Ein Artikel des großartigen James Turk, der einen eigenen Thread verdient.
Dieser ist so prägnant in seinen Erklärungen, daß er aus der großen Zahl von Veröffentlichungen herausragt.
Ganz besonders sehenswert die Grafik, die die Preisentwicklung von US - Immobilien gegen $ und Gold aufzeigt!
"...We are now seeing the inevitable shake-out from a period of easy credit, and housing prices are declining as a result. For example, the widely watched Case-Shiller home price index released today by Standard & Poor's indicates that the decline in U.S. home prices is accelerating. Prices dropped a record -15.9% in the past year.
This decline in the price of homes is wealth destruction. But wealth destruction is not deflation. Many people confuse this point.
Deflation is the opposite of inflation. Both are monetary phenomena. Inflation is an increase in the quantity of money, with the consequence that each unit of money purchases less and less over time as the inflation proceeds. Deflation is a contraction in the quantity of money, with the result that each unit of money purchases more and more over time as the deflation proceeds...."