Leigh Creek Energy / LCK (ASX), ScamCompany -STRONG run away

  • "Synthetisches Gas/Harnstoff(Urea)", Developer/potenziell Angehnder Produzent, Australien.

    das ist Alles nicht ganz so einfach",
    aber werde es "versuchen Stück für Stück aufzudröseln".

    Erstmal gaaaaanz einfach.

    In November 2020 hat Die Firma Eine "Vor Machbarkeitsstudie" veröffentlicht,
    Die Dem Projekt m.E. ZIEMLICH Gute Chancen geben dürfte EIn Produzent zu werden.

    THAT we are talking about:

    Pre-Feasibility Study ; Phil Staveley commented that, “completion of the PFS moves LCK a step closer to initiating construction of this major project that will stimulate the South Australian regional and state economy and underpin Australia’s agricultural sector by producing nitrogen-based fertiliser and hydrogen products for local and international markets.“LCK’s facility will be the only fully integrated urea production plant in Australia, with an on-site 100MW power plant and nameplate 1 million tonne per annum capacity, with potential to increase to 2 million tonnes per annum in the future.” “The project is expected to be carbon neutral by 2030 and will encompass the latest proven technologies in its upstream (sub-surface ISG) and downstream urea manufacture and associated logistics, supply chain and distribution network infrastructure such as power, water and railway.”“LCK will also be the lowest-cost sovereign producer of urea, providing additional security to a critical product for the Australian agricultural sector.”“It also has the proven the ability to produce hydrogen, and at half the cost of the Federal Government’s target.”“Building significant infrastructure in a remote part of Australia will not be without its challenges, but the LCEP will be a fully integrated urea production project with gas feedstock generated on-site and the PFS has reduced and eliminated a number of potential project risks. We express our gratitude to and acknowledge the support of the project team members including contributing consultants and reviewers for their thorough detailed work”

    - The LCEP PFS highlights the robust economics for the development of a urea production plant to provide fertiliser to the domestic Australian market and potentially for export. Key project parameters include:

    - Average nominal production cost of $109/tonne places LCEP in the lowest cost quartile of the global urea cost curve
    - Pre-tax leveraged Net Present Value (NPV) A$3.4 billion, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 30%o Annual urea plant capacity of 1.0 million tonnes per annum, with medium term scope to increase to 2.0 million tonnes per annum
    - Total capital cost estimate $2.6 billion
    - Commercial life of over 30 years, supported by our 1,153PJ of in situ 2P reserves
    - Hydrogen production potential to be determined, once engineering design is finalised

    - The Company is in discussions with several potential offtake partners. LCK aims to have commercial partnerships and offtake covering 100% of production capacity
    - The In-Situ Gasification (ISG) technology to be utilised has been successfully demonstrated at the siteby LCK, and leverages existing and proven production methods
    - PFS verified by Prudentia Process Consulting
    - Next steps are creation of the LCEP field development plan, and then further drilling

    Das wird/würde Eine Menge, Menge Kohle kosten Das Ding zu bauen,
    aber Das wird/kann auch potenziell Ein Margen BEAST, also Ein Potenzielles MONSTER werden !!!!!

    Und damit meine ich auch wirklich EIne Dimension wie man es im "Resource" Sektor, Meiner Erfahrung nach" "GANZ selten, FAST nie" sieht.

    Das ist nur Ein VERY FIrst Einstieg.

    Weiteres FOLGT

  • Das wird/würde Eine Menge, Menge Kohle kosten Das Ding zu bauen,

    aber Das wird/kann auch potenziell Ein Margen BEAST, also Ein Potenzielles MONSTER werden !!!!!

    Und damit meine ich auch wirklich EIne Dimension wie man es im "Resource" Sektor, Meiner Erfahrung nach" "GANZ selten, FAST nie" sieht.

    Auf OPEX Basis sprechen Wir da von "im Moment gegen 80% Gewinnspanne" !

    Also Das heisst wenn Die CAPEX(dafür Aufgenommene Schulden) mal zurückgezahlt wäre, speziell, danach würden Sie EIne Menge, Menge Kohle verdienen, "Ähnliche" Preisgefüge vorausgesetzt.

