China hat vor, Öl mit goldgedeckter Landeswährung zu handeln. An- und Verkäufe in RMB bzw. Yuan können in Hongkong danach in Gold getauscht werden.
Das wird den Amis aber gar nicht gefallen
Sicherlich auch nicht schlecht für den Goldpreis.
- China is expected shortly to launch a crude oil futures contract priced in yuan and convertible into gold in what analysts say could be a game-changer for the industry
- The existence of yuan-backed oil and gold futures means that users will have the option of being paid in physical gold
- By creating a gold contract settled in renminbi [an alternative name for the yuan], Russia may now sell oil to China for renminbi, then take whatever excess currency it earns to buy gold in Hong Kong.
- Grant Williams, an adviser to Vulpes Investment Management, a Singapore-based hedge fund sponsor, said he expects most oil producers to be happy to exchange their oil reserves for gold
- If Saudi Arabia accepts yuan settlement for oil, Gave said, "this would go down like a lead balloon in Washington, where the U.S. Treasury would see this as a threat to the dollar's hegemony...
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