Unions repeat call for nuclear's inclusion in EU taxonomy
27 July 2021Share
Nuclear energy must be included in a delegated act of the European taxonomy, 18 trade unions in the energy sector from 10 European Union countries have told Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission (EC). In a joint letter, the unions called for "a dialogue with the purpose of nuclear energy to play its full potential and build an economically efficient and socially just carbon-free Europe by 2050".In January, 13 trade unions representing energy and nuclear workers wrote to von der Leyen saying nuclear energy must be part of the European taxonomy in order to meet the objective of the Green Deal. Exclusion of nuclear power, they said, would not only have a negative impact on the European nuclear industry but also on electricity-intensive industries.
Since that first letter, the EC's Joint Research Centre has concluded that nuclear should be included in the taxonomy and two other expert groups have agreed that the existing European legal framework provides adequate protection in terms of public health and environment in the EU. In April, the European Commission announced its decision to include nuclear energy in a complementary Delegated Act of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, which will also include natural gas and related technologies.
"The European Union can in no way afford to deprive itself of proven and available low-carbon solutions as it wants to achieve its climate neutrality objective and not lose the leadership battle to the US and other states," trade unions representing energy sector workers in Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Romania, Sweden, Slovak Republic and Slovenia have now said in a follow-up letter.
"Our trade union federations also point out that the energy mix falls within the competence of the Member States, each of which has its own geographical, historical and industrial context, and must therefore be able to determine the range of carbon tools adapted to their context and make their own technological choices.
"Therefore it is of utmost importance that the European taxonomy respects technological neutrality and scientific consensus, and the taxonomy rules should apply equally to all technologies."
The EC launched its Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth in March 2018, and adopted a package of measures two months later. Then, in July 2018, a Technical Experts Group (TEG) on sustainable finance set up by the Commission began assisting it in developing a unified classification system for sustainable economic activities. The TEG published its Taxonomy Technical Report in June last year. Nuclear energy was excluded from the list of sustainable economic activities. However, in September, the European Council decided to remain technology neutral in its strategy on financing sustainable growth and the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy.
On 16 December last year, the European Union agreed on a unified classification system to encourage private investment in sustainable growth and contribute to a climate neutral economy.
The taxonomy stipulates that the following environmental objectives should be considered when evaluating how sustainable an economic activity is: climate change mitigation and adaptation; sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; transition to a circular economy; pollution prevention and control; and, protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. Economic activities must comply with four requirements in order to qualify. These are: it must provide a substantial contribution to a least one of the environmental objectives; it does 'no significant harm' to any of the objectives; it complies with robust and science-based technical screening criteria; and it complies with minimum social and governance safeguards.
The EC will be tasked with establishing the actual classification by defining technical screening criteria, in the form of delegated acts, for each relevant environmental objective and sector respectively. The Commission will be assisted by a technical expert group - referred to as the 'platform on sustainable finance' - which will be mandated to provide advice for developing and revising the technical screening criteria.
Earlier this month, nearly 100 Members of the European Parliament called on the EC "to follow the science" and include nuclear under the EU's Sustainable Finance Taxonomy. According to a letter sent to Commissioners and published by European nuclear trade body Foratom, the MEPs urge them "to choose the path that their scientific experts have now advised them to take", namely to include nuclear power in the EU's Taxonomy on Sustainable Finance.
In March, the leaders of seven EU Member States wrote to the EC on the role of nuclear power in EU climate and energy policy. "We call on the European Commission to ensure that the EU energy and climate policy accommodates all paths to climate neutrality according to the technology neutrality principle," the letter said.bg bh
bolivien hat am montag den grundstein gelegt für sein 300 millionen $ schweres nuclear research center.
In March 2016, Russia and Bolivia
signed an agreement on cooperation on the construction of the centre at a
site in the city of El Alto, western Bolivia. In September 2017, the
Bolivian Nuclear Energy Agency and JSC State Specialised Design
Institute, a subsidiary of Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom,
signed a contract for construction.The research centre will include a water-cooled research reactor with nominal power of up to 200 kW, an experimental gamma-installation, a cyclotron and radiopharmacology complex, engineering facilities and various laboratories.
Rosatom said the cyclotron and radiopharmacy complex and a multipurpose irradiation centre will be commissioned by the end of 2021, while the research reactor, a “key element”, is scheduled for completion in 2024.Rosatom said the project is “unique” for the nuclear industry because the research centre will be 4,000 metres above sea level, making it the highest nuclear facility in the world.
The centre will be used to produce radiopharmaceuticals, carry out more than 5,000 cancer diagnostics and treatment procedures per year, perform radiation treatment of agricultural products, and help train qualified personnel for the nuclear industry.
