Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • Tschonko, sorry!

    Hab Deine Antwort jetzt erst gesehen, so ist das, wenn man weg war & sich erst einlesen muss.

    Hab dort eben im Azteca Thread dazu schon was geschrieben.

    Schnäppchen sind da wohl deshalb noch zu finden, weil die Bunker Hill Superfund Site als Angstkloss allen noch im Hals sitzt.

    Schnäppchen wohl zu recht, bisher.
    Aber allein der Mut einiger weniger, dennoch da etwas bewegen zu wollen - und das schon deutlich vor Ende des Jahrzehntes, überrascht mich nun selber - mich, der ich ja dennoch positiv gegenüber den Minen dort eingestellt war & bin - derart, dass ich denke, es sollte alle anderen, die sich damit beschäftigen (in USA vor allem) eigentlich noch etwas mehr überraschen, in naher Zukunft. ...

    Sind halt elendige Pinksheets, das scheint mir der Haupthaken, sowas lässt sich schlechter anpreisen, - wobei dieses Marktsegment bezüglich SRLM einen Moriarty anfangs ja auch nicht weiter störte, 2003 / 2004 ... :D

    Das Zielpublikum ist dann wohl der nächste Haken!!

    Mit 1 Mio US$ kannst Du (ist irreal, wäre alles bei konstantem derzeitigen Marktwert) eine MSLM.PK komplett kaufen.

    Schon 10 Leute, die bereit wären, da mehr als 50.000 US$ reinzustecken würden den Preis ins absurde schrauben.

    Fazit meinerseits wäre also: Eine HSCM.PK, MSLM.PK, KPCM.PK und so fort haben die Analysten wirklich einfach nicht auf ihrem Schirm.


    PPS: Danke für die ECU News, - die sind wirklich stressig, weiss auch noch nicht, ob ichs mir antue. :]
    Aber ist halt ein super Ding. ...
    Derzeit ist sehr viel in Bewegung und ich habe das Gefühl man muss flexibel sein und sehr wach umher gucken!

  • Zitat

    Original von Tschonko
    FCO.TO durchbricht 52 Wochen Hoch bei 0,69.
    Das wird doch noch ein G´schäft. Meinem Arsch sei Dank, einfach ersessen. :D

    Die FCO ist auch ein Augenstern!
    Ist aus einem Dreieck ausgebrochen.
    Und auf dem Weg, weiter rauf, aktuell 0.75 Ca$ ...

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


    PPS: Was emo wohl zum heute wieder mal typischen Kursverlauf im 10-Tageschart bei Silber sagt?
    Erst ruhig, immer ruhiger, schlaf ein, - ruhiger - & dann: ZACK!!
    - Runter ... :rolleyes:

  • so schwach hab ich mir den Vollmond gar nicht vorgestellt...

    ...hab Nachmittags noch einen 13,5er Slv-Call, zwei Monate Laufzeit reingenommen, weil, (frei nach Kostolany)

    ...wer kein Geld hat ... MUSS... :D


    emoba :rolleyes:

  • Hallo emo!

    Milly war ähnlich unterwegs heute ...
    Oh Jesses! :D
    Ich hab schiiiisss. Nein, das mach ich jedenfalls mal lieber nicht.

    Mir fallen zu Silber ein:

    1) Quartalswechsel

    2) "ruhiges" Plateau seit Tagen über 13, - heute erster kurzer Absacker unter 13 ...

    Im Goldismoney Forum bastel ich grade an einem Bunker Hill Thread.
    Wird kürzer, als unserer.

    Aber sie haben tatsächlich NULL in der Richtung.
    Andere Foren auch nicht.
    Aber mehr als 3 Stück will ich mir nicht vorknöpfen.

    Sonst wirds unübersichtlich und ausserdem macht es sonst einfach auch keinen Spass mehr ... .
    Bin ja nicht Mutter Theresa. 8)


  • @emo,
    die Minen reagieren gar nicht.

    danke, was soll´s!. Management play sind die FCO.
    Seit 10 Jahren arbeiten sie an der Eröffnung der Cobalt Mine und es scheint zu gelingen.
    ECU hat halt schon hohe MC. Schau dir EXM.V od. EXN.V an! :]

    Management Verflechtungen:
    siehe Malachite thread.

