wenn mich nicht alles täuscht ist ende der woche mal wieder future termin
bg bh
3. Januar 2025, 01:21
wenn mich nicht alles täuscht ist ende der woche mal wieder future termin
bg bh
K92 Mining Inc. Provides Operations and Stage 2 Expansion Update After Lifting of PNG COVID-19 State of Emergency
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bg bh
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- [b]K92 Mining Inc.[/b] (“K92” or the “Company”) (TSXV: KNT; OTCQB: KNTNF) announces that, further to the updated resource estimate for the Kora deposit at the Company’s Kainantu Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea (see May 19, 2020 Press Release: K92 Mining Inc. Reports Significant Resource Increase at High-Grade Kora Deposit), in consideration of the potential delays in obtaining signatories and certificates resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company will be postponing the filing of the technical report that is required to be filed by July 3, 2020, pursuant to section 4.2(l)(j) (technical report filing) of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”).
bg bh
K92 Mining Inc. Achieves Record Gold Equivalent Production of 26,847 Oz From Kainantu Gold Mine in Second Quarter
Mr. John Lewins reports:
During Q2, K92 produced 25,762 ounces of gold, 531,406 pounds of copper and 10,867 ounces of silver, or 26,847 AuEq oz (based on a gold price of US$1,500/oz; silver price of US$17.75/oz; copper price of US$2.70/lb). The quarter also achieved record mill throughput of 49,311 tonnes, despite lower running time associated with the COVID-19 State of Emergency and other production impacts, with multiple daily mill throughput records exceeding 700 tonnes.
Mining operations in Q2 focused on Kora’s K1 and K2 veins and comprised of development tonnes on the K1 vein on five levels, K1 vein long hole stoping (modified AVOCA method) on the 1205 mRL level, K2 vein development tonnes from the 1170 mRL level and K2 vein long hole stoping (modified AVOCA method) on the 1185 mRL level. Importantly, Q2 marked the first full quarter of long hole stoping, which commenced in March 2020 on the K1 vein. To date, long hole stoping has performed to design and has provided a notable positive impact on operational flexibility. Long hole stoping is planned to increase through 2020.
The blend of K1 and K2 material provided an average head grade to the process plant for Q2 of 17.64 g/t Au and 0.54% Cu. Gold head grades were above budget and continued to deliver a positive grade reconciliation, while copper grades were also significantly above budget.
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dazu noch sechs drillrigs turning.... noch gebe ich kein stück in den markt.
bg bh
Hatte alles bei knapp 3 euronen gegeben... So langsam rutscht k92 wieder hoch in der watchlist... Aber bleibe hier trotzdem vorsichtig.. Mit dee aktion gegen barrick ist das länderrisiko nicht zu verachten
Bei allem Respekt, kannst du das sicherlich nur schwer einschätzen in welchen Ländern ich investiert bin und diese Einschätze
Exploration is ramping up!2 multipowered rigs in transit from Canada to PNG.1 LM110 mobile underground rig in transit from Australia to PNG.The 3 rigs join our 6 rigs currently turning at our high grade, producing & expanding Kainantu Gold Mine
bg bh
By admin
Posted July 15, 2020
2020, News Releases
vollständiger read lohnt:
bg bh
Bei diesen Bohrergebnissen, was soll da noch gesagt werden.
K92 macht seinen Weg.
Bin seit 2017 mit dabei.
Erst seit Dezember 2018 dabei, noch 40 % vom Anfangsbestand. Aber die laufen weiter.
Oh ja, nach unten und nach süden weiter offen bei konstant hohen Graden, das lässt sich aus den Bohrergebnissen ziehen. Das Management geht jenseits der aktuellen Ergebnisse auch weiterhin davon aus, dass Kora nach allen Seiten weiter offen ist.
Wird das tatsächlich ein Tier 1 , ist das nicht immer deine Rede gewesen, Blue Horseshoe?
Seit gestern ist Anne Giardini mit im Board. Muss man die kennen? Bei den Namedropping-Sachen bin ich nicht so vorne dabei.
Der Kurs steigt gerade und bestätigt den Ausbruch von vorletzter Woche, nach einem leichten Rücksetzer, mit dem nächsten ATH. Das könnte noch etwas weiterlaufen, gleich am Stück, meine ich.
Bei diesen Bohrergebnissen, was soll da noch gesagt werden.
K92 macht seinen Weg.
Bin seit 2017 mit dabei.
...me too, seit 2017, kein Stück verkauft. Seit heute ein ten-bagger. Endlich mal wieder .
