Uranaktien: Minen, Explorer, Produzenten, Anwender

  • Zitat

    Original von Edel Man

    Nach längerer Zeit haben alle Uranier im Depot zugelegt, bis 14 % bei Adriana.
    Diese mag ich besonders wegen des äusserst erfahrenen Managements.

    Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Adriana Res Inc. - ADI
    Wednesday August 22, 9:20 am ET

    linar ?(

  • Keine Ahnung warum die heute nach der News nicht wieder getradet wurde.
    Bin bei ADI seit paar Monaten wieder raus, weil für meinen Geschmack zu viel Gemischtwarenladen (jetzt sogar noch Eisenerz in Brasil).

    Zum Management, klar sind Beley und Barclay quasi lebende Legenden im Mining Business, aber andere Minen haben auch gute Leute. Ist das euer KO Kriterium ?

    Den Bild-Anhang sollte man mit Humor sehen ;)

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2005/11/07/Muppet_051107093727103_wideweb__300x213.jpg]

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    PR vom 22.08., die wohl zum TH Anlaß gab:



    Warum so "griffig" ? ;)

    Nach der Qualität von Properties ist IMHO die des Managements bei Explorern --und nicht nur da-- das A&O.

    Jedoch bei den meisten uns weniger bekannt oder zugänglich.

    Dies ist auch kein KO Kriterium, eher eine Präferenz .

    Daß dies allein aber kein Erfolgsrezept ist, versteht sich von selbst, siehe Grosso und IMA.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Die Anzeichen verdichten sich:

    Gestern legten einige der marktbreiten Werte, wie DML, STM und UEX zweistellig zu.
    Haben aber natürlich noch weite weite Wege nach oben vor sich. :)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Ich bin zur Zeit fleißig bei Stockhouse am mitlesen und es gibt wohl ein Treffen dieses Wochenende, wo sich Khan mit Western Prospector und Canterra Gold (gehört zu 53% Cameco) zur gemeinsamen Strategieberatschlagung trifft.
    Es wird bereits über einen Merger von KRI/WNP gemunkelt, aber das sei mal dahingestellt.
    Ich erwarte dennoch positive Nachrichten von dem Treffen. Die Verbindung ist leicht nachvollziehbar: KRI hatte damals die Explorationslizenz von WNP erworben. Canterra hat auch ein großes Projekt in Mongolien und Khans Oberhaupt Martin Quick hat wohl noch gute Kontakte zu Cameco, da er vor seinem Antritt bei KRI im Januar 2006 noch als Führungskraft bei Cameco tätig war.

    Das heutige Statement von KRI zur Erläuterung der Lage um die betroffene Explorationslizenz enthält allerdings nichts wesentlich neues.

    Es bleibt spannend.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Sehr guter Link, danke, bobelle !

    Aus der Vielzahl von Infos besonders sehenswert der
    Performancevergleich der U Equities, sh. Seite 2, links.

    Überdeutlich zu sehen, daß die Explorer und Developer viel stärker litten.
    Aber: Sie waren zuvor extrem gestiegen und liegen noch vor den Producern.

    Eine Tatsache, die ich bei den Gold- und Silberwerten oft erwähnte.
    Was aber zumeist verkannt oder übersehen wird. :)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Zitat

    Original von bobelle21
    Sehr informativ, gute Tabellen inklusive Chartvergleiche.


    Industry Comment Uranium

    Danke, absolut spitzenmäßige, nüchterne Analyse und Aufstellung. Wenn ich Millionär wäre, würde ich den Haywood-Leuten einen Teil der Kohle anvertrauen. Deren Hedgefonds liegen seit Jahresanfang mit fast 300% im Plus, weil sie rechtzeitig, vorausblickend und völlig korrekt massive Shortpositionen auf den Subprime-Index eingegangen sind. Und diese Uran-Analyse beweist, daß sie auch einen glasklaren Blick auf die Rohstoffmärkte haben.
    @ bobelle
    Gibt es von denen auch einen Bericht zu den Basis- und Edelmetallmärkten?



