Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Bill Cara hat in seinem Blog geschrieben:

    In three hours, the Fed will release the M3 money supply calculations. That is a reason for traders to be nervous because any jump in the monetary aggregates at a time when the Fed has been talking up their usual “we’re still tightening” pitch, then even the market bulls will know the end of the line is near for financials and bonds. That one sign will propel commodity prices higher, but most stocks down.

    Naja, sozusagen ein historischer Moment. Dürfte das letzte Mal sein. Die Publikation von M3 wird ja aus Kostengründen eingestellt...

    Es ist noch kein Verschwörungstheoretiker vom Himmel gefallen.
    - Altes Sprichwort, neu übersetzt

  • A view after $500" :rolleyes:

    Chuck Cohen

    One of the marvels of the internet, is the very volume of information and opinions on every conceivable subject and at any given moment. In the realm of gold and silver, it seems almost overwhelming to try to sift through all of the data to get one’s stance on the topic. We find contradictory advice telling us to buy or sell; take profits and wait for lower prices; it’s going to $10,000; it’s going back to $200. :D Many use technical indicators to support their position. There are those mysterious lines of support and resistance seemingly drawn from one arbitrary top or bottom to another arbitrary point. Many others employ relative strength, overbought and oversold indicators as helpmates. And not last of all, there is the Elliottwave theorists with as many interpretations as there Elliottwave prognosticators world in what is portrayed as a near foolproof system of analysis. I think you all know what I mean. It can be terribly confusing.

    All through the past 4 years or so we have many of the so-called experts telling us when to buy and sell, many changing their opinions overnight or even the same day. :D Sometimes, I say to myself, “didn't he just tell us to "sell" and now he says "buy.” In other words, many of you are as confused currently after a 100% move in gold as you might have been back at the bottom. I don't want to sound like a shill, but that is what makes this site unique. It doesn't pretend to be a trading site, but one that keeps you informed, steadfast and focused in this turbulent and opinionated atmosphere.

    But in light of the massive amounts of stuff regarding gold I thought it proper to consider where I believe we are again in the gold map, especially since today we are perched at the highest level in 20 years. To make the reading easier I have placed these thoughts in an outline format. So, let's take a deep breath, try to block out all of the data and opinions of the moment and, try not to miss what I have always believed is a once-in-history economic event.


    Most importantly, gold is the ultimate barometer, or more correctly, the thermometer of the world’s financial structure. During the 70's as it rose from the fixed price of $35 to a blow off of over $800 it reflected the record interest rates and commodity prices. Its move was directly related to systemic problems caused by a terrible war and unrestrained government spending. Remember “guns and butter?” Following the top, for the next 20 years, gold lanquished as the excesses of inflation work its way through the system. Stocks thrived and gold suffered.

    But all bull markets end, usually without a public announcement just as bear markets finish and the next cycle begins. It is not like our seasons where we have predetermined dates. As the stock market was completing its manic phase and everyone in America was smitten with securities, gold unnoticed was making its bottom and a new phase had begun. This move which is now about four years old, will be in my opinion, will be much more significant than the one back in the 70’s because this time the ENTIRE monetary system not just the dollar is coming unhinged. The world paper currency is about to unravel and gold is heading to unthinkable levels. The monetary authorities know that a rising gold price is significant and have tried to repress its rise, especially during the past 10 years or so. But the break out in the price against all currencies tells me that they have lost the battle and gold is about to accelerate out of what has been a measured and controlled pace. Anyway, here are some of my points about gold to help you focus on the larger picture and not get thrown off course with all of the opinions that are about to mushroom.


    Warren Buffett, is the world's most successful investor, not because he is a great trader, but because he is patient and courageous. He is not mercurial, trying to scalp a point here or there. Instead his philosophy is to buy on weakness groups which are out of favor, and then while everyone is palpitating and excitedly buying in herd formation, he sells to them his holdings. I think it is very instructive to follow his methods since they have proven to be so successful over the years. Now to the precious metals.


