Nord Precious Metals Mining / NTH (TSX)

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Canada Silver Cobalt Releases 2022 Future Outlook and 2021 Summary…_Outlook_and_2021_Summary Coquitlam, BC - TheNewswire - January 31,2022 - Canada Silver Cobalt Works Inc. (TSXV:CCW) (OTC:CCWOF) (Frankfurt:4T9B) (the"Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt") is pleased toprovide an outlook for 2022 and a comprehensive review of companyoperations in 2021.

    “What an energetic year for Canada Silver CobaltWorks. We are so proud of our team for accomplishing so much thisyear! Not only have we been opening up new structures and findinghigh-grade silver in Gowganda, but we’ve also been successful atGraal with multiple massive sulphide intersections. ...

    Drilling Summary
    The goal of the current drill program has been toexpand our current resources of 7.56 million ounces of silver inferred(8,582 grams per tonne un-cut in 27,400 tonnes). Since the lastResource update in May 2020 and the beginning of the 60,000m drillprogram at Castle East, CCW has discovered 7 new mineralizedstructures. The drill program has been highly successful thus far,with incredible intercepts in late 2020 including silver results of upto 89,853.00 g/tSilver over 0.30m in hole CS-20-39, cobaltresults of up to 2.22%Cobalt over 0.42m in hole CS-20-39W4, andimpressive gold results of up to 24.95 g/t Gold over 0.30m in hole CS-20-31with visible gold present at a shallow depth of 49.7m downhole.
    In 2021, the Company drilled a combined total of42,603.4m at its Castle East and Graal Projects. At Castle East, thesilver and cobalt grades are equally impressive compared to 2020 andinclude up to 30,416.91 g/tSilver and 2.24% Cobalt over 0.42m in hole CS-21-61,multiple gold results including 2.35 g/t Gold over 1.30m in hole CS-21-47, and 1.94 g/t Gold over 1.00m in hole CS-21-48. At Graal, CCW is continuing tohit multiple intersections of massive sulphides with promisinghand-held XRF results up to 2.79% Ni and 25.68%Cu with assays pending.

    2022 Outlook
    Property Overviews

    • Castle East, - Gowganda, Ontario(Figure 1):

      • Finish the remainder of the 60,000m drillprogram.
      • Complete and publish the updated resource estimatescheduled for Q1 2022.
      • Sample stamp mill tailings at the Castle Mine and sendto TTL for testing using gravity pilot plant.
      • Review GoldSpot AI targets with technicalstaff.
      • Plan exploration between the Castle Mine and CastleEast areas, as well as greenfield exploration around surrounding areasthat have limited data.

    • Eby-Otto - Kirkland Lake, Ontario(Figure 2):

      • Preliminary field mapping, further channel sampling,and prospecting.
      • Build exploration program for the 2022 field seasonincluding an MMI sampling program.
      • Drill high-value targets based on existing fieldmapping and 2022 field season results.

    • Graal - Lac St-Jean, Quebec (Figure3):

      • Complete 1,700m of drilling in the MHY zone extensionand geophysical gravity anomaly to the southeast of the MHY sector.
      • Borehole EM geophysics survey to quantify potentialthickness around the sulphide intersections encountered indrilling.
      • Ground EM survey (SQUID) to identify conductive zonesto create high-value targets at depth.

    • Henry Lake - Sudbury, Ontario (Figure4):

      • Undergo further geophysical interpretation and databasecompilation to provide high-quality recommendations for fieldworkand/or preliminary diamond drilling.

    • TTL Re2OX:

      • Install gravity pilot plant at TTL in Cobalt, Ontario.
      • Test high-grade stamp mill tailings from the BeaverMine and the Castle Mine once the commissioning of the gravity pilotplant is complete.

    • Core Processing Facility:

      • A planned expansion of the core yard and chain linkfencing surrounding the property to allow for increased capacity,security, and core/equipment storage. To make room for company growth,one of the buildings will be renovated to allow for office spaces andincreased personnel capacity.

    2021 Year in Review
    Property Overviews

    •…_Outlook_and_2021_Summary CastleEast - Gowganda, Ontario (Figure 1):

      • Completed 34,832.1m of surface exploration diamonddrilling.
      • Continued drill program that started in 2020 whichidentified 7 new structures in addition to the existing Robinson Zone,with the grades from 2021 reaching up to 30,416.91 g/t silver and2.24% cobalt over 0.42m in hole CS-21-61.
      • Initiated environmental baseline study data collectionin February 2021.
      • Started the permitting process inthe fall of 2021 for the planned ramp.
      • Engaged GoldSpot to aid our technical staff and produceAI based drill targets.
      • Completed downhole geophysics to assist with geologicinterpretation.