  • Die produzieren mir gefühlt zu viele "Announcements" - jeder Furz eine ASX Meldung, z.B. Boardroom Media Interviews, Leigh Creek Energy Webinar, Corporate Presentations bla bla bla. Erfahrungsgemäß endet das selten gut - soll aber nicht heißen, dass man den Gaul nicht reiten kann. Allerdings ist m.E. äußerste Vorsicht geboten.
    Davon mal abgesehen ist Underground Coal Gasification kein Selbstläufer in Oz - siehe CNX (r.i.p.) und Linc Energy (r.i.p.). Die Aussies sind nicht zimperlich wenn es da im Ansatz Ungereimtheiten bei der Grundwassergefährdung o.ä. kommen sollte.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.lcke.com.au/portals/87/Content/Images/2018/ISG-GasifierChamber.JPG]

  • Executive CHairman Interview


    - Leigh Creek Energy (LCK) announced that it has been issued with Australia’s first license for commercial ISG operations. The Petroleum Production Licence (or PPL) issued by the South Australian Government is the final licencing approval for upstream development of the company’s Leigh Creek Energy Project (LCEP), and acknowledges that the LCEP is likely to commence commercial syngas production within 24 months and is a major step in the LCEP becoming the only fully-integrated fertiliser project with all exploration, syngas production and processing and manufacturing of nitrogen-based fertiliser conducted on-site, in Australia. Today Boardroom.Media Reporter Velvet-Belle Templeman is joined by LCK Executive Chairman, Justyn Peters to discuss what this announcement means for the company. -

    Executive Chairman Interview


    - SS Insight Australasia
    11 Abonnenten

    Senior Advisor with Pulse Markets interviewed Justyn Peters, Exec Chairman of Leigh Creek Energy Limited (ASX: LCK)

    Content and timestamps:

    - LCK recently announced that it had completed a capital raise of up to $18m.
    - Discussion on how the raise was structured at 0min:00seconds
    - LCK retains the option to not complete tranches 2 and 3 @ 3:50
    - LCK has the ability to pay the investor with cash rather than issuing shares @ 4:30?
    - The FIRB implications on the capital raise now that LCK has a production Licence @ 4:45
    - The safety provisions to prevent the investor doing a potential takeover @ 8:00
    - The trading restrictions on the investor @ 9:30
    - How the Strike Energy announcement (that they hope to produce UREA out of WA) impact the LCK project @ 10:10
    - Why this raise is so important for LCK @ 13:15
    - The next steps for LCK: Off take agreements, A strategic partners & funding the project @ 17:30
    - How fast until Stage 1 can be completed @ 20:00
    - How Stages 1 & 2 are parallel projects @ 21:30
    - Potential Share Price triggers in the near term @ 23:00
    - Milestone achievements by LCK @ 24:00
    - Fast tracking 5mw power plant using existing PCD equipment @ 25:30
    - Drilling and operational lead times @ 27:45
    - Revenue Break Event points @ 28:30
    - 5mw is ample power to go into Stage 2 @ 29:50
    - Timeline to producing electricity @ 30:30
    - Comment about obtaining $1b funding in 2020 (to make significant acquisition) @ 31:30
    - Confidence on raising (large capital) going ahead @ 33:10
    - Interviewer and their Buy Recommendation on LCK securing a funding runway for 2021 @ 34:00

    Interview conducted 16 January 2021. Please note disclaimer at end of presentation- this is provided for information purposed only and no responsibility is taken for any actions taken from viewing this interview. Please ensure to consult professional licensed advice before making any investment decisions. -

    Executive Chariman Interview



    • Why do you think the PPL has not been priced in the market?
    • How did the binding and exclusive agreement for the Feasibility Study, FEED and EPCC, including project finance with South Korean engineering and construction company, DL E&C Co., Ltd come about? 3:00
    • Who are DL E&C Co. Ltd and what experience do they have with Ammonia and UREA? 5:30
    • Do they have the balance sheet strength to fund this themselves if they want to? 6:30
    • Can you extend the contract terms with DL E&C past 31 May if they or you want? 7:30
    • How far advanced are the discussions regarding funding? 10:20
    • DL E&C have proposed funding a large part of the finance. How will the Balance be funded? 10:40
    • Is there more than one group wanting to fund you? 11:50
    • Is it a mixture of debt and equity? 12”20
    • Are off takes far away? 13:10
    • Are off-takes necessary to get finance? 15:00
    • Is stage 1 still on track as per our discussion in January? 16:10
    • Will LCK get assistance from the Govt after financing 17:20
    • The train line, what quality is that in? 19:30
    • Why is LCK at the forefront of Carbon Capture & Storage? 21:30
    • Hydrogen is it still viable – do you see a market? 25:00
    • Your major shareholder CNE- are they still supportive of the project? 28:30
    • How does LCK anticipate marketing to institutions? 31:40
    • About the research report recently produced by MST 34:50
    • Was there anything there for LCK in the Federal Budget 37:00 -

