Beiträge von Ulfur

    Harmony ist nicht in der Lage, den geprüften Reservenbericht, wie angekündigt, Mitte Januar vorzulegen. Ist nötig geworden, da Gold Fields auf Unregelmäßigkeiten in HAR´s Berichten hingewiesen hatte.

    Harmony Gold says timing of reserves report beyond its control
    By: Allan Seccombe
    Posted: '31-JAN-05 15:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    JOHANNESBURG ( -- The timing of the release of the competent person's report (CPR) by SRK Consulting is out of the hands of Harmony and the company cannot say when it will be released, a spokeswoman told Mineweb on Monday.

    “SRK has it,” Jennifer Cohen said.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    SRK has said it has confidentiality agreements with its clients and did not discuss their business with the media.

    Once the audit of Harmony’s assets has been completed, the report will be sent to South Africa’s Securities Regulation Panel to be approved, a process which could take up to two weeks, Cohen said.

    Gold Fields chief executive Ian Cockerill said at his company's results presentation on Monday that the report had been expected since early December.

    Gold Fields, a takeover target by Harmony, has repeatedly said that it would like to see a CPR on its smaller rival’s mines so that it can better evaluate Harmony’s all-share offer of 1.275 shares for each Gold Fields share.

    Harmony released its reserve and resource figures before the end of 2004. A more comprehensive report was expected in January this year.

    Harmony said it had 59.086 million ounces in mineral reserves, 3.1 million ounces lower than the figure stated in the annual report. It reported that 1.718 million ounces were mined between 1 July and 15 December 2004, while a R92,000/kg gold price was used in the reserves declaration.

    The CPR will contain a summary equity evaluation for the company. The CPR is “based on a sum-of-the-parts approach comprising net asset values for the mining assets and supplemental information as provided by Harmony,” said a Harmony statement in December.

    SRK, the consultancy performing the CPR, says it will have visited Harmony’s 48 shafts and 15 metallurgical plants, exploration properties and foreign mines, before the report is completed.

    Beyond Harmony´s control ...[Blockierte Grafik:]
    Der Bericht wird wohl bis zum Ende des Übernahmeangebots leider nicht mehr fertig werden :D

    Jetzt bin ich gespannt, ob Swanepoel HAR´s Quartalszahlen so türken kann, daß sie neben den Zahlen von GFI nicht so schlecht aussehen, wie jeder erwartet.

    Jetzt werden Übernahmespekulationen auch über DSM kolportiert :
    Desert Sun poised as emerging gold producer…ESE29/TPBusiness/Canadian

    Die Geier sollen gefälligst ihre Pfoten von DSM und Bolivar Gold lassen! X(

    Aus dem Artikel:
    "One of the things that makes Desert Sun stand out is the resource growth potential," says Rodney Stevens, an analyst with Salman Partners Inc. in Vancouver. "They have 100-per-cent ownership of a large gold belt that could potentially be a multimillion-dollar asset. And in 2005, they are going to have a significant drill program to try and demonstrate that."

    >DSM ist 100%iger Eigentümer eines großen Goldgürtels, der möglicherweise ein Vermögen von mehreren Millionen Dollar sein könnte. Und in 2005 werden sie mit einem bedeutenden Bohrprogramm versuchen, dies zu demonstrieren.<

    Statt multimillion-dollar asset ist doch hoffentlich Multimillionen Unzen gemeint. Schon 2500 Unzen ergeben 1 Million Dollar ( zumindest brutto)


    Gerbino hat selbst keine Firma gefunden, die seinen Kriterien gerecht wird. Von seinem Tip Elgin Resources erhofft er sich, daß er in Zukunft das Raster treffen wird.

    Selbst habe ich das Thema Platin schon lange nicht mehr beobachtet, da mir der Preis schon überhöht vorkam. Früher hatte ich den SA Produzenten Northam Platinum und den kanadisch/südafrikanischen Explorer Anooraq auf der Watchliste. Zur Zeit stehen in und Artikel über Southern Platinum bzw Jubilee Platinum (exploriert in Madagaskar ).


