Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • @ELDO

    Du und ich kauften relativ gleich und nicht zu knapp denke ich mal :D :D :D
    PIK überzeugt mich auf ganzer Linie und da bin ich auch bereit eine grössere Position draus zu machen......die letzten male wo wir zusammen unabhängig voneinander gut und reichlich gekauft haben war bei Miramar und Cumberland und das hat sich mehr als rentiert.....ich hoffe auf eine ähnliche Performance und hoffe weiterhin, dass PIK nicht das Schicksal von MAE und CLG erleidet und vor Entfaltung des gesamten Potentials geschluckt wird. Die Gefahr ist aber bei PIK nicht so hoch da ja schon Producer.....und das gefällt mir an Pik besonders gut......habe beschlossen sie nicht unter 1,80CAD herzugeben


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Moin Eldo

    Keine leicht zu beantwortende Frage! ;)

    CDY/ CDU war jahrelang eine der besten Stories im Depot.
    Bis ich nach und nach ausstieg mit enormem Profit,war ja seit 0,7C$ dabei.
    Zwischendurch dann kurzes Gastspiel.

    Momentan 1/5 des Höchstwertes.
    Chart sieht nach Bodenbildung aus, hatten wir aber öfter...

    Steht permanent auf der Watchlist, bin auch unschlüssig.

    Etwas erstaunlich, daß sich die CDY Spezialisten Goldelse und goodluck seit langem zurückhalten.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von valueman
    (....) hoffe weiterhin, dass PIK nicht das Schicksal von MAE und CLG erleidet und vor Entfaltung des gesamten Potentials geschluckt wird.

    Moin valueman

    An dergleichen dachte ich auch:
    Immerhin wurden von den gemeinsam gehaltenen Aktien darüberhinaus
    Western Copper/ WTZ und Desert Sun/ DSM geschluckt.

    Was leider nie vorausgesehen werden kann...


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Dir auch einen guten Morgen EDEL,

    ja da hast du recht.....western silver war auch noch dabei......immerhin haben wir ein gutes Stück am Gewinn partizipiert, da wir die Dinger weit vor der Übernahme hatten so dass wir wenigstens die ersten 100-200% immer mitgenommen haben......eine latente Gefahr besteht immer bei guten Juniors und aufstrebenden Produzenten......hier könnte natürlich bei PIK mitspielen, dass sie das who is who der Minenszene im Management haben! Ich bin mir aber noch nicht ganz im Klaren darüber ob sich das hinsichtlich einer evtl. Übernahme irgendwann mal als gut oder schlecht herausstellt. Gut weil sie bei den grossen der Branche immer noch viele Freunde in führenden Positionen haben denen diese noch was schuldig sind und daher die Finger von PIK lassen oder schlecht, weil evtl. alte Freundschaft genau das Gegenteil bewirken könnten.

    Sei es wie es sei ich denke das PIK noch viel Freude bereitet.


  • Value,
    GAM und MFL: MC von MFL ist die Hälfte und sie haben relativ wenig Shares am Markt, so 50 Mille.
    PIK schaut gut aus auf den ersten Blick. Weiß nichts über die finanzen aber sie haben sehr viele shares heraußen.

    Hommel mit Berichtigung zu PAL und neuem Rätsel:
    Ich hab keine Ahnung.
    Zwyss hat das gestrige gelöst.

    1 mille Viertel oz hab ich auch noch nie gehört.... :D

    Correction: PAL is in North America
    (And other misinformation exposed!)
    Silver Stock Report
    by Jason Hommel, February 21, 2008
    Correction Notice!

    In yesterday's email,

    I wrongly wrote: "I caution you about the stock, North American Palladium (PAL), because 1/3 of the company's supply comes from S. Africa, and the other 1/3 comes from Russia--it seems that the company has a somewhat deceptive name."

    PAL has an appropriate name, and does NOT own projects in Russia or South Africa.