    The first one took gold from its fixed level of $35 or so to over $800 in a decade. For the next 20 years, gold endured a miserable bear cycle. Then, quietly and without any headlines, the second leg began. We are now about 5 years into this leg still without much widespread acceptance, although that is changing and I believe will reach panic proportions.


    That means that even though the price of gold has doubled, it has done it without the help of money moving to any extent from stocks, bonds or real estate. When this begins in earnest, the price will accelerate dramatically.


    They moved this way in the 1970's, as did stocks from 1980-2000. In fact, it appears that the nice smooth uptrend in gold has now begun to accelerate from the pattern. This is the nature of financial markets. A bull run does not conclude without everyone trying to get a piece of it. This time will not be an exception.


    That is a major achievement since outside of a few fringe elements such as King Midas, there have been very few who have felt this would happen as soon as it has. Most analysts are continually adding $20 or $30 here or there to their forecast so they won’t look so wrong.


    When Google went through $400, it made the front page of every newspaper and news source. When gold pierced $500, you had to go to the third or fourth page of the financial section to find out. The media is scratching their noggins trying to explain how gold could be rising while the dollar has been so strong. By the time they “get it” and are enthusiastically following the metals and even recommending it, the move will be on borrowed time. Look for Midas to be on CNBC or Bloomberg as a sign. Sounds impossible?

    The other way to measure it is to take a look at the exploration companies, many of which are down 80% from their highs of a year or two ago. If the move was at its completion these companies would look like sparklers and even your neighbors would now own some and tell you which ones to own. This phase should begin in earnest next year as gold blows away all expectations.


    Especially those that everyone had considered the strong currencies of the world. Just go to and review the charts of gold against the once mighty Euro and the Yen. That means that gold is not a dollar related phenomenon. The closing of the gold window by then President Nixon eventually ushered in the gold movement beginning in 1971. The breakout against all of the heretofore strong currencies will have the same effect, except I anticipate something infinitely more dramatic and lasting. Ultimately, gold will be the only trustworthy currency of the world.


    So far, we have a couple of announcement such as Russia, Argentina and South Africa, but it is reasonable to expect the others to protect what gold they pretend to have remaining, and even add to it. Given the rapidly declining production and the explosive paper creation, we may wish them lots of luck. If their capping could not stop the move thus far, what will their reversal mean.


    That means that the attempts to depreciate national currencies and hold up the mushrooming bankruptcies will cause a flight into the security and unchanging, unique properties of gold. Remember contrary to what gibberish you here and read, markets are the forward looking mechanism in the financial world. Earnings merely tell you what happened months ago. The acceleration and explosion of gold this time around will predict the disaster that is coming. Don’t expect to learn of this in advance on the TV shows or in the Times.


    This is an area that is being taken on faith by the mainstreamers but has yet to be tested. If the trillions of dollars that are backed by a tiny fraction of real money are ever assaulted, as I believe they will, we will see gold move in an entirely different fashion. I expect that very shortly the Midas $6 rule will shift to a $20 rule and eventually to much greater intraday moves where the buyers, shorters and the derivative gang vie for the barbarous metal in a frantic, and most likely, futile attempt to avoid bankruptcy and jail. The world financial structure is moth eaten, totally corrupt and will one day join Mr. Dumpty.


    has actually declined during this last move. This is a barometer that I have followed and found to be highly predictive. This action is a unique occurrence which means to me that the traders or hot money is actually leaving this area rather than getting excited. This also confirms the total disinterest and lack of faith in the staying power of the gold and silver market. As Bob Hoye has repeatedly said, "Think small techs in the early 1990's."


    It is totally illogical not to expect an escalation of the terrorist activities that are demonically driven. We are powerless against a religious system that purports to reward suicidal murders with eternal salvation. I believe that the Book of Revelation points to the battles that emanate out of the nations surrounding the land of Israel. Read of the significance of the river Euphrates at the very last days. Isn’t it interesting that behind the river lie both Russia and Iran. Would you trust these two nations in the long-term?