    Wie ich sehe, hast Du Dir auch schon bei der Userbewertung die max. Negativbewertung eingefangen.
    Eigentlich sollten die Bewertungen irrelevant sein. Nur wenige User bewerten, da geben ein paar neg. Stimmen gleich ein falsches Bild. Von den Bewertern scheint es wiederum einige zu geben, die gleich zu Extremmeinungen tendieren, entweder 1 oder 10 – das läßt sich oft auch nicht nachvollziehen.

    Als Beispiel für die unsinnigen Bewertungen habe ich schon mal auf einen Thread hingewiesen, der als Platzhalter eröffnet wurde, um später zu dem Thema noch Beiträge zu bringen. Obwohl also dieser Thread keine weiteren Postings enthält (leider bis heute nicht ) ist er von zwei Leuten mit durchschnittlich drei Daumenhoch-Bewertungen versehen worden.

    Die Unsitte mit den Mobbingbewertungen betrifft nicht nur Dich als Neueinsteiger; also kein Grund, sich aus dem Forum drängen zu lassen.

    Offenbar irritieren die unsinnigen Bewertungen einige Poster aber doch und vermutlich lassen sich manche dadurch beeinflussen weniger oder gar nicht mehr zu posten. Dies wäre das wirklich Ärgerliche an der Sache..

    Die 1,5 Mrd. sind Pfund.

    Inzwischen hat der Streettrack GLD über 2 MRD USD:

    Total Gold in Trust:
    Tonnes: 152.03
    Ounces: 4,887,966
    Value US$

    Habe mich nicht durch die Prospekte gewühlt. Da hinter den genannten ETFs von Australien, Groß Britannien und den USA jeweils das World Gold Council steckt, vermute ich keine großen Besonderheiten, sondern nur Anpassungen an die jeweiligen gesetzl. Vorschriften. Vielleicht weiß jemand mehr.

    Nach mineweb hat Harmony aus dem conditional Übernahmeangebot eines ohne die Bedingung der Mehrheit von 50% gemacht. Ansonsten hätte die erste 60 Tage Frist, die am 31.01.04 abläuft, nur noch um weitere 21 Tage verlängert werden können.

    Harmony bid at crucial juncture
    David McKay
    Posted: Wed, 26 Jan 2005

    To the outside observer, however, it appears as if Harmony CEO Bernard Swanepoel’s vision for a 8m oz/year South African gold producer is in distress. The company’s executives are downbeat in telephone conversations; bankers are cautious, and the press release campaign is considerably quieter. More instructively, Harmony’s share price has been under pressure, although it can be argued – as attempted by David Davis of Andisa Securities - that 80% of this value loss is actually related to the rand/dollar exchange rate.

    Nonetheless, Harmony’s share price will remain under pressure while speculation of an improved offer exists. Certainly, a higher bid is difficult to imagine, according to Georges Lequime, an analyst for RBC Capital. “Harmony can’t increase its offer because there’s no cash element. As soon as there’s mention of a higher offer, the share price is under pressure owing to the dilutory effects,” he said.

    There’s also talk that some of Harmony's shareholders want a withdrawal of the bid. According to Bloomberg, Noril’sk Nickel remains supportive, but the expectation is that making Harmony’s bid unconditional will enable the Russian firm to withdraw its support when the irrevocable undertaking to Harmony Gold expires on May 21.

    Douglas reflected that Harmony’s bid never made strategic sense. “Strategically, there’s no benefit to a merger creating an 8-9m oz/year company with 80% of production in South Africa. I believe the global investment community was not looking for that. It’s like creating the old AngloGold all over again before it slimmed down and diversified,” she said.

    In a recent note, Lequime bluntly states the case: “The best case short-to-medium term scenario for Harmony Gold shareholders seems to be the concurrent sale of its Gold Fields interest at market prices and the abandonment of the bid,” he wrote. Harmony would immediately rebound to R75/share if this was the decision, Lequime added.

    > Harmony unter Druck: Führungskräfte niedergeschlagen, Bankster vorsichtiger und die Kampagne beträchtlich leiser geworden.
    Harmony kann ohne Cashkomponente kein höheres Angebot machen, da die Aktie wg der Verwässserung sofort weiter abschmieren würde.
    Durch die Änderung des Angebots könnte NorNickel von seiner "unwiderruflichen" Unterstützung zurücktreten.
    Analyst Douglas von BMO Nesbitt Burns: Harmony´s Angebot hat noch nie einen strategischen Sinn ergeben.
    Analyst Lequime von RBC Captal: Das beste mittelfristige Szenario für HAR Aktionäre ist der Verkauf des GFI Anteils und die Aufgabe des Übernahmeangebots.

