Sabina Gold & Silver / SBB (TSX)

  • Was haltet Ihr von Sabina?

    Corporate Profile

    SABINA SILVER CORPORATION (SBB:TSX-V) is a Canadian public mineral exploration and development company with assets at the Hackett River silver-zinc project in the Canadian Arctic, the Del Norte project in the Stewart-Eskay Creek Mining District, and several projects in the Red Lake gold camp. Sabina Silver Corporation is fully financed with over C$15 million in working capital made up of over C$6 million in cash and approximately C$9 million in shares of Wolfden Resources Inc.

    Sabina has a 100% interest in the polymetallic Hackett River Project that contains a NI 43-101-compliant Indicated Resource in excess of 154 million ounces of silver, 1.8 million tons zinc, 137,000 tons copper, 256,000 tons lead and 448,000 ounces gold. The magnitude of the silver resource alone at Hackett River ranks Sabina Silver Corporation amongthe top 12 silver-focused companies operating in the Western Hemisphere. As a result of Hackett River, Sabina’s silver resource endowment (oz) per $US dollar of fully diluted market capitalization is presently over five times the silver sector average giving the Company great leverage in the silver sector. The Company also awaits the 2005 43-101 mineral resource update from Hackett River based on 10,000 m of additional drilling in Q4-2005.

    The Hackett River Belt has the potential to become a unique new silver-rich VMS camp in Canada and a company maker. There are two other as-yet-underexplored resource areas on the Property and the future exploration potential for additional precious metal and base metal resources on the Hackett River Project is considered high.

    Sabina recently acquired the Del Norte Silver-Gold Property in the Stewart-Eskay Creek mining district (announced October 3-05). The Eskay Creek-style geological environment and results to date at the Del Norte Project indicate a fertile opportunity to add shareholder value in BC.

    Sabina also retains an interest in four promising gold projects in the Red Lake mining district. A fifth property, the Follansbee was the site of a gold discovery by Sabina, announced February 14, 2005. Sabina’s interest in the Follansbee was recently sold to its joint venture partner, Wolfden Resources Inc. for $2 million in cash and 4 million Wolfden shares and rights to a 1% NSR on the Bonanza deposit. The deal in essence refinanced Sabina without additional shareholder dilution and maintained exposure to what may become the next producer in the Red Lake Mining District.

    Sabina Silver Corporation is positioned for growth. The Company’s objective is the addition of shareholder value through prudent financial management and acquisition with active exploration of the various projects and development to production.…lyst-may10-2005-Midas.pdf

  • Ach jetzt weiss ich mehr, ich halte schon ewig die Lateegra die mit 79% im Keller ist und die zerschmetterste ist im Depot. X(

    So ist also Sabina zu der Mine gekommen so wie ich es auf die schnelle sehe.

    Da habe ich aufs falsche Pferd gesetzt und sitze nun weiter auf einen halbtoten Esel. :(

    November 02, 2005, Vancouver, BC: Lateegra Resources Corp. (the"Company") (LEG -- TSX Venture)

    has elected not to continue with its 50% earn in purchase option on the Del Norte Gold Property. On October 3, 2005 Sabina Resources Ltd ("Sabina") assumed the option upon agreement that in the event the Del Norte property does become a producing mine Lateegra will receive a 1% NSR (net smelter return) option payable from Sabina's share of the Property.

  • Ich hab Sie mir mal angeschaut und eigentlich schaut die Sache ganz gut aus finde ich. Wäre fast eine Überlegung wert. Ich mach aber zur Zeit nix....also aufs Radar gesetzt.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    SBB und Partner TUO mit Bonanza Grades im Del Norte Projekt.

    Bis zu 27 g/t Gold und 1020g/Silber sind nicht schlecht. :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    ....und der Kurs von SBB steigt auf ATH.

    Prima nicht nur für die, welche kürzlich noch aufgestockt haben. :]

    Die Warrantbasis von 2,75$ ist auch gut; noch besser, daß in der Vereinbarung schon 5,0 $ angedacht werden. =)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • President's message

    AT THE DEVELOPMENT THRESHOLD - SABINA’S ZINC-SILVER HACKETT RIVER PROJECT resource IS STRONGer than ever with 205 million oz silver and 4.3 billion lbs zinc (NI 43-101 indicateD); silver wheaton to be a major shareholder going forward

    SABINA SILVER CORPORATION (SBB:TSX-V) is a Canadian public mineral exploration and development company with assets at the Hackett River silver-zinc project in the Canadian Arctic, the Del Norte project in the Stewart-Eskay Creek Mining District, and several projects in the Red Lake gold camp.

