I hope you don't mind me posting a couple of old links again. When I originally wrote about China ending the “peg”, becoming the reserve currency, and returning to a gold standard; those events didn't seem imminent (to most people). However, after the announcement by China's government, perhaps there would be more interest in my outline of how these events will likely develop?
China About to End Dollar-Peg
After the 'Peg': a Golden Future
Oh no, Jeff. Thanks, for very early visions in January. One Point, nor accentuated by me: this decoupling PEG will or better must take down the very dangerous inflation in China.
Ein Punkt, den ich nicht hervorhob: diese Entkopplung von der Dollarbindung wird oder besser muß die gefährliche Inflation in China herunterbringen.
Diese Maßnahme stärkt den Yuan als weitere Weltreservewährung, ob es aber der Weg zu einem Goldstandard wird, ist mE.vorerst Spekulation.