    13. Endeavour Mining Capital, which I consider a proxy because it is a virtual closed-end investment company, and a fascinating, unique company now selling at about a 40% discount to its net asset value. I expect that it will sell at a healthy premium at a tradable top. This discount is a further indication of the disbelief that still exists against gold. I could also add that the Prechterites are still predicting a collapse in the metals. After the move we have seen both in the metal and the shares, I still consider him to be a barometer.


    The nitty is that the world’s landscape, in spite of the artificial prices on the stock exchanges, has dramatically changed. The past couple of years have seen gold move up evenly, with many attempts to suppress it if it started to move too quickly. I believe that the calming effect that has kept attention away from this area is vanishing and we are now accelerating in an exponential pattern.

    Lately, there have been some higher quality stocks such as GG, Freeport McMoran and ASA that are leading the shares higher. And as this kind of leadership has occurred, the interest in the more speculative exploration stocks has fallen almost totally away, with many of them back to the point where they were at $300 gold. Some might be concerned by this divergence, but I see it as terrifically positive and that it indicates that an explosive rise is at hand, since the rise in gold should have brought some measure of speculative fervor. I believe that the next two years will be the time in which the fundamentals of declining production and smaller companies with proven sizeable reserves will focus the share attention up this group.

    The rise in these smaller companies will be historic. As an example, when I first got back in the gold share arena in late 2001, I purchased both Virginia Gold and US Gold as speculative plays recommended by my friend, Jay Taylor (whose service I highly recommend for investment ideas.) But after about a year, I lost patience due to their lethargic behavior. There were days on end when neither traded more than a handful of shares. In the past year or so, Virginia Gold has risen almost 25 times and was recently taken over by Goldcorp. US Gold has risen about 10 times in the past year and is now headed by Rob McEwen, formerly of Goldcorp. In other words, my lack of patience proved very costly. Many of the current small companies that I hold behave just as these did before their rise.

    Thus far, the system has held together in spite of the evidence that it is beginning to destabilize. But for those who are not content to view things through the prism and propaganda of the mainstream media, the economic problems are insurmountable and no amount of interference, propping up and manipulation is going to prevent the ultimate destruction of a system riddled with debt, deficits, uncollectible loans and a real threat of world-wide terrorism. I believe that at the end of all this is the glorious return of the Messiah, Jesus to claim his rightful kingdom and rule out of his capital in Jerusalem. But a lot of fearful events await us before then.


  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado
    I had losses but never a stop loss in the last ten Years on POG.
    I'll ride on without for another 4-6 years.

    Mach' ich auch nur, um nachher billiger wieder einkaufen zu können. :D Nach allem, was ich von Dir kenne, hast Du bestimmt ein emotionaleres Verhältnis zu Gold als ich. Das kenne ich nämlich von mir bgzl. manchen Aktien. Rückblickend betrachtet hätte ich jedoch so manche Zusatzgewinne einfahren können, wenn ich eben genau nicht so emotional an einer Aktie geklebt hätte.

    Selbst wenn man sich historische Kurse bis in die Siebziger anschaut, dann ist Gold nie so schnell gestiegen oder gefallen, dass man nicht noch rechtzeitig hätte kaufen oder verkaufen können.

    Es gibt eigentlich nur ein Szenario, bei dem ich mit den Stop losses verlieren kann, nämlich wenn es genau bis kurz unter das Limit fällt und dann wieder steigt. Gegen diesen einen Fall habe ich zwei Fälle, die mir nur Gewinn bringen können. Und bei Wetten mit 1:2 Faktor greife ich doch gerne auf den Zweidrittelfaktor zurück. Und selbst in dem Fall, dass ich mit Zitronen gehandelt habe, kann ich auch wieder nachkaufen und habe nur etwas weniger Gewinn.

    Für Dich sieht die Lage zudem sowieso anders aus, weil Du schon länger in au investiert bist. Ich möchte wenigstens meine kleinen Gewinne nicht gleich wieder verlieren. Wenn ich jetzt meine 5% für die 20 Tage realisiere, dann habe ich außerdem ein gutes Gefühl dabei. Und wenn das Gold noch weiter steigt - um so besser! :))


    Gnight 8)


    Danke, Dir auch! 8)

    Zeit ist der Freund von wunderbaren Unternehmen und der Feind von mittelmäßigen Unternehmen. Warren Buffett

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Kaufrausch ()

  • ""Wenn ich jetzt meine 5% für die 20 Tage realisiere, dann habe ich außerdem ein gutes Gefühl dabei. Und wenn das Gold noch weiter steigt - um so besser! """

    Ist ok ! ;) aber...