____________einige netzbetreiber in uk gehen von einer verdoppelung der kernkraftkapazitäten bis 2050 aus.
dazu ccc
Nuclear. Despite retirements of existing nuclear plants in the 2020s, this
scenario sees new nuclear projects restore generation to current levels
by 2035. The Balanced Pathway reaches 10 GW of total nuclear
capacity by 2035, with 8 GW of new-build capacity.---
Nuclear power could produce one-third of the UK’s clean hydrogen needs by 2050, according to the Hydrogen Roadmap
agreed by the Nuclear Industry Council (NIC) last week. The NIC,
co-chaired by the Minister for Business, Energy and Clean Growth and the
Chairman of the Nuclear Industry Association, sets strategic priorities
for government-industry collaboration to promote nuclear power in the
The NIC roadmap outlines how large-scale and small modular reactors (SMRs) can produce both the power and the heat necessary to produce emissions-free hydrogen, or “green hydrogen”. Nuclear stations also provide a constant, reliable supply of power that allows electrolysers to operate more efficiently, cutting production costs. Existing large-scale reactors could produce green hydrogen today at scale through electrolysis, as could the next generation of gigawatt-scale reactors. SMRs, the first unit of which could be deployed within the next ten years, would unlock further possibilities for green hydrogen production near industrial clusters.
Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs) under development offer one of the most promising innovations for green hydrogen production, since they will create temperatures high enough to split water without diverting electricity. The ability to generate both power and hydrogen would cut costs further, add flexibility, and allow co-location of reactors with industry to aid further decarbonisation. The UK Government has targeted an AMR demonstrator by the early 2030s.
The roadmap estimates that 12-13 GW of nuclear reactors of all types could use electrolysis, steam electrolysis using waste heat and thermochemical water splitting to produce 75 TWh of green hydrogen by 2050.https://www.niauk.org/wp-conte…Roadmap-February-2021.pdf
bg bh
China expanding its nuclear capabilities, scientists say
[Blockierte Grafik: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/…ssile_silos_640map-nc.png]
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57995185 -
URANIUMzb. seite 17/18
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neues paper des nnwi(new nuclear watch institute),
Energy Security in the Age of Net-Zero Ambitions and the System Value of Nuclear Power
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has resumed operation of the High-Temperature Test Reactor (HTTR) in Oarai, Ibaraki Prefecture. The small prototype reactor becomes the first Japanese gas-cooled reactor to restart following the introduction of new safety regulations.
Nuclear Fleet Generation Increases 7% In First Seven Months Of 2021
Nigeria / Country ‘In Talks’ With Russia On Plans For First Nuclear Station
A Centre for Hydrogen Technologies has been established at Russia’s Power Machines, the company said on 30 July. The new structure should enable the company to master the technologies of storage, transportation, production and consumption of hydrogen. The centre's specialists will carry out research and development in this area, as well as coordinate with external research organisations.
In accordance with a long-term plan for the development of hydrogen technologies, the company expects to offer the market solutions in the field of electrolysis and hydrogen storage systems by 2024. By 2028, the Centre's developments should enable Power Machines to master the technologies for creating steam reforming units and pyrolysis units. The ultimate goal is to become a supplier of a full cycle of technical solutions for the production and consumption of hydrogen.
“Today we are on the verge of the hydrogen era, when the demand for such technologies will only grow,” said Power Machines General Designer Alexander Ivanovsky. “Power Machines sees this trend and our goal is to occupy certain niches in the production of equipment and the creation of technologies that are complementary to us. The creation of the Centre for Hydrogen Technologies on the basis of the company will contribute to the solution of this problem,” he stressed.
---Currently nuclear accounts for
of low-carbon electricity in the EU. -
Policies must allow nuclear to play its vital role, says UNECE
Nuclear power can be part of a broader portfolio alongside deploying other sustainable low- or zero-carbon technologies to decarbonise the global energy system and energy intensive industries, according to a new technology brief from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The publication highlights nuclear power as an important source of low-carbon energy that can contribute to attaining carbon neutrality and for policy-makers who wish to meet climate and sustainable development objectives using nuclear power should provide positive, long-term policy signals for new nuclear development.
The nuclear technology brief is one in a series of energy technology briefs published by UNECE to help mitigate climate change and accelerate deployment of low-carbon technologies. The new publication was prepared by the UNECE Task Force on Carbon Neutrality and a dedicated team of high-level international experts across the entire energy community. It reflects findings from the Workshop on the Role of Nuclear Energy to Attain Carbon Neutrality in the UNECE Region held on 23 November 2020, and the Subregional Workshop on Attaining Carbon Neutrality in the UNECE Region held on 24 November 2020.
