Beiträge von Ulfur

    Hervorragende Zahlen von ORV:

    - Production of 21,083 ounces at a total cash cost of $174.25 per ounce =) and sales of 20,607 ounces of gold in the quarter ended December 31, 2007 ("the first quarter fiscal 2008") compared to 18,847 ounces produced at a total cash cost of $164.82 per ounce and 18,358 ounces sold in the fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2006 ("the first quarter fiscal 2007")

    - Net income of $6.9 million ($0.06 per share) compared to net income of $3.8 million ($0.03 per share) in the first quarter fiscal 2007

    - Ending cash and cash equivalents of over $67 million and no long-term debt

    Keine Schulden und ordentlich Cash. Aber mit dem Kauf einer weiteren Mine wars auch im abgelaufenen Jahr nix.

    Nach dem Quartalsergebnis wäre das KGV bei ca. 3,4 ! =)

    Künftig hauen leider die Steuererhöhungen rein.

    Revett hat ein "aufgegebenes Projekt" in den Cabinet Mountains gefunden.

    Hört sich wie die Aquiline-Ima Kontroverse an. :D

    Jetzt muß sich Dobbs nicht nur mit den Grizzlis und Forellen rumschlagen, sondern auch noch mit den Federal Behörden, die von seiner Existenz nichts wissen wollen.

    bis das Ergebnis der Kongo-Lizenzüberprüfungen veröffentlicht wird. Angeblich geht keine überprüfte Lizenz ohne Änderungen durch.

    Metorex confident DRC concessions 'in good standing'

    Diversified miner Metorex CEO Charles Needham said on Wednesday that the company’s mining concessions in the Democratic of Congo (DRC) were “in good standing”, after a government official said that “not a single contract was properly constituted” in the State’s review of the mining industry there, sending the firm’s stock plunging in the morning.

    “We are confident that our mining concessions are in good standing,” Needham told Mining Weekly Online, in Cape Town.

    He went on to stress that Metorex’s operations in the country were continuing unaffected by the review that government was conducting on contracts in the DRC’s minerals industry.

    On Tuesday, Mines Deputy Minister Victor Kasongo said the DRC government’s review of mining concessions in the country had exposed levels of irregularities that far exceeded its expectations.

    He said that all contracts would now have to be renegotiated by different degrees.

    However, Metorex was not concerned by this. :rolleyes:

    Metorex Sure of its Congo Mine Rights
    Needham told the conference that Metorex expected to be three times its current size by 2012. =) =) =)

    After the group’s recent acquisition of 46% of Copper Resources Corporation [LSE:CRC], it would proceed with bringing the high-grade Kinsenda copper mine in Congo into production.

    In the 2008 financial year Metorex expected the contribution of copper to its earnings would increase as its Ruashi 2 project in Congo came on stream.
    By 2010, the Kinsenda copper project, the Phoenix platinum tailings re-treatment operation in South Africa and the Manica gold mine in Mozambique should come on stream. By 2011 the contribution of fluorspar would increase.

    “Between now and 2012 a lot of other things will happen,” he said.

    The country's top gold producers, AngloGold Ashanti, Gold Fields, and Harmony, suspended production at all their mines. Platinum giants Anglo Platinum and Impala Platinum have also shut down all their South African operations.

    All in all, Eskom has asked 138 major industrial users, including mining houses and large factories, to cut production in an effort to cope with the unanticipated magnitude of power shortages.
    South African power crisis takes massive grip on the country…age38?oid=45182&sn=Detail

    Und DRD? Hatten gestern immerhin einen Kursgewinn von 17%.

    Habe schon Antwort bei miningmx gefunden:
    "A Johannesburg analyst said, however, that smaller consumers such as Simmer & Jack Mines and DRDGold still had power, at least at present."

    Wenn auch noch Metorex Strom kriegt, ist´s okay. Lt. Bloomberg hat das nur positive Wirkung auf den Goldpreis. :D
    Gold, Platinum Rise to Records as Mines Close; Crude Oil Gains…Mg0BjrojA&refer=worldwide

    Umoe hat gestern 10 Mio Aktien zu 8,50 NOK von Pendragon gekauft.
    Hat nun alles in allem ca. 120 Mio Aktien.

    Umoe und einer seiner Leute sind zu Direktoren von Crew ernannt worden. Da können sie Vestrum genauer auf die Finger gucken.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Ulltveit-Moe laster opp i gull

    Investor Jens Ulltveit-Moe kjøper 10 millioner aksjer i gruveselskapet Crew Gold Exploration.