    Chairmen's Address, Annual General Meeting


  • Die produzieren mir gefühlt zu viele "Announcements" - jeder Furz eine ASX Meldung, z.B. Boardroom Media Interviews, Leigh Creek Energy Webinar, Corporate Presentations bla bla bla. Erfahrungsgemäß endet das selten gut - soll aber nicht heißen, dass man den Gaul nicht reiten kann. Allerdings ist m.E. äußerste Vorsicht geboten.
    Davon mal abgesehen ist Underground Coal Gasification kein Selbstläufer in Oz - siehe CNX (r.i.p.) und Linc Energy (r.i.p.). Die Aussies sind nicht zimperlich wenn es da im Ansatz Ungereimtheiten bei der Grundwassergefährdung o.ä. kommen sollte.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.lcke.com.au/portals/87/Content/Images/2018/ISG-GasifierChamber.JPG]

    Also Rhöngold,

    Eines nur mal generell :

    Wenn ich denke dass EIne Firma/Projekt "eigentlich unseriös/Scam"(und Ähnliches) ist,
    würde ich GRUNDSÄTZLICH Eine Aktie NIE anfassen.

    Ich mache Das im Regelfall wirklich NUUUUUR(eventuell gab es gaaaaanz Wenige Ausnahmen schon), wenn ich denke dass Diese Firma, Dieses, EIn Projekt es WIRKLICH schaffen kann, oder KÖNNTE
    (was widerum nicht heisst: Die werden es "zu 100% schaffen").

    Dass man mit Dieser Einschätzung dann falsch liegt, ja Das kann passieren.
    Und tut es auch hin- und wieder.

    Dass "Fossil to Liquids" -mal weitergefasst- "Alles Andere als einfach" ist, ist mir grundsätzlich absolut bekannt.

    Also Das zu "Gaul reiten", ich "denke Die sind "eigentlich" Scheisse, aber vielleicht kann man ja troootzdem Prozente mit machen" usw

  • Die produzieren mir gefühlt zu viele "Announcements" - jeder Furz eine ASX Meldung, z.B. Boardroom Media Interviews, Leigh Creek Energy Webinar, Corporate Presentations bla bla bla. Erfahrungsgemäß endet das selten gut - soll aber nicht heißen, dass man den Gaul nicht reiten kann. Allerdings ist m.E. äußerste Vorsicht geboten.
    Davon mal abgesehen ist Underground Coal Gasification kein Selbstläufer in Oz - siehe CNX (r.i.p.) und Linc Energy (r.i.p.). Die Aussies sind nicht zimperlich wenn es da im Ansatz Ungereimtheiten bei der Grundwassergefährdung o.ä. kommen sollte.

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.lcke.com.au/portals/87/Content/Images/2018/ISG-GasifierChamber.JPG]

    Und zu "Die produzieren mir gefühlt zu viele "Announcements" - jeder Furz eine ASX Meldung"

    Ja, kannst Du, Jeder so sehen.

    Da will aber nochmal dazufügen: Das Projekt ist nicht gerade Das "kleinste Furz-0815-Keinen-interessierts"-Projekt.

    Sondern, m.E., dürfte Das wahrscheinlich Eines of NATIONAL INTEREST/RELEVANCE sein.

    Und da Die Australier Mining/Resource "verrückt" sind,
    und auch zu Einem ordentlichen Teil davon leben,

    ist bei so Signifikanten(teils auch "Bedeutungsschwereren" -im "geographischen Wirtschaftssinne"))) Projekten Eine "Nähere, Intensivere Berichterstattung", "Media Awareness" usw. Meinem Ermessen auch nicht wirklich verwunderlich.

    Also Die Interviews, wenn Die Welche machen, sind ja nicht so dass Die "nichts zu erzählen hätten"(bei DIESEN Firmen hätte generell mehr Bedenken..................),
    sondern da ist, Meiner Meinung, schon Eine Menge CONTENT, Aussagen auch drin.