    I had a mistaken impression from PAL's corporate presentation, which made a reference to world palladium production, not PAL production, as I mistakenly thought. World palladium production is 35% from Russia, and 35% from S. Africa. See the PAL corporate presentation, here, p. 18:

    Related to that, I also wrote: "Eighty percent of the world's platinum, and most of the world's palladium, is produced in South Africa, and right now, there is a developing power crisis in S. Africa that is constricting mine supply, and threatens to get worse."

    One man wrote me, saying that most of world palladium supply is from Russia. That used to be the case. But, according to PAL's corporate presentation, South Africa is now producing about as much palladium as Russia! Or, at least, until recently. Things change. If South Africa's energy crisis worsens, perhaps Russia will be the number one palladium producing nation again.

    I do not own any PAL stock, but I do own some physical palladium.

    I'm biased. I only included the info on PAL because I know at least 10 people would have asked me about it, and I wrote hastily after having done a quick review of the company a few weeks ago when the stock was trading at $5/share. Now, it's at $9. I should have paid closer attention to the fundamentals of the company, and to the person who was telling me to take a look at it when it was $5. It's a good opportunity, I think. I might have even bought some today, after realizing my mistake, but how could I, after I put out bad information; that would not be fair.

    I'm biased. And I try to make my bias known; both my Christian bias, and my bias of the stocks I own.

    Barrick Gold is also biased.

    Do you want to know how bias works in the financial industry? Watch the movie, "Waiting", about shenanigans taking place at a restaurant. At one point, the manager is instructing his waiters and giving them a pep talk before the shift starts and he says, "Push the fish (on the customers), it's about to turn (go bad, and spoil)."

    I've done similar; it's most economic to sell a stock when it is peaking, when it's ripe, before it goes bad and goes down, such as when a large private placement is about to come free trading. But numerous times, I've quietly sold stocks long after a promotion, when I could tell that things were not working out at the company as I had expected them to when I wrote about them. That way is more honest.

    Getting back to Barrick Gold's bias. Lately, they've been saying that they have no "company" hedges. But it's a half truth. They do have "project" hedges of over 9 million ounces on their Chile/Argentina project that might never be developed. Most of those hedges were put on at about $350/oz. Looks like those hedges are now at a $5.4 billion loss with gold now at $950.

    How is Barrick going to close out those hedges? How can they? They are not making that much money. And they can't raise the capital to close out the hedges by selling shares to the market, not since bragging to the market that they have no hedges! Their "distortion of the truth" will come back to haunt them.

    I understand that many of you might own Barrick stock. So did I, back in 1999, and I sold it within 6 months. Anytime you move your money into a new sector, sometimes it's wise to buy the biggest stocks first, just to get exposure to the sector very quickly. But at some point, you have to do your research, and figure out what might be better. Barrick is a loser. Sell Barrick. Take your money, and buy the junior stocks that Barrick needs to buy replace their dwindling reserves.

    You should buy the juniors before Barrick, or another major miner buys them.

    One junior gold miner has moved from a new exploration to production in less than two years, which is a phenomenal achievement for such a tiny market cap of a paltry $9.5 million. The company has been overlooked by nearly everyone, as the stock trades at $.50/share, and they are producing over $1 million of high grade 1/4 oz./tonne gold annually. They just started shipping gold this January. But it's their copper discovery that caused me to buy the stock. They hit 41% copper over 27 feet! They have not yet begun to process the copper, but when they do, I expect this stock to move up significantly. The real benefit here is that this company is not likely to dilute the shares to expand production; since they are making money now.

    The company does not have a 43-101 report, but with such high grades, they decided to skip the expensive exploration, and just get right to mining it. Their deposit is open at depth, which means they might just keep on mining and following what they find.

    For the name of this stock, please subscribe to the look at my portfolio. We offer a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

  • @bobelle,

    Gehört hatte ich da schon mal was.... :D
    Hab ein bisserl gelesen und muss sagen:
    Da hat der Hommel zur Abwechslung was G´scheites ausgegraben.
    Da gefällt mir bisher alles, was ich gelesen hab auf die Schnelle.
    Vor allem werkeln die schon, und das in Montana......

    Brauchen sie nur noch einen Abnehmer für das Kupfer.
    Gold wird in der Sunday Mill von Barrick zerlegt, das sind so ca 30 Meilen.

