Uranium Star

  • Hallo newtechxkl,
    gönne Dir ja Deine Euphorie und bin selbst investiert.
    Allerdings sind diese Werte nicht etwa das Ergebnis der letzten Explorationsphase durch yukon, sondern historische Werte des Vorbesitzers.
    Also erst mal nichts neues.

    Was mich allerdings etwas negativ stimmt ist, dass yukon es anscheinend in der letzten Exploration nicht geschafft hat neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen und deswegen auf diese "ollen Kamellen" verweist. Alles gar nicht so gut. :(

    Ich glaube ich mach jetzt aus dieser Invesition die Fliege.

    Die Fliege

  • @ Fliege

    Ich glaube, dass es jetzt keinen Sinn macht Yukon zu verkaufen, der letzte newsrelease deutet darauf hin, dass sie jetzt mehr ueber das Projekt wissen und das Deposit gefunden haben. Das Yukon bald auf dem Sagar Projekt bohren wird sagt schon viel aus. Und ueber die Uran und Goldgehalte brauchen wir nicht zu diskutieren. Die sind mehr als weltklasse. Uebrigens, Yukon hat den Nevsun Geologen !!!!


    The spectacular mineralization found in the Mistamisk Boulder Field has fueled an ongoing drive to discover its source since the late 1980's. The Mistamisk Boulder field is approximately 500 X 250 meters in size and contains many radioactive boulders. In a Virginia Mines report, 70 boulders assayed an average of 64.9 g/t Au and 1.3% U (with values up to 640 g/t Au and 4.11% U ). Yukon is the direct beneficiary of the extensive exploration efforts conducted by Virginia Mines and other past operators. These programs have shown that the Sagar Property is characterized by an impressive amount of uranium, gold, copper and lead/zinc mineralization of different styles and potential deposit models.

    Armed with this historical data, Yukon, in the summer/fall of 2006 conducted an extensive field exploration program discovering highly mineralized uranium boulders to the north and south of the Mistamisk Boulder field. Quaternary work has confirmed the direction of the ice flow that produced the boulder field and initial water sample results have produced distinct uranium anomalies up ice of the boulder field. Yukon now believes that the potential source area of the boulder field has been identified and is planning a Winter Drill Program to test this hypothesis.

    A property-wide water survey was carried out in July/August, with the objective of delineating concealed U-Au-Cu targets. Preliminary interpretation of these results indicates that the most extensive and consistent uranium anomaly on the Sagar property occurs in an area centered approximately 2 km south of the Mistamisk Boulder Field.


    Yukon has now received the complete results from a 600-sample water survey undertaken in July/August, 2006.

    The water survey anomaly is approximately 2.5 km long and up to 600 m wide, oriented in a northwest direction. It is coincident with the radiometric anomaly delineated on the Royal Montreal grid during the September ground geophysical program, which may represent part of a radioactive dispersal fan. Quaternary investigations during July/August led to the interpretation of a predominantly northward direction of glacial transport and a relatively short transport distance (less than 5 km). The combination of geochemical and geophysical anomalies in locations consistent with the interpretation of up-ice transport direction and distance from the boulder field is regarded as particularly encouraging.


    Yukon believes the potential source area of the Mistamisk Boulder Field has now been identified and the paucity of outcrop in the area of the water anomaly suggests that any mineral occurrence is concealed. Yukon also believes that further investigation of the Quaternary geology in three dimensions in conjunction with a winter drill program will be necessary to isolate the exact location of the Mistamisk Boulder Field source.


    This program consisted mainly of line-cutting, radiometric and magnetometer surveys with additional prospecting and geological reconnaissance. The exploration program was designed and implemented by GeoVector Management Inc. (GeoVector), of Ottawa, Ontario.