    Wir WERDEN JA SEHEN ob Sie Das CAPEX Geld lockergemacht, eingeworben, bekommen,

  • FINAL Investment Decision for Stage 1 ; LCK Managing Director Phil Staveley commented on the Stage 1 FID:“Today’s FID milestone gives us approval to construct everything we need in Stage 1 of our commercial development plan of the LCEP and start earning revenue.Over the past year, our team has been busily working towards achieving Stage 1 FID. Having completed the project pre-feasibility study and been awarded a petroleum production licence by the South Australian Government for the commercial production, this FID approval demonstrates the Board’s confidence in the economic and commercial viability of the project. The Company will now move ahead and build on the EPCM contracts and commencement works announced earlier in February with full-scale Stage 1 procurement, construction and commercialisation activities”

    - Operational activities to commence with ordering of long lead items
    - Subsurface and facilities engineering commenced
    - Initial commercial development to be funded from existing cash and facility

    EPCM Contracts Awarded for Stage 1 Commercial; LCK’s Managing Director, Phil Staveley commented that, “Awarding of the EPCM contracts for Stage 1 Commercial Development of the LCEP is another exciting milestone for the company, which we can now progress following award of our Petroleum Production Licence on 25 November 2020. While our recently completed in-situ gasification (ISG) and urea production Pre-Feasibility Study highlighted the strong economic returns and strategic rationale for the development of a urea production facility at the LCEP, these contracts start to bring it to life. Once the larger urea project is developed the 5MW power plant will be used in the ISG process. With this LCK moves closer to becoming a significant supplier of low-cost, domestically-produced urea providing additional security to a critical product for the Australian agricultural sector”

    - inGauge Energy Pty Ltd (inGauge): Upstream: contracted to manage drilling services fordevelopment of initial gasification wells to provide feedstock syngas for a 5MW power plant
    - Prudentia Process Consulting Pty Ltd (Prudentia): Downstream: contracted to manage selection,engineering, construction, and commissioning of the 5MW gas fired power plant



  • Ich habe nicht geschrieben, dass deren UCG Projekt in der stillgelegten Braunkohlemine von Leigh Creek ein "Furz" ist sondern, dass sie jeden "Furz" - und dazu zähle ich z.B. die Veröffentlichung einer neuen Unternehmenspräsentation - via ASX kommunizieren. Für mich das zu viel Promotion und macht mich skeptisch. Die Technologie ist hochumstritten. QLD hat deren Einsatz mittlerweile verboten. Ob die Produktion von "Harnstoff" im nationalen Interesse ist vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen. Wieviel Gas haben sie denn mittlerweile produziert und verkauft ?

  • Part 2: Audience Q&A with LCK Chairman - August 2021


    - SS Insight Australasia
    11 Abonnenten

    Part 1 – “Presentation” can be watched at https://youtu.be/jRpe446HlIU


    - Who is Daelim? What do they know about fertiliser? 22:00
    - Funding Options/do have to accept the 70% finance option? 25:45
    - How do the drawdowns work with the interest payments? 26:50
    - When do we hear the Korean banking institutions names? 27:40
    - Where do you see other 30% funding coming from? 28:00
    - Funding supported by Offtake offers 29:30
    - Why did LCK reject an offtake agreement for all of its gas? 30:10
    - Alternative funding methods for the remainder of Stage 1? 32:00
    - Financial support from the government for the project? 33:00
    - Quality controls over the contractor? 35:10
    - Is there an off-take coming? 37:00
    - When will Daelim and LCK start? (inc Covid19 and logistics) 37:45


    - LCK setting up its own distribution network with Daelim? 39:15
    - Dialogue at federal level re importance of Urea production 41:35
    - LCK engaging with farmers federations & urea end users 43:15
    - Urea price since the feasibility financial study? 45:10
    - What kind of revenue potential does a 100m tpa project have? 47:15


    - How has message being presented to investors changed? 49:00
    - How has interest in the company changed? 49:50
    - What is the current focus on IR? (Tony Lawry) 49:50
    - Why do you think the market is not supporting the share price? 53:20


    - How is the relationship with the local First Peoples? 57:45
    - Why is LCK exempt from Native Title over its PPL? 58:30
    - Is EIS approval required to conduct further drilling? 59:00
    - What EIS and approvals are required for Stage 2? 1:01:00
    - LCK getting govt approvals to go to Korea? 1:02:45


    - Update on JV with Bridgeport/ progress on Cooper Basin relationships 1:04:00
    - Long list of accomplishments by LCK 1:05:20
    - What drives the people at LCK to keep working hard at this? 1:06:20
    - Comments on timeline over the next periods 1:09:00

    Please ensure to read the disclaimer for each of LCK and Pulse Markets. This is provided for information purposes only consult professional advice before making any investment decisions."