    Und noch ein Beispiel:
    Hamelin war maßgeblich beim Aufbau von ECU dabei.
    Nun ist er bei UC.V, wo auch im Herbst Bruno Weiss dazukam.
    Den hab ich auf der 1. Edelmetallmesse kennengelernt und auch geschrieben, dass eine Company entsteht.
    Und die hat sich sehr gut entwickelt, hat auch gute Properties und seit neuestem ein JV mit Goldcorp.
    Und Hamelin ist neben Weiss auch wieder dabei! :D

    Hemis Corp. (HMSO.OB)

    Die Homepage ist auch zu empfehlen:

    Premier Gold ist auch eine Erfolgsstory geworden, nebenbei auch ein Geschäft. Nach den gratisaktien hab ich da ziemlich bald ziemlich unten nachgelegt. :D

    Und mit dieser Meldung passen sie auch sehr gut in diesen Thread: Hola!!

    Premier to acquire "high grade" Mexican opportunity
    Monday April 2, 10:00 am ET

    Shares Issued: 59,135,492
    THUNDER BAY, ON, April 2 /CNW/ - PREMIER GOLD MINES LIMITED (PG:TSX) is pleased to announce it has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Sutter Gold Mining Inc. (SGMI; SGM.V) to jointly explore the Santa Teresa mineral concession, located in the historic and high grade El Alamo District of Baja California Norte, Mexico. The concession is accessible by road, located 10 kilometres west of Highway 3, some 100 kilometres southeast of Ensenada and about 250 kilometres from San Diego, California, USA.

    This proposed joint venture (JV) meshes well with Premier's NW Ontario
    assets as:

    The Santa Teresa Concession (STC) is located adjacent to and on strike from the past-producing Princessa Mine (the district's largest gold producer), whose orebody was known to extend close to the STC boundary. Data suggests that extensions of the Princessa Mine along strike and at depth have not been tested. The El Alamo District's gold production halted at its peak owing to technological and political circumstances early in the 20th century, thus presenting a unique opportunity to the JV today. The mineralization in the district is characterized by common visible gold hosted within narrow and near-vertical quartz veins associated with felsic intrusives.
    Premier's senior management experience in the Red Lake District of NW Ontario coupled with Sutter's experience in the Mother Lode District of California makes this JV team extremely well-suited to exploring the El Alamo District successfully. Stephen McGibbon, Premier's COO and former Goldcorp Inc. Chief Geologist in Red Lake commented that "we envision excellent potential to discover high grade ore bodies in the El Alamo District given its strong history, and insufficient exploration." Further he commented that "while this is an early stage project, it is expected that initial exploration could yield very exciting results."

    Premier will earn an initial 50% interest in the project by:

    In addition, Premier has secured the right to earn an additional 15% interest in the JV (for a total interest of 65%) by making a further cash payment of $500,000 to SGMI and conducting an additional US$4.0 million in exploration on the property. SGMI will be the initial operators of the project, however, Premier can take over as operator once it secures a greater than 50% interest in the project.
    Ewan Downie emphasized "Premier is fully funded in 2007 to meet its obligations to the Santa Teresa Project as well as its commitments in Red Lake. Our Mexican venture will not impair progress on our flagship Red Lake JV with Goldcorp Inc. and allows the company to pursue a premier high-grade opportunity."

    Stephen McGibbon, P.Geo., Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of Premier, is the qualified person for the information contained in this press release and is a Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101.

    Premier Gold Mines Limited is a Canadian-based mineral exploration and development company with diverse property holdings that include several projects and deposits in Northwestern Ontario and a joint venture in Mexico. In the Red Lake gold mining camp, two of these are operated in joint venture with Goldcorp Inc. (TSX:G - News). A strategic project is also located on the main Musselwhite Gold Mine trend (Goldcorp-Kinross).

    The statements made in this Press Release may contain forward-looking statements that may involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

    For further information

    Ewan Downie, President & CEO, Phone: (807) 346-1390, Fax: (807) 345-0284, e-mail:, Web Site:


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Mexico ist nicht nur Sierra madre........

    Mexico again a prime target for silver miners
    Mining on the old Mexican silver belt is seeing something of a revival as North American headquartered mining companies look at bulk mining the lower grade material ignored by many of the old Mexican mine operators.

    Author: Lawrence Williams
    Posted: Wednesday , 28 Mar 2007

    LONDON -

    At the MCL 20:20 Silver Day held in London this week it was perhaps significant that of the seven companies making presentations to the audience of brokers, analysts, fund managers, press and fellow miners, four (First Majestic, Arian, Excellon and Scorpio) were focusing almost entirely on Mexico and were already producing silver or had late stage projects in progress, while two others, Hecla and Sterling, were looking to Mexico as a route for expanding silver output additional to their existing North American projects and operations.

