Ein Fundstück... Der alte Minenhase Eric Coffin, Herausgeber von Hard Rock Analysis HRA, ist ein früher Befürwoerter für GoldQuest, öfter von ihm besprochen.
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Wie verschiedentlich zuvor, hält er GQC sowohl immer noch für unterbewerted als auch entwicklungsfähig, (was ich ebenfalls mehrfach darlegte):
„HRA has followed GQC longer than anyone. Along the way, GoldQuest has provided subscribers with not one but two share price runs, one of about 600% and the other over 1000%, based on new discoveries in the Dominican Republic. The second discovery, Romero, is the most important and the basis for GQC's valuation....
I strongly believe the Tireo is a new gold camp that will yield multiple discoveries and GoldQuest and its neighbours control all of it. GoldQuest's market value is underpinned by Romero. Indeed, I think it's still undervalued even without a new discovery. Any discovery news will be a bonus that could rapidly grow GoldQuest's market value just as it has done in the past...“