The US Will Be On A Gold Standard In 12 To 24 Months
We are headed for a currency crisis, and the only way we’re going to stop it is by putting real value back into the paper dollar. So we have to tie it to gold...
...When asked when he sees the US returning to the gold standard, Schiff replied, “The sooner we do it the better because the sooner we start to repair the problems the easier it is. The longer we wait, the bigger the problems get. But I think it’s happening soon (a return to the gold standard), in a year or two...
...I would have expected a (financial) collapse to have already happened. I thought it was going to happen in Obama’s first term. The miscalculation I made was not seeing Europe’s problems coming and preempting it.
...So at this point I’m going to assume there is no more stay of execution and we are going to have our crisis coming up right after Europe.
lg meggy