Wen‘s interessiert: vergleicht mal das Boden-Triangle von KNT in 2017 mit dem in EURUSD 2001/2002 (Monatschart)
Wird das tatsächlich ein Tier 1 , ist das nicht immer deine Rede gewesen, Blue Horseshoe?
bin ich überzeugt und ich denke sogar das es deutlich mehr als 5 mio oz werden. das ist ein monster deposit...
blue lake wird jetzt auch gebohrt.
ende des quartals 9 drill rigs, ende des jahres 10.
die bewertung ist immer noch ein witz - gbr vs knt... schon gut das ich mich erstmal bei gbr verabschieded habe und auch meinen nachkauf von knt im crash vom märz reut mich keineswegs.
@bslusarchuk In the last few days, Scotia, Raymond James and now BMO have initiated coverage on K92. It's always interesting to see when these situations reach a tipping point and get adoption in a broad way. We are seeing that now on K92. There has been too much success via the drill bit and via production growth for the mainstream investment community to ignore. As more people do DD on this, more people will see what incredible value it represents. Starting to see the wider interest now.
The complete Technical Report for the Kora Mineral Resource (shown in Table 3) will be prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) and will be filed on or before July 31, 2020.
bg bh
Jetzt werden wir hier für das Aussitzen der leichten Schwächephase während der letzten Monate belohnt.
...me too, seit 2017, kein Stück verkauft. Seit heute ein ten-bagger. Endlich mal wieder . Wen‘s interessiert: vergleicht mal das Boden-Triangle von KNT in 2017 mit dem in EURUSD 2001/2002 (Monatschart)
Gratuliere woernie zu deinem Einstieg.
Bin 2017 etwas zu früh eingestiegen, da ging es erst mal bergab, sind jetzt aber auch 500%+.
Diese Bohrergebnisse sind einfach Top, überall wo gebohrt wird gibt es Treffer.
Mir kommt es so vor als ob die auf unendlichen Goldadern rumlaufen, dazu noch die großen Gebiete.
Jetzt werden wir hier für das Aussitzen der leichten Schwächephase während der letzten Monate belohnt.
Hab sie noch vor dem Anstieg guten bekannten empfohlen, die sind jetzt auch dabei.
moa update - damit sollten alle streitigkeiten mit landownern endgültig beigelegt sein
A five
percent equity interest in the K92 Mine in Eastern Highlands will be
transferred to the Bilimoia Landowners, Associated Landowners and the
Provincial Government by developer K92 Mining Incorporated.
This is one of several separate benefit packages apart from the K92 Mine revised Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) concluded on Friday.
Parties to the K92 Mining Project settled the second review of the project’s MOA on a high note, agreeing in-principle to the various commitments.
The K92 Mine MoA review discussions in Kokopo, East New Britain included Royalty distribution, Special Support Grants, Infrastructure development, Business Development and Training & Employment, amongst others.
From these discussions a number of separate benefits packages were announced.
The include:
Following the review the State, K92 Mining Limited and the Provincial Government will conduct consultations with the BLA to discuss the Business Development Plan, Employment and Training Plan and the Future Generation Trust Funds.
The revised MoA will then go through approvals from various departments on the State’s commitments, followed by legal clearance from the Office of the State Solicitor, and approval by the National Executive Council (NEC).
Following this the revised MoA will be implemented.
The parties have acknowledged that the agreement reached in the MoA, and the commitments of the separate benefits packages promote good-will and a harmonious working spirit amongst everyone.
Meanwhile, the current BLA executives were not present at the MoA review due to a pending court matter. However, representatives from the 10 clans within the Mining Lease 150 were present.
Pictrure: K92 Mine MoA Review in Kokopo, East New Britain Province. (Credit: Mineral Resources Authority)
bg bh
Mine lifespan may be expanded
THE lifespan of Kainantu gold
mine in Eastern Highlands may be extended beyond the 10 years as
initially planned, according to operator K92 Mining Inc.
Vice-president for operations, Warren Uyen, told The National that the mine might be expanded as well.
“We believe the mine can be there longer than 10 years,” he said.
“We also have exploration licences around the mining licence and we are
putting some work into these licences to see if the mine can expand.”
While giving a brief on mine developments so far, Uyen said initially,
the mine was owned by Highlands Pacific Ltd (HPL), and then was
purchased by Barrick.
“While the mine was closed, many interested
parties went to inspect the mine and K92 Mining Ltd was one of those
interested parties,” he said.
Uyen said K92 Mining took up the interest and made a deal to start developing the mine back in 2016.
He said Minerals Resource Authority (MRA) asked the mine to be back in operation and that was the guarantee from K92 Mining.
“Now that K92 is the current developer our aim is to make sure the mine is up and running in full operation,” he said.
Uyen also explained that the mine had gone into commercial production in 2018.
He said once the exploration was completed, they would look at expanding it.
Meanwhile, Uyen said in terms of benefit sharing, the Bilimioa
landowners would be given a bigger share as they were the landowners
within the mine’s impact area.
K92 Mining owns and operates the Kainantu gold mine.
The Kainantu gold mine is a high-grade, low cost underground mine.
bg bh