    A total of 98.4 km of line were cut on five separate grids, including the key Royal Montreal Target, located south of Mistamisk Lake, the Crowbush target located on a major east-west structure, and three grids on the St George's target located on the eastern margin of the horst (Osprey, Le Geant and Redtail). Approximately 90 km of radiometric and 80 km of magnetic surveying were conducted on the cut lines. A large radiometric anomaly was defined over the Royal Montreal target and radiometric anomalies were also defined on the Osprey and Redtail grids, over known uranium showings. Induced polarization surveys will be conducted on selected grids in the winter, as well as on new grids in areas that were water covered during the summer exploration programs.

  • Yukon Resources Announces Private Placement Financing of US$2,650,000 with Dundee Securities Corporation

    2006-11-29 09:00 ET - News Release

    TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 11/29/06

    YUKON RESOURCES CORPORATION ("Yukon") (OTCBB: YUKR)(FWB: YE5) is pleased to announce that it has completed the private placement of 5,300,000 flow-through units of Yukon ("Flow-Through Units") at a price of US$0.50 per Flow-Through Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of US$2,650,000 to accredited investors on a private placement basis. Each Flow-Through Unit is comprised of one flow-through common share ("Flow-Through Common Share") of Yukon and one-half of one warrant ("FT Warrant"), with each FT Warrant entitling the holder thereof to purchase one non flow-through common share of Yukon at an exercise price of US$0.75 at any time until November 24, 2008. Dundee Securities Corporation acted as agent in connection with the private placement.

    Yukon plans to use the gross proceeds from the sale of the Flow-Through Units for exploration expenses related to the Corporation's Sagar Property located in the Labrador Trough, Quebec, Canada (Find full & current property information at http://www.yukr.com).

    Yukon Resources is a rapidly emerging uranium exploration company with assets in Northern Quebec, Arizona and Finland. Yukon trades on the OTCBB under the symbol YUKR as well as the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol YE5. The company continues to focus on high priority uranium property acquisition and exploration in order to participate in meeting the significant and increasing demand for uranium as an alternative energy source.

  • Yukon Resources Corp.: Sagar Property Assay Results Return Multiple Values Greater Than 1% Uranium, and Greater Than 30.0 Grams Gold

    2006-12-14 14:09 ET - News Release

    TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 12/14/06

    Yukon Resources Corp. (Yukon) (OTCBB: YUKR)(FWB: YE5) has received the final assays of its summer and fall exploration programs from the Sagar Uranium - Gold Property located in the Labrador Trough of Northern Quebec.

    High grade uranium, gold and copper results have been returned from several areas on the property. A total of 6 samples returned values greater than 1.0% U and 27 samples were greater than 0.1% U. Gold values over 30.0 g/t occurred in 6 samples and 25 samples were greater than 1.0 g/t.

    Assay Results Enhance Yukon's Interpreted Target Areas

    The results support the current interpretation of a concentration of mineralization along specific geological units and associated with structures defined by geophysical surveys as well as field mapping and prospecting. In addition, new discoveries of mineralized boulders along the interpreted glacial ice direction has increased the confidence placed in areas targeted as the up ice source areas for the spectacular mineralization of the Mistamisk Boulder Field (previously reported, 70 boulders assayed an average of 64.9 g/t Au and 1.3% U) (news release Nov 10, 2006)

    Areas with significant mineralization include; uranium and gold in the Eagle West area located to the south of the Mistamisk boulder field; gold-uranium in the Red Tail area situated along an important east-west bounding structure; uranium-gold in the Osprey area; copper-gold in the Crowbush area; copper-cobalt in the Tache Lake area (southwest of the Red Tail area) and copper in the Delhi Pacific and Le Geant areas.

    Eagle West Target Area

    The Eagle West area is approximately 1 km down ice from the Mistamisk boulder field and 2 km up ice from the uranium in water sample anomalies reported by Yukon (news release Nov 10, 2006). Samples were taken from large angular boulders and possible sub-crop along a 1km trend parallel to the Romanet River approximately 1km south of the Mistamisk boulder field. Sample material indicates that the source area is proximal to the sampled locations.