    Kaufrausch du machst deinen Namen keine Ehre, bald wirst umgetauft auf Sellrausch. :D

    Gnight Gold/Silverbugs,may the bedbugs not bite you.


  • das problem beim goldmerkt in den letzten jahren ist nur das der markt ein verkaufsignal liefert dreht und schneller steigt als vorher als bringen stopps in dem markt nur was für terminsachen

    mein bescheidener beitrag

    verkauft man hat man dann auch wieder das problem wohin mit dem geld

  • @Eldo:

    Sellrausch ... :D Nach dem Sellrausch kommt wieder ein Kaufrausch. :D


    Das kommt auf die Gesamtstrategie an. Meine Gesamtstrategie unterscheidet sich fundamental von denen anderer Investoren. Und da ich damit relativ alleine stehe, bewege ich mich grundsätzlich nicht mit der Masse, was Vorteile bringt. ;)

    Wennst nicht weißt, wohin mit Deinem Geld, dann gibs mir. Ich legs an. :D

    Auf meinem Cashkonto krieg ich wenigsten 2% Zinsen, was besser ist, wenn die Kurse fallen. ;)

    Zeit ist der Freund von wunderbaren Unternehmen und der Feind von mittelmäßigen Unternehmen. Warren Buffett

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Kaufrausch ()

  • Hallo Leute,

    seit Tagen verändert sich das Gold/Silber Ratio fast unbemerkt. Während es über einen geraumen Zeitraum meist zwischen 60 und 62 schwankte, ist es in den letzten Tagen auf fast 58 gefallen. Vieleicht muß man dem keine größere Bedeutung beimessen. Aber es könnten auch die ersten Anzeichen dafür sein, dass sich das Silber vom Gold abkoppelt.

    Wie seht Ihr das?


    by Chris Mayer

    There is a lot of dumb stuff written about the gold standard and the Great
    Depression these days. I open the paper yesterday and I read a column by
    Robert Samuelson in The Washington Post, "Gold's Enduring Mystery."

    Samuelson goes on to say some things about gold's role as money for much
    of recorded history. Then he gets to the Great Depression and he enters
    the realm of the absurd. He writes: "But the gold standard's very rigidity
    led to its collapse in the Great Depression. Too little gold fostered
    banking and currency crises."

    Tsk, tsk. Poor gold! Now the blame for the Great Depression lies at your
    feet. Truly, the victors write history. For here is history from the view
    of a paper money enthusiast.

    Such a view is not uncommon. Our own newly appointed Fed chief, Ben
    Bernanke, also holds such views. Bernanke is a Great Depression buff, just
    as people are Civil War buffs. It fascinates him. He studies it as a man
    might pick over the remains of some archeological dig. He even began a
    book about it.

    Greg Ip's piece in the Wall Street Journal summarizes some of Bernanke's
    views on the Great Depression. On the top of the list: "Beware of outdated
    orthodoxies such as the gold standard."

    To the world-improver set, confident they can push the right buttons and
    pull the right levers, the gold standard is nothing more than a
    straitjacket. To those who see gold's charms, that is precisely its chief
    merit. You see, the gold standard checks the creation of new money.

    If every dollar must be backed by a certain amount of gold, then you
    cannot create money out of thin air. The gold standard says you must have
    the gold first. Governments find it harder to wage war, dole out
    entitlements and build public works with a gold standard tying them down.
    Banks can't lend as much money; hence they can't make as much money. This
    is why the banking interests of this country backed the creation of the
    Federal Reserve. They appreciated the value of a good cartel.

    It's a bit like a cash-only bar. People with little money who like to
    drink tend not like cash bars.

