 tonnes of gold from excess reserves by the end of September 2004 and a further 130 tonnes in the year after that.

    Under the previous five-year accord, the SNB aimed to dispose of 1,170 tonnes, with the rest of the 1,300 tonnes earmarked for sale to go under a deal beginning this September.

    The central bank is selling around half its original stockpile since it feels it no longer needs to hold 2,700 tonnes as a monetary reserve to back up the currency.

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    Fund buying lifts COMEX silver to six-year high

    Monday March 8, 1:27 PM EST

    NEW YORK, March 8 (Reuters) - COMEX silver rose to a six-year high before the close Monday, as speculative funds ran futures above the previous peak set a week ago, triggering pre-set, stop-loss buy orders.

    May silver rose to $7.07 an ounce, matching February 1998's 10-year high for the benchmark contract set after billionaire investor Warren Buffett announced that he had bought 130 million ounces of the metal.

    At 1:21 p.m. EST, the benchmark contract was up 4.0 cents at $7.03 an ounce.

    ©2004 Reuters Limited.