Beiträge von ThaiGuru

    [Blockierte Grafik:]…category=12&id=1078709483

    Tue, Mar 09, 2004

    Media Release

    Zambian mining projects go on Canadian market

    By Business Reporter

    THE European Union (EU) sponsored Mining Sector Development Programme (MSDP) has packaged three Zambian mining projects to be marketed at the ongoing Processors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) running from March 7 to 10.

    MSDP eastern, northern and central regional advisor Stephen Mutambo said in an interview recently before leaving for Canada that Zambia’s participation at the PDAC conference was within the MSDP’s broader objective of marketing the country’s mining potential to the outside world.

    Mr Mutambo, who is accompanied to Canada by another MSDP advisor Trevor Robson, said the conference in Canada would bring together giant mining establishments and individuals who were potential investors in Zambia.

    He said the three packaged mining projects were in Tomalyne, Amethyst and Emerald and more projects would soon be included as there was alot of interest shown by investors in the projects.

    The MSDP had taken the same projects to the mining Indaba in Cape Town South Africa, a premier mining conference which brings together mining, prospecting and exploration experts.

    Mr Mutambo said the South African conference demonstrated alot of enthusiasm from Australian, American and Canadian mining giants to invest in the Zambian mining industry, underscoring the essence of participation at the mining conference.

    He said the conference in South Africa also revealed a number on interested investors and prospectors in Zambia’s gold, copper, phosphate, iron and many other especially with the growing demand on minerals in the Chinese market.

    Mr Mutambo said China was becoming a large market for even precious minerals which were now selling in that market.

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    Pacific Minerals changes name to Jinshan Gold Mines, appoints president

    Canadian Press

    Monday, March 08, 2004

    VANCOUVER (CP) - Shareholders of Pacific Minerals Inc. have approved a change in the name of the junior mining company to Jinshan Gold Mines Inc., which was chosen to better reflect its exploration focus in China.

    The new name means Gold Mountain in Chinese, the company said in a statement Monday. The company's board also announced the appointment of Jay Chmelauskas as president, effective immediately. Chmelauskas replaces Daniel Kunz, who will remain a director and executive advisor to the company.

    "This will be an important year for the company to develop its prospects and I believe it is the appropriate time to turn the day-to-day management of the company to a full-time president," Kunz said in a statement.

    For the past year, Chmelauskas has been managing business development and other corporate finance activities for Pacific Minerals from Beijing.

    The newly named Jinshan Gold Mines is focused on the exploration and development of gold, copper and platinum group metals in China and Mongolia. It has two advanced projects proceeding through scoping studies - the JBS Platinum & Palladium Project in Yunnan Province, and the 217 Gold Project in Inner Mongolia.

    Shares in the company (TSXV:PMZ) fell one cent to $2.17 in Monday trading on the TSX Venture Exchange.

    © Copyright 2004 The Canadian Press

    [Blockierte Grafik:]…yTitle=Metals&Type=metals

    March 08, 2004 11:49

    Shareholders Give Approval to Gold Fields-Mvela R4.1 Billion Deal

    JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Mar 8, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ --

    Shareholders of Gold Fields Limited ("Gold Fields") and Mvelaphanda Resources ("Mvela"), at respective general meetings of both companies, today voted overwhelmingly in favour of the transaction whereby a consortium headed by Mvela will acquire a 15% beneficial interest in the South African gold mining and related assets of Gold Fields for R4.1 billion.

    Completion of the black economic empowerment deal, which involved lengthy and complex funding arrangements as well as compliance with regulatory conditions, was welcomed by Ian Cockerill, chief executive of Gold Fields.

    "We, in Gold Fields, are delighted that this groundbreaking deal has now been concluded as it is not only a major milestone in the history of both companies but of the South African mining industry. It forms part of the transformation process in the country, which we welcome, and is a significant step towards meeting the requirements of the Mining Charter.