    • Eby-Otto - Kirkland Lake, Ontario(Figure 2):

      • Acquired 810 hectares of prospective land near KirklandLake Gold’s Macassa Mine that is adjacent to the LarderLake-Cadillac Break, with select claims being already permitted fordiamond drilling, geophysics, and line-cutting.
      • Completed preliminary channel sampling and prospectingwhich will guide the 2022 field season and future drill planning.
    • Graal - Lac St-Jean, Quebec (Figure3):…_Outlook_and_2021_Summary

      • Expanded the claim package by acquiring 888.56 hectaresof land for a grand total of 6,113 hectares creating a 6km mineralizedstrike length with near-surface copper, nickel, and cobalt.
      • Completed a strategic airborne gravimetric and magneticsurvey on select areas within the claim package.
      • Completed 7,771.3 meters of diamond drilling targetinggeophysical anomalies.
      • Intercepted massive sulphide in 20 out of 21 diamonddrill holes with XRF results up to 2.79% Ni and 25.68% Cu with assayspending.
      • CCW also owns an additional 25,088 hectares for a totalof 31,201 hectares of EV properties across Quebec.

    • Henry Lake - Sudbury, Ontario (Figure4):

      • Completed an airborne gravimetric and magnetic surveyon a 4,468-hectare claim package that is located east of the SudburyBasin.

    • TTL Re2OX:

      • Using the Re-2Ox process, the Company successfullyleached rubidium from the EV battery metal discovery at Granada GoldMines.
      • CCW launched a website dedicatedto the Re-2Ox process:

    • Core Processing Facility

      • An industrial-zoned property near the town of Cobalt,Ontario was leased for core processing. This property will act as theCompany’s central hub for all the Company’s Ontario and Quebecoperations. The location allows for easytransportation of core, samples, and distribution of staff to projectsacross Ontario and Quebec.
      • ...
  • Moin @Minehunter,

    wenn Unternehmen, die ein gutes Projekt(?) haben und in Liquiditätsnot sind, plötzlich ganz viel Gebiete staken oder preiswert erwerben, dient das dann der Wertsteigerung oder bereitet man eher eine neue Story vor, um neues Kapital anzulocken.

    Ein werthaltiges Projekt verdient volle Konzentration und alle finanziellen Mittel des Unternehmens, bis es profitabel arbeitet. Wer von diesem Pfad abweicht, verdient kein Vertrauen!

    Ohne mir das im Einzelnen anzusehen.

    LG Vatapitta

  • Hi @vatapitta,

    es gibt ja genug andere Explorer oder sonstige Minenunternehmen.
    Was sind denn deine bevorzugten Ag-Explorer momentan und bei aktuellem Kurs?

    Ich sehe es nicht als Nachteil wenn ein Unternehmen auf mehrere Projekte simultan setzt.
    Es kann ja immer mal irgendwo was in die Hose gehen und dann setzt man die Prioritäten eben etwas anders. Wissen kann man es nie, es gibt z.B. auch Project Generator mit ca. 100 Projekten...

    Jedenfalls hat Canada Silver mit die höchsten Silber-grades weltweit bei ihrem Castle Silver Projekt wo auch ihr Hauptfokus liegt. Da kommt wahrscheinich nur noch Outcrop Silver & Gold in Kolumbien hin. Und jetzt stehen in Q1 weitere Bohrergebnisse und eine aktualisierte Ressourcenschätzung an. Wenn man da zu einem guten Kurs (wie momentan) dabei ist halte ich das Risiko für überschaubar. Klar setze ich auch nicht alles auf Canada Silver nur weil ich hier die meisten News poste...
    Obwohl ich mir hier einiges Erhoffe ist CSCW bei mir momentan Pos. #17 mit 2,12% des Depotwerts. Bei mir eine durchschnittliche Position. ;)

    Beste Grüße
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Was sind denn deine bevorzugten Ag-Explorer momentan und bei aktuellem Kurs?

    Alle Explorer, Cashburner, die ich habe, sind arg in den roten Zahlen. (Ausnahme OSK)
    Silber nur physisch und MMX, demnächst soll WPM dazu kommen.

    In der derzeitigen Marktphase geht es vor allem um Kapitalerhalt.
    In den Kleckerkram "investieren" nur Kleinanleger.

    Die Big Boys mit den unerschöpflichen Taschen und möglichem gigantischen Kredithebel können nur auf die Großen setzen. FNV, K, NCM, AEM/KL, KNT usw.