    The style of mineralization (albitized green mudstone) and metal associations (lead, selenium, nickel, barium) are similar to those associated with the Mistamisk boulder field. Numerous significant samples were returned with highlights of greater than 1% U, 213.0 g/t Au, 2.91% U, 10.4 g/t Au and 2.41% U and 17.3 g/t Au.

    Mistamisk Boulder Field-Extension

    The main Mistamisk boulder field was expanded beyond the original 250 x 500m area with selected samples assaying 1.45% U, 43.4 g/t Au and 0.06% U and 32.5 g/t Au. Of significance, mineralized boulders were also found 1.3 km north (down ice) of the main boulder field with results including 1.89% U and 42.4 g/t Au. All these samples support the concept that the potential mineralized source area is around the previously announced water anomalies which are located several kilometers to the south of the Mistamisk boulder field.

    Red Tail Target Area

    The Red Tail area is located on the eastern end of an important east-west bounding structure and the mineralization occurs in outcrop associated with felsic dykes. Assay highlights include 0.53% U, 125.0 g/t Au, 0.42% Mo; 0.48% U, 37.2 g/t Au, 1.31% Mo; and 0.02% U, 159.0 g/t Au, 0.65% Mo. The mineralization also contains significant copper, up to 0.63%, selenium (1.0%) and lead (0.39%)

    Crowbush Target Area

    The Crowbush area is situated in the center of the interpreted east-west structure. The water geochemical survey defined an extensive area of low pH bogs surrounded by uranium - molybdenum and uranium - copper anomalies on the Crowbush Grid. The Crowbush also contains an alteration anomaly outlined by the water survey. The area contains numerous low grade uranium and copper anomalies in outcrop. Of significance, a sample of subcrop returned 5.53% Cu and 0.2 g/t Au in the alteration anomaly area. Another sample of outcrop returned greater than 1% Cu and 0.6 g/t near the pH anomaly. The water survey results have identified this area as a high priority target for the upcoming winter drill program.

    Significant Copper Results

    Significant copper results were returned from the Le Geant area, with grab samples grading up to 13.1% copper. From the Delhi Pacific showing samples returned up to 17.8% copper. The Tache Lake showing located south of the Red Tail area returned values of up to 11.3% copper, 0.27% cobalt and 2.41% copper and 0.59% cobalt.

    A new showing in the Viking area appears to be a new style of mineralization for the Sagar area, assaying 6.07% copper, 0.17% cobalt, 0.22% mercury, and 5.69% selenium. For the first time, the exploration has identified nickel on the property with the sample assaying 1.64% nickel.

    Table of Assay Results

    A table of assay results is presented below for uranium, gold and copper. We have also provided a map of Sagar which outlines exploration target area, 2006 assays and previous drilling indicated by dots on the following map. These assay results highlight the high tenor and the widespread distribution of the mineralization on the Sagar Property.

    Note: The company is awaiting over assay results on select samples shown as greater than 1% and these will be reported once received from the lab.