    "The deal is based on fair value at a firm market price, is economically sensible and sustainable for both existing and new shareholders and is truly broad based".

    He added: "We have built up an excellent relationship with the Mvela management and I believe our relationship will be a sound one in the long term. I also believe that Mvela can add value to Gold Fields by creating other opportunities for us in the precious metals sector."

    Cockerill said that the cash from the deal would be used to grow Gold Fields for the benefit of all its stakeholders.

    Directors: C M T Thompson* (Chairman), A J Wright (Deputy Chairman), I D Cockerill** (Chief Executive Officer), G J Gerwel, N J Holland** (Chief Financial Officer), J M McMahon**, G R Parker***, R L Pennant-Rea**, P J Ryan, T M G Sexwale, B R van Rooyen, C I von Christierson *Canadian, **British, ***American

    Company Secretary: C Farrel

    Gold Fields Limited
    Reg. 1968/004880/06

    SOURCE Gold Fields Limited


    Kennen wir uns etwa schon von früher her?

    Ist es Dein Wunsch, dass ich bevor ich in einem von mir hier bei eröffneten Thread poste, bei Dir meine Postings zuerst zur Freigabe vorlegen muss?

    Falls Du meine Art Postings zu verfassen, oder meine verlinkten Zeitugsberichte zum Wirtschafts, und Gold Geschehn nicht sehen magst, nun es ist Deine freie Entscheidung sie zu lesen, oder eben nicht. Wenn Du schon so hohe Anforderungen an neue User hier stellst, wäre es nur fair selbst etwas in Klausur zu gehen. Deine ganz besonders nette Art mit mir umzugehen, zeugt nicht gerade von dem was Du indirekt vorgibst selbst zu sein, ein sachlicher Poster.

    Zudem, die vielen neuen Leser die seit gestern bei aufhalten, die sich selbst seit langer Zeit mit Gold, und Silber auseinandersetzten, bei W:O ihre Fähigkeiten bereits mehr als genug bewiesen haben, und vermutlich in nicht wenigen Fällen Deinem Wissen zum Goldgeschehen zumindest in nichts nachstehen, einfach pauschal, absolut ungerechtfertigt, und ebenso abschätzig meiner Huldigung bezichtigst, zeugt davon, dass es Dir nicht um echte Kritik geht.




    Norwegen ist nicht alleine

    Physisch fast oder ganz Goldfrei, sind unter anderen auch folgende Zentralbanken:





    Seit gestern wurde mir auf Grund eines auf der Homepage der Weltbank vorgefundenen Veröffentlichung klar, dass auch Thailand mit seinen ca. 70 Tonnen Gold, vermutlich ebenfalls physisch Goldfrei ist.

    Zu den gerade stattfindenden Verkäufen der Schweizer Nationalbank (Das ist ebenfalls wie die Federal Reserve Bank FED eine Privatbank, und Aktiengesellschaft) gibt es auch unglaubliche Sachverhalte zu berichten. Die SNB will um keinen Preis rausrücken wo, und wieviel denn von den Schweizer Goldvorräten im Aus-, und Inland gelagert werden. Die SNB scheint keinerlei Revisionsplicht zu unterstehen. Für eine Private Bank, ein doch ausserordentlich ungewöhnliches Privileg.

    Den Vogel abgeschossen hat wohl letztes Jahr der damalige Finanzminister Villiger mit seiner Antwort auf eine parlamentarische Anfrage nach dem Verbleib der schweizerischen Goldreserven.

    Seine Antwort:


    «Wo diese Goldbarren nun genau liegen, kann ich Ihnen leider nicht sagen, weil ich es auch nicht weiss, es nicht wissen muss und es nicht wissen will»!