    The problem, Mr. Sameulson, is not that there was not enough gold. The
    problem was too many dollars. When Roosevelt ordered Americans to
    surrender their gold coins in the spring of '33, he was not saving
    capitalism. He was burying it.

    Capitalism - or free markets - depends on contracts. Contracts are nothing
    but promises. When contracts cannot be enforced, then you join the world
    of banana republics and post-Soviet style looting. The system breaks down.
    So it was whenever the country reneged on its promise to back its own
    currency with gold.

    Those who gave their gold in exchange for dollars - backed by a promise to
    redeem in gold - were simply left with dollars. Their own government
    essentially stole their gold from them. Dollars, I should note, that have
    lost a lot of value in the ensuing seventy years.

    But there's more than this. Money unfettered by specie is the main fuel
    for the unsustainable booms that later turn into the panics, crashes and
    depressions that pock the landscape of financial history. Gold was what
    reigned in such excesses. It was the anchor that kept the ship in the

    Just because the government frequently broke these rules does not mean the
    gold standard itself is at fault. (The rules were broken with finality in
    1972, when President Nixon quashed the last vestige of the gold standard).
    A man who cannot keep his promises cannot reasonably lay the blame on the
    promises. Such a routine breaker of promises may be a rogue, a thief, and
    a scalawag. Usually, the preferred term is "liar." Today we call such
    people politicians and "saviors of capitalism."

    Bernanke may have studied the Great Depression, but he has read the wrong
    books. He should give a look at Murray Rothbard's America's Great
    Depression. Rothbard's examination is clear and logical, without the
    trappings of mathematics that otherwise pollute economic texts today.

    Why should paper money create unsustainable booms? I'll attempt an answer
    in brief, at the risk of oversimplifying something that's taken centuries
    to get right and that is still being explored and elaborated upon by
    economists today. (The best thing to do is read the book. Read only the
    first three chapters and you'll know more about business cycles than most
    professional economists.)

    Basically, in a free market, individuals decide how much they want to
    save. These savings are invested in the market - ether by the saver or
    through an intermediary (like a bank). The price of savings is the
    "natural rate" or "pure interest rate." Just think of it as a natural
    market price, the result of supply and demand.

    So, when you create money out of thin air you give the impression there is
    more savings in the economy than there really is. You distort interest
    rates and the natural rate does not function so well. The market's signals
    are emitted through a monetary fog.

    All this excess money leads to new investments and spending creating the
    "boom." As Rothbard says, "the boom, then, is actually a period of
    wasteful misinvestment. It is when errors are made, due to bank credit's
    tampering with the free market."

    At some point, the misinvestments are exposed as unprofitable, the growth
    unsustainable. "The depression is actually the process by which the
    economy adjusts to the wastes and errors of the boom, and reestablishes
    efficient service of consumer desires." In other words, the jig is up,
    reality sets in and the pull of the market price - the "natural rate" -
    start to assert itself.

    It's just like any other price controls. Set it too high or too low and
    there are consequences. It is unsustainable. This is why we have markets,
    to discover the "right" price.

    There's a lot more to this idea than I can delve into here. But the main
    point I want to make is this: The gold standard is not to blame for the
    crises of the past. They were caused by our inability to keep the promise
    to redeem in gold. And, secondly, that far from causing crises, the gold
    standard kept in check the growth in money. As a result, the gold standard
    served to stem unsustainable booms and avoid the necessary busts that


    Chris Mayer
    for The Daily Reckoning

  • Federal Reserve System Banker: Fed Has Lost Control Of The Gold Market Due To Saudi, Chinese and Russian Buying

    Unreal what is going on here. Because gold has gone up by a substantial amount, most everyone says it must go down now. Because few can explain WHY gold is going up, most everyone says it must go down now. Because gold always used to go down, with one rally failing after another, most everyone expects gold to go down now.

    The Café Sentiment indicator is still blah … a 6 at best. When gold broke $330 to the upside, it was a 9 for weeks. The small specs continue to liquidate their long gold positions. The gold funds are not receiving any new money of any importance … some ARE fielding liquidations. There are no premiums in the physical gold/silver funds. The small gold/silver stocks barely have a pulse … barely trade.

