Abcourt Mines Inc./ ABI (CVE)

  • Wan die unterlagen retour kommen und man die news raushauen kann, darauf hatt die Abi crew nunmal kein einfluss.

    Zu den insider verkäufen: Die haben über viele jahre 100K jährlich in die instandhaltung der minen reingebuttert, ohne eine garantie darauf das sich das jemals auch ausbezahlt.

    Wen die mal von ihren millionen shares ein paar tausend verticken ist das ihr gutes recht. Wen good news erstmal raus sind, und die insider aktien verkaufen kan das zu grösseren abschlägen kommen, von dem her ist der verkaufs zeitpunkt doch nicht so schlecht gewählt.

    Das ändert nichts an der tatsache das die mine 2007 in open-pit produktion geht, der finanzielle aufwand ist nur noch minimal.

    Ich finde es wichtig das man die produktion starten kan solange silber haussiert, das gelingt nur den wenigsten da bin ich mir sicher, ABI zählt dazu. Auch wen der kursnochmal zurück kommt, bis ende 2007 ist ein kurs von 4-5$ im bereich des machbaren.

    cool bleiben, oder zocken, evt kommt man ja billiger nochmal rein, da momentan eh fast alles fällt, ob aussi oder can gold silber uran companys.

  • N-Abend,


    Original von snowflyer
    Wan die unterlagen retour kommen und man die news raushauen kann, darauf hatt die Abi crew nunmal kein einfluss.

    Ist klar, was ich aber eben nicht so schön finde, ist, dass viele Anleger diesbezüglich unruhig werden (zumindest, was man so im Netz lesen kann) und ABI gleichzeitig etwas knauserig mit Äußerungen in dieser Richtung ist . Es sei denn, man fragt direkt nach, und das tun anscheinend nicht viele. Jedenfalls nicht die kanadischen Anleger?
    Die ärgern sich lieber im Stillen und die Stimmung wird negativer, was ABI meiner Meinung nach vermeiden könnte, wenn sie einfach mal spätestens bei der zweiten Verschiebung des angekündigten Termins offiziell kurz Laut gegeben hätten. Würde ja reichen, meinetwegen zu sagen: "Leute, wir wissen, dass ihr alle auf die Ergebnisse wartet, tut uns Leid, dass es so lange dauert, wir sind am Ball und sehen zu, dass Roche in die Puschen kommt."


    Wen good news erstmal raus sind, und die insider aktien verkaufen kan das zu grösseren abschlägen kommen, von dem her ist der verkaufs zeitpunkt doch nicht so schlecht gewählt.

    Hm, ja, so gesehen hast du natürlich Recht.


    Ich finde es wichtig das man die produktion starten kan solange silber haussiert, das gelingt nur den wenigsten da bin ich mir sicher, ABI zählt dazu.

    Also, was das angeht, stimme ich dir zu. Was ich allerdings gern mal wüsste: wieso wurde der vorraussichtliche Produktionsstart eigentlich nach hinten verlegt? Auch sowas, wo ich eine offizielle Stellungnahme auf ihrer Website dazu vermisse, und das ist der Punkt, der mich an ABI zur Zeit etwas nervt (was nicht heißt, dass ich ihnen keine aussichtsreiche Zukunft zutraue).


    cool bleiben, oder zocken, evt kommt man ja billiger nochmal rein, da momentan eh fast alles fällt, ob aussi oder can gold silber uran companys.

    Nö, zocken muss nicht sein, ich bin eher der Typ "aussitzen" und Kaffee trinken :)


  • sehe keine Probleme bei ABI.

    Wenn einer 10 Mio Aktien hat, ist es doch nur normal ein paar zu verkaufen. Wenn es 5 Mio waeren koennte man sich mal Gedanken machen. Aber bei den aktuellen Zink und Silberpreisen sollte ABI
    ohne Probleme in Produktion gehen koennen.

  • Heute war eine ganzseitige Anzeige zu Abcourt in der Euro am Sonntag. Kursziel auf 12 Monate 2,15€.

    Ob das realistisch ist, weiß ich nicht, aber ein hohes Potential hat Abcourt auf jeden Fall bei den heutigen Rohstoffpreisen. Innerhalb der nächsten zwei Wochen sollte es Neuigkeiten vom Unternehmen geben.