    Northland Resources Could Hit Its Magnetite Targets Quite Early This Year
    The fact remains, however, that profitability in iron ore operations is all about transportation costs. [Und kann NAU auf eine gute Infrastruktur zurückgreifen]
    The latest news from Stora Sahavaara is that the potential dimensions of the magnetite mineralization have been significantly increased and this will impact on the next resource estimate. ...
    Yet another reason why Buck should meet his target of 500 million tones of magnetite earlier rather than later this year. Even then there should be plenty more to come, but that might signal the start of talks on transportation with LKAB as Northlands will then have earned the right to be taken seriously by the Swedes.…te-early-this-year/1.html


    >> 8.01.08
    Solides Aufholpotential im Verhältnis zum Goldpreis und anderen Goldproduzenten
    Niedrige Bewertung, starkes Produktionswachstum und baldiger Überschuß
    Einer der klarsten Aufkaufkandidaten der Osloer Börse

    Unsere klarste Empfehlung von heute ist Crew zu kaufen.
    Wir hatten gestern Treffen mit Vestrum, starkes Vertrauen in die Aktie
    Haupteindruck vom Treffen, daß Crew einer der klarsten Aufkaufkandidaten ist und
    wir wären nicht überrascht, wenn ein Gebot im 1. Quartal käme.
    Starkes Produktionswachstum, positive Einnahmen ab zweitem Quartal, hohe Reserven
    und niedrige Bewertung macht die Aktie attraktiv für internationale Bergbauunternehmen.
    Änderungen bei den Aktionären in den letzten Monaten geben positives Signal für Kursentwicklung.
    Ulltveit-Moe hat sich im letzten Jahr kräftig eingekauft und ist bei 25%. Im Dezember gab der Hedgefond Pendragon einen Anteil von 15% bekannt.
    Weder Umoe noch Pendragon machen so große Investitionen ohne die Hausaufgaben getan zu haben.
    Wir glauben, Crew verdient einen Kurs beträchtlich über dem Tageskurs und mit vielen künftigen Kurstriggern, darunter Produktionswachstum und Aufkaufmöglichkeit, landen wir bei einer starken Kaufempfehlung. <<

    Aber da gibt es Quaker, die behaupten, daß Crew eingehe! Die auf der anderen Seite darauf hoffen, daß ihre tote Mähre im Outback sich wieder aufrappelt.

    08.01.08 Diff +0%
    • Crew har et solid opphentingspotensial i forhold til gullprisen og andre gullprodusenter.
    • Lav vurdering, sterk produksjonsvekst og snarlige overskudd lover godt for aksjen.
    • Selskapet fremstår som en av de klareste oppkjøpskandidatene på Oslo Børs.

    Vår klareste anbefaling i dag er å kjøpe Crew:
    Crew Gold (10,10) – inntrykk fra møte med ledelsen
    • Vi hadde i går møte med Crew-sjef Jan Westrum, og
    dette styrket troen vår på aksjen kan bli en vinner i
    tiden fremover.
    • Hovedinntrykket fra møtet er at Crew er en av børsens
    klareste oppkjøpskandidater, og vi blir ikke overrasket
    om det kommet et bud i løpet av første kvartal.
    • Sterk produksjonsvekst, positiv kontantstrøm allerede
    fra andre kvartal, høye reserver og lav vurdering gjør
    selskapet attraktivt for internasjonale gruveselskaper.
    • Endringene i aksjonærmassen de siste månedene gir
    også positive signaler angående videre kursutvikling.
    • Ulltveit-Moe kjøpte i løpet av fjoråret seg kraftig opp og
    kontrollerer nå knapt 25% av selskapet. I desember
    flagget hegdefondet Pendragon en eierandel på 15%.
    • Verken Ulltveit-Moe eller Pendragon foretar så store
    investeringer uten å ha gjort hjemmeleksen sin.
    • I tillegg til lav vurdering og oppkjøpsmuligheten
    fremstår makrobildet gunstig. I et ruskete aksjemarked
    kan gull og gullselskaper være en trygg havn.
    • Vi mener Crew fortjener en kurs betydelig over dagens
    nivå, og med mange potensielle kurstriggere fremover,
    deriblant en solid produksjonsvekst og
    oppkjøpsmuligheten, lander vi på en sterk kjøpsanbefaling.