    Was ist eigentlich mit dem geprüften Reservenbericht von Harmony? Shell soll auch wieder in Schwierigkeiten beim Reservencheck sein.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Commodity Strategists: Gold May Rise, JPMorgan Says (Update2)

    Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Gold prices may rise 6 percent this year to the highest since 1988 as mines produce less in South Africa and North America, said JPMorgan Chase & Co., the second- largest U.S. bank.

    The average price will climb to $435 an ounce, Jon Bergtheil and Anindya Mohinta, London-based analysts at JPMorgan, said in a Jan. 24 report. Gold rose 13 percent last year as the dollar traded an average of 10 percent lower against the euro, spurring investors to seek alternatives to U.S. securities.

    ``The downturn in mine supply will underpin the effect of the dollar,'' Bergtheil, JPMorgan's head of global metals strategy and the former head of mining equities at HSBC Holdings Plc, said yesterday in an interview. ``It's ssslike a slow tanker driving prices, whereas the dollar is the day-to-day speedboat.''

    Gold output from mines fell 5 percent last year, according to GFMS Ltd., a London-based research group. The rand has more than doubled against the dollar in three years, cutting profit for mining companies in South Africa, the biggest producer. Ian Cockerill, chief executive of Johannesburg-based Gold Fields Ltd., said Jan. 21 that a drop in earnings from gold sales may deter investment in South African mines.

    Dollar Weakness

    ``Dollar weakness has been good to miners in regions with dollar costs, and less so elsewhere,'' JPMorgan said. Its metals and mining analysts ranked sixth in last year's Thomson Extel survey, based on responses from almost 1,500 firms, including companies managing a total of $9.7 trillion in assets. UBS AG, Deutsche Bank AG and Merrill Lynch & Co. were the top three.

    JPMorgan's forecast matched the $435 median estimate from 37 traders, investors and analysts surveyed by Bloomberg last month. Deutsche Bank boosted its estimate for gold prices on Jan. 13 to an average of $458.80 an ounce, the highest since 1981. Last year's average was about $410.

    Investors added gold to their portfolios in the past two years as the dollar sank to a record low against the euro, touching $1.3666 on Dec. 30. U.S. trade and fiscal deficits widened to records, raising concerns about the nation's ability to attract foreign investment.

    The dollar was at $1.3061 per euro at 3:36 p.m. London time, compared with $1.2973 yesterday, according to EBS, an electronic currency dealing system. Gold for immediate delivery rose $4.46, or 1.1 percent, to $426.66 an ounce.

    Gold prices will rise to an average of $450 next year and drop to $448 in 2007, Bergtheil and Mohinta said. The metal reached a 16-year high of $456.89 on Dec. 2. Spot prices reached a record $850 an ounce in January 1980 as U.S. consumer prices surged 12.5 percent, eroding the valued of fixed-income securities such as bonds.

    ``Production in South Africa has been trending down for many years,'' said JPMorgan, which in June boosted this year's price forecast to $410 an ounce from $394. ``This was more than covered by growth elsewhere, stimulated by the 1979-1980 gold price.''

    `Easy Pickings'

    South Africa's gold production fell 8 percent last year to 344 metric tons, cutting its share of worldwide production to 14 percent from 30 percent in 1989, according to GFMS. Production dropped in the U.S. and Canada as well, and will start to decline in Australia this year, the JPMorgan analysts said.

    Mining companies have almost exhausted supplies from heap leaching, a chemical process that extracts metal from near the surface, requiring more-expensive drilling to find new reserves, according to the report.

    ``The easy pickings have been exploited and exploration now requires deeper, more expensive drilling with arguably lower likelihood of success,'' Bergtheil and Mohinta said.

    China is the only country with the potential to make up for the decline, the analysts said. Its gold production rose 4 percent last year to 213 tons, fourth-most in the world, according to GFMS.

