"Synthetisches Gas/Harnstoff(Urea)", Developer/potenziell Angehnder Produzent, Australien.
das ist Alles nicht ganz so einfach",
aber werde es "versuchen Stück für Stück aufzudröseln".
Erstmal gaaaaanz einfach.
In November 2020 hat Die Firma Eine "Vor Machbarkeitsstudie" veröffentlicht,
Die Dem Projekt m.E. ZIEMLICH Gute Chancen geben dürfte EIn Produzent zu werden.
THAT we are talking about:
Pre-Feasibility Study ; Phil Staveley commented that, “completion of the PFS moves LCK a step closer to initiating construction of this major project that will stimulate the South Australian regional and state economy and underpin Australia’s agricultural sector by producing nitrogen-based fertiliser and hydrogen products for local and international markets.“LCK’s facility will be the only fully integrated urea production plant in Australia, with an on-site 100MW power plant and nameplate 1 million tonne per annum capacity, with potential to increase to 2 million tonnes per annum in the future.” “The project is expected to be carbon neutral by 2030 and will encompass the latest proven technologies in its upstream (sub-surface ISG) and downstream urea manufacture and associated logistics, supply chain and distribution network infrastructure such as power, water and railway.”“LCK will also be the lowest-cost sovereign producer of urea, providing additional security to a critical product for the Australian agricultural sector.”“It also has the proven the ability to produce hydrogen, and at half the cost of the Federal Government’s target.”“Building significant infrastructure in a remote part of Australia will not be without its challenges, but the LCEP will be a fully integrated urea production project with gas feedstock generated on-site and the PFS has reduced and eliminated a number of potential project risks. We express our gratitude to and acknowledge the support of the project team members including contributing consultants and reviewers for their thorough detailed work”
- The LCEP PFS highlights the robust economics for the development of a urea production plant to provide fertiliser to the domestic Australian market and potentially for export. Key project parameters include:
- Average nominal production cost of $109/tonne places LCEP in the lowest cost quartile of the global urea cost curve
- Pre-tax leveraged Net Present Value (NPV) A$3.4 billion, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 30%o Annual urea plant capacity of 1.0 million tonnes per annum, with medium term scope to increase to 2.0 million tonnes per annum
- Total capital cost estimate $2.6 billion
- Commercial life of over 30 years, supported by our 1,153PJ of in situ 2P reserves
- Hydrogen production potential to be determined, once engineering design is finalised
- The Company is in discussions with several potential offtake partners. LCK aims to have commercial partnerships and offtake covering 100% of production capacity
- The In-Situ Gasification (ISG) technology to be utilised has been successfully demonstrated at the siteby LCK, and leverages existing and proven production methods
- PFS verified by Prudentia Process Consulting
- Next steps are creation of the LCEP field development plan, and then further drilling
Das wird/würde Eine Menge, Menge Kohle kosten Das Ding zu bauen,
aber Das wird/kann auch potenziell Ein Margen BEAST, also Ein Potenzielles MONSTER werden !!!!!
Und damit meine ich auch wirklich EIne Dimension wie man es im "Resource" Sektor, Meiner Erfahrung nach" "GANZ selten, FAST nie" sieht.
Das ist nur Ein VERY FIrst Einstieg.
Weiteres FOLGT