    Die kleinen sterben den Liquditätstod, wenn den Kleinanlegern in der Inflation das Geld für Investitionen ausgeht. Und genauso soll das sein.

    Was ich im Depot habe, findest Du im Depotfaden.

    LG Vatapitta

  • Canada Silver Cobalt Reports More High-Grade Silver up to 5,887.59 g/t Ag with a Gold Equivalent of 73.80 g/t Au at Castle East

    Excellent assay results from both 17Mand 50 West Zones provide continuous expansion to known mineralizationand the upcoming resource update.
    Coquitlam, BC - TheNewswire -February 22, 2022 - Canada Silver Cobalt WorksInc. (TSXV:CCW) (OTC:CCWOF) (Frankfurt:4T9B)(the "Company" or "Canada Silver Cobalt") ispleased to announce the continued expansion of its high-grade silverdeposit at Castle East with excellent intercepts from the 17M and 50West Zones. These drill results will be included in the planned majorresource update expected by the end of Q1 2022.
    Drilling Highlights:

    • 17M Zone grades include 5,887.59 g/t silver and 0.17%cobalt over 0.53m in hole CS-21-54W1, as well as 811.06 g/t silverover 0.53m in hole CS-21-73. The vein in CS-21-54W1 belongs to one ofthe more dominant structures in the vein network that comprises the17M Zone. The intercept is located roughly 23m to the north of the 17MZone intercepts in CS-21-39, CS-21-39W2, and CS-21-39W4 (See newsrelease August 23, 2021).
    • 50 West Zone grades include 975.57 g/t silver over0.72m and 852.23 g/t silver over 0.65m, both from hole CS-21-72. Theseintercepts are located approximately 150m from the intercept indiscovery hole CS-21-50 that graded 2,208.00 g/t silver over 0.44m(See news release August 23, 2021). Additional drilling is needed toconfirm whether this is an extension to the 50 West or a newstructure.


    Matt Halliday, President, and Chief Operating Officer,commented: “Recent news releases have shown that our geologicalexploration team can continue to deliver at Castle East. On January10, we reported a 2,571 g/t silver intercept at our 61 Zone, onJanuary 24 a 6,188 g/t silver intercept at the Big Silver Zone, andnow we have intercepted 5,887 g/t silver within the 17M Zone. This isvery exciting especially as we inch closer to our resource updateexpected by the end of Q1 2022. These new zones add significant valueto the property and contribute to the attractiveness of the plannedramp and PEA. Our Gowganda assets are growing, and we are gettingready to discover more deposits on our broad property package.”(SeeJanuary 31, 2022 news release for what is planned at eachproperty.)
    Ongoing drilling in the Castle East area has beengeared toward expanding the existing resource panels outlined in theCompany’s maiden Resource Estimate reported in a news release May28, 2020. The resource estimate was the first ever in the GreaterCobalt Camp and identified zones 1A and 1B of the Robinson Zone withan average silver grade of 8,582 g/t (250oz/ton) in a combined 27,400 tonnes of materialfor a total of 7.56million Inferredounces of silver using a cut-off grade of 258g/t AgEq (mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not havedemonstrated economic viability). Report reference: Rachidi, M. 2020,NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral ResourceEstimate for Castle East, Robinson Zone, Ontario, Canada, with an effective date of May 28, 2020 and asignature date of July 13, 2020.

    Wird langsam Zeit hier dabei zu sein, immer noch günstig... Glaub nicht dass der Kurs hier nochmal zurück kommt. Falls doch wird aufgestockt :thumbup:

  • Edel Man

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Canada Silver Cobalt Works / CCW (TSXV)“ zu „Nord Precious Metals Mining / NTH (TSX)“ geändert.
  • Nord Precious Metals

    Kurs: 0,035 C$

    Marktkap.: 10,587,324 C$

    Shares: 302,494,963  :pinch:

    Ich hatte frühzeitig und immer wieder vor diesem Explorer, der das Silber mit der Lötlampe abbauen konnte, gewarnt. - Das Ende ist vermutlich nah.

    Der Kurs ist ca. 80% gefallen , die Anzahl der Shares ist um ca. 140% gestiegen.

    Die Marktkap. ist trotz 140% mehr Aktien um 55% gesunken.

    Ein sehr schlechtes Geschäft für alle Aktionäre!

    Wer gerne auf zurückgebliebene "Werte" setzt, kann es ruhig probieren. ;)

    Rein kommt man leicht in die Aktie. - Raus ist allerdings fast unmöglich.

    Derzeit 20 Tausend Shares Umsatz bei 302 Mio. Shares die die Investoren los werden möchten.

    LG Vatapitta

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