    Für die erste Lieferung Gold gab es nicht ganz 100 t$ Gewinn.

    Scheinen fixe Jungs zu sein......

    Silvermex korrigiert die gestrige Meldung: nur worin? im letzten Satz?
    Das weiß ich doch nicht mehr........ :D

  • Ich erlaube mir mal auch ein Wert reinzustellen,gab gute News.
    Bzw. ist der Wert in meinem Depot.

    Die News sorgte für 42% an einem Tag,bin jetzt gut 15% im Plus. :)
    Interessant ist der Wert vorallem technisch,mal bei schauen.
    Fundamental sollte auch alles in Butter sein.


    Shares Outstanding Market Cap
    45,381,740 12,253,070 Can$

    0,82/0,17 High/Low

    Aktuell 0,27 Can$

    Fieldex completed 4250 metres at Laforce property - intersects 0.82% Nickel over 26m
    ROUYN-NORANDA, QC, Feb. 22 /CNW Telbec/ - Fieldex Exploration Inc.
    (FLX :TSXV and F7E : Frankfurt) is pleased to announce the results of the
    continuation of their 28-hole diamond drilling program started September 21st
    on its copper nickel 100% owned Laforce property (subject to 2-per-cent
    royalties to FNX Mining) located in northwestern Quebec.


    From To Int. Cu Ni True Width
    Hole (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (m)

    LF-07-10 52.88 79.16 26.28 0.58 0.82 15.1 meters
    including 58.12 73.20 15.08 0.80 1.00
    including 58.12 65.00 6.88 0.75 1.21

    LF-07-11 88.92 93.68 4.76 0.24 0.27
    LF-07-12 43.00 52.05 9.5 0.10 0.20
    LF-07-15 6.59 10.09 3.5 0.28 0.20
    LF-07-16 16.36 25.00 8.64 0.11 0.14
    LF-07-22 66.50 80.00 13.50 0.43 0.69
    including 68.00 78.00 10.00 0.48 0.84
    including 70.00 73.00 3.00 0.48 1.59

    LF-07-23 57.21 79.80 22.59 0.24 0.38
    84.50 91.65 7.15 0.32 0.31


  • Schock, dem will ich mich anschließen.

    Neben Fieldex stieg auch UC.V in den letzten tagen.

    Die Coronada von Hommel machte gestern 40% (siehe weiter oben)

    Hier gab es vor 2 tagen ein super ergebnis, die über 300% an einem tag ergaben. gestern 22% zurück.

    Ein sehr interessantes Gespräch kann man sich in diesem Bericht von Baby Bulls aufrufen.
    (Siehe Beitrag). Sollte man sich anhören, besonders Teil 2 und 3.

    Eastmain (ER.TO) hat ein Goldcorp JV in Quebec.

    Bei Golden Goliath (GNG.V) ist Agnico mit 14% und Sprott mit 185 dabei.
    MC: 15 Mille
    Ähnliche Situation wie bei Silvermex.

    Golden Goliath Resources Ltd – February 22, 2008

    Golden Goliath Resources (GNG:TSX-V) - CEO Paul Sorbara Chosen as Panelist on the Korelin Economic Report + Take a Virtual Tour of the San Martin Mine with Google Earth

    Golden Goliath’s CEO, Mr. Paul Sorbara was featured as a panelist on the Korelin Economic Report hosted by Al Korelin during the recent Cambridge House resource/metals conference in Phoenix, AZ. During the panel discussion, Paul joined Greg McCoach, editor of The Mining Speculator, Roger Wiegand, editor of Trader Tracks and Don Robinson, President of Eastmain Resources for a lively discussion on the current state of the junior mining industry and prospects for their respective companies. Paul fielded a number of questions regarding Golden Goliath’s operations (which include a recent gold/silver/lead/zinc discovery of 21 meters of 7.1 gram per tonne gold equivalent at their San Martin Mine target in the Uruachic Camp property located in the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico), as well as their aggressive exploration strategy scheduled for the balance of 2008. We have included links to the applicable audio segments of this panel discussion below for your review.