  • Ich habe nicht geschrieben, dass deren UCG Projekt in der stillgelegten Braunkohlemine von Leigh Creek ein "Furz" ist sondern, dass sie jeden "Furz" - und dazu zähle ich z.B. die Veröffentlichung einer neuen Unternehmenspräsentation - via ASX kommunizieren. Für mich das zu viel Promotion und macht mich skeptisch. Die Technologie ist hochumstritten. QLD hat deren Einsatz mittlerweile verboten. Ob die Produktion von "Harnstoff" im nationalen Interesse ist vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen. Wieviel Gas haben sie denn mittlerweile produziert und verkauft ?

    Ist OK,
    wie gesagt, Wir werden ES, letztlich, SEHEN.

    "Davon mal abgesehen ist Underground Coal Gasification kein Selbstläufer in Oz - siehe CNX (r.i.p.) und Linc Energy (r.i.p.). Die Aussies sind nicht zimperlich wenn es da im Ansatz Ungereimtheiten bei der Grundwassergefährdung o.ä. kommen sollte"

    Aber erstmal EIne Frage noch:

    Weisst Du(noch) WORAN Linc und CNX, letztlich, gescheitert sind ??

    Also ich meine nicht "hat nicht funktioniert".
    Sondern KONKRET.

    Zum "technischen" Aspekt, Dieses Verfahrens/Projekts, werde voraussichtlich auch noch rauf zurückkommen,
    Das "bissl aufdröseln", aber Eine Garantie, das Das funktioniert, wird es -trotzdem- nicht geben.

  • Da will aber nochmal dazufügen: Das Projekt ist nicht gerade Das "kleinste Furz-0815-Keinen-interessierts"-Projekt.

    Sondern, m.E., dürfte Das wahrscheinlich Eines of NATIONAL INTEREST/RELEVANCE sein..................

    as said(Das bedeutet NICHT dass Rhöngold Das behauptet hätte!)............................

    QUartals AKtivitäten report ; LCK Managing Director Phil Staveley commented on the June 2021 quarter’s activities: “Momentum has progressed for the AUD 2.6 Billion LCEP downstream Urea plant, which will be ONE OF THE BIGGEST INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS OF ITS TYPE IN AUSTRALIA and the only fully integrated urea production facility in the country . “Initial work is underway on upstream (Stage 1) gas production. We have awarded the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Finance (EPCCF) contract for the downstream (Stage 2) urea manufacturing plant to South Korean-based multinational engineering company DL E&C, a global leader in the construction of similar facilities in 35 countries. We have also secured debt finance from a major South Korean bank for up to 70% (approximately AUD $1.5 Billion) of the Stage 2 project costs, which significantly de-risks the project. “This integration of all production onsite is key to our competitive advantage. It allows us to be one of the lowest-cost producers of urea in the world. For the Australian agricultural sector it provides additional sovereign security to a critical product and allows our farmers to avoid supply-side risks associated with commodity prices, exchange rates, shipping and import logistics. “We remain focused on furthering urea offtake discussions with several prospective customers, finalising the EIR, SEO and field development plans for Stage 1 gas production through our recent $18 million capital injection which keeps us well capitalised

    - Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Finance (EPCCF) contract awarded to leading South Korean global engineering, procurement and construction contractor, DL E&C Co. Ltd .
    - Completion of an institutional placement for AUD 18 million supported by sophisticated and institutional investors.
    - The Company remains focussed on progressing the LCEP to provide low-cost nitrogen-based fertiliser for local and export agriculture markets. The LCEP will be the only fully integrated urea production facility in Australia and delivers a pre-tax leveraged Net Present Value (NPV) of AUD 3.4 billion with an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 30%.

