DRDGold Ltd. / DRD (NYSE, JNB) und die Derivate

  • OhneRente

    Lasset dicke Männer mit Glatze um mich sein. /* ALtes Rom ... Nero

    Ich verstehe allerdings den Hinweis etwas anders:

    Zukünftig wird DRD-SA seine Produktion ausweiten und auch niedriggradiges Erz mitverarbeiten.

    “The new mining plan will result in a reduction in yield to about 6.0 grams per tonne but the impact of this will be offset to some degree by an increase in tonnage and resultant lower unit costs,” Ncholo said.

    Dafür ist eine Investition von R5.9 Millionen erforderlich. Und wenn man diese und eventuelle Produktionsausfälle aufgrund der Umstellung ins 4. Q. rechnet ... aber wer rechnet so ?

    Hoffentlich keiner !!
    Vollkostenrechnung, da gruselt es jedem Erstsemester BWL. :baby:

    alex ...

  • Dieser Schwachkopf sitzt nicht etwa, wie man eventuell vermuten könnte, in der Knesset, sondern im Europäischen Parlament:

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.spiegel.de/img/0,1020,247449,00.jpg]

    Cohn-Bandit : "Man sollte den Iran von der Fußball-WM ausschließen"

    Merkwürdige Sichtweise ?(

    Die USA machen überall Krieg, Morden, Plündern, Foltern und Lügen.
    Die dürfen bei der WM mitmachen.

    Aber ich reg mich ja über nichts mehr auf ... X(

    alex ,,,

  • Thursday December 15, 1:34 AM
    INTERVIEW: DRDGOLD Eyes Placer Dome's South Deep,Porgera
    (MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

    December 14, 2005 12:34 ET


    INTERVIEW: DRDGOLD Eyes Placer Dome's South Deep,Porgera

    By Jackie Range


    LONDON (Dow Jones)--South Africa-based gold miner DRDGOLD Ltd. (DRD.JO) would be interested in acquiring Vancouver-based Placer Dome Inc.'s (PDG) share in South Africa's South Deep mine and Papua New Guinea's Porgera mine, if they become available, DRD's chief executive said.

    As Placer tries to fend off a $9.2 billion takeover bid from Barrick Gold Corp. (ABX), mining sector sources said they believe Barrick, or another potential buyer of Placer, could sell off Placer's stake in South Deep. Placer has talked to other companies about potential partnerships in a possible "restructuring" that could keep Placer intact. Other potential acquirers of Placer might also want to sell Zaldivar, Placer's copper asset in Chile, analysts said.

    "The whole Barrick Placer bid, if it were to go through, would shake up a few assets, and yes, we've expressed interest," DRD Chief Executive Officer Mark Wellesley-Wood told Dow Jones Newswires in a telephone interview this week.

    Placer owns 50% of South Deep, with the other 50% owned by Johannesburg-listed Western Areas (WAR.JO).

    DRD already has a 20% interest in the Porgera gold mine, which is 75% owned and operated by Placer.

    One analyst estimated that 50% of South Deep could be worth $1 billion, while Placer's 75% stake in Porgera is likely worth $531 million.

    In addition to South Deep and Porgera, Placer's portfolio spans Australia, Canada, Chile, Tanzania and the U.S.

    Wellesley-Wood said DRD is interested in "South Deep definitely and also some of the ones in Australasia."

    As well as having a stake in Porgera, DRD has gold mines and interests in South Africa and Fiji.

    Acquiring half of South Deep and Placer's 75% stake in Porgera all at once could be a stretch for DRD. It has a $50 million debt facility with South African bank Investec, of which it has drawn down $7 million, Wellesley-Wood said. DRD also doesn't hedge, he added.

    But Wellesley-Wood expressed confidence that deals could be done on the assets.

    "I think both assets are eminently financeable," he said. DRD's approach wouldn't necessarily be to go for the entirety of both assets.

    South Deep isn't yet black-empowered, Wellesley-Wood pointed out, saying that any DRD approach would also include the company's black empowerment partner, Khumo Bathong Holdings (Pty) Limited.

    Black economic empowerment is a South African government initiative which seeks to enable those oppressed under apartheid to fully participate in the economy. It sets out a number of conditions, including ownership at asset or equity level by what are termed "historically disadvantaged South Africans."

    Turning to Porgera, Wellesley-Wood said the company could increase its level of ownership.

    Separately, DRD unveiled a deal Nov. 17 which would see the company sell its 20% stake in Porgera, and its Tolukuma mine to Australian gold producer Emperor Mines Ltd. (EMP.AU) for $230 million. At the same time DRD's stake in Emperor will be increased to 90.5% from 45.3%. The deal is contingent on Emperor shareholder approval at the end of January next year.

    DRD's Wellesley-Wood declined, however, to say how much he thinks South Deep and Porgera are worth.

    The company's Johannesburg-listed shares closed at ZAR8.43 ($1=ZAR6.3) Wednesday, down 3.7% on the day, giving the company a market capitalization of $412 million.