    In South Africa, Peru and Chile, mining companies may be put off by new royalty charges, JPMorgan said. Investment in Russia, the world's fifth-largest gold producer, may slow because of the ``search for unpaid taxes,'' Bergtheil and Mohinta said. The government broke up OAO Yukos Oil Co., Russia's largest oil exporter in 2004, to help recover more than $27 billion in taxes.

    Smaller exploration companies also are finding it more difficult to raise financing by selling gold forward, concerned they will be punished by shareholders.

    ``The gold sector has moved from being one that was very easy to enter in the 1980s, to one which rewards size,'' the analysts said.

    To contact the reporter on this story:
    Laura Humble in London

    To contact the editor responsible for this story:
    Stephen Farr at
    Last Updated: January 26, 2005 10:37 EST…650tuulnI&refer=australia

    >J.P.Morgan erwartet für 2005 einen höheren durchschnittlichen Goldpreis von 435 USD. Neben dem Dollareffekt wird insbesondere auf die fallende Grubenproduktion verwiesen, die letztes Jahr um 5% lt. GFMS gesunken ist.
    Südafrikas Produktion ist um 8% gefallen, auch niedrigere Produktion in Kanada und den USA, und für dieses Jahr wird auch sinkende Produktion in Australien erwartet. In China hingegen steigt der Goldabbau.<

    Wall Street advice: Get heavy on metal


    Wednesday, January 26, 2005
    01-26) 06:08 PST (AP) --

    The Wall Street Journal

    Forget plastics. The word on Wall Street these days is metals.

    Amid the voracious global demand for precious and industrial metals, the investment industry is creating a host of new vehicles designed to profit from them. Some strategists are also recommending that individual investors move a portion of their assets into metals.

    Last week, Merrill Lynch & Co. resurrected its Metals & Mining Weekly research report after three years of silence. Earlier this month, Byron Wien, Morgan Stanley's senior investment strategist, said that silver, now at $6.71 an ounce, has the potential to trade above $10 this year; gold, he said, may rise above $500. (It's currently trading at $422.) A new gold exchange-traded fund, or ETF, launched last year to track movements in that precious metal, and the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, where metals trading occurs, is soon to release its own ETFs that will act as metal index funds.

    The flurry of activity comes in response to rising global demand for precious metals, such as gold and platinum, and base metals, such as copper and nickel. Economies depend on them for everything from stainless steel (made with nickel) to electrical switches (made with silver) to new homes (loaded with copper wiring). Depressed metals prices in prior years, though, meant that mining companies didn't invest in increasing supplies. As such, nickel demand, for instance, has outstripped supply for the last four years, and is expected to continue doing so for another year or two.

    Deutsche Bank AG last year began encouraging some investors to include in their asset allocation decisions a 3 percent stake in commodities, including metals. Morgan Stanley's Individual Investor Group also recommends investors increase their short-term position in alternative investments, which includes, among others, metals and managed futures funds, in which a manager actively trades commodity and financial futures, including metals contracts.

    In many cases, Wall Street's interest in metals is coming after the easy money already has been made. Metals prices have moved higher, and many metals-related stocks have soared recently. As copper prices essentially doubled during the past two years, shares of Phelps Dodge Corp., the Phoenix-based copper giant, have tripled.

    Nickel in December averaged $6.30 a pound, up from $1.89 a pound in 1998. That's the highest price the metal has seen in 15 years. Silver is up about 40 percent for the past two years, and gold is up more than 50 percent since Sept. 11, 2001.

    But some are betting that the bull market in metal prices isn't over. For one thing, China's growth continues to absorb vast amounts of the world's metal production, particularly steel, copper and aluminum.

    There are several ways for individuals to invest in metals, including stocks, mutual funds and ETFs, direct and indirect ownership of the metal, or futures contracts.

    The most obvious route is buying stocks of companies that mine for and produce various metals. This is often a leveraged play, since a small price movement in, say, copper is magnified on a company's earnings line.

    While many metals and mining stocks have roared ahead, some are just now primed to move, such as aluminum stocks, which have spent the past year generally flat to down. Aluminum tends to move later in a metals-price recovery, and as such, Daniel Roling, the senior metals and mining analyst at Merrill Lynch, predicts that 2005 "will be the year for aluminum."