    Historically Mexico has always been one of the world's top silver producers, primarily from the country's silver belt trending mainly northwest/southeast and centred on the city of Zacatecas in the centre of the country. But much of the mining has been relatively small scale on some of the extremely high grade material which has been found along this silver trend which runs for hundreds of miles. Now with the recent runup in the price of silver, North American companies in particular have been attracted to this area which has the advantage of boasting good local infrastructure, a potential workforce with good mining experience and a relatively stable political environment.

    Few of these old mining properties have anything approaching a modern standard resource estimate, but the initial determinations by the companies involved suggest that the amount of silver still in the ground is very substantial indeed - most of it being considered too low grade to mine in the old days, but nowadays with modern mining and processing techniques can be mined extremely profitably, particularly with the sliver price at the current high levels. Indeed many observers view the outlook for silver as being far better than that for gold - and the outlook for the gold price is generally considered extremely bullish.

    Some of the resources being exposed by this new generation of Mexican mine operators are quite substantial. With most of the deposits being vein deposits, but surrounded with disseminated mineralisation, some of the tonnage potential for bulk mining operations on surface and underground makes for strong mining cases. Yet there is still good high grade material to be found too - as witness Excellon's 1,546 g/tonne silver (with associated lead and zinc) average grade over the past year and a half of production.

    Old mine tailings are also proving an attraction with material grading 200 g/tonne or more not unheard of.

    With the precious metal mineralisation being worked nearer the surface, some geologists suggest that grades may decrease at depth, with base metals grades increasing, but others say that the good silver mineralisation continues at depth. This makes for additional potential as the older Mexican mines seldom went deep - indeed some stopped at the water table.

    What does seem to be possible in this area is to set up and generate a cash flow rather faster than would be the case in most parts of the world. The area is used to mining activity and there doesn't tend to be some of the local and environmental opposition to new mining operations which might be seen in virgin territory.

    One can expect some good, and relatively quick, returns from the miners working the old silver belt particularly if the prognosis for the silver price is as good as many seem to think.

    Wer hat den Goldenen Pfeil abgeschossen? Edel, gib´s zu! :D

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    Wer hat den Goldenen Pfeil abgeschossen? Edel, gib´s zu! :D

    Daß Du das nachgehalten hast! Hab früher öfter darüber gepostet.

    Die ist als Grosso - Kind so interessant,daß ich fast einen Sräd eröffnet hätte.

    Bekommt u a.Royalties von Yamana, und hat ne Kiste voller Gebiete.

    War es aber heute nicht, hab seit längerem eine Anzahl.
    Zu dem Spin Off von IMA zugekauft.
    Ist mit 10 Mio Aktien sehr lütt, gut für die wenigen Shareholder. :)

    Die wird noch mal Besonderes. (Hoffe ich jedenfalls =) )

    Ja, und Premier läuft und läuft,hat eigenen Sräd von valueman.

    Edel Man

    PS:Sehe gerade, daß Rubicon / RMX, auch ein Red Lake Play, auch ausreißt !

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Scheint sich kein Mensch mehr dafür zu interessieren, fällt wie ein Stein, Grund genug, gaaaanz antizyklisch im Bach der Bären ein Bad zu nehmen.

    Konnte der Versuchung nicht widerstehen ein paar Aktien zu kaufen, obwohl man ja selten das Tief trifft und man besser warten soll, bis es wieder aufwärts geht.... Aber irgendjemand muss ja den Kurs stützen :D

  • Bear Creek scheint an der Südamerika Krankheit zu leiden. Peru ist ja nicht gerade das stabilste politsche Land. Vielleicht jetzt, aber bis die auch wirklich eine Schaufel in die Erde stecken und das Zeug ausbuddeln kann schon ein ganz anderer Präsident oben herumtanzen. 8)

    Ansonsten wäre da noch der etwas wilde Vertrag mit Rio Tinto mit Erfolgprämien pro Unze und Claw Back in von 60%.

    Der einzige positive Punkt sind die anderen (100% owned) Projekte in Peru auf denen sich dieses Jahr etwas tun sollte.

  • harpo,zwyss,
    die sind in der Konsolidierung. Guter Wert. Voriges Jahr mächtig gestiegen.