    You could NOT DREAM UP a more bullish scenario. Few out there get it. The funny part is that technical analysis is finally working picture perfectly. The COT report was super bullish. The chart is super bullish. The acceleration after breaking out at $478 is classic and super bullish. The breaking of decade-long highs is super bullish. The open interest numbers are super bullish.

    Yet, no one seems to care and most everyone is bearish, or does not believe gold can go up from here.

    What fun to see technical analysis work after so many years of one failure after another. The reason it is working so well is obvious. The Gold Cartel has lost control of their price-rigging scheme and has ever since Gold Rush 21. Gold has now risen $84 since our historic conference, while the dollar has risen a fair amount. Technical analysis is invaluable in FREE MARKETS, which gold is fast becoming.

    For years it was the MIDAS rant that to really understand the gold market it was imperative to know what GATA knows. Most of the mainstream gold world cannot explain why gold is doing what is. They continue to come with an explanation du jour. They have no idea if what they are saying is correct, but they don’t know what else to say. First gold was going up because of a weak dollar, then because of inflation, then because of rising prices. Now the politically correct explanation is that central banks are buying. I will bet you that hardly a one of them has any concrete information of a particular central bank buying. Why are most saying this? Because they read about a number of central banks saying they INTEND to increase their gold reserves.

    One of those pundits expounding this line is Dennis Gartman, who said so/as much on CNBC yesterday. Well, if he knows this to be true, why did he exit the gold market at $460 and missed $60 of this move? It makes no sense.

    Now, that is not to say the central banks are not buying. Specific information in this regard (Chinese and South Koreans) has been brought to your attention for some time. The point is because the mainstream gold world and Planet Wall Street cannot really explain this gold move, they will say anything … except to admit GATA was right all along.

    I am leading up to the most important point of all and that is the mainstream gold world and Planet Wall Street REFUSE to acknowledge the HUGE short position out there and what this means for the future of the gold price.

    The gold open interest only rose 1754 contracts yesterday to 342,765. It is still 30,000 off its highs made when gold was $70 lower. There is still room for 100,000 specs to come in on the long side to take gold up to $600.

    This is critical information because it tells us (and has for weeks now) that many of the major gold shorts want out, but THEY CAN’T GET OUT without driving the price to the moon. We don’t know the exact number, however, it is safe to say the gold short position is over 10,000 tonnes of gold. Mine supply is running around 2500 tonnes per year and the yearly supply/demand deficit is at least 1500 tonnes.

    What you have here is MIND-BOGGLING. The only way this can be resolved is for the price to explode in order to slow down demand enough to allow the shorts to START to cover. $600 gold will not do it. That does not mean we have to go well beyond that on the first shot. At some point in this rally, the physical market will dry up due to sticker shock, which will lead to an inevitable correction. It does mean we have a long way to go for the gold move to play out. $1,000 gold is a lay up.

    The Cartel is in deep, deep DOO DOO: :D


    Just look at the bull stealth buying strategy on full display. The trace remains above yesterday. The margin call shorts are in deep trouble. There is NO DOUBT the bulls are in command and are being very smart. The cartel have met their match and their Waterloo!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Großartig,wunderbar,herrlich!! :]

    Wer hätte das vor Wochen so gedacht?

    Da steht uns noch manches bevor! :D


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • A good read ;)

    Many of you may be trading gold today. With the benefit of hindsight, it is easy to see where to buy and sell. But if you were trading gold in '79-80, do you think that you would have been able to ride it to the top, without getting spooked out? Once at the top, would you have the courage to sell? Undoubtedly there were people at the time calling for much higher levels: "The economy is going to hell! Gold is going to $2,000 and beyond! .....You'd be a fool to sell."

    Times may change, but human nature does not.

    This is not intended to be a prediction or indication of what will happen to the price of gold in the coming days or years, only an illustration of how difficult it is to forsee future conditions and a reminder that there is no such thing as a sure thing.

  • Zitat


    Was nützt uns das Gold im Jenseits.
    Wir müssen unsere Seelen vergolden.
    Nur unsere Seelen sind unsterblich.
    Nur das Gold der Seele können wir ins nächste
    Leben mitnehmen.
    Ein Leben ist kurz, sehr kurz......

