...trotz schwächlichem Anstieg im Preis, rasanter Stimmungswandel zum Besseren .
[Blockierte Grafik: http://abload.de/img/bild3aic5s.gif]
Wenn das mal nur nicht in die Hose geht.
30. Januar 2025, 00:28
...trotz schwächlichem Anstieg im Preis, rasanter Stimmungswandel zum Besseren .
[Blockierte Grafik: http://abload.de/img/bild3aic5s.gif]
Wenn das mal nur nicht in die Hose geht.
was mich allerdings absolut positiv für EM stimmt ist, dass du dir mittlerweile auch schon das Bärenfell übergezogen hast.
Ich weise nur auf Tatsachen und daraus resultierende Möglichkeiten hin .
Ceterum censeo: Gold kaufen, Silber kaufen . Minen kaufen.
Gilt für Investoren , nicht für (Shortterm-) Trader.
"Paul Volcker Rule" tritt am 1. April 2014 in Kraft, bis Juli 2015 sollen wohl alle US Banken danach handeln. Es sieht also meiner Meinung nach so aus als würden Edelmetalle in naher Zukunft steigen.
"On December 10, 2013, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued jointly developed final regulations to implement section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, known as the Volcker Rule. The final regulations were published in the Federal Register on January 31, 2014, and become effective on April 1, 2014"
"...prohibit banks from engaging in short-term proprietary trading of certain securities, derivatives commodity futures, and options on these instruments for their own accounts.
...impose limits on banks' investments in, and other relationships with, hedge funds and private equity funds."
copper-production // China /// silver as a byproduct
Silver prices have lagged gold in 2014, gaining just more than 1 percent. PureFunds co-founder Andrew Chanin tells TheStreet's Joe Deaux that a real slowdown in China could fuel a rally in silver. Chanin says base metal producers likely would have to cut back on production, and since silver is a byproduct for many base metal producers, it would take more silver supply offline
What the Volcker Rule might mean for gold
26th March 2014
Presumably, hedging activities offered by the banks as brokers are still allowable under the Volcker Rule, and it will be up to regulators to determine whether or not a trade is speculative or a hedge placed in behalf of a client. That might be easier to do than some think in that regulators might look closely at the net position of banks by the end of any given trading day. The position of the bank should be flat — and provably so.
16. Dec 2013
The Volcker Rule, forbidding the largest U.S. banks from trading with their proprietary accounts, has just been approved and will take effect on April 1st, 2014. What impact will it have on the gold and silver markets?
According to Jeffrey Nichols of http://www.Nicholsongold.com in his most recent bulletin, the rule will have important implications because it forbids U.S. banks with federally- guaranteed deposits to do trading operations for their proprietary accounts. This means that U.S. banks, including Goldman Sachs (GS) and JP Morgan (JPM), will be forbidden from trading gold and silver for short-term speculative gains in their own accounts (futures and options). From now on, they will only be permitted to do so on behalf of their clients.
Volcker Rule Impacts: Gold, Silver & Precious Metals Proprietary Trading By Major Banks
By Nat Rudarakanchana
on December 12 2013 3:44 PM
Carter estimated that for every physical ounce of gold traded, there are 42 “paper” ounces traded. He believes that distorts underlying physical demand for gold, and consequent price trends.
The Volcker rule could bring more transparency to gold markets, said Carter. But he added: “I’m skeptical. If the new rule had any teeth to it, the banks wouldn’t have agreed to the change.”
Alles anzeigenWhat the Volcker Rule might mean for gold
26th March 2014
Presumably, hedging activities offered by the banks as brokers are still allowable under the Volcker Rule, and it will be up to regulators to determine whether or not a trade is speculative or a hedge placed in behalf of a client. That might be easier to do than some think in that regulators might look closely at the net position of banks by the end of any given trading day. The position of the bank should be flat — and provably so.
16. Dec 2013
The Volcker Rule, forbidding the largest U.S. banks from trading with their proprietary accounts, has just been approved and will take effect on April 1st, 2014. What impact will it have on the gold and silver markets?
According to Jeffrey Nichols of http://www.Nicholsongold.com in his most recent bulletin, the rule will have important implications because it forbids U.S. banks with federally- guaranteed deposits to do trading operations for their proprietary accounts. This means that U.S. banks, including Goldman Sachs (GS) and JP Morgan (JPM), will be forbidden from trading gold and silver for short-term speculative gains in their own accounts (futures and options). From now on, they will only be permitted to do so on behalf of their clients.
