Sehr interessanter Goldproduzent in Afrika, Kanada notiert. Valuman hatte sie früher bereits erwähnt, wie auch RohstoffBulle und Hedda.
Erstkauf am 7.02.11 zu 1,255 € , Erhöhung des Bestandes um 50 % zu 1,64 C$.
„Avion is a Canadian-based gold mining company focused in West Africa. The Company holds 80% of the Tabakoto and Segala gold projects in Mali. Additionally, a new, 1,670 km2 exploration property in Burkina Faso is expected to return good results from an ongoing drill program. The longer term goal of the Company is to ramp production to a 200,000 ounce run-rate in 2012. Avion has a highly skilled management team, with a focus on growth and consolidation within West Africa.”