    Northland Resources (NAUR)
    Company Update Price when published(USD): 3.01
    09 januar 2008

    STRONG BUY High Risk
    Bloomberg: NAUR NO (rating unchanged)
    Reuters: NAUR.OL Target Price (USD): 12.5
    Sector: Basic Materials Market cap (USDm): 390
    Style: Venture Analyst: Henning Lassen
    Financial Details of 09 januar 2008
    Print version (pdf)

    3q07 report a non event - major value triggers in 2008

    43-101 commpliant >100mT Resource statement Tapuli in 1Q8, increasing resources towards 500mT, scoping study Tapuli and Stora during 1H08 & feasibility in 2H08 demonstrating its huge economics

    Naur released its 3q07 report 17 Dec, its accounting year ends Jan 31st, consequently the 3rd quarter ended Oct 31st.
    The report is a general discussion of project progress, with no surprises or news. This was as could be expected – a non-event. The figures show the company now gradually ramps up costs to develop its assets. With the current burn rate the company will have spent the IPO proceeds by the end of 2008, which is according to plan. At quarter end the company had CAD 137m in cash and no debt; a very strong balance sheet - the dilution risk in Naur is very low.
    Triggers for 2008 includes: 43-101 statement on Tapuli, we expect >100mT, increasing its total 43-101 defined Fe tonnage from current 340mT towards 500mT (longer term target is 1bnT); Scoping study of Stora Sahavaara and Tapuli is expected during 2Q08, a scoping study on Hannukainen is expected 2H08; Feasibility study on Stora & Tapuli late ’08; Hannukainen IOCG bulk sample 2H08, long lead item ordering 2H08; possibly off-take agreements with steel mills; and a solid price increase for iron ore during 1q08.
    Company road shows as well as other analysts taking up coverage will expand investor recognition throughout 2008.
    2008 thereby set to be year with strong value drivers. The resource expansion from the fast-tracking project Tapuli should demonstrate EPS capacity of NOK 1.75 from this project alone, while scoping and later feasibility study on Stora demonstrates economics of stage 2, taking EPS to a far higher stage, whilst also indicating economics of combined Stora & Hannukainen. 2012E EPS including IOCG >NOK 20.
    We re-iterate Strong Buy and NOK 75 in 12 month target.
    The recommendation was not presented to the issuer before dissemination.

    Aquiline Resources Inc.: Supreme Court Rules in Favour of Aquiline

    Aquiline Resources Inc. ("Aquiline" or the "Company") (TSX: AQI) advises that the Supreme Court of Canada has today dismissed with costs the application for leave to appeal brought by IMA Exploration Inc. ("IMA") in IMA Exploration Inc. and Inversiones Mineras Argentinas S.A. v. Minera Aquiline Argentina SA. Aquiline has therefore been determined to be the sole beneficial owner (the "Ultimate Owner") of the Navidad silver deposit. IMA has no further recourse and its appeal has been terminated. =)

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Lafayette bittet die Administratoren!

    >>As time has elapsed, the level of certainty that the series of agreements between the prospective investors, the banks and Lafayette (and other project and Company stakeholders), that are needed to ensure that Lafayette could continue to meet its obligations as an when they fell due, has diminished to a level that the Board of Directors of Lafayette no longer considers that they have reasonable grounds to continue to hold this view.<<

    Die Zeit, sie verstreicht; die Zuversicht, sie vermindert sich; das LAF-Board, das glaubt nicht mehr, und schon gar nicht, daß sich vernünftig an die Erfüllung der Verpflichtungen denken läßt.

    >>"Voluntary Administration"
    What Is It?

    Voluntary Administration is a mechanism for companies in financial distress to obtain some breathing space from its creditors.

    The procedure comes from Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act 2001. The purpose of this Act is to allow the company to avoid liquidation and to have the company administered in such a way that maximizes the chances of the company and its business continuing; or if it can't continue, to allow a better return for the company's creditors and shareholders than would result from the liquidation of the company.<<

    Nur gut, das Gogh das alles nicht mehr erleben muß! :rolleyes:

    Nach meinen Beobachtungen ist die Einengung auf Anleger mit Wohnsitz in Australien und Neuseeland recht häufig. Vielleicht will man nicht mit rechtlichen Erfordernissen in anderen Rechtsgebieten in Konflikt kommen, sprich insbesondere mit dem US-amerikanischen Recht.