    EXN.V hat Zahlen vorgelegt.
    hab sie nur überflogen. Auf den ersten Blick fällt mir nur:
    "deaf's a bissal mehra sei?"

    Das Lied kann man sich unter "Galerie" hier anhören.
    Super Bühnenpräsenz, davon konnte ich mich gestern überzeugen. :D

    Könnt sein, dass es EXN bald noch günstiger gibt.
    Rückgang ist erklärt.
    Das Silber loan im juni dürfte bedient werden können????

    Excellon Reports Second Quarter Earnings of $216,396 and Six Month Earnings of $7,844,647
    Tuesday April 3, 4:20 pm ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - April 3, 2007) - Excellon Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:EXN - News) reports earnings of $216,396 for the three month period ended January 31, 2007 and $7,844,647 for the six month period ended January 31, 2007. Excellon generated operating cash flow of $1,875,145 in the second quarter, operating cash flow of $4,123,480 in the six month period, and the Company had $13,805,628 cash on hand as at January 31, 2007. Other results from the three and six month periods ended January 31, 2007 include:

    To view the following results please click on the following link:

    Test-Mining Operations

    The quarter ended January 31, 2007 was disappointing from a production point of view. Shipments to the Naica milling facility of Industrias Penoles S.A. de C.V. ("Penoles") were 8,546 tonnes during the period compared with 9,554 tonnes in the quarter ended January 31, 2006, 11,536 tonnes in the quarter ended October 31, 2006, and a target of 15,000 tonnes. Although the operations at Platosa could have maintained the targeted production rates, continuing difficulties experienced at the Naica mine restricted the shipments it could receive. Shipments improved during February and the Company reached the rate of 4,200 tonnes per month in March. This rate is forecast to reach 5,000 tonnes by May.

    During the period, development of underground access and mine infrastructure to reach the new mineralization discovered in December 2005 was progressed and initial production from the area was started. With the increase to the mineral resource now available to the test-mining infrastructure that is in place, an evaluation of a mill at Platosa is warranted. Construction of a mill at Platosa will allow production of lead and zinc concentrates and sale to the international markets independent of the current long distance transport of the ore and dependence on the Naica mill operation. It will also allow for better utilization of the mining and crushing capacity now established at Platosa as well as provide a higher return on the metal produced. As part of the evaluation, the planning and permitting process was initiated during the quarter.

    The following are the production statistics for the three and six month periods January 31, 2007 and 2006 and the year ended July 31, 2006:

    To view the following results please click on the following link:

    The average grade of contained metal in ore shipped in the quarter ended January 31, 2007 was less than that of the quarter ended October 31, 2006 (silver - 82.1 g/t; lead - 12.9%; zinc - 6.4%). The reduced grade resulted from the development of the access ramp to the new mineralized zone to the north that unexpectedly encountered a breccia zone of mineralization. This zone of lower grade was outside the interpreted mineral resource and resulted in lower than planned grades being shipped to Naica.

    Results of Operations

    Six months ended January 31, 2007 compared to six months ended January 31, 2006

    During the six months ended January 31, 2007, the Company recorded net income of $7,844,647 compared to a net loss of $5,187,980 in 2006. Gross operating income for the period was $17,426,642 compared to $5,689,639 in 2006. Operating income for the period was $8,178,385, compared to a loss of $5,187,980 in 2006. Included in net income is a loss resulting from the valuation of the Company's silver debenture of $2,820,460 (2006 - $4,423,870). Excluding this valuation loss, the Company would have reported net income of $10,665,107 (2006 - net loss of $764,110).

    During the six months ended January 31, 2007, the Company produced 19,538 tonnes (2006-18,528) of ore and shipped 20,082 tonnes (2006 - 17,917 tonnes) of ore. Revenues during the period were $20,686,888 (2006 - $8,180,186) and cost of production was $3,260,246 (2006 - $2,490,547), resulting in gross operating income from mining operations of $17,426,642 (2006 - $5,689,639). Although the amount of ore shipped during the six months ended January 31, 2007 was only 12% greater than in 2006, revenues were significantly increased due to the substantial increase in metal prices and silver grade. During the six month period ended January 31, 2007, an error in calculating the inventory of ore in the stockpile related to moisture content was discovered and resulted in an increase in the cost of production of $511,292. Existing procedures have been reviewed to ensure a reasonable calculation in the future.

