Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • zwyss
    Hast einen guten Geschmack :D

    Yale kommt gut voran, das sollte eine Erfogsstory werden.

    Deine Auswahl an Silberlingen ist exzellent, dem kann ich kaum noch was hinzufügen. Vielleicht noch SEG.TO. Oder auch RCT.V, wobei kein reiner Silberling ist, da ziemlich goldlastig.

    VG heron

  • @ heron und Tschonko

    Auch aktiv und fat umsonst!

    6 mio mcap bei 4 mio cash und jetzt zwei Drillprogramme.

    Colibri initiates reverse circulation drilling program at the Colibri claim site
    Tuesday February 19, 9:00 am ET

    Listed TSX-V: CBI
    VANCOUVER, Feb. 19 /CNW/ - Colibri Resource Corporation (Colibri) is pleased to announce the start of a 2000 meter minimum drilling program at our Colibri claim northwest of Caborca in Sonora, Mexico. The Colibri claim is held by an option agreement to acquire 100% ownership of 6564 hectares made between the Mexican subsidiary of Colibri, Minera Halcones SA de CV, and a private Mexican company. Exploratory drilling is mostly focused on down-dip and along-strike projections of historical underground mine workings and targets identified by an Induced Polarization geophysical survey. Previous drilling of these targets during 1994, 1998, 2005 and 2007 yielded significant gold mineralization (see prior news releases posted on Layne Drilling of Hermosillo has been contracted to provide the reverse circulation drill rig and crew.

    Three areas were targeted for diamond drilling during the 2006-07 season: the San Francisco mine, the Naranja Zone and the Nopal Zone. Drilling conditions proved to be exceptionally difficult and water intensive, with broad intervals of strongly sheared, fractured rock encountered. Core recovery was generally good, 90-100%. Hematite-flooded breccia or gouge zones with quartz veins and stockworks are common features of recovered core in all holes. Several holes were terminated before target depths due to difficult drilling conditions in strongly sheared, brecciated rock (CDH-1, 6, 7). Colibri expects the RC drill rig to provide better penetration of the deep shear zones, with good recovery. The RC drilling method has proved successful in exploration of other gold deposits in Sonora that are hosted by similar pervasively faulted rocks (e.g. La Herradura, El Chanate, and La Choya).

    Colibri continues to drill at our Leon claim with a diamond core rig and has completed 13 holes to date. Results of the first two holes have been reported (January 21, 2008 news release) and we are awaiting assay results for subsequent holes. Drilling has progressed from the Las Amarillas polymetallic zone westward towards the Variedad copper-molybdenum anomaly (see maps posted on for details). Colibri will continue diamond drilling at Leon concurrent with the RC drill program at the Colibri claim.

    Exploration is conducted under the supervision of J.J. Irwin, B.Sc., Ph.D., the qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 on this project.



  • Scheint so, dass insgesamt 1.75 Mio gemeint sind. Allerdings:

    "The 2007 production of 1,336,629 Ag Eq oz from both of Great Panther's mines includes 800,666 oz of silver, 4,437 oz of gold, 1,620,400 lbs of lead, and 1,867,300 lbs of zinc. This production level represents a 109% increase over production in 2006. Guanajuato produced 710,903 Ag Eq Oz in 2007, a 358% increase over the 2006 production, while Topia produced 625,726 Ag Eq Oz in 2007, a 29% increase over 2006. As mine development increases and continued diamond drilling success establishes new resources at the mines, the Company expects this growth in production to continue through 2008."

    Die Steigerung war insgesamt 109 %, was bedeutet, dass die Produktion für 2008 ebenfalls verdoppelt werden soll, was 2.7 Mio ergibt....

    ?( ?( ?(

  • Wieder mal ein Hommel:

    Sehr brauchbar der link zu
    Ganz hab ich die Benützung noch nicht durchschaut, aber man hat alles auf einen Blick und das forward p/e ratio gefällt mir besonders.

    Was meint er für eine Klitsche?
    Yukon Gold oder Kondike Silver oder????

    Breakout! Buy Silver Stocks Now!
    (Don't even wait a week!)
    Silver Stock Report
    by Jason Hommel, February 20, 2008
    This afternoon, gold moved up $30/oz. to a new high of $947/oz., silver moved up $.75/oz. to hit a new high of $17.96/oz.