    Interessant wäre, wie die dt. Makler dies handhaben. Ich meine, in einem Fall gesehen zu haben, daß man in Deutschland an dem Share Kaufprogramm teilnehmen konnte, obwohl diese Klausel bestand. In einem anderen Fall, wo ich diese Klausel bei flüchtigem Lesen nicht entdeckt habe, gabs dennoch keine Teilnahmemöglichkeit an der Kapitalerhöhung. Aber exakte Aussagen kann ich nicht machen, da ich nur beiläufig drauf schaue.

    Nun, das hoffe ich nicht, das es anders kommt, als erwartet, but .. .shit happens.

    Ist das nicht erstaunlich, quasi keine Postings im Stockhouse Board zu IMR und AQI. Alle schon im Weihnachtsurlaub? Oder ist der Rechtsstreit bei den Anlegern schon abgehakt?

    Dann warten wir mal bis morgen, bei wem das Christkindl reinschneit.

    Anscheinend erfolgt das Rausdrängen zum gleichen Kurs:

    Having received acceptances of the Offer in respect of more than 80% of the Celtic Shares to which the Offer relates, Centroferve will shortly send out notices pursuant to the provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act 1963 informing those holders of Celtic Shares who have not yet validly accepted the Offer of its intention to acquire compulsorily all outstanding Celtic Shares to which the Offer relates on the same terms as the Offer.

    Jens Ulltveit-Moe hat wieder zugeschlagen und gestern 20 Millionen Aktien zu 8,75 NOK gekauft. Damit hat seine Gruppe 23,6% von Crew´ausstehenden Aktien. 8o

    Umoe scheint von Crew überzeugt. =)

    Pendragon Capital hält weitere 14,57%.

    Kaufempfehlung von First Securities mit Kursziel von 13,8 NOK, erwarten in den nächsten zwei, drei Monaten bessere Kursentwicklung

    Analytiker Martin Mølsæter i First Securities tror Crew-aksjen
    kommer å ha en sterk kursutvikling de nærmeste to til tre månedene.

    -Vi mener det er en av de aksjene som virkelig kan gjøre de veldig bra over
    de neste månedene, og årsaken til det er at selskapet er priset med en stor
    rabatt i forhold til andre gruveselskaper, og årsaken til det igjen er at
    markedet er bekymret for om selskapet klarer å øke produksjonen som guidet,
    sier Mølsæter til TDN Finans.

    Analytikeren peker på at Crew har meldt at utstyrsleverandør til Lefa-
    gruven i Guinea nå har sendt alt utstyr som trengs for å videreutvikle
    gruven, og at dette kan fjerne en del usikkerhet i aksjen.

    -Rundt halvparten av utstyret har allerede kommet til Guinea og den andre
    halvparten er også levert og skal nå skipes over. Vi tror at markedet kan
    få seg en hyggelig overraskelse i Crew-kursen, sier Mølsæter.

    First Securities har en kjøpsanbefaling på Crew med kursmål 13,80 kroner.

    Aquiline Resources Inc. ("Aquiline" or the "Company") (TSX: AQI) advises that the Supreme Court of Canada has announced that it will release its response on the application of IMA Exploration Inc., et. al. ("IMA") v. Minera Aquiline Argentina SA this Thursday, December 20, 2007 at 9:45 am ET. If IMA's application for leave to appeal is denied by the Supreme Court of Canada, then there will be no further appeal recourse for IMA and Aquiline will become the ultimate owner of Navidad.

    Am 20 Dezember, rechtzeitig vor Weihnachten, wird der Supreme Court hoffentlich erwartungsgemäß die IMA Revision ablehnen,
    das wäre ein schönes

    Feliz Navidad

    für die Aquiline-Aktionäre.

    Severstal-Übernahme: Celtic Aktionäre stimmen zu
    11.12.2007 | 16:00 Uhr | Rainer Hahn (EMFIS)

    RTE Moskau ( - Der expandierende russische Stahlproduzent Severstal hat gestern einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung der Übernahme des britischen Goldproduzenten Celtic Resources gemacht.

    Der Übernahme haben 81,1% der Aktionäre zugestimmt. Die Aktionäre die zugestimmt haben, erhalten 290 Pence je Aktie.

    Das Übernahmeangebot bewertet die Celtic Resources mit 162 Mio. britischen Pfund (328,3 Mio. USD).

    Wann wird der Rest rausgedrückt?