    Operating expenses decreased from $10,877,619 in 2006 to $9,248,257 in 2007. The decrease was due to a reduced silver debenture valuation loss of $2,820,460 (2006 - $4,423,870), consulting fees of $159,362 (2006 - $326,320), foreign exchange gain of $402,713 (2006 - loss of $122,859) and amortization of acquisition costs of $363,898 (2006 - $2,489,708). Amortization of acquisition costs was lower due to the impact of the expanded identified Mineral Resource.

    The operating expense decrease was partially offset by increased salaries of $494,578 (2006 - $285,799), mine administration costs of $869,471 (2006 - $471,549), travel and business development costs of $507,875 (2006 - $371,395), professional fees of $254,603 (2006 - $140,213), stock-based compensation of $974,000 (2006 - $582,700) and exploration expenditures of $2,562,036 (2006 - $1,087,151). Mine administration costs and professional fees were higher than in 2006 due to increased operations at the mine and the resulting activities required to support these operations. In addition, the Company's exploration program has been significantly increased from 2006 as exploration work continues to focus on locating additional mineralization in the vicinity of the existing test mine as well as exploring other regional targets. Travel and business development expenses were higher in 2007 due to the Company's increased participation in trade and investor relations conferences. Salaries and stock-based compensation were higher in 2007 due to an increase in the number of employees and the issuance of incentive stock options to newly appointed senior management and directors.

    During the six months ended January 31, 2007, the provision for current Mexican income taxes is $2,665,992 (2006 - $nil). During the current period, the Company has determined that it is more likely than not that $2,128,934 (current portion - $755,346) of previously unrecognized future income tax assets should now be recognized. There is no provision for Canadian income taxes.

    Three months ended January 31, 2007 compared to three months ended January 31, 2006

    During the three months ended January 31, 2007, the Company recorded net income of $216,396 compared to a net loss of $4,577,785 in 2006. Gross operating income for the period was $6,382,718 compared to $3,558,102 in 2006. Operating income for the period was $324,196, compared to a loss of $4,577,785 in 2006. Included in net income is a loss resulting from the valuation of the Company's silver debenture of $2,248,177 (2006 - $3,695,912). Excluding this valuation loss, the Company would have reported net income of $2,464,573 (2006 - net loss of $881,873).

    During the three months ended January 31, 2007, the Company produced 6,240 tonnes (2006 - 9,262) of ore and shipped 8,546 tonnes (2006 - 9,554 tonnes) of ore. Revenues during the period were $8,412,207 (2006 - $4,906,403) and cost of production was $2,029,489 (2006 - $1,348,301), resulting in gross operating income from mining operations of $6,382,718 (2006 - $3,558,102). Although the amount of ore shipped during the three months ended January 31, 2007 was 11% lower than in 2006, revenues were significantly increased due to the substantial increase in metal prices and an increased silver grade. During the quarter ended January 31, 2007, an error in calculating the inventory of ore in the stockpile related to moisture content was discovered and resulted in an increase in the cost of production of $511,292. Existing procedures have been reviewed to ensure a reasonable calculation in the future.

    Operating expenses decreased from $8,135,887 in 2006 to $6,058,522 in 2007. The decrease was due to a reduced silver debenture valuation loss of $2,248,177 (2006 - $3,695,912), consulting fees of $89,159 (2006 - $146,320), foreign exchange gain of $323,229 (2006 - loss of $54,221) and amortization of acquisition costs of $65,110 (2006 - $1,939,385). Amortization of acquisition costs was lower due to the impact of the expanded identified Mineral Resource.

    The operating expense decrease was partially offset by increased salaries of $354,993 (2006 - $146,977), mine administration costs of $497,669 (2006 - $264,678), travel and business development costs of $215,347 (2006 - $189,019), professional fees of $126,864 (2006 - $54,984), stock-based compensation of $974,000 (2006 - $505,700) and exploration expenditures of $1,409,247 (2006 - $828,147). Mine administration costs and professional fees were higher than in 2006 due to increased operations at the mine and the resulting activities required to support these operations. In addition, the Company's exploration program has been significantly increased from 2006 as exploration work continues to focus on locating additional mineralization in the vicinity of the existing test-mine as well as testing other regional targets. Travel and business development expenses were higher in 2007 due to the Company's increased participation in trade and investor relations conferences. Salaries and stock-based compensation were higher in 2007 due to an increase in the number of employees and the issuance of incentive stock options to newly appointed senior management and directors.