  • Zitat

    Original von bobelle21

    ich meine schon, hab aber keinen aktuellen. Unter folgendem Link könnt Ihr immer die aktuellen Reports von Haywood downloaden.

    Merci, bobbele, habe soeben deren akutelle Einschätzung von MAG Silver in den Silberminen-Thread gestellt. Qualität der Darstellung überzeugend.



  • Der Kurs von Energy Fuels ist seit dem ATH schwer unter die Räder gekommen. In dieser Zeit war vom CEO George Glasier herzlich wenig zu hören. Nun aber kommen sie seit einiger Zeit wieder mit erfreulichen Meldungen, vor allem die bislang schwache nachgewiesene Ressourcenlage verbessert sich nun. Glasier hat ja stets behauptet, daß er damit keine Eile habe, weil er wisse, daß da noch sehr viel kommen werde. Sehr wichtig auch für eine Kurserholung ist der Umstand, daß EFR zu den ganz wenigen Uranwerten gehört, die bereits fast zur Gänze kommissioniert sind - davon sind die meisten anderen noch jahrelang entfernt. Allerdings werden sie viel Geld ausgeben müssen (Kapitalerhöhung?), wenn sie ihre eigene Mühle bauen wollen.
    Sie haben derzeit noch ca. 30 Millionen in der Kasse und offenkundig ist das Geld sicher (?) angelegt - in kurzfristigen Unternehmensanleihen, für die der Emittent haftet, na ja.

    Energy Fuels doubles resource base, files mine permits

    2007-08-23 09:17 ET - News Release (noch nicht auf der Webseite)

    Mr. George Glasier reports


    Energy Fuels Inc. has more than doubled its National Instrument 43-101-compliant resource base in Colorado and Utah. Energy Fuels would also like to provide an update on the significant work that has been under way and completed at the company's Whirlwind mine project in Colorado. In addition to recent activity expanding its resource pipeline through property acquisition and exploration activity, the company continues its commitment to the production of U3O8 (yellowcake) as our primary strategic initiative.

    Energy Fuels has filed its mine permit applications for the Whirlwind mine (which includes the adjacent Packrat works). These permits, when approved, will grant the company authority to proceed with mine operations at the design rate of 200 tons per day. Energy Fuels anticipates receiving all required permits before the end of 2007.

    Further work at Whirlwind under the company's earlier approved permits has been advancing. Under these permits, the company is authorized to mine and stockpile up to 2,000 tons of mineralized material at the site for the purpose of evaluating mining techniques and to provide bulk samples for metallurgical testing and mill flow sheet development. Specific work projects completed at the Whirlwind site include:

    Ventilation was established to reopen access to the deposit through the Whirlwind decline.

    All arched steel sets have been inspected and repaired as required. Broken and bowed timbers between the arched sets have been replaced. About 2,700 feet of the decline is in final condition ready for sample extraction.
    Rock bolting from the end of the decline into the mineralized deposit is proceeding on schedule with 500 feet of drift completed in late July.

    The Whirlwind surface electrical system has been thoroughly evaluated and upgraded to meet mine safety and health administration requirements.

    The main portal into the Packrat works at Whirlwind has been reopened and additional U3O8 mineralization, not included in the National Instrument 43-101-compliant resources for the property, has been visually identified.

    The Packrat underground shop has been opened and cleanup is under way.

    The Packrat pad area is established to prospecting permit standards.

    The access road to the Packrat portal has been re-established.

    A 20,000-foot drilling program has been initiated in Colorado to further define the deposit, verify historic results and provide stratigraphic data for detailed mine planning.

    The next steps for the Whirlwind project, specifically in the Packrat works, include establishing ventilation, initiating roof support and drift widening, along with further confirmation of the additional resource that has been visually identified in the Packrat.