"Nuclear power is an important source of low-carbon electricity and heat that contribute to attaining carbon neutrality," the document says. "They have played a major role in avoiding carbon dioxide emissions to date. Decarbonising energy is a significant undertaking that requires the use of all available low-carbon technologies. Analyses indicate that the world's climate objectives will not be met if nuclear technologies are excluded."
Some 292 nuclear power reactors are currently in operation in the UNECE region, accounting for 20% of total electricity generation and 43% of low-carbon generation. However, fossil fuels still account for over half of electricity generation in the UNECE region.
In the UNECE region, 20 countries currently operate power reactors, with nuclear accounting for over 30% of total electricity generation in 11 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine). Fifteen countries have new reactors under construction or under development. Seven UNECE member States are in the process of developing nuclear power programmes for the first time.
The technology brief notes a number of countries - including Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, Ukraine, the UK and the USA - have explicitly stated that nuclear power will play an important role in reducing their national emissions in the future. Belgium and Germany have announced their phase-out of the use of nuclear power, in 2025 and 2023 respectively.
Over 70 reactors have been shut down in the UNECE region since 2000, for political, economic or technical reasons. UNECE notes that, in most cases, these have been replaced at least partly by fossil-fuel power generation, therefore representing a setback for climate mitigation efforts. Preventing the premature closure of further nuclear power plants is seen by the International Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency as an urgent priority for addressing climate change.
Nuclear power has the potential to increase its integration with other low-carbon energy sources in a future decarbonised energy mix, the techology brief says. As nuclear power plants produce both low-carbon electricity and heat, they also offer opportunities to decarbonise energy intensive industries. For example, there is potential to scale up low or zero-carbon steel, hydrogen and chemical production to decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors.
UNECE says nuclear power is a cost-competitive option for generating electricity in many parts of the world. Low-cost financing and market frameworks could lessen the burden of high up-front capital costs ranging from USD5-10 billion for large nuclear power plants. Future microreactors and small modular reactors (SMRs) are likely to be easier to finance and support technology interplay with variable renewable energy.
"For those countries who choose to implement this technology, nuclear power is an important source of low-carbon electricity and heat that can contribute to attaining carbon neutrality and hence help to mitigate climate change and attain the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” said UNECE Executive Secretary Olga Algayerova.
Favourable policies neededUNECE says policy-makers who wish to meet climate and sustainable development objectives using nuclear power should: establish a level playing field for all low-carbon technologies; provide positive, long-term policy signals for new nuclear development; accelerate the development and deployment of SMRs and advanced reactor technologies; and secure the long-term operation of existing nuclear plants.
"This technology brief has been developed as part of UNECE's assessment of integrated approaches to meeting the world's climate objectives," said Scott Foster, director of UNECE's Sustainable Energy Division. "Our analyses show that our climate objectives cannot be met if technologies such as nuclear power are excluded. That reality creates an imperative for governments to put in place policy frameworks that deliver the world's social, environmental and economic objectives in an agnostic, technology-neutral way."
King Lee, vice-chair of the UNECE Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems, together with experts from nuclear and energy communities, supported the development of the brief as part of UNECE Carbon Neutrality project. Lee said: "The brief provides an overview of the important role of nuclear energy technologies - both existing large-scale reactors and innovative SMR technologies - as part of a low-carbon energy mix in providing a range of energy services, such as dispatchable electricity, district heating, high-temperature process heat and hydrogen production."
The publication of the nuclear technology brief was welcomed Sama Bilbao y León, director general of the World Nuclear Association.
"I applaud the UNECE for the publication of this technology brief on nuclear technology, which provides valuable insights for governments wishing to develop forward looking policy signals that facilitate new nuclear energy development," she said. "The thought leadership of governments and policymakers is essential to instil confidence and incentivise long-term planning and investment in nuclear energy projects, which could play a very important role helping decarbonise the entire economy in many countries." -
Policies must allow nuclear to play its vital role, says UNECE
Kannste in Good, Great Germany vergessen, denke ich..............................