    Bemerkenswerter Weise bin ich schon bereits vor über 2 Jahren durch öffentlich zugängliche offizielle Papier darauf gestossen, dass die Amerikaner eben diese sogenannten "Deutschen Goldreserven" als die ihrigen aufgeführt haben. Zwischenzeitlich wurde das von den Amis wenigstens auf dem Papier wieder geändert. Habe diesem Problem im W:O Gold Board, bereits vor geraumer Zeit einen eigenen Thread gewidmet.


    Wer wirklich noch daran glauben sollte, dass die Deutschen ihre in den USA gelagerten Goldreserven von ca. 1700 Tonnen je physisch wiedersehen werden, ist meiner Meinung nach ein Schelm.

    Die Chinesen kaufen bereits seit längerer Zeit diskret am Markt physisches Gold. Ich vermute, dass die Chinesen noch so gerne die ganzen ab Sept. 2004 geplanten 2500 Tonnen Goldverkäufe zu den heutigen Preisen selbst übernehmen würden, wenn sie nur könnten.

    Sie können aber nicht!

    Weil auf Grund meiner eigenen jahrelangen ausgiebigen Recherchen, und hauptsächlich der unermüdlichen Aufklärungsarbeit der GATA, mehr als nur stark zu vermuten ist, dass da praktisch überhaupt kein physisches Gold mehr verkauft wird, sondern nur noch Papier Gold Forderungen in "Fiat Money" Forderungen umgebucht werden.




    Das Gold das der Welteke der Bundes Bank und die anderen Zentralbanken vorgeben verkaufen zu wollen, ist aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach bereits schon lange Zeit vorher gegen Devisen geswapt worden, oder an irgendwelche Gold Bullion Banken, wie möglicher Weise an die Deutsche Bank, JP-Morgan, City Bank, etc. im Zuge des von diesen Banken getätigten Gold Carry Trading, für einen Mietzins von 1-2%vermietet worden, und von denen schon längstens am Markt verkauft worden, um mit dem Erlös in Aktien, oder Staatsanleihen mit risiger Gewinnmargen zu investieren. Die Goldpreise wurden bewusst, oder auch nicht, durch diese immer grössere Dimensionen annehmenden Deals immer mehr in den Keller gedrückt, bis praktisch alle Gold Minen bei einem Goldpreis um die 260 Dollars rum vom Konkurs bedroht waren.

    Vermutlich versuchet die Bundes Bank jetzt die gemieteten Goldmengen die nicht wiederzuerlangen sind, zumindest nicht zu den heutigen Tiefpreisen beim physischen Gold, "pro forma" als Verkauf auszugeben, jedoch in Wirklichkeit nur noch eine realistischer Weise unwiederbringliche Papier Gold Forderung darstellt, gegen eine andere ungedeckte Papier Forderung, nähmlich "Fiat Money" Dollars, oder eine ander Währung einzutauschen.

    Damit versucht warscheinlich die Bundesbank zu verhindern, dass die Oeffentlichkeit davon erfährt, dass das Volksvermögen der Deutschen bereits schon jetzt nicht mehr, oder allenfalls nur noch Teilwise physisch vorhanden ist.

    Die Tatsache, dass die Bundes Bank in etwa die Hälfte der auf dem Papier angeblich vorhandenen ca. 3500 Tonnen Goldreserven, gar nicht in Deutschland lagert, sondern sich dieses "Vermögen" von ihren "Freunden" den Amerikanern aufbewahren lassen, ist hoffentlich in diesem Gold Board bereits bekannt.


    Du hast wohl versehentlich vorne einen Schrägstrich (/) bei (img) eingesetzt. Der Schrägstrich gehört aber nach hinten.


    Wenn Du jetzt noch die richtigen Klammern, anstelle der von mir im Beispiel gesetzen verwendest, erscheinen Deine Charts korrekt, so wie dieser in Deinem Posting verwendeten Euro - Dollar Chart.

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    Posted on Sun, Mar. 07, 2004


    Federal deficit: Meet the other white meat



    Q. What is the federal budget deficit?


    A. It is a gigantic number of dollars -- like 300 jillion skillion drillion -- that the federal government is spending, despite not actually having it.