    Energy Fuels is moving into a phase of development that will call for more routine updating of the status at its projects. Energy Fuels looks forward to keeping you abreast of its progress through future news releases in Stockwatch.

    Stephen P. Antony, PE, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the content of this press release.

    Energy Fuels also confirms that the company's working capital and excess cash have no exposure to the recent global credit crisis. The cash and cash-equivalent investments are short-term commercial paper obligations backed by the credit worthiness of the issuing institutions, not by underlying assets. Each of the five separate commercial paper issues currently held by Energy Fuels has an investment-grade rating of R1 or better. Funds will continue to be invested with the foremost objective of maintaining safety of principal and providing adequate liquidity to meet current payment obligations and future planned capital expenditures.

    We seek Safe Harbor.




  • Canadian Uranium Stocks Market Caps
    Last updated on Friday August 24, 7:44 pm EDT


    linar :)

    D. meint es könne schon nochmals runter gehen - aber (wie immer) "Great buying opportunity" :rolleyes: das gilt natürlich für PNP MGA JNN DEJ DIT ASX BAY MAW UPC URC - einige seiner HOLDs kapier ich nicht: :rolleyes:: UEX URRE FRG PDN CHX TVC bei um einiges höheren Preisen waren die ein "buy"

    Es ist besser auf den Füssen zu sterben, als auf den Knien zu leben.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von linar ()

  • Zur Zeit nichts neues, aber Kurs zieht deutlich an. Habe soeben meine Anfangspostionen zu 1,93 CAD$ verkauft. Meine nachgekauften Aktien zu 1,12 CAD$ hab ich noch, aber mit SL versehen. Bin jetzt wieder +- 0%. -50% in gut 1 Woche gut gemacht, manchmal gehts doch Lupo ;). Aber grundsätzlich teile ich Deine Meinung natürlich. Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.


  • Wieder ein Atomschlag, wenn man heute die Uran Minen anschaut dann glaubst an gar nix mehr. :(

    Wer shortet hier ????....nach dem Massaker ueberhaupt noch weiter ?

    Unwahrscheinlich aber wahr ... :(

    Und die SWG war heute die Kirsche auf dem PPT Kuchen. 8o

    Belogen, betrogen und ueber den Tisch gezogen.

    Get used to it , wlcom to the NWO.

  • Ich sehs auch nicht gern, aber es ist noch nicht ausgestanden. Ein Indiz sind die Volumina. Nach dem Tagescrash am 16.08. gabs zwar schöne Erholungen durch die Bank bei den Uranern, aber die Volumina waren gering.
    Ich konzentriere mich ausschließlich auf meine wenigen Lieblingsexplorer, der Rest wird bei guten Tagen ausgedünnt. Cash ist ein absolutes Muss im Moment.

    Fronteer fliegt wieder raus. Die stehen kurz vorm 1608-Tief. JNR, TXM, IEC halten sich weitaus besser.


  • aus einem anderen Forum, Rick Rule zur Marktlage:

    The Doug Casey publications provide a joint weekly update to the subscribers of all of their publications.

    This week, they included within the weekly update a newsletter from Rick Rule of Global Resource Investments (http://www.gril.net), a brokerage firm.

    The letter from Rick Rule was probably better than anything Dines puts together every 3 weeks.

    I'm reprinting just a small portion of it which I think is a must read for anyone on this board:


    The broad resource markets are in the midst of a classic “wall of worry” correction. Junior markets are collapsing for a variety of very valid reasons.