    Sample Area U % Au g/t Cu %
    GR00891 Eagle NW 2.91 10.40 0.14
    GR00626 Eagle NW 2.41 17.30 0.03
    GR00687 Eagle NW (i) greater
    than 1.00 213.00 0.02
    GR00688 Eagle NW 0.58 1.38 0.00
    GR00755 Eagle NW 0.41 21.20 0.07
    GR00690 Eagle NW 0.38 15.60 0.01
    GR00744 Eagle NW 0.28 0.09 0.01
    GR00732 Eagle NW 0.26 4.95 0.01
    GR00737 Eagle NW 0.24 3.43 0.00
    GR00752 Eagle NW 0.12 15.20 0.01
    GR00742 Eagle NW 0.04 3.20 0.01
    GR00733 Eagle NW 0.01 1.28 0.01
    GR00735 Eagle NW 0.01 4.01 0.00
    GR00894 Eagle 1.58 0.10 0.00
    GR00854 Red Tail 0.02 159.00 0.07
    GR00853 Red Tail 0.48 37.20 0.63
    GR00895 Red Tail 0.53 125.00 0.16
    GR00876 Mistamisk 1.45 43.40 0.01
    GR00671 Mistamisk 0.06 32.50 0.02
    GR00669 Mistamisk
    North 1.89 42.40 0.01
    GR00602 Crowbush 0.00 0.21 5.53
    GR00601 Crowbush 0.00 0.12 2.02
    GR00851 Crowbush 0.00 0.21 1.63
    GR00610 Crowbush 0.00 0.62 (i) greater
    than 1.00
    GR00877 Crowbush 0.00 0.49 (i) greater
    than 1.00
    GR00673 Tache Lake 0.00 0.20 2.41
    GR00674 Tache Lake 0.00 1.92 11.30
    GR00859 Delhi Pacific 0.00 0.09 17.80
    GR00860 Delhi Pacific 0.00 1.73 8.34
    GR00861 Delhi Pacific 0.00 0.11 8.15
    GR00710 Le Geant 0.00 0.02 3.23
    GR00716 Le Geant 0.00 0.03 2.96
    GR00857 Le Geant 0.00 0.22 9.29
    GR00713 Le Geant 0.00 0.02 8.95
    GR00709 Le Geant 0.00 0.07 6.35
    GR00712 Le Geant 0.00 0.20 8.14
    GR00856 Le Geant 0.00 0.36 12.70
    GR00715 Le Geant 0.00 0.16 13.10
    GR00730 Osprey 0.00 0.18 (i) greater
    than 1.00
    GR00722 Osprey 0.21 20.80 0.10
    GR00701 Osprey 0.54 0.02 0.00

    (i) highlights are samples that need over assays

    Joe Campbell (P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person for all the technical information contained in this press release.

    Yukon Resources is a rapidly emerging uranium exploration company with assets in Northern Quebec, Arizona and Finland. Yukon trades on the OTCBB under the symbol YUKR as well as the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol YE5. The company continues to focus on high priority uranium property acquisition and exploration in order to participate in meeting the significant and increasing demand for uranium as an alternative energy source.

  • Yukon Resources Corp. Changes Name to "Uranium Star Corp." and Stock Trading Symbol to "URST"

    2007-01-02 11:29 ET - News Release

    TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 01/02/07

    Yukon Resources Corp. (the "Company") (OTCBB: YUKR)(FWB: YE5) is pleased to announce that an Annual Meeting of its Stockholders was held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on December 22, 2006.

    A quorum, consisting of a majority of the Company's outstanding shares of common stock as of the record date of November 20, 2006, was present in person or by proxy at the meeting.

    At the meeting, holders of a majority of the Company's outstanding shares of common stock on the record date voted in favor of changing the Company's name to "Uranium Star Corp." Further to the approval granted by the stockholders, a Certificate of Amendment effecting the name change was filed with and accepted by the Nevada Secretary of State on December 22, 2006. Therefore, effective December 22, 2006, the Company's name is "Uranium Star Corp."

    Also further to the change of the Company's name, the Company has notified Nasdaq of the amendment. The Company has been notified by Nasdaq that beginning January 3, 2007, the Company's trading symbol on the OTC Bulletin Board will be "URST".

    In addition to this change to the Company's name, a number of other matters were submitted to the Company's stockholders for their approval. The Company is pleased to announce the following voting results:

    - holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock cast at the meeting voted to approve the election of the following persons to serve as directors of the Company, each to hold office for a term expiring at the next annual meeting of stockholders or until his successor shall have been duly elected and qualified:

    J.A. Kirk McKinnon
    Richard E. Schler
    William Nielsen
    Hadyn Butler
    Elgin M. Wolfe

    - holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock cast at the meeting voted to ratify an increase to the Company's authorized capital from the 75,000,000 shares of common stock presently authorized to 125,000,000 shares of common stock;

    - holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock cast at the meeting voted to ratify the appointment of Moore Stephens Cooper Molyneux LLP, Chartered Accountants, as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007; and

    - holders of a majority of the Company's outstanding shares of common stock voted to approve the Company's re-incorporation under the laws of Minnesota and to authorize the Company's Board of Directors, in their complete discretion, to complete, postpone or abandon this re-incorporation.