    Q. Is that legal?


    A. It is if you have nuclear weapons.

    Diese Meldung wird der W. Bush Regierung wohl nicht besonders gefallen haben?

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    China to Keep Yuan Policy for 'Long Time'

    Sunday March 7, 10:03 pm ET

    BEIJING (Reuters) - China's fixed currency policy will stay around for "a long time to come" and Chinese firms that bet on a yuan appreciation will end up paying a heavy price, the country's foreign exchange chief said.


    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Indian passion for gold to grow despite firm prices

    Monday March 8, 4:36 am ET

    By Hari Ramachandran

    NEW DELHI, March 8 (Reuters) - Indian farmers, flush with cash after a good harvest, are likely to shop for more gold over the next two months despite volatility in prices, dealers said on Monday.

    Gold demand in India, the world's largest consumer where people buy the yellow metal both as an investment and adornment, had fallen over the past few months as prices hit a 15-year peak of $430.50 an ounce on January 6.


    "We have already seen a pick up in demand at a price level of around $400 per ounce,"

    said Girish Kumar Choksi, a bullion dealer in Ahmedabad.

    Nayan Pansare of Inter Gold Ltd, a Bombay-based importer, said Indian buying should be good as prices had eased a bit from $417 an ounce to around $390 in the last 10 days.

    Spot gold (XAU=) in Asia was trading on Monday at $398.50/$399.25 an ounce. It failed to sustain last week's sharp gains in New York, falling below $400 an ounce as investors waited for more clues from the currency market.

    But Choksi said rural demand for jewellery was likely to be strong with farmers harvesting good oilseed, cotton and grains crops, after excellent weather.

    Farmers in western India have nearly finished their cotton and groundnut harvests while wheat and mustard crops in northern India will be ready by the end of March.

    Nearly two-thirds of India's billion plus population depend on agriculture for a livelihood.

    Jewellers and investors, who had held back purchases over the past few weeks because of a sudden rise in prices, have stepped up buying after gold prices fell below $400 an ounce.

    Domestic prices follow global trends due to dependence on imports, with India buying an average 1.6 tonnes of gold a day to meet more than two-thirds of its annual needs of about 800 tonnes.


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    08 March 2004

    High-grade gold find in Ghana buoys explorer

    Canadian explorer PMI Ventures reports that it has received its best results yet from an ongoing diamond-drill program on the Fromenda concession in Ghana.

    It notes that drill hole 04FBDDH07 returned 9 m at 8,76 g/t gold and 22,65 m at 5,65 g/t gold.

    The concession is one of nine exploration concessions and applications, which comprise its Ashanti II Gold Project and, located in southwestern Ghana.

    To date, ten diamond drill holes totalling 742 m have been completed of the current 2 000 m diamond drill contract.

    The company says that the latest result is important as it represents a 60% increase in contained gold over the previous best drill hole (207 g/t gold metres versus 128 g/t gold metres) and demonstrates that the structures and geology that host the gold mineralisation along the 40 km strike length could yield potentially mineable underground grades and large widths.

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    Viet Nam's largest mining project licensed

    03/08/2004 -- 11:49GMT+7

    Ha Noi, Mar. 8 (VNA) - Viet Nam's largest-ever mining project, a joint venture with a Canadian company, has got the green light from the Government.

    The licence gives the 147-million USD Nui Pho Mining Joint Venture Company the right to explore, exploit and process minerals at a 54.7 square kilometre Nui Phao site in Dai Tu district, northern Thai Nguyen province for a period of 30 years.

    The company has three partners, with Canada's Tiberon Minerals holding a 70 percent stake. The two Vietnamese partners, the Thai Nguyen Export-Import and Investment Company and the Thai Nguyen Mineral Company each hold 15 percent.

