Juniors aus Kanada

  • Genco Resources Ltd. (GGC)

    As of February 16th, 2008
    Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
    Feb 14/08 Feb 13/08 Liller, Gregory K. Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 13,600 $3.010

    Greg Liller, President
    Mr. Liller received his B.Sc. in Geology from Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado in 1977 and has over 29 year experience in mineral exploration and mine development. From 1993 to 1999, Mr. Liller served as Exploration Manager for a group of Canadian and Australian mining companies working in Mexico. This work produced two gold mines, delineated over 2,000,000 ounces of gold and 25,000,000 ounces of silver and saw the first drill program completed in the Ocampo Gold-Silver District.

    In 1999, Mr. Liller joined Gammon Lake Resources as VP of Exploration where he orchestrated the further exploration and development of the Ocampo Gold-Silver District. Mine construction at Ocampo began in March 2005 and the first gold pour occurred in January of 2006. Planned combined annual production at Ocampo from the underground and open pit mines is expected to be 300,000 gold equivalent ounces per year with a 13 year reserve base.

    Mr. Liller was also instrumental in the formation of Gammon Lake's sister company, Mexgold Resources in 2003 and Mexgold's subsequent acquisition of the El Cubo Gold-Silver Mine, located in Guanajuato, Mexico, in 2004. Over the next 1.5 years, Mr. Liller managed programs that doubled El Cubo's reserve base to 949,958 gold equivalent ounces and expanded production from approximately 40,000 ounces to the current annualized rate of over 75,000 gold equivalent ounces.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo linar / Eldo

    Der $CDNX =S&P / TSX Venture Composite Index ist selbst handelbar !!

    Gebt mal ca:cdnx in Big Charts ein: =) .

    Momentaner Kurs 2 616, 34600 Stück...


  • Zitat

    Original von linar
    merci Eldo :) jemand schrieb jetzt könne man dann den (welchen ?() Spross-Fund kaufen, der sei so mies gelaufen und voll mit Juniors


    Du meinst doch wahrscheinlich "Sprott" und nicht "Spross", nicht wahr?

    Die sind, aufs Jahr gerechnet ca. 15% in den Miesen mit ihrem Fonds.
    Da liegen sehr viele Juniors drinnen. Die Hauptholdings sind:

    Andina Minerals Inc.
    Aurelian Resources Inc
    Bear Creek Mining
    Metallica Resources
    Pelangio Mines Inc.
    Silver Bullion & Certificates
    Silver Standard Resources
    Silver Wheaton Corp
    Silvercorp Metals Inc.

    Da liegt natürlich noch viel anderes drinnen, z.B. Genco


    @ Eldo

    Interessanter Artikel zum anhaltenden Zurückbleiben der Juniors. Auch er sieht hier einen unbedingten Nachholbedarf. Die Argumentation mit den Yield Spreads leuchtet ein. So erklärt sich auch der Boom von 2000-2003 und die im Grunde bis jetzt anhaltende Konsolidierungsphase (aka relative Frustphase für Junior-Investoren) wesentlich besser als durch irgendwelche Verschwörungstheorien. Wer weiss, vielleicht geht es ja schon heute los, vielleicht aber auch nur wieder kurzes Strohfeuer.

    Since late 2003 the gold sector of the stock market has been in consolidation relative to gold bullion, but the rapid widening of the US yield-spread over the past 6 months -- as indicated on our chart by the sharp rise in the TYX/FVX ratio -- suggests that this lengthy consolidation will soon come to an end. To be more specific, it suggests that the gold sector of the stock market will soon commence a multi-quarter, or perhaps even a multi-year, rally relative to gold bullion.

    Note that "soon", here, doesn't necessarily mean next week or next month. HUI/gold lagged the yield-spread by 6 months at major turning points during the first few years of the bull market, but we shouldn't assume that exactly the same lag-time remains applicable today. Due to other factors -- the performance of the currency market, for instance -- the lag might be more like 9-10 months this time round. The point we wanted to make is that the yield-spread is putting considerable upward pressure on the gold sector. Other factors have recently been counteracting this upward pressure and could continue to do so for a while longer, but it is reasonable to expect that a substantial advance in the gold sector of the stock market -- both in nominal currency terms and relative to gold bullion -- will begin within the next few months.




  • Wollte nochmal kurz auf dei baldige Übernahme von Canyon Resources (CAU) durch Atna aufmerksam machen.
    Am 03. März ist das Special Meeting von CAU angesetzt um über die freundliche Übernahme abzustimmen.
    Für jede CAU-Aktie gibts es 0,32 Aktien von Atna, d.h. man bekommt eine Atna-Aktie zu 1,34. Der akt. Kurs von Atna steht allerdings bei 1,55, ergibt einen Discount von 13,5%.