    Sabina Silver Corporation will be well financed with approximately C$20 million in cash and approximately C$10 million in investments in Wolfden Resources Inc. (WLF:TSX) (3.6MM; 4%) and Premier Gold Mines Inc. (PG:TSX; 2.8MM; 5%), at the closing of its latest private placement.

    Hackett River

    Sabina’s principal development asset is a 100% interest in the zinc and silver-rich, polymetallic Hackett River Project, Nunavut that contains a recently delivered NI 43-101 compliant Indicated Resource based on 2006 drilling at Hackett River, presented at a series of increasingly more stringent cutoff grades:

    Table 1: 2006 NI43-101 Hackett River Cumulative Mineral Resources

    Resource Class Cutoff
    (opt) Tons
    (X 1000) Grade Contained Metals
    (opt) Zinc
    (%) Copper (%) Lead
    (%) Gold
    (opt) Silver
    (Mil oz) Zinc
    (Bil lb) Copper
    (Bil lb) Lead
    (Bil lb) Gold
    (Mil oz)
    Indicated >20 2,841 6.81 11.71 0.25 1.63 0.011 19.34 0.665 0.014 0.092 0.032
    >15 10,213 6.10 8.68 0.29 1.25 0.010 62.35 1.772 0.059 0.255 0.101
    >10 26,169 5.29 6.48 0.29 0.95 0.009 138.33 3.389 0.154 0.496 0.248
    >5 47,073 4.37 4.67 0.32 0.68 0.009 205.80 4.398 0.305 0.644 0.433
    Inferred >20 61 5.59 10.28 0.48 0.81 0.007 0.34 0.013 0.001 0.001 0.000
    >15 1,051 5.52 7.75 0.27 0.94 0.008 5.80 0.163 0.006 0.020 0.008
    >10 5,635 5.51 5.18 0.25 0.74 0.011 31.05 0.584 0.028 0.084 0.063
    >5 12,408 4.15 3.77 0.27 0.52 0.009 51.54 0.936 0.067 0.128 0.114

    *AgEq = silver equivalent; derived by normalizing the gross value of all metals to silver value. The gross metal value was calculated by applying individual metal recoveries and metal prices to each metal grade using updated metal recoveries and metal prices by Wardrop in 2006 (Metal Recoveries: Silver 72.0%, Zinc 89.6%, Copper 80.0%, Lead 70.0%, Gold 50.0%. Metal Prices (US$): Silver $7.90/oz, Zinc $0.65/lb, Copper $1.23/lb, Lead $0.35/lb, Gold $475/oz). The net smelter returns have not been considered in the calculation of metal equivalents.

    Accordingly, Hackett River contains an Indicated contained in-situ mineral resource of 205 million oz silver, 4.3 billion pounds zinc, 305 million lbs copper, 644 million lbs lead and 433,000 oz gold, making it one of the largest undeveloped potentially bulk-minable deposits of its type in the world.

    The magnitude of the silver resource and zinc resource at Hackett River ranks Sabina Silver Corporation among the top 10 silver-focused companies operating in the Western Hemisphere. Sabina’s silver resource endowment (oz) per $US dollar of fully diluted market capitalization is presently over four times the silver sector average giving the Company great leverage in the silver sector. The comparison is even more dramatic when all metals, especially the relatively rich zinc grades are factored in amongst all peers in the sector.

    The latter fact has not been lost upon Sabina’s major funding partner, Silver Wheaton Corp. The parties recently agreed to a private placement by Silver Wheaton in Sabina’s equity whereby Silver Wheaton will take down a minimum 14.2% interest in the issued shares of the company, with the right to expand and maintain its interest at 19.9% on a fully diluted basis.

    Yellowknife, NWT has been transformed into a world class mining supply and service centre as a result of the construction of the nearby Ekati, Diavik and Jericho diamond mines in Canada’s territories. With this new mining infrastructure in place providing a platform for further mineral development in Nunavut and an apparent sea change taking place in precious and base metal demand going forward, the future for the Hackett River project in this well endowed commodity-rich area of the Canadian Shield is bright.

    Economic and Environmental Assessment

    Sabina is presently advancing the Hackett River Project to an independent NI43-101 compliant preliminary economic assessment and production cash flow analysis on a fully discounted basis. Environmental baseline work is also well underway.