    During the three months ended January 31, 2007, the provision for current Mexican income taxes is $2,337,406 (2006 - $nil). During the current period, the Company has determined that it is more likely than not that $2,128,934 (current portion - $755,346) of previously unrecognized future income tax assets should now be recognized. There is no provision for Canadian income taxes.


    Since the press release for the first quarter, which discussed exploration activities to December 15, 2006, a large number of positive drill core assays for 2006 holes in the Platosa test-mine area have been received, diamond drilling has continued with three drill rigs and an airborne electromagnetic survey has been completed.

    As reported in a press release dated January 22, 2007, complete assays were received for 13 holes containing massive sulphide and sulphide-rich breccia intersections in the test-mine area, 11 related to the Guadalupe Manto. These results were very positive. Silver grades in the 11 holes range between 139 and 1331 g/t; lead grades range between 2 and 21.4%; and zinc grades range between 0.65 and 19.4% over widths ranging from 0.50 to 7.00 metres. Combining these intersections with previously reported holes extends the high-grade massive sulphide mineralization in the Guadalupe Manto at least 150 metres to the northwest past the limits defined in Excellon's National Instrument 43-101("NI 43-101") compliant Mineral Resource Estimate prepared by Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates ("Scott Wilson RPA") of Toronto, Ontario, independent geological and mining consultants, and reported on August 17, 2006. The Guadalupe Manto remains open in several directions. Management believes that, based on these results, additional mineral resources will be added to the Guadalupe Manto and plans to undertake an updated mineral resource estimate later in 2007.

    Of the two other holes, LP-325 was drilled in previously untested ground 75 metres northeast of the Guadalupe Manto and cut 5.74 metres of massive sulphides grading 586 g/t silver with 6% lead and 10% zinc. The remaining hole, LP-322, combines with earlier holes to add significant mineralization to a northerly extension of the previously mined N-1 Manto and may link it with the Guadalupe Manto.

    Drilling begun in 2006 at the Crestoncitos area 1.5 kilometres south of the Platosa test-mine and the Canon Colorado area 5 km to the north was completed and returned no significant results.

    Three drills are operating on the property. One is in the immediate test-mine area on 100% Excellon ground, following up on known mineralization and new soil geochemical targets. The other two are on ground optioned from Exploraciones Altiplano S.A. de C.V. One is operating near the historic Zorra Mine 4 kilometres to the southwest of the test-mine. Alteration in this area is very strong and there are numerous prospect pits that have yielded strong silver-lead-zinc anomalies. The drilling is focusing on intrusion and alteration centres with moderate geochemical signatures. The other is testing areas of alteration and previous modest silver-lead-zinc values in the vicinity of the historic Saltillera Mine, 4 kilometres west of the test-mine and north of Zorra. Encouragement in the form of extensive alteration, structure and modest sulphides has been encountered in several holes and more holes are planned in all three areas. Assays for 2007 drilling are pending.

    In mid-February, an Aeroquest Limited AeroTEMII helicopter-borne electromagnetic and magnetic survey was completed over the Platosa property. Very preliminary data processing has been completed and we are confident that the final survey results will be of significant value in geological and structural interpretation and outlining new high potential drill targets.

    Qualified Persons

    Dr. Peter Megaw, PhD, CPG, Mr. G. Ross MacFarlane, PEng, and Mr. John Sullivan, BSc., PGeo. have acted as the Qualified Persons, as defined in National Instrument 43-101, for this disclosure and supervised the preparation of the technical information on which this press release is based.

    Dr. Megaw has a PhD in geology and more than 25 years of relevant experience focused on silver and gold mineralization, and exploration and drilling in Mexico. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG 10227) by the American Institute of Professional Geologists and an Arizona Registered Geologist (ARG 21613). Dr. Megaw is not independent of Excellon as he is a shareholder.

    Mr. MacFarlane is a graduate Mining Engineer with over 30 years of wide ranging experience in the mining industry. His experience includes senior responsibilities in the operation of mines and mills as well as mine project developments from feasibility to construction and the start-up of operations in Canada as well as in South America, Europe and Asia. Mr. MacFarlane is not independent of Excellon as he is an officer, shareholder and holds common share purchase options.

    Mr. Sullivan is an economic geologist with over 35 years of experience in the mineral industry. Most recently a senior geologist at a Toronto-based international geological and mining engineering consulting firm, he has evaluated properties and prepared National Instrument 43-101 reports on gold and base metal projects in Canada and internationally. Mr. Sullivan is not independent of Excellon as he is an officer and holds common share purchase options.