    He is particularly bullish about Alcoa Inc., Alcan Inc. and Century Aluminum Co., expecting aluminum prices will move toward 90 cents a pound from 78 cents a pound in 2004 and fatten these companies' bottom lines.

    Zinc, which hit a seven-year high last week, will also help companies such as Lundin Mining Corp., which trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange, given China's demand for the metal and the lack of zinc mining production on the horizon. Investors looking for pure silver plays should consider Silver Wheaton Corp., a unit of Wheaton River Minerals Ltd. that also trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange, and Pan American Silver Corp., says Frank Holmes, chief investment officer of U.S. Global Investors Inc., a San Antonio firm that runs natural-resources mutual funds. He also likes FNX Mining Co. for exposure to nickel and Anooraq Resources Corp. as a way to play the growing demand for platinum.

    With stocks, though, investors take on corporate risks that can send share prices slumping even as metals prices surge. Moreover, some stocks have already been played out for now. Bear Stearns Cos. in December cut its ratings on shares of copper and nickel producers like Phelps Dodge, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., Inco Ltd. and Falconbridge Ltd., a unit of Toronto mining company Noranda Inc. The firm cited valuations and the likelihood that 2005 will be the peak year for the underlying commodities.

    Various precious-metals mutual funds exist, though many focus largely on gold, which tends to act more like a currency, while other metals are much more industrial. One exception: the Vanguard Precious Metals and Mining Fund. It reopened its doors last year and broadened its strategy to include metals such as platinum, nickel and copper. The fund gained 8 percent last year, according to Chicago investment research firm Morningstar.

    The World Gold Council in November launched the streetTRACKS Gold Shares, an ETF in which investors own shares backed by actual gold. Each share, listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol GLD, represents one-tenth of an ounce of bullion. Barclays Global Investors is working on its own version of a gold ETF, and the Nymex says it will very soon unveil its own metals-tracking ETFs. (ETFs resemble index-tracking mutual funds, but trade on exchanges like stocks.)

    Owning the metal directly is another option. Investors can buy gold, silver, platinum and palladium ingots from precious-metals dealers and online trading firms, such as, and Sizes generally range from less than an ounce to 1,000-ounce bricks. Prices are based on whatever the so-called spot price is at the moment, plus a markup of between 2 percent and 15 percent or more, depending on the size of the trade. also offers pool accounts, in which investors own a nonspecific portion of a large pool of precious metals held by Kitco. Pools are available in the four key major precious metals as well as rhodium. The benefit: Prices per ounce are much closer to spot metal prices. With silver recently at $6.69 an ounce, Kitco offered an ounce of pooled silver for $6.79, while other dealers were selling one-ounce bars for as much as $7.92.

    Finally, there are futures contracts, which obligate a buyer or seller to purchase or deliver a set amount of some commodity at a pre-established price on a specific date in the future. Metals contracts trade on the Nymex, the London Metals Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade.

    Investors use these as speculative tools to bet on a rise or fall in a metal's price. Futures allows investors to own large sizes of a particular metal for a relatively small investment. With gold, for instance, investors can control a 100-ounce contract -- roughly worth an underlying $42,230 -- for a minimal $2,025.

    The leverage means the potential for huge profits if gold prices move higher, since every $1 gain in the price of gold translates into a $100 change in the contract's value. Of course, it also means that if gold tumbles, you can lose your entire investment and possibly more.

    Metals Choices

    Some ways to gain exposure to metals:

    * Stocks: Owning companies that mine for and produce various metals.

    * Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds: Most focus on gold, which tends to be influenced by currency and geopolitical issues.

    * Direct ownership: Precious- metals dealers and online trading firms sell silver, gold, platinum and palladium.

    * Futures contracts: Potentially the riskiest -- and most lucrative -- way to play metals.

    What s Ahead for Metals

    Many metals and mining stocks have already had a strong run. Here's the outlook for some key metals.

    METAL: Aluminum

    OUTLOOK: Still room for appreciation, as prices tend to rise later in a metals recovery. Will benefit from tight supply and strong demand from China.

    POTENTIAL WINNERS: Alcoa Inc.,Alcan Inc. and Century Aluminum Co.