    A successful tie-up of Barrick and Placer would catapult the merged pairinto the world number one producer spot, currently held by Denver, Colo.-based Newmont Mining Corp. (NEM).

    Newmont is also seen as a potential counterbidder for Placer, but isn't thought to want exposure to South Africa, company observers say.

    "It's our view that Newmont would not want to keep... South Deep long term, but might enter into a deal where it could pull back slowly," said one mining analyst.

    Placer also has indicated that it could look at restructuring, with partnerships on certain projects, in order to remain intact. But the company hasn't specified which assets are on the block.

    Barrick declined to comment, while Placer and Newmont couldn't immediately be reached for comment.

    Company Web site: http://www.drd.co.za

    DRD nichts für Angsthasen und Lemminge. 8)

    Aber das sagte ich ja schon an anderer Stelle.

    alex ...

  • Die Spatzen pfeiffen es noch nicht von den Dächern ...

    Die gute Frau Osthoff wurde natürlich nicht entführt, sondern befand sich die ganze Zeit
    in amerikanisch/irakischer 'Haft'. :P

    Nur peinlich, daß sich der gute Herr Talabani schon vor einer Woche verplappert hatte.
    Und nun wird auch von deutscher Seite gelogen, verbogen und vertuscht, was das Zeug hält.


    alex ... 8)

  • Alter saftsack...wo bleibt deine Altersmilde?

    Ich sage immer Horizontalonanist zu jejamanden den ich als Flachwichser bezeichnen will.

    @ Hotte: die gelbe geht völlig in Ordnung......so eine vulgäre Ausdrucksweise kann hier nicht geduldet werden......trotzdem der Satz hat irgendwie Stil.

    cu DL.....der auch austeilen kann :D :D :D

  • LUPO

    'Dämlicher Wichser' ... Wieso bekomme ich dafür eine gelbe Karte. ?(
    Ist doch eigentlich eine völlig normale Ausdrucksweise. :)

    Leider tummeln sich in diesem Chat die gleichen Typen wie bei WO.
    Nur Lemmings-Gelabere und keine Kohle.
    Das ist so wie Skatspielen ohne Einsatz.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    dass Patrone (dottore) Lupo und sein Kumpel culogrande im WO auch von einer gewissen Altersmilde durchflutet werden und fortan nur noch sachlich posten;)


  • Weist du der Nick ....culogrande .....war mein bester.....ich schiss mir vor Lachen manchmal in die Hose :P :P :P

    Culogrande....significa ...RIESENARSCHLOCH.....und das konnte ich ungestraft irgendwelchen Horizontalonanisten so schreiben....schon genial.

    Aber für die anderen......da gibt es legendäre Sräds bei nW.O.

    cu DL....alias ....ach irgendwann werdet ihr eh alles sehen :D :D :D

  • ................. Es träumt wohlig von den Fijis.


    aus STUFF.co.nz (auf Kitco zitiert)

    von heute 31.12.05

    Fiji goldmine lays off 374 as costs rise


    Fiji's largest private sector employer, Emperor Gold Mining, cut its work

    force by 374 yesterday, in a move management said was necessary to

    contain sharply increasing costs.

    The mine at Vatukoula, on the northern side of the main island of Viti

    Levu, produces about 145,000 ounces of gold a year in a labour-

    intensive deep-shaft operation. It employs about 2100 people.

    Emperor general manager Sean O'Connor said it had not been an easy

    decision for Emperor to make.

    "Despite a rising gold price, rises in the costs of other inputs, especially

    oil, which comprises nearly 30 per cent of the cost base at the mine, has

    meant that we have to become more efficient."

    Vatukoula has been operating since 1933 and is thought to have a large

    body of ore, which is deep and narrow. Heat and severe water flows

    have hit the mine's productivity, raising the cost of mining.

    Fiji Great Council of Chiefs chairman Ovini Bokini said many families

    would be affected by the sackings.

    "It will be a very bleak future for our people," he said.

    "We are about to go through to New Year's Day and then, after that,

    school will commence shortly. It is very, very unfortunate that 350 people

    Workers Union general secretary Satish Chandra said Emperor's

    management did not discuss the redundancies with the union, which

    threatened strike action if sacked workers failed to receive redundancy packages.

    An ASX registered company, Emperor Mines is expected to become the

    Australasian vehicle for South African gold major Durban Roodepoort

    Deep, which currently holds 45.3 per cent of Emperor stock, due to rise to 90.5 per cent.

    Earlier this year, Emperor said it would take over DRD's Papua New

    Guinea gold assets, comprising a 20 per cent interest in the Porgera

    Joint Venture and sole interest in Tolukuma goldmines, as well as

    DRD's exploration rights in PNG, worth a total of US$230 million (NZ$339 million).

    The merger of the PNG assets with Emperor would make it the third

    largest gold producer on the Australian Stock Exchange, with annual

    production of 375,000 ounces.

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