    Summary Financial Information

    To view the following results please click on the following link:

    About Excellon

    Excellon Resources Inc., an emerging silver producer, is test-mining and exploring its Platosa/Saltierra Properties in Durango State, Mexico. The Company continues to build a significant treasury, and will remain self-financed as it expands production and explores to extend the definition of Platosa's high grade resources. Excellon has 146,063,657 shares outstanding, and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol EXN.

  • ...

    supergut. ;)

    Tschonko & alle andern hier:
    Fröhliche Ostern schon mal!

    Habe ein paar Eindrücke von "Happy-Easter in Eastern Germany" von vor ein paar Tagen aus Leipzig mit angehängt ("FDJ-Hasen" ... und riesen Eier :D ) und ausserdem den aktuellen Stand in der "Silver Valley Ei-daho" Watchlist.
    Alles wie gehabt, nix weltbewegend Neues ist da los. ...


  • March 5, 2007 - 1:48 PM EST

    AUQ:CA 0.295 0.00

    Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

    MGM:CA 0.32 0.00

    Today 5d 1m 3m 1y 5y 10y

    Merger of Equals Creates New Gold Company-Increased Production and Expanded Reserve Base Set To Grow Shareholder Value
    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - March 5, 2007) - Aurogin Resources Ltd. ("Aurogin") (TSX VENTURE:AUQ) and Morgain Minerals Inc. ("Morgain") (TSX VENTURE:MGM) are pleased to announce that their Boards of Directors have unanimously approved a letter of intent to combine the companies in a merger of equals to create a new gold producer ("Newco").


    Upon successful completion of the transaction and continued execution of existing operating and development plans, on a proforma basis, Newco will have the following attributes:

    - Measured and indicated resources of greater than 1 million ounces of gold with additional indicated resources of 470,000 ounces of gold (see table below);

    - In 2007, two operating gold mines located in Mexico and Guatemala;

    - Excellent pipeline of exploration and development projects including Fortuna in Mexico and the El Arenal, Bridge and Lupita Zones in Guatemala;

    - 2007 estimated gold production of 35,000 ounces, with Newco's share being 22,000 ounces growing to 35,000 ounces in 2008;

    - Immediate operating and management synergies; and

    - Three year goal of 100,000 ounce annual gold production.

    Ist das schon bekannt,und hat das positive Folgen?
    Habe erst vor ein paar Tagen eine kleine Pos. AUQ.V gekauft..


  • @miner,
    ist bekannt, hab das hier am 5.3. gepostet.
    Zwischendurch auch News über die Mineneröffnung von Morgain.

    Ich bin nicht zufrieden mit 1:1 als AUQ Aktionär.
    Hab zweimal an die geschrieben, nur Miniantwort erhalten, dass der Typ auf Reisen ist. CEO hat gar nicht zurückgeschrieben.
    Ich würd mir auch nicht zurückschreiben, also was soll´s.... :D

    Für den Kurs war es nicht gut.
    Könnte aber eine interessante Company entstehen.

    EXN hält sich gut, überrascht mich etwas.
    SRLM, da schau her. Ein paar Käufer vor ostern.
    Ebenso bei EDG, da bin ich gut dabei, wenigstens....


  • News vom 02/04

    Yukon Zinc has estimated that a total of approximately US $215 million, based on current US dollar exchange rates, is needed to cover the estimated capital cost of the project, working capital, debt service during construction and cost over-run provision.

    Yukon Zinc’s objective in financing the Wolverine Project is to procure approximately US $190 million through debt and subordinated debt and US $25 million through equity financing.

    Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass die X-Men das wirklich durchkriegen. Mag ja sein, dass Logan und Wolverine die Körper bis zum Bersten voller Metall haben, aber ob irgendein Magneto sie deshalb soo anziehend findet um ihnen mal eben so viel Schotter zu geben?

  • Zitat

    Original von Tschonko
    ist bekannt, hab das hier am 5.3. gepostet.
    Zwischendurch auch News über die Mineneröffnung von Morgain.

    Ja,steht alles wichtige drin..
    Habe doch das Datum von der News "vertauscht" ;(
    Wie schnell die Zeit vergeht :(

    Das Orderbuch sieht aktuell gut aus,Bid wird ständig aufgefüllt.
    Und das Gap muß geschlossen werden..
    Hätte ich lieber Gestern AUQ.V nachgekauft,bei UC.V bin ich mir heute nicht mehr so sicher :D


  • schock,
    ich schau mir die AUQ gar nicht mehr an, nachdem ich mich entschieden habe, dass ich sie behalte.
    Die sollen die neue Co. bauen und Morgain im 3.Qu. produzieren, dann schau ich weiter....
    Zukäufe bei 0,25 für mich möglich.