    Palladium moved up to a new high of $501/oz., which seems to be catching up to platinum at $2143/oz, which hit its new high yesterday.

    This is a fantastic breakout of all 4 precious metals! A strong breakout. Last week, we crossed a breakout in silver in the Euro.
    These breakouts should attract momentum buyers, and could take precious metals prices up about another 25-50% in short order, in less than six months.

    Meanwhile, silver and gold junior mining stocks languish near all time lows.

    You just don't get better buying opportunities than this. It's as if the world does not understand that gold and silver are hitting new highs, nor do they understand why.

    The world produces about 650 million ounces of silver per year. All of that, and more, is consumed by industry, silverware, jewelry. Only recycling and investor selling has made up the difference. As investor selling slows and turns into buying, silver prices will soar, and vastly outperform gold, because silver is probably more scarce that gold these days, with maybe only 1 billion oz. of silver in the world, or less.

    The world produces about 80 million ounces of gold per year. Nearly all of that is for investment purposes, and accumulates, being added to the nearly 5 billion oz. of gold in the world. Gold remains cheap though, because the central banks continue to sell. But as the central banks pump out nearly $4 trillion worth of new paper money each year, as the world's gold is worth about $5 trillion, gold is basically a "sure thing" in investment terms, and now has a strong trend upwards that must be increasingly attractive to all the world's "trend investors".

    The world produces about 8 million ounces of platinum each year, and about 8 million oz. of palladium each year. Eighty percent of the world's platinum, and most of the world's palladium, is produced in South Africa, and right now, there is a developing power crisis in S. Africa that is constricting mine supply, and threatens to get worse.

    South Africa seems to be headed the way of their largest trading partner, Zimbabwe, which has justly suffered terrible hyperinflation and economic collapse after the confiscation and eviction of 4000 white farmers, and the erection of trade barriers and price controls.

    I sold my South African gold mining stocks in 2003, when the S. African currency was growing stronger faster than higher gold prices. But what really turned me off to S. African gold stocks was the new government mandate that a certain percentage of the companies must be owned by black people. Such reverse racism and government-mandated confiscation cannot be good.

    Apparently, the newly black-owned and government-owned coal companies and power plants lacked the expertise to operate efficiently. Lower quality coal fed to coal powered power plants has hurt operating efficiency, and damaged equipment. And environmentalists had convinced the S. African government to not build any more coal powered power plants.

    It will take at least 5 years to build a new coal powered power plant, so the power crisis for the S. African miners is just beginning, and the entire nation could become a basket case the more they confiscate assets from white people. Unfortunately, bad economic conditions often lead to more racism, just as they do in America, as people complain more about Chinese outsourcing and Mexican immigration when times are worse.

    Most power to the mines in S. Africa goes to keep up ongoing conditions, such as pumps to dewater, or for air conditioning. Since the largest cost must continue 24/7, so should the mining, to keep things economic. If the mines have to get by on 10% less power, they produce 20% less material, and if they get shut down for any length of time and flood, they might never be able to come back online.

    And if the miners get thrown out of work, at least 10 other jobs can be lost, due to the multiplier effect. Further, without gold exports, there would be much less of a reason for the S. African currency to be strong.

    Ironically, the environment needs platinum and palladium to reduce auto emissions in catalytic converters. Those crazy short-sighted environmentalists! Protesting a coal power plant could actually make the air much worse without the platnum and palladium that the world needs! I wonder why I've never seen an environmentalist advocate increased platinum and palladium mining?

    Platinum and palladium can be substituted one for the other, so I think palladium, the cheaper metal today, stands to benefit more from the current platinum crisis emerging in S. Africa. I own some palladium metal, which you can sometimes order from your local coin shops.

    I caution you about the stock, North American Palladium (PAL), because 1/3 of the company's supply comes from S. Africa, and the other 1/3 comes from Russia--it seems that the company has a somewhat deceptive name.

    Like silver, platinum and palladium have nearly zero investment demand, with industry and jewelry consuming all of the supply. Prices could really skyrocket in all three compared to gold, as investors begin to enter those precious metals markets, and try to stockpile supply when no spare ounces for investors exist.

    When I bought palladium at the low at about $200/oz., the commission was a whopping 15%. The metal traded at about $175/oz, and I had to pay about $200.