    Golden Goliath possesses all the prime attributes we look for in a mining group poised for explosive growth, and looks to be very well positioned to take advantage of the present precious metals bull market.

    Here is a list of what we see as the Company’s primary value drivers:

    · Golden Goliath has a massive land package of highly prospective and historically prolific gold/silver properties within their district sized Uruachic Camp property acquired at a very low cost

    · They have “Senior” mining partners such as Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS:NYSE - $2.8 B Market Cap) and Agnico Eagle Mines LTD (AEM:NYSE - $8.8 B Market Cap) as well as anchor investors on board including Sprott Asset Management.

    · Golden Goliath assembled their properties over a long period of time with a very thorough knowledge of the historical production capabilities of the underlying properties.

    · Golden Goliath’s CEO is also a qualified geologist that has many years of direct exploration experience in the Sierra Madre region of Mexico with major companies such as Cominco (now Teck Cominco).

    · Golden Goliath is well capitalized (approx. $5 million cash in the bank) at this time which will allow them to continue their aggressive exploration drill program thru 2008 and possibly into 2009.

    · Golden Goliath has a very low overhead and is putting their capital into the ground in an aggressive drill campaign to extend their recent discovery at the San Martin mine (21 meters of 7.1 gram per tonne gold equivalent) and bring new discoveries to the forefront.

    · Golden Goliath has an excellent capital structure and has done a good job of conserving their share capital. An extension of the current discovery could reward shareholders quickly at this level.

    So as you can see, this junior exploration company has a lot going for them. It has been set up properly, has raised capital from world class investors, has some “major” sized partners and is conducting a multiple diamond drill program on a very large and historically productive land package. Golden Goliath recently moved one of their drill platforms down elevation to determine if a historical mineralized zone of approximately 2 meters x 800 meters extends below the lower adit (level) of the San Martin mine. We are highly anticipating the results of this next batch of drill core assays, and expect some news on this in the near term.


    We spent some time with Paul Sorbara, Golden Goliaths CEO during the Phoenix Cambridge House show and we came away extremely impressed with Golden Goliath and their management team. We also got to take a virtual tour of the San Martin portion of the Uruachic Camp property by way of Google Earth, which was also quite impressive. If you haven’t had a chance to do this yet, we highly recommend you do. It will give you a very good perspective of the land package and easy access in the region - unlike some mining camps that are in very rugged or heavily timbered land - the Uruachic Camp property is situated in rolling hills, which is highly conducive to running an efficient mining operation.

    We have attached 4 very small files which when opened will populate Golden Goliath’s drill holes and primary geologic locations in Google Earth. The detail and graphics of this presentation are really astonishing and an exercise we highly recommend.

    So if you want to get a bird’s eye view of San Martin Mine prospect, with the ability to zoom, tilt and rotate around the Camp here is what you need to do.

    First, download the Google Earth package onto your computer (it’s free). If you already have Google Earth, you’re good to go and can skip this step. Here is the link to get Google Earth: Then save the four attached files of this email to a folder on your desktop. Once you have the Google Earth program opened up, go to each file and double click on it - and the program will take you right to the camp (each time you click on another file, additional information gets added to the view).

    You can then tilt the view by clicking on either the left or right end of the top bar (located in the navigation graphic in the upper right hand corner of the Google Earth screen), or zoom in and out using the right hand side bar, or rotate the entire view by grabbing on the compass circle and moving your mouse. You can detailed info on each drill hole by mousing over the collar icons. It takes a little practice with the controls, but you can be doing fighter pilot style flyovers of the region in no time!

    This is one of the coolest things we have seen lately and gives you a true “being there” feel (without the scary commuter flights, fear of all things water based and jet lag). Golden Goliath will be continuing to add additional information which we will pass on from time to time so you can monitor the progress at Uruachic Camp project.