  • Urea Manufacturing Facility Binding Heads of Agreement ; LCK Managing Director Phil Staveley commented on the DL E&C Co. Ltd. contract:“We are not bringing DL E&C Co. Ltd. as a contractor; we have engaged them as a partner for our project. Having a partner such as DL E&C for the project provides us with confidence in delivering the best outcome for the project, for the stakeholders and for our supportive shareholders.” “We are committed to moving forward towards the first integrated Australian Urea Production Project and this will be the first large scale fertiliser project in the world with zero carbon emissions as we previously committed.” “Awarding the Stage 2 construction contract moves the Leigh Creek project another major step closer todeveloping our large resource base in South Australia to be a leading supplier of urea to international markets and the Australian agriculture sector, removing many of the supply risks that currently impact Australia’s farmers, such as commodity price and exchange rate risks and timing

    - Execution of the binding Heads of Agreement (HoA) grants DL E&C Co., Ltd. (DL E&C) an exclusive right to negotiate the terms & conditions of the proposed agreement (Agreement) by 31 May 2021.
    - Under the HoA, DL E&C and LCK agree to settle the Agreement terms by which DL E&C will become the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning (EPCC) contractor.
    - Under the Agreement DL E&C will be contracted for the Feasibility, Front End Engineering & Design (FEED) stages, the EPCC contract and start-up of the urea manufacturing facility will be exclusively negotiated between the two parties.
    - Under the Agreement, DL E&C with LCK’s assistance will arrange the required finance for the turnkey price of the urea manufacturing facility from mainly Korean financial institutions.
    - DL E&C is a leading global engineering, procurement and construction contractor with deep technical expertise and corporate capability to partner with LCK.
    - Once the Agreement is finalised LCK will retain 100% ownership of the Leigh Creek Energy Project (LCEP) .
    - The LCEP will be the ONLY fully integrated urea production facility in Australia, with ALL inputs for low carbon urea production on-site . The project has strong economics with a Pre-tax leveraged Net Present Value (NPV) of A$3.4 billion, and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 30%.



    Commercial Urea Production Contract Awarded; LCK Managing Director Phil Staveley commented as follows:“This HoA is a major milestone for LCK as we are partnering with a leading global organisation with huge experience. We have chosen DL E&C from a pool of contenders as we are confident that they can deliver a first class urea production facility which will employ the latest innovative technology and that they will be a reliable partner.Construction of the LCEP plant will create thousands of South Australian jobs during construction, commissioning and operation

    - LCK has awarded the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Finance (EPCCF)contract to leading global engineering, procurement and construction contractor, DL E&C Co. Ltd.
    - The contract is for development of the full commercial stage of the Leigh Creek Energy Project (LCEP), consisting of a 1mtpa zero carbon urea production facility in South Australia .
    - Letter of support from a major South Korean bank has been issued to provide debt finance for up to 70% (or approximately AUD 1.5 Billion) of the stage 2 project costs .

    Key Terms of the Contract

    - DL E&C Co. Ltd, will manage the LCEP Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) and Front End Engineering & Design (FEED) stages, ahead of the Final Investment Decision .
    - Once Final Investment Decision is achieved and all relevant key engineering data and project execution documents are finalised with LCK, then DL E&C Co. Ltd, will perform the engineering, procurement construction and commissioning of the urea production facilities .
    - Under the contract the turnkey price of the EPCCF will be approximately 70% (or approximately AUD 1.5Billion) debt funded, the major portion of which will be funded by South Korean banks but with the potential for involvement of other multi-national banks. The finance will be provided subject to usual commercial terms and is stage-gated by a positive FID. The remaining 30% will be funded by a mixture of debt and equity .

    Next Steps

    DL E&C Co. Ltd. will make an immediate start on the BFS. The Front End Engineering Design follows rapidly and leads to the expected Final Investment Decision in late 2022 .


  • Leigh Creek Energy "hails award of commercial urea production contract"


    - Leigh Creek Energy Ltd's (ASX:LCK) (FRA:LVT) Justyn Peters speaks to Proactive's Andrew Scott soon after awarding the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Finance (EPCCF) contract for its flagship urea project to leading South Korean engineering and constructioncompany DL E&C Co. Ltd. The contract is for development of the full commercial stage of the Leigh Creek Energy Project which consists of a 1mtpa zero carbon urea production facility in South Australia. -


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