    1) First and foremost, the junior markets as a whole were, and still are, insanely overpriced. Only about 10% of 5000 odd junior companies have any real value, and most of the market players don’t have the ability or the will to discriminate between the good, the bad, and the ugly. The Uranium mania is a classic example of this. In 2000, the price of Uranium as a commodity was very cheap, it had to go up, but because the markets had been dormant for so many years, nobody cared. When the price did go up, people began to care, and after the price had increased enough that it didn’t have to rise further, people became obsessed. By this year, 550 “uranium” companies littered the investment landscape. The vast majority (maybe 500!) shared two serious faults: First, THEY HAD NO URANIUM. If the price of something you don’t have any of rises, it makes no real difference to you. Secondly, after a 25 year “bear market” in uranium, there are perhaps 30 qualified exploration teams left to run 550 companies, (meaning that the probability that an individual company had a qualified team was a function of dividing 30 by 550). There are too many juniors in the market, and the VAST majority are totally valueless. Many of my investment conference colleagues bemoan the degradation of the US dollar by the profligate printing of same by the treasury. The US treasury is an abject failure at printing worthless paper when compared to the Canadian dealer community. The private sector is always more efficient! It is difficult to research and find the one in ten juniors that stand a chance, and more difficult yet to discriminate rationally among the good ones. It is easier for the dealers to create brand new worthless paper, than to sort out the existing paper, and if the market doesn’t discriminate, it is much more profitable.

    2) Many important market players were and are incompetent. A twenty year “bear market” in resources has thinned the ranks of competent participants in resource financial services. The professional function of discrimination in resource capital markets has with some exceptions (Global, I hope) has gone largely unfulfilled. The brokers and investment bankers are increasingly “fee whores” rather than gate keepers, and the level of professionalism among many of the large and small institutional investors would be laughable had it not become tragic.

    3) The market is liquidity driven. Global flows of liquidity; from the Japanese Central Bank bailout of their finance industry to the US Fed’s destruction of the dollar has left the world awash in cash. The same instinct that spawns a trillion dollar industry devoted to lending mortgage money to people who can’t pay it back in order that they can buy overpriced real estate, is the instinct that finances uranium companies with no uranium, run by people who can’t spell uranium. A bunch of that “dumb money” is going to go to “money heaven”, that is, it will disappear into the same thin air out of which it was created. A good thing of course, unless that “dumb money” was yours. The evaporation of vast quantities of “dumb money” has led to a liquidity crisis, which has damaged liquidity driven markets, and junior resource markets are like most risk markets, generally very illiquid.

    4) The market and its participants suffered from irrational expectations. After several years of a raging bull market, participants have come to believe that inordinate success is a condition they have a right to expect. A very famous Canadian investment banker was quoted as saying he “wouldn’t get out of bed for deals less than C$100,000,000”. He should develop insomnia. Investment conference participants explain that they use the maximum margin available, and enquire of the speakers “what do you have that will triple in ninety days?” The correct answer is that the questioners debit balance and tax losses are the most likely near term triples we are aware of. This market has good money left in it, don’t spoil it for yourself with idiotic expectations

    5) Many of the “players” are momentum driven. These traders are market players, traders who are often unknowing and unconcerned with industry or company specific fundamentals. Competent traders are good for markets, they add liquidity and if they are canny and disciplined, can make a fortune. But that’s a big “if”. Most of the momentum players are as apt as the fictional husband in our tuna story, and as likely to experience success. They rush into “up” markets, overpaying for instruments they don’t understand, and crowd out of down markets, liquidating the good with the bad.

    Every great party results in a great hangover, and this week we all have headaches. The “sorting out” will be painful but profitable. The lessons learned, if learned, will be invaluable. The factors that caused the euphoria in resource markets earlier in the year are still present, they are just available at a discount. We need to learn to profit from cyclicality, not become its victim. We need to cherish volatility, not fear it. We need to remember that there is no commandment from God that says we must emulate the stupidity of the mob. We must use liquidity, and avoid being used by the “fee whores” In essence; we must employ common sense, and buy financial assets on sale.