    So, now you can do a little “direct” due diligence on what we consider to be a superior junior mining group with enormous upside potential. Maybe sit in on the panel discussion for a bit, then run down to the Sierra Madre for a virtual tour of GNG’s San Martin project area. We think you’ll be very glad you did. And with gold moving quickly towards $1,000 per ounce, and the other metals moving up in value as well, GNG looks ready to hit the ground running very soon, and we expect that those positioned here could be set for a very good ride as GNG continues to expand their precious and base metal discoveries.

    Here are links to the Korelin Economic Report panel discussion: Segment 1:

    Segment 2:

    Segment 3:

    Segment 4:

    The full profile for Golden Goliath is available to all members at:

    About Golden Goliath

    Golden Goliath is a Vancouver based mining and exploration group that is developing a very large and historically prolific gold camp in the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico known as the Uruachic Camp. The Uruachic Camp consists of 7 principle mineralized zones covering over 20,000 acres (approx. 32.5 square miles) of which the Company owns a 100% interest. The primary target areas in the Uruachic Camp include: Corona, San Timoteo, La Reforma, Nueva Union, Oteros, Las Bolas and Nopalera.

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • ... Tom Szabo von http://www. in Bezug auf eine allzu optimistische Erwartung, dass sich die Junior-Minenwerte schon bald erholen werden. Er sieht immer noch etliche schwache Hände in dem Markt, die bei jeder Gelegenheit sofort wieder die Segel streichen werden.
    Mir scheint zwar, dass seine Fähigkeiten als Geldtheoretiker ausgeprägter sind als sein Investorentalent, doch ähnliche Gedanken nagen auch in mir, also sei es hier mitgeteilt:

    (...) we've had a bit of fist banging on tables lately to emphasize that now is the perfect time to load up on junior resource stocks, including once again from Mr. Sinclair, as well as Mr. Hommel and many others. I'm not so sure about this strategy. Yes, you are well advised to buy now, although selectively and not in large chunks. Also, your investment horizon should also be at least 2 years. There is the very real risk that the resource stocks could go substantially lower from here. I give them 50-50 odds of a washout that would make last August and the past few weeks seem like good times. Unfortunately, such a dire event may be required to clear out the remaining weak hands and sideline enough capital to support a strong wave of new buying during the subsequent upswing. Resource stocks are creatures of momentum, and I don't see how they can get enough momentum right now given how badly they are languishing despite strong metal prices. So yes, please do buy, but also keep it cautious and be on the lookout for perhaps even better buying opportunities in the not to distant future. But most of all, you are bound to be disappointed if your investment horizon is measured in months instead of years.



  • @ Tschonko

    GNG habe ich eine kliene Anfangsposition.

    Ähliche Aktienbesitzer wiw bei GNG gibt es bei CBI.V:

    Agnico Eagle - 15%
    Sprott - 19.9%
    3 Funds including Swiss Asia - 3 million shares
    Insiders - +10%



  • hallo,

    weiss jemand wo der ScorpioMiningSräd gelandet ist? Bin das Mininenaktienforum schon 3 mal durchgegangen ohne Erfolg oder bin ich einfach nur blind? :rolleyes:

    Teuflische Grüsse


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Da der letzte Beitrag über 100 Tage zurücklag, mußte bei der Suche das entsprechende Zeitfenster --unten rechts-- aktiviert werden. :)

    SPM lag und liegt im Minen Unterforum...


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Guter Artikel zu Formation auf
    Bin neugierig wir sie das finanzieren.
    Big Creek ist ein zusätzliches Plus.

    Construction Set to Begin at Formation Capital’s Cobalt Mine In Idaho
    By Christian Gradley

    Confucius taught: plan ahead or one will find trouble on the doorstep. He would have been proud of Mari-Ann Green, chairman and chief executive of Formation Capital. For Formation July will mark the end of five years’ worth of meticulous planning - planning that has so far allowed it to weather the present market, withstand permitting delays, and, with cobalt hovering around US$50 per pound, that has allowed the company to get into a strong position to capitalize in the very near future. With construction set to begin around July and production scheduled for late next summer, Formation looks ready to impress, and the doorstep looks fairly clear.
    The company is presently in the last leg of the permitting process at its 100 per cent owned Idaho Cobalt Project, and consequently Mari-Ann Green is convinced that “2008 is Formation’s year.” Permitting was begun in 2001, but slowed due to cash shortfalls. In December 2003, benefiting from a large cash injection, the project was firmly set back in motion. Since then the company has spent approximately US$15 million to get to this stage in the permitting process. At present, the project is awaiting the finalization of an Environmental Impact Statement set to be completed by May, after which a record of decision (ROD) is expected. Green says that “with a favourable ROD, construction can begin immediately.”