    Del Norte

    Sabina has an option to earn up to 65% of the Del Norte Silver-Gold Property in the Stewart-Eskay Creek mining district (announced October 3-05). The Eskay Creek-style geological environment shows high grade gold and silver mineralization in a quartz vein breccia in close association with a volcanic-sediment (mudstone) contact. Drill results to date at the Del Norte Project include bonanza precious metal grades of 110 oz/ton silver and 2.08 oz /ton gold over 2.8ft within a 51 foot mineralized interval grading 0.363 oz/ton gold equivalent (November 21, 2005 press release).

    Recent results from the 2006 drilling program confirm the silver and gold rich nature of the mineralizing system at Del Norte. The Eskay Creek geological model continues to bear fruit and generate new targets in the continuum between contact style quartz vein breccia hosted gold and silver mineralization between the black mudstones and the volcanics at Del Norte and numerous conductive exhalites in the black mudstones at Del Norte, one of which is precious metal enriched and forms the main ore body at Eskay Creek. The Eskay Creek Mine (70km northwest) produced over 14 million ounces silver and over 200,000 ounces gold in 2004.
    Red Lake

    Sabina also retains an interest and is actively exploring on four promising gold projects in the Red Lake mining district. A fifth property, the Follansbee was the site of a gold discovery by Sabina, announced February 14, 2005. Sabina’s interest in the Follansbee was sold to its joint venture partner, Wolfden Resources Inc. in November, 2005 for $2 million in cash and 4 million Wolfden shares and rights to a 1% NSR on the Follansbee portion of the Bonanza deposit. The deal was a win-win for Sabina and Wolfden shareholders and maintained Sabina’s close ties to its historical roots in Red Lake and in what will hopefully become Red Lake’s next producing gold mine.

    Sabina Silver Corporation is well positioned for growth. The Company’s objective is the increase of shareholder value through prudent financial management and acquisition with active exploration of the various projects and development to production. All relevant corporate information may be found on the website including financials, press releases etc.

    Thank you for your interest in Sabina.

    Abraham Drost, President
    December 17, 2006

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:37:07 AM ET
    Research Capital

    NEW YORK, January 10 ( - Analyst Wayne Hewgill of Research Capital initiates coverage of Sabina Silver Corp (ticker: RXC) with a "buy" rating. The target price is set to $4.70 (US).

    In a research note published yesterday, the analyst mentions that the company acquired the Hackett River deposit, one of the largest undeveloped volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits worldwide, in 2004 from Cominco. The historical resource has been upgraded to 43-101 standards by Sabina Silver, the analyst says. The company has indicated a total of Indicated Resource of 47 million tonnes grading 129 g/t Ag, 4.67% Zn, 0.32% Cu, 0.68% Pb and 0.32 g/t Au. Sabina Silver has also outlined an additional 12.4 million tonnes at 129 g/t Au, 3.77% Zn, 0.27% Cu, 0.52% Pb, and 0.31 g/t Au in the Inferred class.

  • Wolfden gets offer of interest from Zinifex
    Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:29am ET
    Market View
    WLF (Wolfden Resources Inc )
    Last: $3.80
    Change: +0.40 (+11.76%)
    Revenue (ttm): $0.6M
    EPS: -0.16
    Market Cap: $301.40M
    Time: 9:45am ET

    Wolfden gets offer of interest from Zinifex

    TORONTO, Feb 19 (Reuters) - Wolfden Resources Inc. (WLF.TO: Quote, Profile , Research) said on Monday it has received an offer of interest from Zinifex Limited (ZFX.AX: Quote, Profile , Research) and it has agreed to grant the Australian mining company an exclusivity period to complete due diligence.

    Wolfden, a Canadian-based mineral exploration and development company, said Zinifex has made a non-binding and conditional proposal to pay C$3.90 cash per share for all of Wolfden's outstanding shares.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Willkommen im Forum, silber_fuzzi !

    Da hast Du einen guten Erstbeitrag, mit Sabina Silver. =)

    Nun, nicht nur die Fragen von Jan Kneist sind gut, das ganze Interview ist sehr lesenswert!

    Gut, daß sich SBB auf eventuelle Attacken einstellt, insbesondere durch Silver Wheaton als möglicher "Weißer Ritter. "

    Die Bedeutung der Länderrisiken kann, wie hier auch hervorgehoben, nicht oft genug betont werden.

    SBB ist seit einiger Zeit strategischer Wert im Depot.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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