    METAL: Copper

    OUTLOOK: Prices are expected to remain firm in the first half of 2005, although additional production could boost supply next year.

    POTENTIAL WINNERS: Phelps Dodge Corp., Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

    METAL: Gold

    OUTLOOK: Given its role as an inflation hedge and a store of value, the outlook for a return of inflation may benefit the precious metal, as will a weak dollar.

    POTENTIAL WINNERS: Precious-metals mutual funds, such as American Century Global Gold, or an exchange-traded fund such as streetTracks Gold Shares.

    METAL: Nickel

    OUTLOOK: Although prices are likely to peak this year, demand should still continue to outstrip supply over the next year or two.

    POTENTIAL WINNERS: Inco Ltd., Falconbridge Ltd., a unit of Noranda Inc. and FNX Mining Co.

    METAL: Silver/Platinum/Palladium

    OUTLOOK: New uses for silver will help bolster demand, while China needs platinum and palladium to develop clean-air technologies.

    POTENTIAL WINNERS: SilverWheaton Corp., a unit of Wheaton River Minerals Ltd., Pan American Silver Corp. and Anooraq Resources Corp.

    Source: Bear Stearns research; U.S. Global Investors Inc…/financial0908EST0054.DTL

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Date: December 08, 2004

    Inca Pacific Buoyed By Magistral Copper/Molybdenum Project In Peru.

    By Our Canadian Correspondent

    More often than not a stock roll-back is detrimental to the financial health of shareholders. But when a junior company has an advanced property that will require new financings for further development, a share consolidation can prove to be an attractive feature. A case in point is Vancouver-based Inca Pacific Resources.

    This Anthony Floyd led company recently cleaned-up its share structure by completing a 10-for-1 consolidation and now firmly has its eye on advancing the Magistral copper property in Peru. Located 160 km northwest of the huge Antamina mine (500 million tonnes averaging 1.2% copper, 1% zinc, 11 g/t silver and 0.03% molybdenum), Magistral has been explored off and on since the late 1960’s and at last count boosts a geological resource of 105.4 million tonnes grading 0.74% copper, 0.052% molybdenum and 3.9 g/t silver, using a 0.5% copper cut-off grade. Needless to say, with copper trading around US$1.40 a pound, this long-worked project has suddenly become one of the most promising advanced properties in South America.

    It certainly did not start out that way when Inca Pacific successfully won the bid to explore Magistral back in 1998 by agreeing to spend US$2.1 million and paying US$750,000 by January 2002. At the time the copper price was heading lower, eventually hitting US$0.62 per pound before starting its current upward trend. There was no light at the end of the low copper price tunnel, so late in 1999 Inca Pacific dealt a 51 per cent stake in the ground to Anaconda Peru, a leading copper producer in Chile and a subsidiary of Antofagasta. After spending US$6 million Anaconda estimated that capital costs to build a mine would tally US$131 million, while the net present value of the deposit stood at only US$76.3 million. With those types of figures it was no surprise when Antofagasta sold the property back to Inca Pacific in 2004 for US$2.1 million. In hind sight, the timing could not have been better for the fledgling junior as metal prices have steadily moved higher since and today the net present value of Magistral stands at around US$600 million.

    Moving forward, Inca Pacific envisions having both a new mineral resource and a new scoping study in hand by early 2005. If the latest drill results are any indication, the findings should prove very favourable. Holes 107 and 108 collared in the Chavin zone of the deposit, near the northern limit of the planned open pit returned 271.4 metres grading 0.45% copper and 0.032% molybdenum, and 666 metres grading 0.34% copper and 0.016% molybdenum, respectively, Of encouraging note, is that a 30 metre section starting nearly 600 metres downhole in hole 108 yielded 1.01% copper and 0.018% molybdenum.

    Along with the robust activities at Magistral, Inca Pacific is looking to come up with the goods on its Antoro Sur project some 230 km southeast of Lima. Rio Tinto worked the ground in the late 1990s with drill intersection yielding up to 27.4 metres grading 1.6% copper and 0.62 g/t gold. Inca Pacific’s recently completed a 25 hole drill program successfully outlining a shallow, supergene zone of copper mineralization over a 1 square km area. A 40 hole, 3,000 metre drill program is slated to define the extent and grade of this mineralization. To earn 100% of the property, Inca Pacific must pay US$1.5 million and spend US$3 million on exploration including 11,500 metres of drilling.