    Since the pullback in many commodities, many investors have exited the sector; thinking that the run is over, and have not yet come back. Or, they went short, and have since lost capital being so foolish.

    If you didn't catch it, I would refer you to Lawrence Raulston's latest piece at from last month:
    The Realities of this Secular Bull Market in Commodities

    It's one of the best essays that I've read in the past six months; although I do take issues with a few of Raulston's statements. The case for commodities and silver is actually better than he presents!

    Raulston wrote, "The story for silver is similar to gold." No, the case for silver is vastly superior, due to silver's short existing above ground stockpiles, and current ongoing industrial demand that is overwhelming mine supply.

    Raulston assures us, "The reality is that the American economy is still growing." However, since the growth rate is only about 2%, and measured in dollars, and since the money-creation inflation rate is at 18%, this is actually negative growth.

    Proof: Money Creation Inflation is 18-19%:

    But USA's negative growth and continuing crash in cash, bonds, stocks, and real estate is all the more reason for people to switch assets out of those losers and into silver and gold. The US economy is so bad, they are shutting down the economic indicators! But it's probably just as well, since most of it is probably lies anyway!

    The world economy, and especially China, continues to grow at a shockingly fast pace. I heard today in an online video that the president of Rio Tinto said that China's consumption of aluminum rose, in 2007, from 1/4 of the world's supply to 1/3 of the world's supply!

    I strongly urge you to consider some of the top ranked stocks at

    I also encourage you to search for your favorite stocks at, and look over, and/or enter as much information as you can, and see how it compares to the other stocks listed.

    At present, you could almost throw your money into 5-10 of any of the junior mining companies, and do OK, because prices are that cheap. I don't recommend being quite that reckless, but almost, because the timing is just so great right now.

    My extensive research and experience in gold and silver stocks has led me to study zinc and copper stocks too, since the precious metals are often found along with the base metals.

    There is one particular zinc stock that I like at the moment. It has the largest mining project in the world up in Canada's Yukon, with grades averaging about 5% zinc or higher, and a market cap of about 1/2 of what the company spent on exploration in the last 2 years, and recent exploration results have been phenomenal. So, if you buy the stock, you get the company's recent exploration efforts for half off, the prior $100 million exploration efforts for free, and the entire project for free, too. I liked the stock at $.77/share, and it's now 75% off from that, at $.19/share. This multi-billion dollar project is priced at about $28 million.

    I think this zinc stock took a huge hit to the downside for 3 reasons. First, the zinc price got knocked back from $2/lb. to $1/lb. Second, another recent multi billion dollar gold and copper mining project, (NovaGold) was recently halted due to rising mining costs. Third, the entire sector is in a terrible slump; partly because the world does not understand silver and gold and has thus neglected the mining industry, and because the world is fearing a world-wide economic slowdown just because top US financial firms are having troubles with their frauds being exposed. I suppose a fourth reason that this stock has been hurt is that vulture capitalists will sometimes sell their stock on the hopes of buying more stock more cheaply in the next round of financing. Additionally, Canada's odd tax code gives Canadians a perverse incentive to dump their own Canadian stocks after "flow-through" share financings (they get to avoid paying income taxes on their investments, and they will consider it a "gain" if they sell stock at a loss).

    For the name of this zinc stock, and the names of what I consider to be the best silver and gold stocks in the entire industry, I urge you to buy the "look at my portfolio" for $50/month. We've made this offer for over 3 years now, and we can confidently say that your satisfaction is guaranteed, or we'll give you your money back. I have about 700 satisfied, regular paying subscribers, and I offer this service to help the online community, as I spend the proceeds on advertising, which helps me get the word out to the 69,000 people on my free email list.

    I currently own about 50 stocks in my $11 million portfolio, so if you buy some of each stock, it's like a mutual fund. The last good run took my portfolio up from $5 million to $15 million from Nov. 2005 to May, 2006, and I expect we are on the edge of the beginning of a similar move up, or better, this time.

    Yes, that's right, I lost millions in the past two years, but I'm still up over 100% since Nov. 2005, and now's the time for that next 100% to 200% move up in the junior mining stocks. I can't emphasize enough that now is the perfect time. Get in now!