    Upon receiving the licence, the company will begin mining and processing tungsten, fluorspar, bismuth, copper and gold ore. It plans to mine 3.5 million tonnes of ore per annum from a single open pit, resulting in the production of about 6,000 tonnes of tungsten trioxide, 196,000 tonnes of fluorspar and 360 tonnes of bismuth.
    The mine is also expected to produce 5,600 tonnes of copper.
    Around 80 percent of the products will be exported, to have a "considerable influence on the world market," said an official from the Joint Venture.

    "I think we are going to be a significant producer. But we are going to be very careful not to disrupt the market because it is not to our advantage to have a negative influence on the market,"Tiberon executive vice president and chief financial officer Kevin Flaherty said.

    The investors expect the mine will have sufficient reserves to enable exploitation for nearly 20 years.

    "It is a very big deposit," Flaherty said, adding that the project was very robust economically.

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    Dow Jones Business News

    Australia's Emperor Receives Bid From Durban Roodepoort

    Sunday March 7, 5:12 pm ET

    SYDNEY -(Dow Jones)- Fijian gold miner Emperor Mines Ltd. said Monday it has received a bid from its major shareholder Durban Roodepoort Deep Ltd. (NasdaqSC:DROOY - News) of South Africa.

    Durban Roodepoort Deep, which has a 19.78% stake in Emperor, said the bid follows talks over the weekend.

    DRD will offer one share for every five Emperor shares. Based on the closing prices of both stocks on March 5, the offer represents a 32% premium for Emperor shareholders and valued Emperor at A$105 million, which includes A$6 million of net debt.

    The offer values Emperor at 88 cents a share compared with the last traded price of 67 cents. Emperor shares have traded as high as 88 cents in the last 12 months, with a low of 51 cents.

    DRD owns 19.78% of Emperor.



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    "There's a time-bomb issue," said Allen Sinai, head of Precision Economics, a consulting firm. "There are potential adverse consequences, but we don't know when."

    Even Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan declared himself at a loss to explain how a corrective could be applied to the current financial imbalances.

    "Can market forces incrementally defuse a worrisome buildup in a nation's current account deficit and net external debt before a crisis more abruptly does so?" the Fed chairman asked in a speech to the Economic Club of New York on Tuesday.

    Debt could hobble the economy. Sinai said household balance sheets seemed sound only because the price of household assets, like homes and stocks, were high and interest rates were low.

    But if interest rates were to rise sharply, for example, because businesses started borrowing again or a depreciating dollar primed inflationary pressures, "the picture could turn nasty in a hurry," Sinai said.


    In den USA wird anscheinend die Sprache endlich deutlicher!

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    March 5, 2004, 3:23PM

    Total borrowing in U.S. skyrockets

    New York Times

    The Federal Reserve reported Thursday that the nation's debt, including both household and government borrowing, grew last year at a pace not seen since the late 1980s.

    According to the quarterly federal funds report, the total national debt, excluding the obligations of banks and other financial institutions, grew by 8.1 percent last year, its fastest pace since 1988.

    Households threw caution to the wind, mortgaging and re-mortgaging their homes and expanding their debt by 10.4 percent, the biggest percentage gain since 1987.

    Federal government borrowing expanded by 10.9 percent, the fastest rate since 1992.

    Only businesses pulled back. Still hobbled by credit overhangs from the investment boom of the late 1990s, corporate borrowing inched ahead by 3 percent.

    Overall, the nation's debt grew by some $1.7 trillion last year to $22.4 trillion, the Fed said. The federal government accounted for about 18 percent of the total, local governments for roughly 7 percent, households for 42 percent and businesses for 33 percent.
    Creditors abroad financed about a third of the year's borrowing, equivalent to 5 percent of the nation's total output of products and services.

    A deep recession put a sour end to the 1980s credit bender, when huge federal budget deficits fueled double-digit annual growth in the federal debt. But economists are not willing to call how the current borrowing binge might play out.