    We have had a “wake up” call. Review the reasons you became a resource investor and/or speculator. Are those reasons still valid in your view? Do you have the emotional strength to be a contrarian, using cyclicality, welcoming volatility, buying panics, and selling rallies? If not, do yourself and your broker a favor, and close your account. If this sector appeals, then use this 6 panic as a slap in the face. Lets review your portfolio, lets sell the securities that are not absolutely “best of breed” in terms of management, balance sheet and asset base. Let's sell even those that are best of breed, if they are well overpriced. Let’s consider making tax loss sales in September and October as the market recovers, so that we can offset gains taken earlier in the year. Let’s be very, very harsh.

    Look at your total personal balance sheet. Are you where you need to be, or would like to be? Are you over exposed to resources? Are you overly speculative? Do you have sufficient liquidity? I believe the global central banker’s response to this liquidity crisis will be bad for ALL fiat currencies. As the dollar devalues, I believe others must and will follow. More currency from thin air devalues the existing supply. I think the strong export currencies will fall, these are self correcting mechanisms. I think the Euro zone is sclerotic and it must fall as well. In the short term interest rates are stable to lower in my view, so short dated bonds from high quality issuers are ok. Long debt is insane!

    Own some gold. Pray it doesn’t perform! Gold is a medium of exchange, the best in recorded history, and a store of value. Gold is also catastrophe insurance. Own it first as insurance. Speculate on then high quality gold stocks, buying panics, and if you like, selling rallies. We will help you discriminate.

    Own only “best of breed” base metals stocks. While base metals prices are not high by historical standards, the industry is enjoying excellent operating margins, supplies will increase, and consumer utility is diminished by this pricing environment. Projects in the lowest cost quartile worldwide will perform for you. Chasing the marginal producers to maximize returns in commodity up cycles is a strategy to employ at the bottom of the next “bear market”, not now. Own energy. Conventional oil and gas is reasonably priced, given the supply\demand balance. Again, focus on “best of breed” not “story stocks”; buy on a net enterprise value to net asset value basis, and buy corporate efficiency, based on operating margins and reserve acquisition efficiency. Speculate on the junior Canadian gas producers… this is cheap tuna, and know that the play will take two to three years to work out.

    Know when you buy a stock, why you bought it, why you will sell it, and when and under what conditions that might occur. If you have analyzed the situation correctly, and the stock has reacted accordingly, sell. If the reason you own a stock becomes invalid, sell. If a company adds value that is not reflected in the market, buy.

    Remember, whether we like these conditions or not is not relevant. We can use these markets or be used by them, and the choice is ours! It is my current intention to continue to publish these missives, even though I don’t have the time. If this is of value, tell your Global broker. If it isn’t, relay that information as well so I can get back to work. If you think this missive has some utility to a friend or colleague, feel free to forward it, with credit to ourselves. If your experience with Global has been valuable to you, and you think that your friends might benefit from our services, we would appreciate any referrals you thought appropriate.

    Rick Rule
    Global Resource Investments Ltd.
    Terra Resource Investment Management, Inc.
    7770 El Camino Real
    Carlsbad, CA 92009
    Member FINRA/SIPC
    760 943-3939

  • Hab jetzt nicht nachgezählt, aber 500 sind zumindest auf der Liste nicht http://www.uraniumminer.net/miners.htm

    Das aber von all den Klitschen nur 3-4 Handvoll ein fundamental aussichtsreiches Investment darstellen, wissen wir paar Schreiber hier doch sowieso .. oder etwa nicht ???

    Ist euer Atom Boot sturmfest ? Ein U-Boot wäre gut im Moment, ab -50 wird die See ruhiger und es wackelt nicht mehr so sehr ... wie wär´s mit UUU.TO :D

  • Interessante Liste ;) scheint aber nur für die in USA gehandelten Aktien zu gelten ?( :rolleyes:

    The following stocks are restricted under the US Uniform Practices Code

    rule 11830 and can not be SOLD SHORT using the IB system.

    This list is updated daily at approx: 9:00 AM CST

    Current as of: 08/29/07 07:28 CST

    linar :) ...bei Stockhouse gefunden ;)

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