    DNI.V ist JV Partner von CFTN.PK (mein einziger pinkie! ?()

    DNI ist vor dem Trading halt heute um 148% gestiegen.
    7 Mille shares gehandelt!!

    Dann kam folgende meldung: Müsste doch wieder fallen!!

    Dumont confirms no material change in company's operations

    12:47 EDT Thursday, April 05, 2007

    (DNI : TSX-Ven, DG7 : Frankfurt)

    TORONTO, April 5 /CNW/ - Dumont Nickel Inc. (DNI:TSX-Ven, DG7:FSE) confirms, at the request of Market Regulation Services Inc., that the Company's management is unaware of any material change in the Company's operations that would account for the recent market activity.

    DUMONT is a mineral exploration company with operations in Ontario, Utah and Nevada, with focus on gold, silver, copper and diamonds. All of DUMONT's properties are being actively explored either directly by DUMONT or via joint venture.

    DUMONT is Operator of the Utah Joint Venture which controls approximately 18 square miles of mineral properties across the historic Clifton-Gold Hill gold-silver-copper Mining District. DUMONT has been exploring several properties in the District since 2003 and has currently three active gold projects, two of which are in advanced exploration stages and one is in the early discovery stage.

    DUMONT holds one of the most prospective land positions in the Attawapiskat diamond area in the James Bay Lowlands, Ontario, with a carried interest in the Dumont Joint Venture exploring the area through Metalex Ventures Limited and others under the direction of Mr. Charles Fipke.

    DUMONT continues to assess other projects and is currently reviewing several opportunities to expand its operations.

    DUMONT is currently in the process of concluding a non-brokered private placement financing. Proceeds will be used to commence drill testing its recently discovered Carlin style disseminated sediment hosted gold target at the Rattler Project Area, Utah; for ongoing work toward the scoping study in progress at the Kiewit Gold Zone, Utah; for ongoing exploration over the Utah and Nevada mineral properties; for review of new acquisitions and for working capital purposes.


  • DNI.V ist inzwischen auf nur 56% Plus gefallen bei 17 Mille gehandelter Aktien. Was sit da los?

    The Mining Life Circle:

    diese Seite kann ich empfehlen.
    Auf LAUNCH drücken, da bekommt man eine minipräsentation.

    Links unten noch ein Artikel: "Mr Market and the Lemmings"


  • Tom Szabo: Zuerst ein paar Royalties. Garibaldi hab ich auch.
    Normabec? hab ich nur gehört, weiß wer was drüber? Muss ich mir mal anschauen.
    Einigwe sind mir total unbekannt..................., kratzt mich aber nicht. :D

    On the silver stock front, many shares are performing very nicely with some recent standouts such as Sterling Mining of Sunshine Mine fame. Sterling has gotten some recent attention from a newsletter or two and it appears that the progress toward mine startup, the excitement around SNS Silver and the Crescent (now somewhat abated), and the possible acquisition of the nearby Bunker Hill by a mining interest intent on development, have rubbed off on a few old shareholders and new investors. I pointed to the relative value of Sterling versus SNS Silver back in January and I believe there is still some room for Sterling shares to run, but investors do need to be aware of the risks. Among these are a pending lawsuit and disclosure issues which could create bad publicity in short order causing panic among investors and possibly punishing the stock down an elevator shaft. For this reason, I believe Sterling continues to be for speculators only: yes, the rewards are high but so are the risks. Of course, if you view major price weakness as an opportunity to average down, this may be the perfect stock for you. With patience, long term (in my opinion 3+ years) shareholders should be doing very well after some scary intervening moments.

    I am going to close today by listing a few companies which may qualify as primary or secondary silver stocks -- not currently on my "official" list -- as a result of recent transactions or discoveries. This list is not an endorsement or in any particular order. I am simply pointing out some stocks moving into silver that you may not have heard about. I hope to write about many of these in the next few weeks and months.

    Royal Gold
    Battle Mountain Gold
    Canadian Royalty
    Garibaldi Resources Corp.*
    Alberta Star
    Alma Resources
    Oro Silver
    South American Silver Corp.
    Hi Ho Silver

    *I currently own shares.

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