Commerce Releases Uranium Section 232 National Security Report
http://www.thompsonhinesmartrade.com/2021/08/commerce-releases-uranium-section-232-national-security-report/ -
Kannste in Good, Great Germany vergessen, denke ich..............................
gut das deutschland für den gesamtmarkt einfach keine rolle spielt. unsere entscheidungsträger deindustrialisieren deutschland bewusst über zu hohe energiekosten. ist auf der anderen seite aber logisch, wenn man die deutsche industriebasis ja auf die eu verteilen will. auch sind sie lieber abhängig vom eu ausland fr, cz, at, ch, pl etc und damit auch ein stück weit "erpressbar" anstatt autonom.
importe aus der schweiz ca 2100mw !!
importe aus österreich schwankend aber um die 2.600-3.000 mw
importe aus tschechien ca 500-700 mwohne diese importe hätte es letzten winter einen BLACKOUT gegeben. die importierten kapazitäten entsprechen
der leistung von drei bis fünf epr.
aber klar, hauptsache die politik kann weiterhin behaupten die energiewende ist ein erfolgbg bh
gut das deutschland für den gesamtmarkt einfach keine rolle spielt
Das denke ich mir SEHR oft, in VIELEN(auch Anderen) Themen !!
importe aus der schweiz ca 2100mw !!
das verstehe ich nicht ganz, wenn die schweiz selber 18Twh im winterhalbjahr importieren muss....
sprott trust hat 900.000 lbs gekauft, spot preis in der zeit ca +2$
Argentina is looking to double the size of its nuclear sector with new power reactors in deals with China and the "national" construction of a new Candu unit with Canadian support, José Luis Antúnez, the head of national utility Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA (NA-SA), said in an interview with Perfil newspaper. Construction of a Hualong One unit could begin at Atucha as soon as next year.
Energy Security - in the Age of Net-Zero Amibtions and the System Value of Nuclear Power.pdf hier als pdf / upload ins gsf
Executive Summary
This report focuses on the issue of
energy security and the important
contributions that nuclear power
can make towards maintaining
and strengthening it as energy
systems decarbonise, both along
the various transition pathways
that energy systems have started
upon and at their eventual low-
carbon endpoint.
It begins with an overview of how thinking about
energy security has evolved over the last century,
before analysing how current trends in the electricity
sector may affect security up to 2030 and the ways
in which the characteristics of different sources of
power determine their security value in responding
to those trends. Finally, the report presents an
explanation of the potential energy security risks
that lie along the nuclear supply chain, assesses
their relative strength, and suggests ways in which
they can be managed.
.bg bh
Biden urged to take 'emergency' measures to save nuclear plants
Illinois congressman Adam Kinzinger has called on President Joe Biden to consider the use of emergency powers to keep the Byron and Dresden nuclear power plants in operation, at least until the enactment of new state or federal laws to ensure a "level playing field" for such plants. Separately, Exelon said its Illinois nuclear fleet, including Byron and Dresden, operated at full power levels during the hottest July on record.
bg bh
[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/what-is-the-cleanest-source-of-energy.jpg]
bei vollständiger verbrennung/spaltung
1 kg steinkohle ca. 8 kwh,
aus 1 kg erdöl ca. 12 kwh (ein barrel öl(159l) je nach sorte ca 136kg)
aus 1 kg uran-235 rund 24.000.000 kwh
Bezogen auf ein Kilogramm ist im Uran-235 das zwei- bis dreimillionenfache Energieäquivalent gegenüber Öl bzw. Kohle enthalten. In der Grafik ist ablesbar, wie viel Steinkohle, Öl oder Natururan für eine bestimmte Strommenge erforderlich sind. So entspricht 1 kg Natururan - nach entsprechender Anreicherung eingesetzt für die Stromerzeugung in Leichtwasserreaktoren - knapp 10.000 kg Erdöl oder 14.000 kg Steinkohle und ermöglicht die Erzeugung von 45.000 kWh Strom.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.kernfragen.de/kernfragen-wAssets/img/lexikon/image029.jpg]
oder noch anders
1 lb(ca 0,45kg) uran 3,2% angereichert hat btu
1 lb u3o8 hat ca 180.000.000 btu
1 lb fuel oil nr#2 hat ca 19.500 btu
1lb us coal im schnitt ca 12.000 btu (bituminous 13.000 btu/subbituminous 11.000 btu)bg bh
World Nuclear Performance Report 2021
ContentsPreface31.Nuclear Industry Performance42.Case StudiesGrohnde: Producing a record amount of low-carbon electricity14Haiyang nuclear plant district heating project16
Akkuyu: Building first nuclear power plant in Turkey 18 Planning for 80 years of operation at Peach Bottom 20
3.Country Pages22
4.Nuclear Reactor Global Status 58
5.Director General’s Concluding Remarks60Abbreviations and Terminology62
Definition of Capacity Factor 62
Geographical Categories63
Further Reading 64 -
gestern weitere 800.000 lbs
Another active day for the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust with 800,000 lbs of physical uranium added today! Powered Up!