    If you need a stock broker, see a list here:


    Jason Hommel

  • Tschonko

    Da kann ich Hommels Einschätzung nur teilen......die Juniors, geprügelt und geschlachtet sind so cheap wie, ja, wie noch nie eigentlich......reif für einen big move nach oben......habe auch schmerzliche Verluste eingefahren seit 2006....insgesamt jedoch immer noch gut im Plus und eigenltich keines der letzten 7 Jahre im Minus abgeschlossen da schon lange dabei und ich eigenltich nicht trade sondern buy and hold bis mein persönliches Kursziel erreicht ist und da fehlen noch ein paar prozent :D :D :D.......however, im nächsten move werde ich einen Teil steuerfreier Positionen realisieren und Cash aufbauen......da lebt es sich entspannter ;)

  • Heute rührt sich überall was... :D

    EXN mit guten Resultaten
    Excellon Discovers 4.7 Metres of New Massive Sulphides in NE-1 Manto and Adds to Rodilla

    ECU.TO will wieder produzieren :)
    ECU Provides Corporate Update

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 21, 2008 ) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. ("ECU Silver") (TSX:ECU) would like to provide its shareholders with a corporate update.

    The stock market for junior companies in the mining sector has recently been quite challenging despite the ongoing strength of commodity prices. While we believe the market will be robust for the juniors over the longer term, we are planning to take advantage of the current strength in commodity prices and will resume mining operations and milling at the Santa Juana mine beginning this quarter.

    The commercial operations at the Santa Juana mine and Velardena mill were temporarily suspended while we conducted several metallurgical and processing tests of mineralized material from the mine. These tests are essentially complete and we are now better positioned to resume mining and milling operations. Since finalizing our 3-dimensional geological model of the mineral resource for the NI 43-101 report, we have gained a stronger understanding of the 3-dimensional behavior of our mineral resource which will enhance our mining efforts.

    The objectives of resuming mining and milling operations are to highlight specific high-grade sectors of the mine, refine mining methods, fine tune the metallurgical processes and generate cash flows to help fund our exploration efforts. The primary focus of the Company will continue to be on exploration.

    We expect that the anticipated new revenues from our mining operations, combined with receivables and current cash position, should be sufficient to finance the 2008 exploration program. Consequently, based on current expectations, we have no plans to issue new equity to fund our 2008 exploration program.

    The Company is completing the outline of its 2008 exploration program and will be providing an exploration update to our shareholders immediately after finalizing the details.
    VG heron

  • zwyss,,
    die ist mir vollkommen unbekannt. Das ist sie, dankeI

    ch glaub, jetzt hat´s mal gedreht..... :D
    Sitz schon drin im taxi......

    Ja, ja, ein schöner Tag.
    Tun die in dem Video Kurse schieben mit den Händen ? :D
    I steigat a bei dem G´sangl..... :D

    das machen wir so ähnlich, nur du schaffst es, Cash zu bewahren, wenn es wieder mal richtig herunten ist.
    Das muss ich noch lernen.
    Ich hau´s zu schnell wieder rein.
    Du hast eine sehr gute Auswahl, les öfter bei deinem Depot mit....
    Hab heut 40% von die EXN verkauft. Hatte ne Order drinnen und war nicht am Gerät.
    Passt aber schon, jetzt sind die Schulden durch GAM Kauf wieder getilgt.

    Wennst mal Zeit hast, schau dir an.
    Für mich schaut da eine MFL günstiger aus wie GAM.
    Gute Vergleiche wären auch AMC.TO, MTO.TO, Peak Gold und NXG.

    die ECU Meldung ist hervorragend, na endlich.

    Als Producer mit den Resourcen muss das eine andere Bewertung ergeben.

    EXN: auch gut. Aber wo ist der Elefant?
    Ich glaub ja noch immer dran..... :D

    Die SEG.TO schaut bei miningpedia auch sehr gut aus.


    PS: Eine ganze Seite in der NY Times über Gold in Mexico.
    "Driving to the Gold Rush"

    Dia Bras, Paramount, Palmarejo und minefinders werden erwähnt....u.a.
    Wenn das kein Kontraindikator ist!…t&oref=slogin&oref=slogin

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Der Artikel in der NY Times beschreibt das Geschäft der Explorer und Juniors eher als kostspielig, mühselig und mt allenfalls geringen Erfolgsaussichten.
    Er beabsichtigt nicht, Aktien wie Minefinders als lohnenswertes Investment darzustellen...