    Den Ausverkauf letzte Woche sollte man wohl nicht überbewerten, da ist ABI wie alle anderen Explorer auch unter die Räder gekommen. Vom Tief am Freitag in Kanada hat sich die Aktie allerdings schon wieder weit entfernt! Meiner Meinung nach ein gutes Zeichen...

  • 2006-06-01 16:45 ET - News Release

    Mr. Renaud Hinse reports


    Abcourt Mines Inc.\'s revision of its resources for the Abcourt-Barvue property has been completed by an independent qualified person, Jean-Pierre Berube, PEng, consultant for MRB & Associates of Val-d\'Or, Que. This revision was made according to National Instrument 43-101 standards.

    Here is a summary of the resources:

    Open pit (not diluted)

    Classification Tonnes Ag g/t % Zn Ounces Ag Tonnes Zn

    Measured resources
    Abcourt pits 1,009,151 81.52 2.87 2,644,954 28,963
    Barvue pit 4,116,978 38.11 3.41 5,044,466 140,389
    Total open pits 5,126,129 46.65 3.30 7,689,420 169,352

    Underground (not diluted)

    Measured resources
    Abcourt 1,047,878 114.31 3.12 3,851,170 32,694
    Barvue 341,856 61.63 4.28 677,381 14,631
    Total measured 1,389,734 101.36 3.40 4,528,551 47,325

    Indicated resources
    Abcourt 232,214 111.53 3.43 832,679 7,965
    Barvue 270,892 87.05 3.44 758,163 9,319
    Total indicated 503,106 98.34 3.44 1,590,842 17,284

    Total measured and
    indicated, open pit and
    underground 7,018,969 61.17 3.33 13,808,813 233,961

    Inferred resources

    Abcourt and Barvue 1,505,687 120.53 2.98 5,834,727 44,869

    Several composite samples assayed for gold gave an average grade of 0.138 gram per tonne.

    Comparison between the non-diluted measured and indicated resources of 2005 and those of 2006

    The non-diluted measured and indicated resource estimates of 2005 and those of 2006 compare as follows:

    2005 estimate: 3,696,009 tonnes at 70,47 g/t Ag, 3.94 per cent Zn; and
    2006 estimate: 7,018,969 tonnes st 61,17 g/t Ag, 3.33 per cent Zn.

    This indicates a very large increase in tonnes (plus 90 per cent) with only a small reduction in the silver grade (minus 13 per cent) and in the zinc grade (minus 16 per cent).

    Similarly, the measured non-diluted open pit resources increased from 2,162,614 tonnes at 66.34 g/t silver and 3.89 per cent zinc in 2005 to 5,126,129 tonnes st 46.65 g/t silver and 3.30 per cent zinc in 2006. Obviously, there is a very large increase in pit tonnage (plus 137 per cent).

    The increase was brought about in part by the success of the company\'s 2005 drilling program and by using a lower cut-off grade. The discoveries made in the company\'s 2005 drilling program were made along the known mineralized zone and the cost of the additions was very low.

    In the pits, in addition to the resources indicated above, there are 1,341,000 tonnes of mineralized material with a grade of 17.86 g/t silver and 1.58 per cent zinc.

    The open pit limits were provided by Abcourt and accepted by the qualified person.

    Criteria used for the calculation of resources

    For the calculation of the Abcourt-Barvue resource estimates, the reasonable parameters established by Innovexplo Inc. have been used. These parameters are based on recommendations of the CIM Standing Committee on reserves definitions (CIM Definition Standards, Nov. 1, 2004).
    A fixed density of 3.0 grams per cubic centimetre as obtained from tests done on core samples was used for the tonnage estimate. The minimum horizontal width used was 1.5 metres (5.0 feet). No dilution factor was included.
    The Abcourt-Barvue deposit is characterized by some high-grade silver values (mainly in the Abcourt zone), requiring that a high-grade assay cutting value be established in order to reduce the risks of overestimating the total silver content of the deposit. The high-grade assay cutting value has been established by Abcourt. A high-grade cutting value of 15 ounces per ton. Ag was used by Abcourt during previous mining operations (between 1985 and 1990) and in previous resource estimates. For zinc, no cutting value was used.
    Based on $10.00 (U.S.) per ounce for silver, $1.00 (U.S.) per pound for zinc and a rate of exchange of 86 U.S. cents per $1.00 (Canadian), it was found by Abcourt that one ounce of silver in the ore is equivalent to 0.65 per cent zinc. Based on the prices indicated above and estimated mining costs, the following cut-off grades were established by Abcourt for different mine sectors:

    Abcourt open pit: 2.4 per cent zinc equivalent

    Barvue open pit: 2.55 per cent zinc equivalent

    Underground: 3.20 per cent zinc equivalent

    Method used to calculate the resources

    The estimated resource blocks were delineated in two steps. First, the measured and indicated resources were delimited on cross-sections in areas characterized by a greater density of geological data (example: fringes of open pit or underground workings, or areas with regular drill holes spacing of 15 m to a maximum of 30 m). The mid-distance rules were applied on sections and laterally between drill hole intercepts for defining the resource blocks. Grade of the estimated blocks were obtained from weighted averages of drill hole intercepts or from underground sampling when available. Areas of influence for each polygon were obtained on sections from Autocad drafting tools. Lateral influences of the polygons were defined on the longitudinal view using the mid-distance rule. Usually 7.5 m away and 7.5 m toward for measured resources obtained from sections drilled on a 15 m spacing and 15.0 m away and 15.0 m toward for indicated resources from sections drilled on 30 m spacing. The influence of one drill hole intersection on a cross-section represents approximately 15 m (down dip) for measured resources and 30 m (down dip) for the indicated resources.

    Inferred mineral resources were obtained in a second step from polygons drafted on the longitudinal view in areas characterized by fewer drill hole intercepts (example: drill holes spacing of 60 m and more). The area covered by the measured and indicated resources was transferred on the longitudinal view and was used as a boundary for limiting the influence of drill hole intercepts. The area covered by each inferred polygon was obtained with Gemcom and Autocad software. The horizontal widths combined with the areas shown on the longitudinal view were used to obtain the volume of resource blocks. The grade of the drill hole intercepts was applied to the volumes.

    Description of the property and orebody

    The Abcourt-Barvue project is located in the Val-d\'Or area, northwestern Quebec, Canada. Existing mine infrastructures are readily usable. In the past, the Abcourt-Barvue deposit produced 5,002,190 metric tons grading 38.74 g/t Ag and 2.98 per cent Zn (1952-1957, Barvue open pit) and 632,319 metric tons grading 131.65 g/t Ag and 5.04 per cent Zn (1985-1990, Abcourt underground).

    The property represents an area of 3,452 hectares and includes two mining concessions and 85 mining claims. Some claims of the Abcourt-Barvue property are subject to a small royalty.

    The Abcourt-Barvue silver-zinc deposit is classified as a volcanogenic disseminated sulphide deposit. The Abcourt-Barvue deposit shares numerous similarities with the Mattabi volcanogenic deposit. The Zn and Ag sulphide mineralization (disseminated and bedded sphalerite and pyrite) is found in close association with felsic volcanoclastic rocks within a strong carbonate (siderite, ankerite and calcite), sericite (plus or minus pyrophyllite) in a silica alteration zone. The Abcourt-Barvue ore zone thickness ranges from two m to 30 m and extends over an east-west length of 2.2 kilometres. Mineralization has been recognized to a maximum vertical depth of 425 m below surface. Lithological units and the mineralization have a steep (75-degree) dip to the north.

    Review by the outside consultant

    The review made by the outside engineer covered all information from previous exploration programs and mining activities on the project. Validation and consultation of pertinent documents were also completed for the mining rights, claim status and environmental status via Internet on the Quebec government official website. The author\'s review has indicated that there are no known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political and marketing issues that would affect the mineral resource estimates. The author\'s responsibility consisted in assessing the geological information from previous programs and other relevant data, such as infrastructure, mill and tailings pond and resources estimates. The author considers that this review was thoroughly done and included all the pertinent information on the Abcourt-Barvue property and neighbouring deposits.

    The author, Mr. Berube, reviewed some core from the 2005 drilling program including mineralized and unmineralized intervals before their sampling. He also visited the surface installations on the Abcourt-Barvue mine site (April 11, 2006) and selected 14 samples from hole AB05-02 to be check assayed.

    Recommended exploration program

    After a review of the geological information on the property, Mr. Berube concluded that the mineral potential of the Abcourt-Barvue property is of sufficient merit to justify a $3-million exploration program, with the objective of exploring at depth below the existing resources, along strike to find offset extensions of the ore zone, and on some other excellent targets outside the main ore zone.