    So, with a new resource expected at Magistral, more drilling almost assured at Antoro Sur and only 9.4 million shares outstanding Inca Pacific looks poised to be a copper company to watch closely in 2005. That said, the company currently has C$1.4 million in its till and expects to spend at least C$700,000 of that on exploration costs by March. So the company will probably be revisiting the capital markets for more money early in the New Year, but with its stock now nearing C$1 a piece, instead of the C$0.07 each share was fetching before the roll-back, the dilution should prove bearable.

    Inca Pacific durch Magistral Kupfer/Molybdän Projekt in Peru im Auftrieb
    - Magistral seit den späten 60iger Jahren exploriert. Durch den hohen Kupferpreis von 1,4 eines der vielversprechensten unter den fortgeschrittenen Projekten in Südamerika.
    - Als die Kupferpreise im Keller lagen, hat Inca Pacific 51% des Projektes von Anaconda Peru gekauft. Anaconda hat 6 Mill. USD in das Projekt gesteckt und da bei Kapitalkosten von 131 Mill USD der Barwert nur 76 Mill USD ausmachte, verkaufte Anaconda auch den restlichen Anteil 2004 an Inca Pacific. Neue Scoping Studie Anfang 2005 erwartet.
    - Exploration Antoro Sur, früher von Rio Tinto untersucht.
    - Inca Pacific in 2005 beobachten.

    Die Silberressourcen aus Basismetallvorkommen sind enthalten:
    "includes silver recoverable from base-metal ores" .

    Die Lebensdauer der Silberressourcen könnte theoretisch kürzer sein als die Lebensdauer der Basismetall-/Silberminen, wenn die reinen Silbergruben sich schon viel früher erschöpfen. Natürlich wird Silber über die gesamte Laufzeit der Basismetallminen anfallen. Nur reicht das dann nicht aus, um die heutige Weltjahres-Silberproduktion aufrecht zu erhalten.

    Vermute jedoch, die Statistiken sind nicht präzise genug.

    Ferner heißt es, daß signifikante zukünftige Reserven und Ressourcen von der Entdeckung großer Basismetallvorkommen, die auch Silber enthalten, erwartet werden.…ity/silver/silvemcs05.pdf

    Also Dr. Roffey glaubt unbeirrt an den Tenbagger:

    Durban Deep will be one of the leading beneficiaries of such a move in the Rand price of gold. I receive daily emails decrying DROOY as a totally defunct situation. Wait and see what is in the pipeline for this stock. I do not rate DRJOOY as a $1 stock. Not even a $3 or $5 stock. I rate it as a $10 stock within the next 18 months. If you really want to make money in this gold market, stop bleating about DROOY and buy the hell out of it!!

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    This is DROOY compared to the XAU index.At first sight DROOY looks a disaster and this is what all the amateur analysts have been punting. But when one does professional analysis this is one of the most bullish charts in the gold market. There is a falling wedge on the stock price and the oscillator in the bottom frame has refused to confirm the new price lows setting up a major trend reversal and buy signal. The upper frames are the relative strength vs XAU and its oscillator. Once again there is a falling wedge coupled to a buy divergence signal. All of this indicates that DROOY is ready to reverse trend and out perform the gold and silver index.

    Vieleicht könnte Roffey den folgenden "most bullish"en Chart ebenfalls seiner "professional analysis" unterziehen:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Gold Fields Aktionäre scheinen sich Harmony an den Hals zu schmeissen. Inzwischen ist das zweite Angebot für 44.421 Gold Fields Aktien angenommen worden. Das sind bei 491 Millionen Gold Fields Aktien doch immerhin 0,01% ! [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Harmony also says it has received further acceptances for the deal from 44,421 Gold Fields shares since the first phase of the offer closed on December 1 last year when 11.8 percent of Gold Fields shareholders had accepted Harmony scrip in exchange for Gold Fields.. This equates to 0.01 percent of Gold Fields’s equity according to Mineweb’s calculations.