    Nur aus einem von 1000 Projekten wird je eine Mine... Wie definiert man da Projekt? Claim?
    Erscheint insgesamt etwas übertrieben...

    Heute erste Hoffnungsschimmer bei recht vielen Werten.

    Minco Gold ist recht stark gestiegen, obwohl die MC immer noch gerade mal die Beteiligung an Minco Silver abdeckt. Mico Silver ist gegen den Trend deutlich gestiegen, warum auch immer.

  • Weiß vielleicht einer, was mit SSRI los ist?
    Heute extrem: über 3 % gefallen, während der Silber-Spotpreis gestiegen ist.

    Bis vor einem Jahr ca. hat SSRI jede Aufwärtsbewegung gehebelt mitgemacht, seitdem macht sie nur noch die Abwärtsbewegungen mit...

  • Talleyrand,
    relativ einfach. Heute geht Geld in die juniors.
    Da schichten halt ein paar größere um.........

    "beschreibt das Geschäft der Explorer und Juniors eher als kostspielig, mühselig und mt allenfalls geringen Erfolgsaussichten."
    So ist es ja auch.

    Warum soll die NY Times MFL als lohnendes Invest darstellen?
    Das ist die NY Times.
    Die Sensation ist, dass das überhaupt erwähnt wird.

    Wir wissen das ja mit MFL..... :D


    Silvermex mit engen veins:

    Silvermex Resources Ltd.: Grades of 137.8 g/t Silver and 17.85% Zinc Over 1.55 Meters Returned From Preliminary Surface Sampling at Lety Project in Durango Mexico
    Thursday February 21, 2:46 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 21, 2008) - Silvermex Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SMR - News) has received assays as high as 137.8 g/t silver and 17.85% zinc over 1.55 meters from its preliminary surface channel sampling program at its Lety Project located in Durango, Mexico. The Lety property covers 5,130 hectares in the Northern portion of the state of Durango and is located near the historical mining districts of Magistral del Oro, Santa Maria del Oro and Guanacevi, in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico. The Lety Project is 17 km north of the Pitarilla deposit of Silver Standard Resources Inc. on which a resource estimate in excess of 600 million ounces of silver has been reported.

    The regional geology is represented by rhyolithic and andesitic rocks overlaying sedimentary cretaceous limestones and metamorphic rocks. The mineralization is controlled by a system of regional faults trending North West. The mineralized structures lie along the great Rodeo regional fault, known to host over 200 small bonanza grade mines that have operated intermittently since early Spanish Colonial times.

    During the last quarter of 2007, Silvermex staff supervised a channel sampling program on several old workings and breccia zones on the Lety Project. Over 187 samples were collected during the program. Several anomalous zones were identified during the course of the sampling. The highlight of the program was the results received from the Verdosa zone. A table of the samples collected from the 7 meter wide Verdosa zone is found below:

    Tabellen sieh link.......

  • Tschonko

    Bevor ich MFL und GAM vergleiche, müsste MFL auch erstmal produzieren....entscheidend wird sein, ob MFL die Produktionskosten halten kann wie in der Fes-Studie prognostiziert....ich finde überigens beide derzeit nicht teuer.... :D
    PIK.TO habe ich kräftig zugekauft.....da entsteht was grosses m.E. Super management mit Ziel 500k producer.......die beiden aktuellen Assets in Brasilien und Australien, politisch relativ safe

    MTO.TO....hab ich im Contest drin....mein bester Wert dort ü Depot hab ich Sie nicht X( X( X( kam nie so rein wie ich mir das vorgestellt habe und so wurde es bislang nix.

    Das mit Cash haben im Dip ist meistens Glückssache und kommt bei mir auch nicht zwangsläufig von realisierten Positionen oder tollem timing hab grundsätzlich immer was in der Hinterhand, da vorsichtiger Mensch was dass betrifft und ich mich tierisch unwohl fühle kein Polster in vertretbarem Rahmen im Rücken zu haben auf das ich jederzeit zugreifen kann.....das sammelt sich mit der Zeit immer mal so an und marschiert in den Markt wenn es mir günstig erscheint....


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