    Further to the approved increase to Company's authorized capital, a Certificate of Change effecting the increase was filed with and accepted by the Nevada Secretary of State on December 22, 2006. Therefore, effective December 22, 2006, the Company's authorized capital consists of 125,000,000 shares of common stock.

    No action has yet been taken with respect to the approval granted for the Company to re-incorporate under the laws of Minnesota.


    Uranium Star Corp. is a rapidly emerging uranium exploration company with assets in Northern Quebec, Arizona and Finland. Its shares are traded on the OTCBB under the symbol YUKR (and beginning January 3, 2007, under the symbol URST), as well as the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol YE5. The Company continues to focus on high priority uranium property acquisition and exploration in order to participate in meeting the significant and increasing demand for uranium as an alternative energy source.

    Except for historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this press release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors effecting the Company's operations, markets, products and prices and other factors discussed in the Company's various filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    Uranium Star Corp. (formerly Yukon Resources Corp.)
    Investor Information Services
    Toll Free: 1-866-985-6696

  • By David Bond, Editor,

    The Silver Valley Mining Journal

    Glowing Gold In The Dark

    Toronto, Ontario – Normal people bugger-off to places like Cabo, Mazatlan, or the French Riveria this time of year. But oh, no, not the guys we hang with. Kirk McKinnon and Bill Nielsen are instead heading north of all possible sanity to bang on a pile of radioactive boulders in Quebec's “Friveria” up by James Bay – a detritus of a long-ago Ice Age that left its calling card: 10 oz/ton gold, and uranium values worth more far more than the incredible gold values, a frog-lash south of the Circle.

    And we're with them.

    We don't usually depart far from our beat as the second or third-most astute writer about all topics regarding silver and silver mining to write about uranium. Normally, we leave that task to the plethora of pump'n'dumpers out there. But when a great detective yarn, a quest for a new Mother Lode, 10-ounce gold and $1,800 rock all ravel together in one story, well . . . we could turn away Sandra Bullock's friendly advances for a piece of that.

    Welcome to Uranium Star (URST, and until earlier this month known as Yukon Resources), and the Detective Story of the Century: The Mystery of Mistamisk. The Uranium Star guys are out to solve that mystery, which is why these great big radioactive 10 ounce-gold rocks are where they are, and where they came from. This is the 21st Century's first great search for the Mother Lode.

    Hang with us for a moment:

    Satellites first discovered the Mistamisk boulders in the early 1980s, back when most satellites were looking for Russian rockets and mapping Earth's resources was something of an afterthought. But here was this blob of inexplicably rich rocks on the tundra. Majors from Noranda and Kennecott on up drilled around and about these boulders, as a prudent geologist would do, but to no avail. Seems the Mistamisk boulders had fallen out of the sky. Which, based on our 1980s understanding of how Ice Age glaciers moved, they might as well have. I mean, think about how we were taught that glaciers move: an inch or two per century, right?

    (Our first inkling that geologic events move at least as fast as our pass at Sandra Bullock would be rejected came when Mount St. Helens blew up in May of 1980. With very little warning. Violent and rapid. In one afternoon a mountain 300 miles west of Wallace went Ker-Pow and six hours later we were drenched in a foot of volcanic dust. So it is not too far a reach to speculate that Ice Ages advance and retreat with similar dispatch.)

    As the Finns discovered two years ago in a study of ice movements on the Scandinavian peninsula, these glaciers don't creep at the rate of centimeters per century. Try, instead, kilometers per century. The Finns also came up with vectors of Ice Age movement. Turns out, the glaciers boogied in directions contrary to the common wisdom, amped-up on mid-Proterozoic speed.