    Zudem hat Canyon heute eine Feasibility Study für ihr Reward Gold Projekt veröffentlicht:

    Proven and probable mineral reserves estimated in the feasibility study total 5.2 million tons averaging 0.027 ounces per ton (opt) containing 138,000 ounces of gold based on a gold price of US$575 per ounce and a strip ratio of 2.0 tons of waste per ton of ore. The Reward operation is expected to produce approximately 117,000 ounces of gold over a four year mine life at an estimated average cash cost of $409 per ounce of gold produced. This production would provide an undiscounted cash flow of $14.6 million and an internal rate of return of 13.2% at a $700 gold price. The feasibility study includes capital costs for crushing and process plants, facilities and infrastructure, mining fleet and pre-production stripping of $24.3 million. Break-even full cash cost inclusive of capital is $564 per ounce. At a gold price of $900 per ounce, the project would develop an internal rate of return of 32.8% and an undiscounted net cash flow of approximately $36 million without allowance for reserve expansion.

    The feasibility study also developed an alternative case using a $700 pit design that contains in-place mineralized material of 6.4 million tons grading 0.025 opt with a waste to ore strip ratio of 2.2 using a variable cutoff grade. This case would require an additional $1.1 million in pre-production capital over the base case. This larger pit is expected to produce 134,100 ounces of gold over a five year mine life at an estimated average cash cost of $449 per ounce generating an IRR of 11% and an undiscounted net cash flow of $15.4 million using a $700 gold price. At a $900 gold price, this case produces an IRR of 30% and an undiscounted net cash flow of $40.3 million.

    "The feasibility study demonstrates the robust economic potential of the Reward Project. We believe that the estimated capital costs for this project are achievable and that the operating cost structure is typical of open pit mines in Nevada today. The Reward Project has reserve expansion potential both along strike and down-dip that may be developed through future drilling with cash flow from the operation. The project has been carefully designed to create the smallest environmental footprint possible and the permitting process is well advanced. We look forward to moving this project rapidly towards production," states James Hesketh, President and CEO.


    Daneben gibt´s noch die Briggs Miene (Openpit) mit weiteren Total Proven & Probable 130,000 Unzen Gold.

    Canyon´s MC beträgt nur 23 Mio. US$. Ich denke eine gute Übernahme.


  • Gestern schön zu beobachten.....Gold leicht gefallen, Juniors steigen, HUI und XAU verlieren zwar nichts, bleiben aber deutlich zurück im Vergleich zu den Juniors.......evtl. kommen die geprügelten langsam wieder auf die Beine, diesen Entwicklungsansatz sollte man nun im Auge behalten....

  • Ende 05 Anfang 06 in mehreren Tranchen eingekauft und gehen seither wie ein Uhrwerk.....lupenreiner Chart.....lupenreine story...verlässliches Management und die Zehn in Sichtweite......danach schau ma mal realisieren oder dabeibleiben, bin mir da noch nicht ganz schlüssig......ähnliche Kursentwicklung bei Sino Gold

  • Neues vom Ring of Fire: NOT.V - Eagle Two has landed

    TORONTO, ONTARIO - (Feb. 25, 2008) - Noront Resources Ltd. ("Noront") (TSX VENTURE:NOT) is pleased to announce the discovery of a second massive sulphide occurrence located 2 kilometers to the southwest of its Eagle One magmatic massive sulphide occurrence within Noront's 100% owned Double Eagle Project in the McFauld's Lake Area of northeastern Ontario (...)

    Diese Meldung hat gestern auch Bewegung in die Kurse von NOT's Nachbarn gebracht. Unklar bleibt warum UC.V in den letzten Tagen um 60% gestiegen ist.

    VG heron

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von valueman
    Gestern schön zu beobachten.....Gold leicht gefallen, Juniors steigen, HUI und XAU verlieren zwar nichts, bleiben aber deutlich zurück im Vergleich zu den Juniors.......evtl. kommen die geprügelten langsam wieder auf die Beine, diesen Entwicklungsansatz sollte man nun im Auge behalten....

    Ja, hab dies ebenfalls im Orko Thread so ähnlich angemerkt. :]


    Was erfreulich ist, daß nicht allein einige fundamental abgesicherte Junior Aktien, sondern auch einige Explorer wieder anziehen.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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