    Wer nicht an sich arbeitet ist wie ein elendes Stück Holz im Ozean
    Samael Aun Weor

  • Wenn das so weitergeht, dann ist die Unze Silvester bei 600$. :D

    Im Moment siehts nicht so aus, als wenn meine sl's ausgeführt werden. Um so besser! :]


    Recht hast Du!

    Zeit ist der Freund von wunderbaren Unternehmen und der Feind von mittelmäßigen Unternehmen. Warren Buffett

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kaufrausch ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo Carlos

    Gute Frage. ;)
    Wenn wir die Antwort wüssten,könnten wir einiges danach ausrichten.
    Bin selbst -- NOCH -- nicht davon überzeugt.

    Habe gestern sogar mein Verhältnis Gold : Silber im Depot erhöht.
    Betrifft allerdings die Aktien,da sehe ich bei den güldenen iA. grösseres Potential.

    Ganz persönliche Einschätzung.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Phoenix14, Eldorado

    Schöne Gedanken.........

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hatten wir den übersehen? :)
    Dann wären wir aber evtll. schon aus demGold raus. ?(

    Ob das mit dem Dollar ala M. noch funzt?? :D

    Wednesday, December 07, 2005
    Dear Members,
    Gold has moved up above, this is a sign for rising and the it could touch $516.80. Silver spot could touch $8.85 (SPOT PRICE). In this week's newsletter I mentioned that a two to three percent rise or fall should be taken as a opportunity for trading. Don't remain either short or big long in metals. After six and half weeks you can go short blindly. Movement of Mars is on the way ?( and this could have negative impact on gold on Friday as well as next week.

    Indications are that COTTON could be a good trade, and this applies for oil as well.

    As for the Dollar index, it SHOULD MOVE TOWARD NEW HIGH.

    MAHENDRA 7 Dec 8.30AM New York

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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    Der bisher skeptische Ron Rosen nun bullish!! 8)

    Precious Metals Market Timing
    The Tide Has Turned
    Ron Rosen
    Dec 9, 2005

    "Time is more important than price; when time is up price will reverse." W.D. Gann

    The tide has turned. The bull has awakened from his two year siesta. Like Ferdinand the Bull, he is a gentle giant. While he slept under the tree he reveled in the sweet soft scent of the flowers surrounding his slumbering body. Now awakened, he is the rampaging giant that no one, or no number of Picadors, can weaken. He is a giant among giants :]. He may pause for a brief nap from time to time when the flowers are blooming, but everyone best take notice when he awakens.

    This bull is masquerading as the HUI precious metal shares index. Starting in 2001, it rose from a lowly 35 to a high of 258.60 in December 2003. That was a 750 % increase in value over a three year period. For the last two years the HUI has spent its time going up and down between the 250 area and the 160 area. It has completed a correction that can be called a "flat" type. This type of correction indicates tremendous underlying strength. When the HUI topped in December of 2003 it had completed its first phase advance. We are now embarked on the second bull phase. It was confirmed on December 7, 2005. I had established three requirements that had to be met before I could announce that the bull had awakened. Gold bullion had to close above its 23 year old overhead trend line resistance. Silver had to close at a new high for this bull market. The HUI had to close over its high of two years ago. All three requirements were met on December 7, 2005.

    The second phase of a long term bull market is the longest and strongest of all three phases. Prices increase much more than they did in the first phase. This means the price of the HUI precious metal shares index should increase more than 750% during this second phase.
    The Precious Metals Market Timing letter will keep you apprised of the bull's progress by using the Delta turning points, W.D.Gann Master Cycle studies and long term wave counting. If you are interested in multi week trades, the Delta turning points have proven to be an excellent tool. The Precious Metals Timing Letter will be using the Delta turning points to recommend trading opportunities. In addition, we will be advising you of when we expect corrections to take place and when they will be over.


    Stay Well,
    Ron Rosen

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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    Nachgetragen der HUI -CHART zu Rosen:

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