    Cecil D. Andrus’ appointment to Formation’s board of directors could certainly assist in this final permitting push. Andrus, the previous four-term Idaho governor and a former U.S. Secretary of the Interior, is known in Idaho for his integrity. He’s stated that he will do all that he can to ensure that permitting will be completed promptly. With a well respected governor on its side, pledging to carry the word to Washington on the national importance of the project, Formation can afford to look past permitting to construction.

    Construction is set to begin in July or August and will take twelve to fourteen months to complete. The company has designed its Idaho Cobalt Project with efficiency and cost effectiveness, in mind. A tramway will transport all ore and waste rock from the minesite to the processing area, keeping truck transportation to a minimum. Once refined, the material will travel 200 kilometres north to the company’s Big Creek Hydrometallurgical Complex. Green is eager to get to work on refitting the Big Creek for super alloy grade, high purity cobalt metal refining, as construction will not stop the third party silver refining that is presently generating the company steady revenues.

    Once in production Formation will become one of only three companies in the world making super alloy grade, high purity cobalt metal – and the sole company in the North America. From its bankable feasibility study, with a cobalt metal price of US$46.25 per pound discounted by 7.5 per cent, Formation estimates that the project has a net present value of US$468.32 million and delivers an internal rate of return of nearly 75 per cent. With these numbers it’s no wonder that Green has encountered a high level of interest while organizing financing. Green says that Formation is “planning to issue a high-yield note for most of the US$138.7 million” required to finance the project. With a former Idahoan governor on its side, good numbers in the feasibility study and the cobalt price hovering at around US$50 per pound, the only trouble that might show up on Formation’s doorstep is the possibility of a cobalt surplus, as predicted by Credit Suisse. And you can’t plan for that, however much Confucius you read.

  • Ein Bericht zu Yale:

    Yale's La Verde Project is host to several known historical deposits that have seen limited production, including Yale's La Verde Grande Copper Mine which contains a historic resource deposit. La Verde will provide Yale investors with plenty upside investment potential in 2008 with a planed drill program and continued exploration.

    Yale now has highly mineralized drill-ready targets on several fronts, including their Urique Project which has yielded samples averaging 10.6 g/t Au, 453 g/t Ag with significant values of as much as 10.6 g/t gold and 8,290.0 g/t (or 241.5 ounces per ton) silver from 10-40 centimetre wide veins [See Feb 6/08 Release]. Sampling within the altered andesite at Uriue has yielded gold and silver values of as much as 0.2 to 0.3 g/t gold and 5.0 to 41.0 g/t silver suggesting that the El Rosario area has the potential to host a bulk tonnage open pittable resource..

    und hier der ausführliche Bericht mit genauer Einschätzung:

    Ganz interessant ist der Blog von Greg Silberman:

    wird von goldseiten auch fallweise ins Deutsche übersetzt:…/artikel.php?storyid=6566
    Unbedingt lesen!

    Danke Auratico für das Einstellen von Szabo, der eine 50/50 Chance auf einen noch größeren washout sieht.
    Der kommt sicher, aber ich hoffe nicht in den nächsten 6 wochen.
    Sehe eher eine 70/30 Chance, dass er nicht kommt.

    Werd noch ein paar Argumente sammeln dafür. :D

    Silberman hat ja schon eines geliefert.


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Zitat

    Original von Liberty01

    Andererseits könnte eine Korrektur bei POS/POG zu einer erneuten Korrektur bei den Minen führen.

    Also das sicher nicht.
    Minen werden noch in den Rückgang steigen.
    Vorher müssen sie dies aber erst! :D

    Rally hat doch schon letzte Woche begonnen....... :D

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