    So here is the scenario. For reasons far beyond control of the current Bush Administration, the Tories Greenpeace, the EEU or anybody else, this glacier went BANG over the top of this uranium- and gold-rich horst, mowed the top of it off, and sent those boulders a-scattering to their present location. Back-track the ice, and there's the Mother Lode.

    Which to Bill Nielsen, Uranium Star's geologist, is a trail that can be followed quite accurately. Nielsen (yes, Nevsun's Nielsen) is no schlepper. We are walking together from Uranium Star's offices on Adelaide in Toronto up to lunch around the corner at Barrister's, a popular Toronto miner's hang-out.. Turns out we have mutual friends: Nielsen was once Hecla's one-man office in Toronto. He knows our neck of the woods well. (If you can figure out Coeur d'Alene District geology, you can do arithmetic in Chinese.)

    Geologists were a dime a dozen in the 1990s. So what kept you in the game? we ask him. “They treated miners like dirt. But I have a restless mind,” he replies, sharing the angst he felt being a miner, a pariah, during that dreadful era.

    Nielsen applied Finland's vectors to the Mistamisk boulders, back-tracked accordingly, kilometers instead of meters, drew some water, and found the pH to be right for uranium. When we visited their Toronto office on Adelaide, everyone in that little cramped space was working the logistics for a full-tilt, 6,000- to 8,000-meter drilling program, scheduling helicopters, DC-3s and Twin Otters. The rush is on.

    So come about March, Uranium Star will begin drilling this discovery out, building the base camp, plowing out the runways. They don't expect to even have to do all the NI 43-101 stuff; somebody will take them out when the first holes come in. Tough darts if the gold comes up a little radioactive. Goldfinger had a cure for that.

    As we visited in Toronto in late December, Uranium Star's prexy, Kirk McKinnon, had just closed out a PP for 50 cents; the stock was trading at 0.85 US. As we type this, URST's stock is well over $1.20 and headed seriously north.

    Not a one-trick pony, Uranium Star is also active in Arizona, at the Workman Creek uranium project in Gila County, on claims drilled out in the 1960s by a Westinghouse subsidiary, and right next door to Rodina Minerals' claims, the latter reporting a NI 43-101 inferred resource of 5.54 million pounds of U308, and on a pair of uranium prospects in Finland covering 150 square kilometers.

    A final note, as, if you attended our rant in Paris in November, we gauge mining outfits by their people. We had a niggling technical question for Mr, McKinnon. So we phoned up, expecting the usual voice-mail Hell. To our surprise, the receptionist was the president himself. 'Can I help you?'

    “Kirk, what are you doing, answering the phone?”

    His reply: “Well, everybody else here was busy.”

  • Wieder so ein eigenartiger Fall eines Explorers, dessen Börsenkurs schon fast bei Null (2c im Dezember 2008, nun 43c) lag - als Beispiel für die unglaubliche Volatilität der ganzen Branche.

    Man suchte zuvor mit großem Tamtam nach einem vermeintlich gewaltigen Uranvorkommen in Kanada und benannte sich deshalb um von Yukon Resources in "Uranium Star". Gefunden wurde damals nichts, und der Kurs sackte ins Nirgendwo. Inzwischen melden sie nun hingegen den Fund eines großen Vanadium-Vorkommens in 100%igem Besitz in Madagaskar - und es kommt wieder ordentlich Schwung in den ausgebombten Kurs. Ob sie dann wohl bald "Vanadium Star" heißen?

    In der Kasse sind nur noch $ 2 Millionen, also wird wohl eine Kapitalerhöhung folgen. Wenn´s diesmal stimmt, was sie sagen, wäre dies das wohl größte einzelne Vanadium-Vorkommen weltweit.

    Uranium Star Acquires Remaining 25% Interest in Green Giant Vanadium Deposit in Madagascar;
    Company Now Holds 100% of Projected 200 Million Tonne Deposit



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