Ted Butler ...
Gold buyers anticipate the dollar will decline and see this as a good reason to buy precious metals, because as the supply of dollars is inflated, the value of metals is also inflated. The supply of paper currencies has been inflated much faster than the long-term 2% annual increase in the above ground stock of gold. This is the essence of the case for gold as an inflation hedge. But that’s even a better reason to choose silver over gold, as silver’s above ground stock has actually decreased by more than 90% over the past 65 years.
I’ve always called silver the good news metal because it doesn’t need bad news to go up in price. Others look to precious metals as insurance, which I understand. But even if you anticipate bad news ahead and desire an investment that can thrive in bad times, the fact that there is such a scarcity of silver, in total dollar terms, should make silver a better insurance policy.
Stimmt einerseits - den Haken sehe ich nur bei einer schweren Rezession.
Dann dürfte Gold vorerst dennoch "besser" sein, als Silber.
Da Silber - wie oft gesagt - seine Wertschätzung eben auch als Industriemetall erfährt. ...
PPS: Schöne Osterfeiertage!! Bin nächste Woche auch wieder da. Bis denne!