Volcker Rule Impacts: Gold, Silver & Precious Metals Proprietary Trading By Major Banks
By Nat Rudarakanchana
on December 12 2013 3:44 PM
Carter estimated that for every physical ounce of gold traded, there are 42 “paper” ounces traded. He believes that distorts underlying physical demand for gold, and consequent price trends.
The Volcker rule could bring more transparency to gold markets, said Carter. But he added: “I’m skeptical. If the new rule had any teeth to it, the banks wouldn’t have agreed to the change.”
Und was hindert JPM ua daran über diffuse Fonds auf irgendwelchen Südseeinseln weiterzumachen wie bisher ?
Record Silver Eagle Buying As Industry Analysts Mislead The Public
The U.S. Mint sold more Silver Eagles in the past two months than it has ever in the same time-period in previous years. February and March sales were so strong, they surpassed 2013′s by nearly 2.4 million.
According to the U.S. Mint’s most recent update, sales of Silver Eagles in March hit a record 5,354,000, which was almost 2 million higher than in March of 2013.
The Silver Series: The History of Silver (Part 1)
The Silver Series: Supply and Demand (Part 2)
The Silver Series: Silver as an Investment (Part 3
das ganze kann man auch als Buch haben ( als Blickfang auf dem Arbeitstisch um einen small-talk zu starten )
Schöne Übersicht verschiedener Silber Bärmärkte. Die 3 Jahresentwicklung ist die schlechteste seit 1982... Der gute Tiho Brkan erinnert daran im Kontrast zum 5 Jahres Bullenmarkt des S&P 500....
Aber zum Glück berappelt sich Silber immer wieder ordentlich, wie wir sehen....
den Filmhersteller Kodak
kennen alle die 1979 noch Fotos machten (ich war damals 19 Jahre alt)
The price of silver ran up so high that it became a political problem. Several officials at the CFTC were rumoured to be getting killed on their silver shorts. Eastman Kodak (EK), whose black and white film made them one of the largest silver consumers in the country, was thought to be borrowing silver from the Treasury to stay in business.
hier mal was zum Nachdenken:
Nichts ist so stark wie eine Idee deren Zeit gekommen ist,
deshalb investiere in Silbermünzen oder in Aktien von Silberminen
für die allgemeine Suche:
https://www.silverinstitute.org/site/publications/ ---> z.B. SilverMarket2013_interim-report
year-2003 ---> 4 % silver-investment-demand
year-2013 ---> 24% silver-investment-demand
hier die graphische Darstellung:
@ keepitshort
Interessant, danke.
Mir wäre es allerdings lieber, die Industrienachfrage würde stärker steigen anstatt die Investmentnachfrage. Jede Silbermünze ist ein potentielles Schmelzopfer und kommt wieder in den Kreislauf zurück, mit entsprechender Gefahr von Kurseinbrüchen, wenn die Nachfrage runter geht.
So sind die Zahlen nicht gerade bullisch zu bewerten, IMHO.
So optimistisch stimmt das nicht.
Zunächst zeigt es dass der Industrieverbrauch nur unwesentlich gestiegen ist, jewelery sogar zurückgegangen ist, trotz relativ günstigem Spotpreis und alles an der investment nachfrage hängt. die lässt sich aber eben durch
preisstürze auch ausstoppen. siehe gold unter 1500. seit dem ist die nachfrage im westen zusammengebrochen.
die Silberinvestment-Nachfrage besteht nicht nur aus Silbermünzen
sondern auch in ETF (exchange-traded-funds)
http://www.stockcharts.com Kürzel: PSLV oder Kürzel: SLV
und hier wird schon gekauft und verkauft nach Preisziel
mein Einblick in die Handelsmaterie ist leider nicht professionell.
Hier nochmal was zur zur Silber-Info:
Ein bischen den Rohölpreis beobachten
wäre auch nicht verkehrt !
http://finance.yahoo.com ---> crude oil
Also Silberjunge ist echt keines Blickes mehr wert. Der vertuscht seit Jahren schon seine falsche Prognosen.
... da ich einem Forumskollegen leider vergessen habe, auf seine Anfrage zu antworten (und von ihm auf den Index gesetzt wurde ), möchte ich mich an dieser Stelle dafür entschuldigen
Allen anderen habe ich hoffentlich eine Nachricht geschrieben.