    Feasibility study

    Abcourt is conducting a feasibility study on the Abcourt-Barvue project. This study will have to determine if the measured and indicated resources may be transferred into proven and probable reserves. By definition, the economic viability of a mineral resource has to be demonstrated before it may be classified as a mineral reserve. This is the objective of the company\'s continuing feasibility study.

    The technical information contained in this press release has been approved by Mr. Berube, PEng, an independent qualified person under the terms of NI 43-101.

    We seek Safe Harbor.

  • Habe meine abi bei ca 1,3 verkauft, leider mit 0,98c$ auch zu früh eingestiegen. Möchte die eh behalten bis die mine nächstes jahr die produktion startet. Wen der silber preis dan noch über 10$ ist, sollte abi am mond ankommen ;)

    Avino habe ich recht nahe am top gekauft :rolleyes:

  • Abcourt's feasibility study still in the works

    2006-07-13 15:52 ET - News Release

    Mr. Renaud Hinse reports


    Abcourt Mines Inc. is issuing this press release to bring shareholders and investors up to date on the progress made with the Abcourt-Barvue feasibility study.

    Roche Ltd., consulting group, is continuing to update and revise feasibility engineering work and costs for the Abcourt-Barvue project. Work has been under way in earnest since February and the company expects to receive the final report at the end of September or in October. The open pits and the mill are designed to produce 1,800 tonnes per day.

    As the company's objective is to optimize the monetary recovery of the metals, it has, over the past few months, done some cyanidation and flotation tests at Laboratoire LTM Inc. of Val d'Or, Que. These tests indicate that at least 80 per cent of the silver and more than 90 per cent of the gold in the ore are recoverable by cyanidation. The subsequent flotation of zinc produces a high-grade concentrate (58 per cent to 60 per cent zinc) with approximately 95-per-cent recovery.

    Consequently, the scope of the study has been expended to design and to evaluate the cost of the following three different treatment processes:

    two flotations to produce a silver concentrate and a separate silver-zinc concentrate followed by a third flotation to remove pyrite from the tailings. This process, save the pyrite flotation, was used at the Matagami mill from 1985 to 1990 to treat the Abcourt-Barvue ore. Compared with the third process, the monetary recovery of silver is improved but the zinc recovery is lower;
    cyanidation of the ore followed by the flotation of a zinc concentrate and a second flotation to remove pyrite from the tailings. This process compared with the two others gives a much better monetary recovery for gold and silver without any negative effects on the zinc recovery and the grade of the zinc concentrate. This is a new process and it is the one that the company favours at this time; and
    flotation of a combined silver and zinc concentrate. This process was used by Barvue Mines Ltd. in the 1950s. Unfortunately, with this process, the monetary recovery for silver is low. Abcourt would add a second flotation to remove the pyrite from the tailings.

    The choice between these three processes will be based on a financial analysis taking into account the prices of metals, the capital cost and the operating cost of each process. The mill design is approximately 80 per cent completed.

    Mining plans for the open pits and the subsequent underground operations are 90 per cent completed. Where the overall plan permits, higher-grade ore will be mined first to improve cash flow.

  • Right from Joe:

    "Roche Limited, Consulting Group is continuing to update and revise feasibility engineering work and costs for the Abcourt-Barvue project. Work has been underway in earnest since February and we expect to receive the final report at the end of September or in October. The open pits and the mill are designed to produce 1,800 tonnes per day."

    "Mining plans for the open pits and the subsequent underground operations are 90% completed. Where the overall plan permits, higher grade ore will be mined first to improve cash flow."

    For additional information:
    Joe O'Brien, Investors relations
    Tel : (416) 750-8041
    e-mail :

    Quelle: Stockhouse Bull Canada

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    (....) press realease vom 28.7.

    PP zu 0,78 und warrants zu 1,08.
    Das passt irgendwie. Kurs hebt sich in diese richtung.

    Die gleiche Überlegung bei der letzten Kapitalerhöhung hatte mich veranlaßt,ABI aufzustocken.Nicht allein dies....

    Hat sich gelohnt:
    Ist inzwischen der dickste Silberbrocken --nach zurückliegenden Gewinnmitnahmen bei First Majestic und ECU.--


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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